@Valette - backdated a few days!
a purposeful gait propelled the supple girl's stride through the tranquil territory; keen gaze bright in their active search for the benevolent matriarch. it had come to her realization as of late that it had been much, much too long since they'd had a proper conversation. if recalling correctly, she was quite certain that the last time they had conversed had been when polaris had informed her that the newly settled pack in the mountains was the mysterious empire and that she'd learned from the affable woman investigating their borders that another pack also resided within the valley besides the ruffians settled next door. gaze drifts, idly wondering where the two wolves were now; especially collision. had he succeeded in whatever it was that he'd been so determined to do? did he tread lighter now, having overcome the weight pressing so ruthlessly upon him? she hoped so, a faint smile at the memory, he'd been so kind, so full of light. a huff as she wove betwixt the pack's famous stones, playing everlasting sentry to the hollow. these thoughts, they tickled at that permanent yearn writhing within her, that desire to roam and discover. it was causing a louder clamour than usual too, dissatisfied with how long it had been since such a desire had been sated- she hadn't travelled any distance from the territory in months.
it had also been when she'd mused about once timid wishes to one day start her own pack, voicing ideas to make a place that would fight for the light; those that would protect others who deserved to live a life of harmony free from the strife caused by those who thrived on acts of cruelty. it had been a simple notion then, only wanting to hear the sagacious woman's opinions on the matter but gosh that had been so long ago now, the end of summer even? so much had happened since then, what with ursus intruding on their very lands...her idea had become a need; she had to do this.
paws drew to a gradual still, lingering by the looming boulders and gazing out across her serene home. so much had happened in her life since she'd made the hasty decision to settle in easthollow, it was difficult to even imagine the callow child that had first set foot in here. she'd endured such pain, a darkness lingering in the back of eyes that had once gleamed with such credulous bliss. but she didn't regret anything, she was who she was because of it, and she had west tyree by her side.
a small smile creeped across her slender snout, that was a blessing that would forever outshine any of those leering shadows.
"common" | "french"
![[Image: ezgif-com-resize-7.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/bW9vkNG/ezgif-com-resize-7.gif)
![[Image: ezgif-com-resize-7.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/bW9vkNG/ezgif-com-resize-7.gif)
December 04, 2020, 11:19 AM
Valette had her mind on her mate. Greyback was not sick or anything, just getting old. She noticed it more and more each day. It was something she couldn't do anything about, except to be supportive and try and help him where she could. It did mean that her tasks as the Matriarch were less of a priority and it bugged her. On the other hand, she kind of didn't want to do it anymore. However, Easthollow was her home, and she couldn't live with herself if she lost it.
Valette went to the stones, where she found Polaris. She was surprised as she had not seen the girl lately. Surely she had seen her in passing or smelled her scent on her son. So she knew she was around. Valette greeted her with a causal wag of her tail and a smile. "Hi Polaris," she greeted. "What is making you smile today?," she asked, having seen it on her maw. She could hear some good news today.
Valette went to the stones, where she found Polaris. She was surprised as she had not seen the girl lately. Surely she had seen her in passing or smelled her scent on her son. So she knew she was around. Valette greeted her with a causal wag of her tail and a smile. "Hi Polaris," she greeted. "What is making you smile today?," she asked, having seen it on her maw. She could hear some good news today.

December 04, 2020, 03:46 PM
so lost to the clutch of frivolous wonderings and recollections, she failed to notice to approach of valette until the gentle hum of her greeting stirred her to vigilance. "valette!" a warm greeting as her tail swept frosty blades whilst she turned to face the benevolent woman. how convenient, voiced by a merry "i was just looking for you actually"
her eyes widen a little, smile growing sheepish at the enquiry. stare drops to the grass curling over pale paws, ears twisting back as she hesitated. what did she say? that west was making her happy? the idea of announcing that to not only the matriarch, but his mother sounded ridiculously absurd. not that west making her happy was some sort of shock! more so the new ties such a revelation strung along, the thoughts it provoked and the beatific warmth that unfurled in the hitch of her chest each time it truly dawned on her; west loved her. yet the dove was not a creature of guile and a breathy chuckle slipped past lips as she acknowledged that it was not within her capacity to lie to the wolf she respected so much.
