please PM me if this doesnt work for anyone, just felt impromptu <3
another time she would bring her husband and her son. kukutux expected them to be hunting upon the mountain as one; she had given saviguk permission to travel as far as the glen, but no further. that morning, however, kukutux looked for @Sialuk and when she found her raindrop, held out a strip of soft fawnskin with its silken pelt still vibrant. "come."
wrapping her own shoulders with a grey rabbitskin, kukutux descended moonspear, finding a hard-packed trail that led out toward the sea. the flat, empty plateau with its brine-wrapped winds soon spread before them, and here the duck called for @Aiolos, and for @Huojin. she had known a boy had come to to moonspear, but not the true details of it; therefore she was unaware that the pair had already made a meeting, and turned to fuss over sialuk, though she did not yet say why they had come.
wrapping her own shoulders with a grey rabbitskin, kukutux descended moonspear, finding a hard-packed trail that led out toward the sea. the flat, empty plateau with its brine-wrapped winds soon spread before them, and here the duck called for @Aiolos, and for @Huojin. she had known a boy had come to to moonspear, but not the true details of it; therefore she was unaware that the pair had already made a meeting, and turned to fuss over sialuk, though she did not yet say why they had come.
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
November 02, 2020, 05:24 PM
(This post was last modified: November 02, 2020, 05:25 PM by Aiolos.)
Let me slam down this massive thing...
So it had been far longer then Aiolos original intention. A few weeks to a month had stretched to nearly three months since he had last seen his little blonde friend. The knowledge of Ruo wishing to leave, as well as take their son along with her had made it certain Aiolos had spent every bit of time he could with them in the forest. Alas, when the rains stopped it was a double edged sword. They could return home to their island after some days to let the waters settle and recede but when they did, Ruo had their pup was gone.
Now returned for a short time, Aiolos was far too relieved at his pup's safe return and yet, without Ruo. She had found placement elsewhere, with Ying's new budding family and likely had found a happiness there she had not in Yuelong...Atop Ruo's rock upon the island, that night Aiolos had once more wondered if the silent mystic would ever return.
Now, his word to Kukutux would finally be made. They would introduce the young pair and see how it went from there. Of course, after what had happened with them leaving, Aiolos had not been able to tell Ruo but he felt that even if he had, it didnt have much weight. The reddened wolf had no intention of forcing his son into wedlock and knew if they ended up together it would be by their own accord. Kukutux and Aiolos would be there just to give a bit of a shove in that direction.
He had told his son how Yuelong and Moonspear were allies when he had arrived back home with a Moonspear guardian in tow, confirming Hydra's word. Had said that he had a good friend in Moonspear, who had pups of her own the same age as him. He could meet other pups his age that werent already family members, make more friends, get to know their allies.
So the pair would stride west, finding middle ground in the place where Kukutux and Aiolos had reunited. They had to go around the Bay Aiolos had rather enjoyed, moving upward the plains and around to avoid their claim. It took a bit longer, but when Kukutux call sounded, allowing them to know she had made it to their position, the pair of males were not far. Aiolos in turn calls out and he nudges his son playfully, nipping and in hopes he would have interest in a little sprint. They decend the plateau, a place Aiolos had once thought to call home for himself. There, the little blonde and near, her daughter, presented nicely with a cleaned pelt over her shoulders.
He smiles, dipping his muzzle to them both, his eyes softened for his friend, tail waving lowly behind him.
I never wished so much time to pass between us...Some things happened, you see...which after they got the pups to talking, he would explain,
This is my son, Huojin.He then introduced, side stepping as he motioned his muzzle towards him.

moonglow daddy
November 02, 2020, 08:19 PM
She still walked with a slight limp, but her ankle was healing, and she thought it would be back to normal in just a few more days. When her mother came for her that morning, she'd been stretching the joint and testing its limits, careful not to overextend it while still lengthening the tendons within. The single word, along with the fawnskin pelt, were enough to silence Sialuk for once. She did not ask where they were going, but she did follow without protest. She assumed it was for some kind of lesson or another.
