Here comes Don and Derg to have their little chit chat with the Queen B!
This thread will be forward dated to November 17th because it will take them around 5 days to go around the mountain and reach MSP. Hmu if this messes with anyone’s timelines!
Please let @Derg post first pretty pls! ;D
Ofc tagging @Hydra, @Dirge, and @Jarilo. As well as any other Moonspearians.
This thread will be forward dated to November 17th because it will take them around 5 days to go around the mountain and reach MSP. Hmu if this messes with anyone’s timelines!
Please let @Derg post first pretty pls! ;D
Ofc tagging @Hydra, @Dirge, and @Jarilo. As well as any other Moonspearians.
Donovan informs the pack of their alpha’s departure. Setting the highest in rank in charge for now, Nyra. And promptly telling them not to fuck anything up, set the whole forest on fire, or ruin any current relationships — even though most are nonexistent anyhow. Most importantly: chomp on anyone who steps food near their little slice of paradise — the Strath.
They set forth on the Journey towards Moonspear. Knowing the general area of where they live, it’s as easy as finding scents and from then on following them. So they travel north, through the old territory of the recently departed Firebirds Célnes and Cenric told them about — the ones they smelt on the way down here. Their scent was faded and that means safe passage. So onward they go around the northernmost tip of the mountains and back south. Finally finding themselves near their territory, they find a scent that is most unfamiliar. It’s strong and unmistakable as a pack scent, so they follow it.
It leads them closer and closer to the mighty mountain that in fact would spear the moon if it could reach it. Stopping just before the scent gets overwhelming — before it seems like they cross any type of boundary. Kynareth pauses, his eyes meeting Derg’s own and he takes a deep breath in to let it out in a beckoning howl. A request to see this Hydra herself with the utmost respect.
Now they wait.
November 13, 2020, 02:39 AM
In truth, Derg was worried about Nyra being completely in charge. She'd acted recklessly before... But perhaps the murder had soothed her.
They'd trundled along, sometimes in silence, sometimes in discussion. Sometimes their moods perked and they romped around for a bit. Bur before long, Moonspear loomed.
"Be nice," he murmured to the Grandmaster. Any sign of trouble and Derg would have to haul the kicking, screaming behemoth home.
Better home than to a shallow grave.
They'd trundled along, sometimes in silence, sometimes in discussion. Sometimes their moods perked and they romped around for a bit. Bur before long, Moonspear loomed.
"Be nice," he murmured to the Grandmaster. Any sign of trouble and Derg would have to haul the kicking, screaming behemoth home.
Better home than to a shallow grave.
| • • |
November 13, 2020, 02:41 AM
The call alerted the silvered woman, head jerking up from the stream she was currently drinking from. Green eyes flickered to her dark furred companion, wordlessly coming to the same conclusion together before they departed and descended down the mountain at a quick pace. Silver and black, dark and light, @Desdemona and the valkyrie arrived together, meeting the two wolves at the border ahead of who had been requested.
Donovan was obviously recognized, but the other wolf was unknown to her, though he was undoubtedly a Saint. Still, the two females would keep a silent watch until others arrived, a stalwart display of Moonspear's protection. The fact that they were here was a concern to the woman, wondering what the boy had run back to them with, and what brought them here now.
Donovan was obviously recognized, but the other wolf was unknown to her, though he was undoubtedly a Saint. Still, the two females would keep a silent watch until others arrived, a stalwart display of Moonspear's protection. The fact that they were here was a concern to the woman, wondering what the boy had run back to them with, and what brought them here now.
November 13, 2020, 02:41 AM
(This post was last modified: December 01, 2020, 01:48 PM by RIP Desdemona.)
Desdemona had arrived with @Keres, a tag duo she recently realized always seem to meet when a call summons the mountain wolves. The two descended down, one like the silver of the moon, and the other, the darkness that surrounds it so. This particular calling was toward Hydra, though it was always known; that they come in a pack.
When arrived the smell of them was prominent, that her nape raised in a bristle, a defensive pose despite the more stoicism her robotic face always took. The one with the odd markings was undoubtedly recognized, a heathen to the very name a wolf could give, and the other, scarred and unholy, both remained peacefully at their borders.
Desdemona could only think the reason they arrived, for surely Valour returned in a hope. A alliance, perhaps? The very thought filled her with a scornful snort that she kept within her thoughts, for the group had attacks their allies... Surely, they are fools.
Tensions were high for those who came down, and Desdemona sat back as a guard.
When arrived the smell of them was prominent, that her nape raised in a bristle, a defensive pose despite the more stoicism her robotic face always took. The one with the odd markings was undoubtedly recognized, a heathen to the very name a wolf could give, and the other, scarred and unholy, both remained peacefully at their borders.
Desdemona could only think the reason they arrived, for surely Valour returned in a hope. A alliance, perhaps? The very thought filled her with a scornful snort that she kept within her thoughts, for the group had attacks their allies... Surely, they are fools.