and so, peering up at her company; so uncharacteristically bashful; she'd mumble a little "well i uhm..it's....west tyree you know im just uh really happy to have him as a....ffriend" what the hell was that?? what was she supposed to say though?? actually why did she feel a need to express his status in her life anyway?? "-and all of easthollow! it really means a lot to me to have a place like this" a puffed exhale, shoulders that had tensed in her flustered bout of awkwardness relaxing as softened eyes scanned the familiar landscape. it was true though, lords what would have become of her had she never decided to seek shelter here? who would've filled the gaps in her heart instead, if anyone? what would she be like, how much of a difference would her choices have made to the character that resided within her now? it was honestly all quite overwhelming, the true realisation of how major an impact a decision that seemed so simple at the time could make on ones life.
her eyes widen a little, smile growing sheepish at the enquiry. stare drops to the grass curling over pale paws, ears twisting back as she hesitated. what did she say? that west was making her happy? the idea of announcing that to not only the matriarch, but his mother sounded ridiculously absurd. not that west making her happy was some sort of shock! more so the new ties such a revelation strung along, the thoughts it provoked and the beatific warmth that unfurled in the hitch of her chest each time it truly dawned on her; west loved her. yet the dove was not a creature of guile and a breathy chuckle slipped past lips as she acknowledged that it was not within her capacity to lie to the wolf she respected so much.
and so, peering up at her company; so uncharacteristically bashful; she'd mumble a little "well i uhm..it's....west tyree you know im just uh really happy to have him as a....ffriend" what the hell was that?? what was she supposed to say though?? actually why did she feel a need to express his status in her life anyway?? "-and all of easthollow! it really means a lot to me to have a place like this" a puffed exhale, shoulders that had tensed in her flustered bout of awkwardness relaxing as softened eyes scanned the familiar landscape. it was true though, lords what would have become of her had she never decided to seek shelter here? who would've filled the gaps in her heart instead, if anyone? what would she be like, how much of a difference would her choices have made to the character that resided within her now? it was honestly all quite overwhelming, the true realisation of how major an impact a decision that seemed so simple at the time could make on ones life.
"common" | "french"
![[Image: ezgif-com-resize-7.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/bW9vkNG/ezgif-com-resize-7.gif)
![[Image: ezgif-com-resize-7.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/bW9vkNG/ezgif-com-resize-7.gif)
December 04, 2020, 04:32 PM
Permission from Asori for Valette to know about West and Polaris since he will tell her in this thread.
Valette smiled at the warm meeting. She wagged her tail as well and then smiled at the girl. "Oh really?," she sounded surprised. It was a pleasant surprise though. She liked the younger female, perhaps like her own daughter. Scratch that, totally like her own daughter and since she heard the exciting news from West she could consider her one.
She had to chuckle, and smirk slightly when the female stumbled over her words. She let her finish. The matriarch arched one brow. "Oh really," she smiled, having to hold a giggle. "That is very sweet. Though I do hope West knows you see him as 'just a friend', because he told me recently you are together," she drawled teasingly to the pale female.
Valette had to let out a chuckle at the female. Since she had the feeling she was making up the friend part since she didn't dare to tell her. "I very much approve if you must know," she clarified to Polaris.