As they departed Moonspear, Sialuk noted a crow cawing at them. For whatever reason, this seemed important to her. Perhaps it was due to the witch's quest to speak to animals. Sialuk wondered what the crow had been trying to say to her. She furrowed her brow and followed her mother down the slope, away from her home for the first time. Unlike some of the others her age, she had not parted ways with her home since she had been born, preferring to stay close to home, close to anaa and taataa.
The raindrop remained silent when her mother called for an audience, her ears pointing forward as the reddish-brown adult came into view along with—Wait a minute, Sialuk knew who that was. It was the boy she had met with Altair. She gave her mother a curious look. Was she in trouble for talking to him? Was that what this was all about?
As they departed Moonspear, Sialuk noted a crow cawing at them. For whatever reason, this seemed important to her. Perhaps it was due to the witch's quest to speak to animals. Sialuk wondered what the crow had been trying to say to her. She furrowed her brow and followed her mother down the slope, away from her home for the first time. Unlike some of the others her age, she had not parted ways with her home since she had been born, preferring to stay close to home, close to anaa and taataa.
The raindrop remained silent when her mother called for an audience, her ears pointing forward as the reddish-brown adult came into view along with—Wait a minute, Sialuk knew who that was. It was the boy she had met with Altair. She gave her mother a curious look. Was she in trouble for talking to him? Was that what this was all about?
November 03, 2020, 08:25 AM
wanna send my reply but i’m short on time — let me know if i missed anything!
你好, huojin greeted. his eyes moved between mother and daughter, offering the younger a friendly smile.
this is my home, like yours, he explained, stepping closer to the girl,
but by the sea instead of mountains.
assuming there wouldn’t be any questions (this was a rather straight-forward statement), huo walked back to olo’s side where he would await some explanation.
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November 03, 2020, 02:18 PM
kukutux lifted her chin as aiolos approached, in the way a woman looking out upon the salt might move her hair from before her face, tangled by the wind spirit. the redsun was not alone, she noted. with him came a younger wolf, and she saw also that huojin wore the same robes.
the son of his spirit, then, or as true to it as might be. kukutux bowed her muzzle to the island ruler when he had come up. the friendly nature of his voice coupled with its open warmth reminded her of his nature: aiolos was a man who knew women in the way a wife might, and she remained wondering of it. but for now, "it is good to see your face again," as before, and then her eyes turned to the boy.
he would be handsome, kukutux determined, and already polite. a credit to aiolos. but he approached sialuk directly, boldly. a lion already, with a strong spirit easy to be found when it was time. nivinakutak she named him inside her mind: a berry that might grow to sweet or curl to bitter. only time would tell what the fruit might be. "sialuk of ostrega mountain," she introduced the raindrop, casting a smile toward aiolos before lapsing into quiet.
the son of his spirit, then, or as true to it as might be. kukutux bowed her muzzle to the island ruler when he had come up. the friendly nature of his voice coupled with its open warmth reminded her of his nature: aiolos was a man who knew women in the way a wife might, and she remained wondering of it. but for now, "it is good to see your face again," as before, and then her eyes turned to the boy.
he would be handsome, kukutux determined, and already polite. a credit to aiolos. but he approached sialuk directly, boldly. a lion already, with a strong spirit easy to be found when it was time. nivinakutak she named him inside her mind: a berry that might grow to sweet or curl to bitter. only time would tell what the fruit might be. "sialuk of ostrega mountain," she introduced the raindrop, casting a smile toward aiolos before lapsing into quiet.
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
November 05, 2020, 10:06 AM
The girl was silent for the time being, likely awaiting for her mother to greet and explain though Aiolos would pass a small smile into her direction as then his son came to her, mentioning that this was home, different from her own in the mountains. The plateau was not exactly home for certain, a bit of a stretch from their island, but perhaps she would get the point of it.
Kukutux said little and after mentioning that it was good to see her friend once more, she would introduce her daughter to them.
Kukutux said little and after mentioning that it was good to see her friend once more, she would introduce her daughter to them.