Tensions were high for those who came down, and Desdemona sat back as a guard.
hello im skippable
November 13, 2020, 03:11 AM
It had been just about a month since the Queen had first graced her doorstep. The news Hydra brought rang clear in the back of her mind. She had a decision to make, and while she had yet to bring the news to her council, she knew she couldn't keep Hydra waiting forever. At some point, she would have to answer and now that Hydra had made her intentions clear, it would only be a matter of time until she found out about the woman who had stowed away from Moonspear within her walls.
One thing was certain, if war were to break out on her doorstep, she wished to be on the right side of it, and she was sure that Speedy and Hieronymous would agree to. She would not lie to the Queen, she wished to be honest, so with her answer, she brought a confession. She wanted Hydra to find out from her own maw to show her respect, but also to make it clear that @Speedy would be a packaged deal. If she wanted Kaisteloki, she would have to grant Speedy the safety she desired within her own home.
If an alliance was made, she would not tolerate the violence of those she should trust in her land. Ira had left Hieronymous in charge of the pack as she set out, her destination not completely clear to the other in her hasty departure. Kaistleoki had their own issues to handle right now and Hiero needed to organize the party to look for the bear. Plus, should Hydra take her news poorly, she did not wish to show up with a set of guards that might threaten the neutrality they had already established.
You could imagine her surprise, however, when after days of travel, Ira found the source of their alliance at Moonspear's door. She had not yet caught up to the newly forming crowd, but the fresh scent of the Saints was enough to make the hairs along her neck bristle uneasily. She slowed her pace, keeping to the shadows of the trees and growth of the mountains. How stupid would it look now should she be walking into a trap. If the Saints and Moonspear had allied then she would have more than a fair share of issues, especially with the news she intended to bring.
For now, she would keep herself hidden and watch from behind the Saints. Two Moonspear wolves descended to meet with their visitors, though neither offered a word. Instead, they stood eerily silent. It reminded her of her first visit to the mountain when what seemed like all of Moonspear stalked eerily to watch her every move. The wolves in question at their borders were undoubtedly Saints, if not from smell then by sight. She easily recognized Donovan and the man to his side she had no name, but his hide was familiar. He was the one who wrapped around his beast of a master when they forced the Saints to leave.
She was surprised that it was not the dark woman that traveled at his side. Hadn't she been his second? Perhaps she was leading in Donvan's stead. After all, the male had seemed eager enough to die in his master's place. He would be the perfect guard, especially if Hydra had been honest with her and found an enemy with the Saints.
One thing was certain, if war were to break out on her doorstep, she wished to be on the right side of it, and she was sure that Speedy and Hieronymous would agree to. She would not lie to the Queen, she wished to be honest, so with her answer, she brought a confession. She wanted Hydra to find out from her own maw to show her respect, but also to make it clear that @Speedy would be a packaged deal. If she wanted Kaisteloki, she would have to grant Speedy the safety she desired within her own home.
If an alliance was made, she would not tolerate the violence of those she should trust in her land. Ira had left Hieronymous in charge of the pack as she set out, her destination not completely clear to the other in her hasty departure. Kaistleoki had their own issues to handle right now and Hiero needed to organize the party to look for the bear. Plus, should Hydra take her news poorly, she did not wish to show up with a set of guards that might threaten the neutrality they had already established.
You could imagine her surprise, however, when after days of travel, Ira found the source of their alliance at Moonspear's door. She had not yet caught up to the newly forming crowd, but the fresh scent of the Saints was enough to make the hairs along her neck bristle uneasily. She slowed her pace, keeping to the shadows of the trees and growth of the mountains. How stupid would it look now should she be walking into a trap. If the Saints and Moonspear had allied then she would have more than a fair share of issues, especially with the news she intended to bring.
For now, she would keep herself hidden and watch from behind the Saints. Two Moonspear wolves descended to meet with their visitors, though neither offered a word. Instead, they stood eerily silent. It reminded her of her first visit to the mountain when what seemed like all of Moonspear stalked eerily to watch her every move. The wolves in question at their borders were undoubtedly Saints, if not from smell then by sight. She easily recognized Donovan and the man to his side she had no name, but his hide was familiar. He was the one who wrapped around his beast of a master when they forced the Saints to leave.
She was surprised that it was not the dark woman that traveled at his side. Hadn't she been his second? Perhaps she was leading in Donvan's stead. After all, the male had seemed eager enough to die in his master's place. He would be the perfect guard, especially if Hydra had been honest with her and found an enemy with the Saints.
November 13, 2020, 03:38 AM
As ever, the moment a presence made itself known at Moonspear's borders, the wolves of the mountain descended upon the stranger at the gate at once. Only, these two were no strangers. While Lyra hadn't personally met them herself — nor any others of their pack — she still knew of them. It seemed the whole of Wilds knew of this infamous bunch, and for good reason.