December 10, 2020, 06:58 AM
there was embarrassing and there was cataclysmic mortification, this certainly fell into the reign of the latter as valette made her impish remark and polaris' gaze grew comically wide. "i- oh, no!" words tripping over each other like the helpless stagger of a dainty fawn as ears folded back against her head. although she had to admit, amongst the flushed heat of her skittering heart- something clenched in her chest with rapturous fervour. west had told valette about her, eyes dropped to blink upon pale paws as she tried to imagine it- what exactly had he said?? it tugs at the corners of charcoal lips as the dove smiles, allowing a small hiccup of a laugh to pass through whilst glancing back to the matriarch. finding herself too touched by balmy bliss to succumb to anxiety or continue the participation in the woman's jocular notion; polaris could only mumble an uncharacteristically bashful "i hadn't realised he'd told you.." eyes drift again, cheeks warm as she lilts "i..yes, i really care about him it's all very,,well i've never felt like this before"
paws shuffle, brows raising in pleasant surprise at the follow up comment as she beamed back. "really? i'm so glad! thank you valette....for everything" teeth picked at her lip as she swallowed, overcome by the weight of the utter capriole of her emotions. her feelings for west, gratitude for valette..all holding hands with the melancholic truth that her own parents would never get to hear about her position in life...never get to say that they approved of such a coupling. a rapid blink against the dampness lingering in scintillating eyes, spurred by the shock her system underwent upon having to sort such a shifting array of contradictory emotions. her gratitude for easthollow, for valette and west and the family they'd provided her with...it ran so deep and yet sometimes it made the yearning in her heart for her own family that much worse. a stark reminder of what she could have had, and never would. she would never get to endure the anxiety riddled excitement of admitting to her parents that she'd found love, roll her eyes at the onslaught of overprotective warnings but knowing deep down they were overjoyed.
she clears her throat, laughing a quick "ah i'm sorry i-" gaze drifts to the steadfast presence of the hollow's sacred stones as a soft exhale is huffed before she murmurs, voice diffident in this vulnerability only offered to very few that walked these lands- "if my parents truly do look down on me like some believe, if their souls do linger, i hope they approve too. i...i'm pretty sure they would"
paws shuffle, brows raising in pleasant surprise at the follow up comment as she beamed back. "really? i'm so glad! thank you valette....for everything" teeth picked at her lip as she swallowed, overcome by the weight of the utter capriole of her emotions. her feelings for west, gratitude for valette..all holding hands with the melancholic truth that her own parents would never get to hear about her position in life...never get to say that they approved of such a coupling. a rapid blink against the dampness lingering in scintillating eyes, spurred by the shock her system underwent upon having to sort such a shifting array of contradictory emotions. her gratitude for easthollow, for valette and west and the family they'd provided her with...it ran so deep and yet sometimes it made the yearning in her heart for her own family that much worse. a stark reminder of what she could have had, and never would. she would never get to endure the anxiety riddled excitement of admitting to her parents that she'd found love, roll her eyes at the onslaught of overprotective warnings but knowing deep down they were overjoyed.
she clears her throat, laughing a quick "ah i'm sorry i-" gaze drifts to the steadfast presence of the hollow's sacred stones as a soft exhale is huffed before she murmurs, voice diffident in this vulnerability only offered to very few that walked these lands- "if my parents truly do look down on me like some believe, if their souls do linger, i hope they approve too. i...i'm pretty sure they would"
"common" | "french"
![[Image: ezgif-com-resize-7.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/bW9vkNG/ezgif-com-resize-7.gif)
![[Image: ezgif-com-resize-7.gif]](https://i.ibb.co/bW9vkNG/ezgif-com-resize-7.gif)
December 15, 2020, 01:56 PM
Valette smiled at her when she was thanked. Polaris was so sweet and she knew that she was a great match for West. They were very cute together. "That is very sweet, but I don't need to be thanked!," she assured the female. She quirked up her lips with a grin. She was glad that the female came to their pack. She was glad that West had found her.
She noticed that Polaris seemed emotional. The female tipped her head a but but waited patiently for her to talk. "I am certain as well," she assured the female. "I know for a fact that they would. Because I am a mother at heart and I can see how much you two like each other. Every parent wants their pup happy and seeing how much you two are glowing with happiness for each other they can only approve that. I am certain." Otherwise Val would give them a stern talking to.
She noticed that Polaris seemed emotional. The female tipped her head a but but waited patiently for her to talk. "I am certain as well," she assured the female. "I know for a fact that they would. Because I am a mother at heart and I can see how much you two like each other. Every parent wants their pup happy and seeing how much you two are glowing with happiness for each other they can only approve that. I am certain." Otherwise Val would give them a stern talking to.

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