Nice to meet you, Sialuk.He spoke to the girl and briefly side glanced to the son at his side. So it would seem the redsun would be left to it then?
Kukutux and I had spoke previously, before you and your mother had left, when we were still in the forest...Aiolos began to explain to Huojin and in the same time, allowed Sialuk to get a better understanding as well.
We thought it might be a good idea for each of our own pups to meet, get to know our allies better, make friends outside of family.Of course there was the whole 'betrothal' idea but, he left that out, allowing the Gods to decide if it should be as so. Despite his son once had thinking scouting sounded boring he himself had already become quite the explorer.

moonglow daddy
November 05, 2020, 11:02 AM
Huojin spoke, and Sialuk listened as he explained this was his home. Again, the raindrop looked to her mother. She was introduced, and then the cinnamon wolf spoke. It was not until he mentioned friends outside the family that it dawned on Sialuk what this meeting was about. She was being presented with an option for her future ugi. With this known, Sialuk felt an easy comfort come over her. Her mother had taught her much about how to please a husband, at least what was appropriate at this age.
It is nice to meet you again, Huojin,she said. Turning to anaa, she explained.
He stayed in Moonspear for a rest. Altair and I made his acquaintance there.Sialuk wondered if his stay there was intentional or not now. She worried that maybe she had ruined things by meeting him then, rather than waiting until now. Kukutux would surely let her know if that was the case.
November 08, 2020, 11:12 AM
there was some strange formality lingering around them that made huojin visibly uncomfortable. his face slowly folded into a subtle frown as he glanced between the others, the unfamiliar feeling of insecurity beginning to blossom in his gut.
huojin wasn’t the biggest fan of the ocean (thanks, mom) but he knew of several good places to watch the waves from a safe distance.
well.., huojin began,
can we show them more places here?he looked up at his father, hoping that his idea might be accepted and break through the brief moment of awkward silence.
sialuk, you like water?
huojin wasn’t the biggest fan of the ocean (thanks, mom) but he knew of several good places to watch the waves from a safe distance.
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November 10, 2020, 10:28 PM
aiolos was formal in his own way, a choice of which kukutux was fond. but it seemed the mannerliness of each parent was not needed, for huojin had come to the mountain and met her raindrop. "aya, good." it was better that they knew one another, she decided swiftly, and that they had made a first meeting without the influence of herself or aiolos. a good omen for the future.
he would take sialuk to the water now. kukutux favored her girl with an encouraging glance, indicating that she should go where huojin led. she herself turned back to aiolos with a secretive expression, one that smoothed into the easy amusement that always came to her in the redsun's presence. "he is a boy with much politeness." a compliment to his father, and surely also the mother she had not met.
he would take sialuk to the water now. kukutux favored her girl with an encouraging glance, indicating that she should go where huojin led. she herself turned back to aiolos with a secretive expression, one that smoothed into the easy amusement that always came to her in the redsun's presence. "he is a boy with much politeness." a compliment to his father, and surely also the mother she had not met.
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November 16, 2020, 05:33 PM
I figure we can have two separate convos or make a separate thread per pair? Doesnt matter to me honestly. I can just reply as Ebony does.
This little girl spoke to which Aiolos quietly listened, happy to know that they had prior run into one another when Houjin had returned to the Wilds. It would make things less awkward, he imagined.
Huojin however, frowned, seemingly a little awkward but gathered himself quickly enough with a suggestion.
That sounds like a good idea. Kukutux was saying how she wanted to visit the Sea when it was cooler as well. Maybe you could show her some tide pools?Though his son was hesitant of going into the open waves, tide pools which collected some small fish and other crustaceans would be a good stark, or a small inlet of sorts.
He followed behind, moving along downward the plateau towards the beachside, though kept to the tall grasses which outskirt. Amber eyes watched from a safe distance and he could comfortably here pull his full attention off the children and onto the pale woman at his side.
I hope for him never to grow rude, though we shall see how that goes in his teenaged years.A smirk and a bit of a chuckle.