With practiced stealth and speed, the Ostrega made her way down towards the forested borders, slowing as she came upon the scene at a distance, out of sight from those who had gathered. Already, two others had come to greet the males — Keres and Desdemona — who both stood silent and critical. Her eyes flashed approvingly before she focused on those they were greeting. She was immediately drawn to the brute of a man with the brindled coat, taking in his massive form for a moment before glancing at his much smaller brown and grey companion with a face that seemed to have been torn to shreds. They certainly seemed to have lived up to her initial expectations.
She slunk through the darkness of the undergrowth, giving the gathering a wide berth as she made her way behind the two who had entered their domain. Here, she would wait and listen on in silence, staying just out of sight unless the two tried anything...stupid.
Only there was yet another visitor here, too; a tall, grey-clad woman whose pack scent she couldn't quite place. She, too, lurked at a distance, watching. A spy? Dark fur bristling, Lyra made her way towards the woman quietly, letting out a soft rumble for only her ears, letting her know she was in turn being watched. The only thing stilling her teeth was the fact that she was trying to keep attention from being drawn to herself, lest the two males think they were about to be ambushed.
November 13, 2020, 08:52 AM
Mira came behind the Moonspearian women. She had kept to the territory's inner areas since her return, playing with the skull she owned and dissecting her thoughts like she did to the little animals. But a call from the borders- that was something she wished to watch her mother handle. It was good to learn to do such things, she thought, and surely Hydra would not mind as long as she kept herself well within the borders. When she arrived to the scene she came upon the familiar faces already there, but what held her attention most immediately was the large male. He was something unlike a wolf, to a girl who had only ever seen full-blooded ones- and she marveled not only at his flattened muzzle, but his tail which waved so proudly in the sky, despite Mother being in charge here, and throughout the wilderness. But more than anything, she recalled what her Mother had told her of dangerous wolves- among them, a dark striped fellow- and the only one she had ever seen to match that description, Mira's fur rose along her spine, and the subtle twitch of her top lip threatening to raise at any moment gave away her tension more than anything.
Mira's posts may contain violent content.
At present, Ksura will often be near Mira's den, and thus welcome in her familial threads.
At present, Ksura will often be near Mira's den, and thus welcome in her familial threads.
November 13, 2020, 02:29 PM
just a quickie to get in here, feel free to skip if i'm slow or dm me for a reply
She'd had a sinking feeling in her stomach since she'd woken up this morning, which was not unusual for Vega since she'd sustained her shoulder injury. She'd refused to let it conquer the day until a howl rang at the borders, one of which she was not familiar with. There had been a few strangers she'd met in similar ways — she recalls meeting @Astrid at the borders just a few days prior — but the crackling hostility in the air as she approached tells her that she's right to trust her gut.
The brindle patterning of the other wolf gives his identity away. She'd heard of him, and the danger she carried, and she scrutinized him with typical Ostrega posterity as she came up next to her packmates.
November 15, 2020, 04:06 AM
It was a summons with his sister's name on it, but given the nature of times like these, he wanted to go see what was going on too. From nearby on his patrol, he shifted his route, and arrived behind a steady trickle of other Moonspearian wolves--all interested in seeing what would warrant a call like that.
But, he didn't find Dirge or Hydra among them yet, and Lyra was keeping to the shadows. Desdemona and Keres seemed to take up a guard, along with Mira and Vega's scrutinizing quiet. So, the beta would take it upon himself to entertain in the meantime--something to that effect, anyway, considering he was comfortable with this many eyes to watch his back while he was feeling as guarded as this. Jarilo went moving on towards the duo, making himself known with ease. Until his superiors came, his tail carried an easy arc, the rest of him imbued with a refined confidence.
Since he was best suited to keeping things together here at home, he had yet to put his nose on the scent of Teekon's most maligned, until now. They were a strange looking pair to his discerning tastes, scarred and a hybrid.
But, he didn't find Dirge or Hydra among them yet, and Lyra was keeping to the shadows. Desdemona and Keres seemed to take up a guard, along with Mira and Vega's scrutinizing quiet. So, the beta would take it upon himself to entertain in the meantime--something to that effect, anyway, considering he was comfortable with this many eyes to watch his back while he was feeling as guarded as this. Jarilo went moving on towards the duo, making himself known with ease. Until his superiors came, his tail carried an easy arc, the rest of him imbued with a refined confidence.
Since he was best suited to keeping things together here at home, he had yet to put his nose on the scent of Teekon's most maligned, until now. They were a strange looking pair to his discerning tastes, scarred and a hybrid.
Greetings,the dark Ostrega offered first as he smoothly came to his halt.
Welcome to Moonspear,he settled towards the larger brindle of the two with a nod, though the welcome wasn't exactly warm; he was keeping an eye on them until the alphas arrived.
And it sounds like you have business with Hydra? She will be around soon, I'm sure,he said in the meantime; he didn't know exactly what she was busy with, but between the mountain, and now the glen, no doubt something could occupy her times.
![[Image: FTnkWJH.png]](https://i.ibb.co/rd5qz3W/FTnkWJH.png)
November 21, 2020, 11:05 PM
Indeed, she was occupied; with many mouths to feed and several more to come, Hydra continued to teach the newest generation. This lesson, not all but several children were present. @Kukutux instructed while she, @Dirge, and @Osiris hunt, @Antares and @Atlas nearby to intervene and assist if need be. Their quarry was an elderly member of the herd, though despite their age they were neither lame nor terribly infirm. Still, a recent injury and its slower pace made it a target.
It was more than luck that brought this beast down, and about to call for the pack to eat another call came. Hydra gestured to Kukutux to eat with the children, and went for the choice piece of meat herself before turning to head to the border with at least one son, and her husband, in attendance.
The wind was not in her favor, nor did she know the sound of Donovan's timber. A low howl came in answer, and on that note Hydra, along with at least one son and her husband, were on their way.
It was more than luck that brought this beast down, and about to call for the pack to eat another call came. Hydra gestured to Kukutux to eat with the children, and went for the choice piece of meat herself before turning to head to the border with at least one son, and her husband, in attendance.
The wind was not in her favor, nor did she know the sound of Donovan's timber. A low howl came in answer, and on that note Hydra, along with at least one son and her husband, were on their way.
slow entrance post, she's heading there now! pls wait for dirge as they want in this thread :)
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
November 22, 2020, 06:11 PM
They hit the borders smoothly, interest mingling with surprise at the sight he found. Kynareth had come to pay them a visit, though he found that he was far from alone. It was the usual Moonspearian fanfare at play, Keres, Jarilo, and Desdemona already at the helm of the meet and greet, but his gaze lingered along the top line of Mira’s form in the mix of them, and then the unfamiliar visage of another—the woman from the river—before he let it rest gently on the curly-tailed leader.
With a gaze cast to his wife and son, he seized the welcome.
“Kynareth, was it? We were just wondering of you the other day—how have you settled?” It was a light tone, conversational. But the crowned knave had his reservations kept close to his chest; he had hoped to have their meet on his terms, but this worked just as well. It may have been better than making the long venture around again with the shifting of seasons.
With a gaze cast to his wife and son, he seized the welcome.
“Kynareth, was it? We were just wondering of you the other day—how have you settled?” It was a light tone, conversational. But the crowned knave had his reservations kept close to his chest; he had hoped to have their meet on his terms, but this worked just as well. It may have been better than making the long venture around again with the shifting of seasons.
i believe @Osiris also wanted in, but my apologies for the wait.
November 23, 2020, 03:27 PM
Young Saviguk was less interested in the feast and more so in the unfamiliar voice that came from his borders. Swallowing the chunk of meat he already had clasped in his jaws, he promptly turned away from the kill, racing ahead at brisk pace, leaving Aunt Hydra to catch up.
His inner guardian was emerging. Both curiosity and suspicion flowed in his blood as he neared, happening upon the not so small gathering. Dark ears pricked, his seafoam eyes instantly picked out their three guests. A gray coated woman hanging further back, a tawny man who was a patch work of scars, and a mammoth creature who wasn't quite pure wolf with a brindled coat. Lips tight and eyes stern, the boy drew up smoothly beside his father.
His inner guardian was emerging. Both curiosity and suspicion flowed in his blood as he neared, happening upon the not so small gathering. Dark ears pricked, his seafoam eyes instantly picked out their three guests. A gray coated woman hanging further back, a tawny man who was a patch work of scars, and a mammoth creature who wasn't quite pure wolf with a brindled coat. Lips tight and eyes stern, the boy drew up smoothly beside his father.
November 30, 2020, 08:19 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 08:20 PM by Osiris’s Ghost.)
The news in Jarilo's howl was unsettling to Osiris. Kynareth Deagon was at their doorstep, waiting for their arrival. He had heard nothing but negative things about the curly-tailed leader, and he was not eager to meet him. Despite his impression of the Saint's leader, Osiris followed after Dirge and Hydra with a hurried clip.
The gang was all here—Jarilo, Keres, Desdemona, Lyra, Mira, Saviguk, and... Ira (???)— and he regarded the crowd with a sweeping glance as they slowed to a stop. Standing guard behind his parents, Osiris studied the behemoth and his scarred-accomplish with a scrutinizing gaze.
December 01, 2020, 01:51 AM
(This post was last modified: December 01, 2020, 01:58 AM by Kynareth Deagon.)
Gonna go ahead and start the next round now. Anyone else who didn’t get the opportunity to pop in last round is free to jump in whenever!