He's grown alot since I last saw him...He admitted then grimly.

moonglow daddy
November 16, 2020, 09:40 PM
I'm cool keeping it to this thread and writing with Huojin! Less mess in my threadlog, but it shouldn't slow down the thread too much. ;)
With the small look from her mother, Sialuk turned her attention to Huojin, who wished to show her the water. Giving the adults space to talk was something she was used to and did not resent.
I do,Sialuk said, when he asked about the water. She thought of the endless rainstorm which had once covered the sky. Sialuk hadn't really embraced it so much as endured, but there was plenty of other water to like. The streams came to mind, which wound their way down the mountain, starting as snow until the sun turned them away and they couldn't be cold any longer.
My name has the meaning 'raindrop' in my mother's language,she added, glancing sideways to see what his reaction to this would be. Did he like water, too?
November 18, 2020, 06:59 PM
thankfully, their parents were in agreement. huojin gave one firm nod to both kukutux and aiolos, then jokingly smiled at sialuk to break some of the tension.
it’s nice, but very dangerous, he advised her,
be careful.
they walked (presumably out of earshot) toward a small round of tidepools much closer to the actual coast. huojin thought about his response —
that name is pretty. you look like snow, maybe; how you say that?— so she could know he was still listening even as his attention shifted to the half-frozen waters.
no good fish, he mumbled to himself with a disappointed grunt,
my name means fire thing, but i never saw fire. i don’t know if it is right.huojin furrowed his brow with thought, then went back to checking things out.
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November 18, 2020, 09:47 PM
Long ramble reply. (:
Jokes were not Sialuk's forte, so she took Huojin's smile as genuine. He said that water was dangerous, and Sialuk wondered how. Perhaps this water was different than the water on Moonspear somehow. Rivers could be dangerous if they were deep, but they would not hurt you unless you were foolish enough to try and cross them. Leave them alone, find a safe place to cross, and you would be without injury.
The water here did not end like the river, though. It seemed to bleed right into the sky. There was no narrower or shallower part as far as Sialuk could see.
Huojin asked about snow, and Sialuk knew just how to answer him.
There are many words for snow,Sialuk said.
Milik is the first snow, the soft one. Mother knows a very good story about that one.Sialuk may have been able to recite it, but she wasn't as good at weaving tales as anaa was.
He mentioned fish, and Sialuk peered down at the small pool in the sand. This was one of the things she was meant to learn to provide fo her ugi. Now that she knew he liked fish (quite unlike Toad), she would bring one to their next meeting. Perhaps her mother could help her dry it as well.
It suits you,she said.
Qignax is our word for it: light and heat.
He seemed intent on perusing the sandy shores, and Sialuk followed along, not wishing to disturb him in what he was doing. This was his environment. Sialuk glanced back to her mother momentarily, then to Moonspear's peak, then back to Huojin.
November 20, 2020, 04:46 PM
(This post was last modified: November 20, 2020, 11:17 PM by Kukutux.)
cool w continuing here <3
"he was away?" kukutux asked softly. perhaps that explained the proud edge to the boy, for his air did not come from aiolos. and yet the redsun led alongside an empress. in that sort of highclan upbringing, a young warrior would not be parted from his pride. she thought of her son now, wondered vaguely if there were girls in yuelong who might one day welcome him as ugi.
but his steps forward would be into the world of men. she could search for a suitable wife when he had grown older. "he will not grow rude. it is not in you. it cannot be in him." quietly pacing alongside aiolos, eyes watching the young pair in the near distance.
but his steps forward would be into the world of men. she could search for a suitable wife when he had grown older. "he will not grow rude. it is not in you. it cannot be in him." quietly pacing alongside aiolos, eyes watching the young pair in the near distance.
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November 20, 2020, 11:03 PM
Aiolos follows along the upper portion of the coast, still along the line where the grasses were and soon turned to sands. He made sure to keep a slow pace, watching the pups not far off though his conversation of course remained to the creamy pale woman at his side.