Kynareth’s not surprised when dozens of wolves come from the mountain slope like ants surrounding a crumb of food on hot concrete. Or maybe it’d be more fitting to compare them to a pride of lions and their soon to be prey? Whichever. Anywho, Kynareth stands politely awaiting the pack leader to announce themselves. He doesn’t know what this Hydra looks like besides that she has dark midnight fur. Which seems to be at least 90% of wolves showing their places here right now.
They’re all silent, or at least most of them are. So he awaits to be spoken to before actually taking it upon himself to speak. Until someone does speak to him. One he doesn’t know of course. A tall male of average, but athletic build. A coat of dark greys and black with beautiful green eyes.
Kynareth offers a light smile and a curt nod of his head to him, confirming the other male’s guess that he’s yearning to meet their alpha. Still, he stays moderately quiet until a few familiar faces show. The ones they met in the Strath. Then the agouti male he remembers. He’s definitely one of higher leadership. Though he does eye the female the comes along side him. Not invasively so, but he does suspect she might be important due to the fact she is with Dirge. Who can be sure though?
So as Dirge speaks and asks him how he’s settled the image of Aya’s horrid execution that comes to his sick mind almost makes him laugh. Of course he doesn’t. Rather at the site of him, he dips his upper half slightly into a respectful type of bow to Dirge and the two he brings with him. Then offers a casual smile to him and another curt nod. “Not bad, thank you for asking.” He says. “I hoped I could meet your other half. Though I’m unsure of which one she might be, never had the fortune to meet her until now.” Though his gaze does move from the male to Hydra herself before flicking back to him. He quircks a brow, his easy smile still remaining. “Would I be wrong to assume you could be Hydra, ma’am?” He asks the strong woman beside him then. His voice not in any way cocky, it borders on businessy if anything. He knows his place here.
Kynareth was suited to talking business. To ask the right questions and such. Derg honesty didn't know where to start. He was appointed as Overseer as a matter of urgency and for his loyalty, rather than his skills. But he was managing.
However, his real concern were the wolves behind them. They were silent to his ears and blind to his eyes, but the wolves arriving before him gave the game away by looking at Derg and Kynareth, then to those behind, then back. Watching. Strangers perhaps?
It wouldn't be Nyra or Sasha, maybe Valour found his way here.
Either way, Derg turned his ears to listen behind him.
I know you're there.
Kynareth spoke. Derg assessed the gathering. They weren't very helpful until Jarlio showed up. He was obviously of leadership, the rest were just swarmimg minions.
Then, it seemed the rest of the leadership came along then. He'd call them lazy if they didn't smell of fresh blood - they'd been caught in the midst of the high ranking families hunt. If Hydra lived up to what he'd heard about her, she probably wouldn't be pleased to be caught during mealtime with her family.
Derg watched on. Neutral now with one ear tilted forward, the other to the lurkers behind.
However, his real concern were the wolves behind them. They were silent to his ears and blind to his eyes, but the wolves arriving before him gave the game away by looking at Derg and Kynareth, then to those behind, then back. Watching. Strangers perhaps?
It wouldn't be Nyra or Sasha, maybe Valour found his way here.
Either way, Derg turned his ears to listen behind him.
I know you're there.
Kynareth spoke. Derg assessed the gathering. They weren't very helpful until Jarlio showed up. He was obviously of leadership, the rest were just swarmimg minions.
Then, it seemed the rest of the leadership came along then. He'd call them lazy if they didn't smell of fresh blood - they'd been caught in the midst of the high ranking families hunt. If Hydra lived up to what he'd heard about her, she probably wouldn't be pleased to be caught during mealtime with her family.
Derg watched on. Neutral now with one ear tilted forward, the other to the lurkers behind.
| • • |
December 04, 2020, 11:49 PM
Cyp said to skip her and keres so don't mind me
It would not take long for the whole of Moonspear to descend. It was the same as always, each individual stalking down through the trees and growth to stare eerily, silent as they waited for their Queen to address the visitors. Most of their pelts dawned similar colors, blacks as pure as shadows and whites that matched that of a ghost in the moonlight, and though few broke this pattern, it made the leaders of the Saints stand out that much more as they were semi-circled.
Unfortunately, Ira had not been as hidden as she had hoped as a low growl sounded now beside her. The sudden movement startled her, rising the fur along her neck as she turned to see what she assumed would be an aggressor, though when she looked she was met with a face similar to Hydra's. Had it not been for the aggressive greeting, she might have even assumed that it was the Queen, but it was clear that this must be one of her sisters. Her message was clear though, and as her eyes turned briefly to Moonspear's visitors, so did her own, as Ira forced the fur along her neck to lie flat.