She spoke of him surely never being rude, for rudeness could not come from his father. Aiolos thought of Ruo then and even more still when he thought now to explain to Kukutux his reasoning for their meet up running so far behind.
She spoke of him surely never being rude, for rudeness could not come from his father. Aiolos thought of Ruo then and even more still when he thought now to explain to Kukutux his reasoning for their meet up running so far behind.
Huojn's mother had decided to leave Yuelong for a time on a mission in her homeland. Jin wanted to go, so she took him.It all seemed reasonable enough. A little visit to his family though along with it came a long travel for a very young wolf and into a place where one might find conflict. Huojin had made it back safely however and this Aiolos couldnt be more grateful for.
When your daughter said that he had met hum before, it was when Huojin arrived back and needed a break from travel. I'm glad he made it safely to your doorstep, especially traveling all alone...Insenuating an obviously absent mother.

moonglow daddy
November 29, 2020, 07:24 PM
many words for snow.. huojin hadn't yet seen it, neither in the wilds nor beyond, but he thought that it must have been worth waiting for to have earned so many names.
we say 雪. i think that is it.he offered a half-smile and settled into a seat.
you know fire?huojin asked, visibly interested,
how?he wondered if he might have also seen fire, had he lingered around the wilderness for a while longer.
for fire, say 火, like my dad calls me.— an invitation for sialuk to do the same —
you have another name?
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November 30, 2020, 06:48 PM
She did not attempt to say the words that he spoke. They were far too foreign, and she did not wish to mispronounce them. He did seem to misunderstand what she meant about fire, and a small smile curled her lips upward.
He asked if she had another name, and Sialuk nodded.
I have not seen fire,she said,
but I know light and heat. I hear it is like the orange of the sunset.
He asked if she had another name, and Sialuk nodded.
I do, but it not meant to be shared,she explained. Atiqtalik was the name, but she had only heard it told to her once, by her mother. It was a sacred name, a spirit name. She could not remember all of the specifics, only that it was not to be shared.
December 05, 2020, 05:58 PM
kukutux drew her gaze from sialuk and huojin to look upon aiolos with a contemplative expression. "she is not wife," the duck said softly. "and mother has first right to child," came her observation. not damning, only direct as it seemed the redsun wished her to be. in the shadow of another man, kukutux would not have dared, but the gentler mien of the man from yuelong had always comforted her in a compassionate way.
and so, in honor of their friendship, she spoke true. "a woman who is not wife but bears a son to a man can be made his mate. but only if she chooses. if she does not choose, then let him take another woman who will be mother to all his children." kukutux paused. "that is how it was in my land. huojin will always have honor for his mother, and this is a good thing. but it is not good for his father to stand behind them."
she turned her gaze forward again. "perhaps, aiolos, when you are happy, huojin will see it. then it will be your hearth where he chooses to stay." was not that always the way? the redsun must not grow bitter in his waiting. take another wife, have more sons, move forward into the moons of your life.
and so, in honor of their friendship, she spoke true. "a woman who is not wife but bears a son to a man can be made his mate. but only if she chooses. if she does not choose, then let him take another woman who will be mother to all his children." kukutux paused. "that is how it was in my land. huojin will always have honor for his mother, and this is a good thing. but it is not good for his father to stand behind them."
she turned her gaze forward again. "perhaps, aiolos, when you are happy, huojin will see it. then it will be your hearth where he chooses to stay." was not that always the way? the redsun must not grow bitter in his waiting. take another wife, have more sons, move forward into the moons of your life.
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December 06, 2020, 05:10 PM
It was true. Ruo by no means was wife to him. In fact, he wasnt really sure what to define their relationship as. It would seem as though Ruo did not want to place definition to it either, which left Aiolos to not know where he stood with her but only where he stood with his relationship to his son alone. At least he had this much. Still, Aiolos had no rights when it came to that against the mother and so he nods delicately, understanding of Kukuktux words. She spoke truly to him and for this, he appreciated her more.