She had no intention of fighting, and even if she did, not here, not where numbers could swarm and lead to inevitable death. Ira liked to believe that she had fallen on good terms with the wolves of the mountain, but they had always been far more territorial. She could not blame them for finding her here hidden away and choosing to respond defensively. The Count was unsure if any others had spotted her hiding spot amongst the undergrowth, though she chose not to move now even if they had. She'd rather remain still so the woman to her side did not get the wrong idea while they waited for those who had made a name for themselves across the wilds to speak.
Unfortunately, Ira had not been as hidden as she had hoped as a low growl sounded now beside her. The sudden movement startled her, rising the fur along her neck as she turned to see what she assumed would be an aggressor, though when she looked she was met with a face similar to Hydra's. Had it not been for the aggressive greeting, she might have even assumed that it was the Queen, but it was clear that this must be one of her sisters. Her message was clear though, and as her eyes turned briefly to Moonspear's visitors, so did her own, as Ira forced the fur along her neck to lie flat.
She had no intention of fighting, and even if she did, not here, not where numbers could swarm and lead to inevitable death. Ira liked to believe that she had fallen on good terms with the wolves of the mountain, but they had always been far more territorial. She could not blame them for finding her here hidden away and choosing to respond defensively. The Count was unsure if any others had spotted her hiding spot amongst the undergrowth, though she chose not to move now even if they had. She'd rather remain still so the woman to her side did not get the wrong idea while they waited for those who had made a name for themselves across the wilds to speak.
December 10, 2020, 10:43 PM
All that Hydra had heard of him did not prepare Hydra for the sight of the man at her borders. He was impressive to behold—a behemoth. Slow moving, then, she imagined—but did not assume to be correct there. Best to be prepared and believe he was quicker than he looked physically. That he was here meant that mentally, he fell terribly short of her own hopes for him. Hydra took stock of her surroundings, and sought to account for all around them with her ears and nose rather than her eyes, which lingered upon the two men at her door while she continued to move forward—
Mira. But Desdemona was before her, and Hydra did not worry after her. Saviguk, but there was Jarilo. Lyra nearby, Osiris to her left but then behind her and Dirge to her right, stopping even as she pressed forward—Vega, observing, and Keres. A stranger with Donovan, older and a fullblooded wolf by sight and scent. Hydra's gaze turned to him, beheld the scar on his face without pity. Someone had missed his eye; she would not, should he give her reason to strike him down. And for the trouble, she would take his other one too—
Loosely the matriarch circled him, until she arrived behind Donovan, prone and bowed licking the gristle away from her lips.
Politeness and cordiality was brought to him to start.
It was not wrong of him to assume that she was who she was. He was right to that end. But he would find no fortune for himself here, at her home where her children slept. Until he gained her trust, he would not be welcome upon her borders or close to her home where she felt him a threat. Hydra provided no warning for him beyond the swift and silent setting of her defenses behind him before she sought the object that had violated one woman too many, silently lunging and making a bid for his dangly bits that his curled tail so graciously left exposed.
Hydra did not want to kill him, not today—only castrate him. But, well, if he retaliated rather than simply fleeing and understanding why she would act this way...
Killing him would be a happy, neat little accident.
Mira. But Desdemona was before her, and Hydra did not worry after her. Saviguk, but there was Jarilo. Lyra nearby, Osiris to her left but then behind her and Dirge to her right, stopping even as she pressed forward—Vega, observing, and Keres. A stranger with Donovan, older and a fullblooded wolf by sight and scent. Hydra's gaze turned to him, beheld the scar on his face without pity. Someone had missed his eye; she would not, should he give her reason to strike him down. And for the trouble, she would take his other one too—
Loosely the matriarch circled him, until she arrived behind Donovan, prone and bowed licking the gristle away from her lips.
Politeness and cordiality was brought to him to start.
It was not wrong of him to assume that she was who she was. He was right to that end. But he would find no fortune for himself here, at her home where her children slept. Until he gained her trust, he would not be welcome upon her borders or close to her home where she felt him a threat. Hydra provided no warning for him beyond the swift and silent setting of her defenses behind him before she sought the object that had violated one woman too many, silently lunging and making a bid for his dangly bits that his curled tail so graciously left exposed.
Hydra did not want to kill him, not today—only castrate him. But, well, if he retaliated rather than simply fleeing and understanding why she would act this way...
Killing him would be a happy, neat little accident.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
December 11, 2020, 11:31 AM
didn't get the chance to post in order so im gonna squeeze in here hehe
Soon Father and Uncle were there, and Mother- whom Mira trained her eye on so intensely, as if she was watching a play live before her, separated from but aware of the scene taking place. The male said he was there to meet Mother- what did he want with her, Mira wondered? His companion was silent. Mira's gaze shifted to Derg momentarily, but then she was looking at Hydra again. Experience was the best teacher, but demonstration was perhaps the second best, and Mira wanted to understand how to greet people they ought to be wary of at the borders. Mother was silent, and went behind him- making a grab for his boy parts. Why? But the serpent was dutifully taking mental notes immediately, and secretly hoped she might see a stranger's blood spilled upon the Spear today.
Mira's posts may contain violent content.
At present, Ksura will often be near Mira's den, and thus welcome in her familial threads.
At present, Ksura will often be near Mira's den, and thus welcome in her familial threads.
December 25, 2020, 04:24 AM
(This post was last modified: December 29, 2020, 12:31 AM by Jarilo.)
A few more had come, even his son among them to stand beside him. In typical Moonspear fashion, they've all come to see what's going on and in this, he wanted to be wary, already and licked the back of his teeth as he contemplated this.. entire scene.
It was obvious early that he was not at all who their visitors sought, judging by his lack of much more than a nod and a look-over back but Jarilo stayed where he was, right where they would all have to see him. They don't want to talk to him and it's abundantly clear, but thankfully Dirge's appearance lured something out of them--at least enough to confirm to him they could communicate in words, of course. The beta's ears perked, and he stood firm.
He found himself slightly less aware of each of their lurkers, but feels that something is building there all the same. But what he can't fathom is if that is a good thing. Something doesn't sit right and assumptions do little to soothe anything over, either.
When Jarilo noticed Hydra's doings, he immediately rose his furs. He tensed newly, ready, and close to launch to her aid. First he had to see the dogwolf's reaction (if she managed anything), but secondarily, the scarred one was his next focus--a bodyguard perhaps? He could easily step in too. Who knew with these supposed Saints that he had heard nothing good about, the misery of the wilds at large. Jarilo showed his teeth, his tail swung aggressively because the second someone who was not Donovan swung for his shadowed sister, he was coming for them and this was his clear threat. Without aiming to interrupt whatever Hydra might manage first, of course, which his next move banked on..
It was obvious early that he was not at all who their visitors sought, judging by his lack of much more than a nod and a look-over back but Jarilo stayed where he was, right where they would all have to see him. They don't want to talk to him and it's abundantly clear, but thankfully Dirge's appearance lured something out of them--at least enough to confirm to him they could communicate in words, of course. The beta's ears perked, and he stood firm.
He found himself slightly less aware of each of their lurkers, but feels that something is building there all the same. But what he can't fathom is if that is a good thing. Something doesn't sit right and assumptions do little to soothe anything over, either.
When Jarilo noticed Hydra's doings, he immediately rose his furs. He tensed newly, ready, and close to launch to her aid. First he had to see the dogwolf's reaction (if she managed anything), but secondarily, the scarred one was his next focus--a bodyguard perhaps? He could easily step in too. Who knew with these supposed Saints that he had heard nothing good about, the misery of the wilds at large. Jarilo showed his teeth, his tail swung aggressively because the second someone who was not Donovan swung for his shadowed sister, he was coming for them and this was his clear threat. Without aiming to interrupt whatever Hydra might manage first, of course, which his next move banked on..
![[Image: FTnkWJH.png]](https://i.ibb.co/rd5qz3W/FTnkWJH.png)
January 06, 2021, 04:01 PM
Kynareth doesn’t feel uncomfortable in the slightest. If shit goes down and he does here, then so be it. He has a feeling everything has the opportunity to be at least moderately alright. Everything’s riding on him and the leaders around him. It’s a tense situation but he doesn’t find himself worried, confident in his approach to the Queen of the Spear, but not disrespectfully so. He assumes she wouldn’t respect him if he begged for her alliance, be it temporary or ongoing, it didn’t matter. The same way he knows she wouldn’t step down from her throne to lower herself to that point. He hopes she knows that Donovan is the same way.
So, he allows her to circle him, hawkish gold slithering down her sleek form as she does so. He easily hides his attraction to her, knowing that if one of them caught him looking at her wrong shit might hit the fan.
Craning his strong neck to watch her go behind him his lips almost start to curl. Then all in the same motion she’s halting, snapping, and a tick of pain blossoms from his dangly bits. The bite doesn’t really hurt as much as one would think. He assumes she’s trying to humiliate him before her pack, yet he hardly finds it humiliating. His pride is too inflated and his ego even more so.
Instantly he’s jumping forward just a hair in surprise, eyes very briefly widening. Ears flicking back at her and he curls to look back at her with obvious surprise on his face. Yet, what will probably surprise her is the sly smile that he greets her with after the shock subsides.
They don’t know him as well as they think they do. He’s not like most wolves or dogs. He’s a completely different breed all on his own and it shows as his gaze meets hers expectantly. He absolutely loves it when powerful, beautiful women like her treat him like trash and it’s hardly a secret.
“Darling.” He exclaims cooly as if he’s shocked. He truly doesn’t quite know what to say to her. “You could’ve just asked.” He settles with. His voice unexpectedly calm with a light raising of his cream brows.