It would be her choice, as ever, to decide if she would be with Aiolos. Ruo was an independent woman, perhaps more so then any he had known before. She needed not anyone, nor anything, savor the open sea and stars above. Even if Ruo decided to be with him in a manner beyond friendship, it would have been done so with much thought behind it. Knowing she would have to think so long and so hard, made Aiolos believe it was not destined to be.
His snowy friend continues on, mentioning that if she did not decide to become his mate, that he may choose another so willing to be, who would be so happy to be. For it was not good for his father to stand behind him, who could not take hand in his pup's raising, but only watch helplessly by the decisions he did not so agree with. They were not partnered, not on the same page. Aiolos hadn't even thought of this, not thinking that his own lack of happiness did not only hurt himself, but might hurt his son as well. It was a new fear, a new one which made Aiolos believe he wanted to be stable for his son, happy, strong.
It would be her choice, as ever, to decide if she would be with Aiolos. Ruo was an independent woman, perhaps more so then any he had known before. She needed not anyone, nor anything, savor the open sea and stars above. Even if Ruo decided to be with him in a manner beyond friendship, it would have been done so with much thought behind it. Knowing she would have to think so long and so hard, made Aiolos believe it was not destined to be.
His snowy friend continues on, mentioning that if she did not decide to become his mate, that he may choose another so willing to be, who would be so happy to be. For it was not good for his father to stand behind him, who could not take hand in his pup's raising, but only watch helplessly by the decisions he did not so agree with. They were not partnered, not on the same page. Aiolos hadn't even thought of this, not thinking that his own lack of happiness did not only hurt himself, but might hurt his son as well. It was a new fear, a new one which made Aiolos believe he wanted to be stable for his son, happy, strong.
I do want to be happy...and I want to be strong for my son, too.He looks out to the seaside, to his son and Kukutux daughter and smiles to them, his fiery eyes them turning back to the good woman at his side.
Thank you so much for this advice, Kukutux, I really needed it...Now he just needed to speak with Hua on the manner and to make his final decision on just how well off he wanted his future to be.

moonglow daddy
December 16, 2020, 09:11 PM
Continuing since Huojin is inactive. Feel free to skip me in future rounds!
Sialuk continued to chat with the boy a little while longer, though eventually she was drawn toward anaa once more, slinking in beside her with a smile. She was eager to go home, even though she had enjoyed the company of both Aiolos and Huojin. They were nice, pleasant. Was that was she was to look for in an ugi, or was there more to it? She would almost certainly have a thousand and one questions for her mother on the way back to Moonspear.
December 22, 2020, 04:53 PM
can prob wrap with another couple replies? v fun thread <3
the flame of the redsun's gaze touched her. but it had never been to burn. aiolos was more than the fire caught in his head; his warmth had always given her ease. "i am pleased to help one i hold dear," the duck said softly, though in the next moment her eyes sought sialuk, returning with a smile upon her young face.
the duck glanced toward huojin, curious, and then looked back upon aiolos. "we will meet here again before long," she said softly, an apologetic hint playing through her tones. time to leave, it seemed, though she did not wish it. yet sialuk would want to speak of it, she knew, and so she would not deprive her raindrop of the many answers to come.
the duck glanced toward huojin, curious, and then looked back upon aiolos. "we will meet here again before long," she said softly, an apologetic hint playing through her tones. time to leave, it seemed, though she did not wish it. yet sialuk would want to speak of it, she knew, and so she would not deprive her raindrop of the many answers to come.
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January 11, 2021, 10:19 PM
Can be the last for me. I enjoyed this 2 for 1 thread!
To these words of the pale little bird, did the red wolf smile, those amber eyes like flames staying on the features of her face a moment longer until the future of their blood returned to them.
Certainly with Sialuk's questions would come question of Huojin's own, who was a bright and observant wolf like his mother before him. He seemed to catch on quick and miss little.
I do so hope.He then lifts and dips his head to the little princess before he departs,
And it was nice to meet you, Sialuk.Allowing his son to offer his goodbyes where warranted, the seafarers began way toward home.

moonglow daddy
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