He doesn’t even pay mind to the bristling wolf just a short distance away. He’s not about to attack her on her own doorstep surrounded by her whole pack. He’s stupid sometimes, but not that stupid.
So, he allows her to circle him, hawkish gold slithering down her sleek form as she does so. He easily hides his attraction to her, knowing that if one of them caught him looking at her wrong shit might hit the fan.
Craning his strong neck to watch her go behind him his lips almost start to curl. Then all in the same motion she’s halting, snapping, and a tick of pain blossoms from his dangly bits. The bite doesn’t really hurt as much as one would think. He assumes she’s trying to humiliate him before her pack, yet he hardly finds it humiliating. His pride is too inflated and his ego even more so.
Instantly he’s jumping forward just a hair in surprise, eyes very briefly widening. Ears flicking back at her and he curls to look back at her with obvious surprise on his face. Yet, what will probably surprise her is the sly smile that he greets her with after the shock subsides.
They don’t know him as well as they think they do. He’s not like most wolves or dogs. He’s a completely different breed all on his own and it shows as his gaze meets hers expectantly. He absolutely loves it when powerful, beautiful women like her treat him like trash and it’s hardly a secret.
“Darling.” He exclaims cooly as if he’s shocked. He truly doesn’t quite know what to say to her. “You could’ve just asked.” He settles with. His voice unexpectedly calm with a light raising of his cream brows.
He doesn’t even pay mind to the bristling wolf just a short distance away. He’s not about to attack her on her own doorstep surrounded by her whole pack. He’s stupid sometimes, but not that stupid.
This shadow...it was an issue.
It stalked to them with dark looks in her dark cloak with dark thoughts.
Hyrda was trouble.
He knew he was being watched. On all sides.
They were so confident if their skills they didn't usher their young away.
The Saints were an example.
Hydra slunk around Kynareth. No words.
His tail flicked, hairs raising and the beginnings of a soft growl caressed his vocals.
He held Jarlio's lingering eye.
He didn't jump when teeth clicked and Kynareth lurched forward. He merely turned his gaze.
Then turned it back to her family. If they had any honour, they would not react like Ursus.
If so...they were suitably fucked.
An ear still listened behind. He didn't like this one bit. He wanted to leave - run - but Kynareth started chatting his shit. Gods above.
It stalked to them with dark looks in her dark cloak with dark thoughts.
Hyrda was trouble.
He knew he was being watched. On all sides.
They were so confident if their skills they didn't usher their young away.
The Saints were an example.
Hydra slunk around Kynareth. No words.
His tail flicked, hairs raising and the beginnings of a soft growl caressed his vocals.
He held Jarlio's lingering eye.
He didn't jump when teeth clicked and Kynareth lurched forward. He merely turned his gaze.
Then turned it back to her family. If they had any honour, they would not react like Ursus.
If so...they were suitably fucked.
An ear still listened behind. He didn't like this one bit. He wanted to leave - run - but Kynareth started chatting his shit. Gods above.
| • • |
January 19, 2021, 02:51 PM
It was silent, a moment of judging as Hydra circled her prey. What she originally thought might have been a positive connection, now felt cold. She was looking for something, for what Ira wasn't too sure, but this wasn't how she had been greeted before, even along Moonspear's borders. It made the fur along her neck rise in anticipation, though she held her breath knowing she too was being watched.
Then like lighting, Hydra struck, grabbing the male where he was most vulnerable. For just a moment, Ira was frozen, surprise clear on her face as the wolves of the mountain stood like sentinels, watching, judging for a reaction. Then came Donvan's. What was rightfully surprised slowly morphed into his sick smile, a teasing tone on his breath as he met the Queen's gaze.
None of it sat right, not from what she knew of Hydra. This was not an ally, and now he was testing the lines that she knew Moonspear had always been rigid with. It was not long ago Hydra came to her door seeking her aid, seeking an alliance to rid these lands of the Saints. Ira couldn't answer then, but now she had her answer...so with confidence she emerged, fanged bared as she too quickly sought to grab where the striped man was weak and grab hold with enough grip to show unlike what he might think, she was not playing.
Then like lighting, Hydra struck, grabbing the male where he was most vulnerable. For just a moment, Ira was frozen, surprise clear on her face as the wolves of the mountain stood like sentinels, watching, judging for a reaction. Then came Donvan's. What was rightfully surprised slowly morphed into his sick smile, a teasing tone on his breath as he met the Queen's gaze.
None of it sat right, not from what she knew of Hydra. This was not an ally, and now he was testing the lines that she knew Moonspear had always been rigid with. It was not long ago Hydra came to her door seeking her aid, seeking an alliance to rid these lands of the Saints. Ira couldn't answer then, but now she had her answer...so with confidence she emerged, fanged bared as she too quickly sought to grab where the striped man was weak and grab hold with enough grip to show unlike what he might think, she was not playing.
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