Moonspear tupigigaa ⊥
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there was much to be done before spring. already sikingilak had come. and in its hand, the staff of ice. 

kukutux had thrown out old skins and the collected leaves once brought inside to freshen the air. they were replaced with the thickest furs taken in autumn, overtop pine needles. the scent would pair well with the frost-glass air, she felt. the duck wished greatly for her soul to find its peace, for contentment to speak in her heart. 

and for the first time, the snow-wife wondered if @Jarilo should be harder with her, more instructive and less indulgent. perhaps @Kigipigak had been correct, and the bears spoke in her blood. they had called her little sister. a bear spirit would need a guiding hand, and her husband, kukutux knew, had such iron in him. she had seen it when arcturus came to stand against moonspear.

now to pull it from him. the duck moved through the tangled antres, enjoying the cold solitude of the tucked-away place.
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Slow, but surely, winter was inviting its new edge. Built up around the aged grief, and everything that had been coming for months now, he had many ways to divide his attention. Many here, some beyond. Both packs were bustling, his son and daughter were growing fast.. but one of his nieces had left them, and the chill would only deepen worse from here as days were already too short for his tastes. Still he felt split most between their guard, the hunts, and ensuring that @Saviguk stayed sharp and strong to join him in many regards. They would need all of their hunters and protectors primed for the season to come. Especially if things were to continue. He had a feeling they might.

It had not been his plan to find Kukutux immediately when he did, but he let it fall into place all the same. In a good point on his watch, and ready to shift that focus elsewhere, he used a few faster strides to close in then hopefully join up beside her--a quiet growl that settled into a low croon to announce himself.
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Ooc — ebony
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the village of the ostregas grew. the duck decided that soon she would go and visit her kangiak osiris, though she did not think the glen wanted anything for itself; they were quite self-sustained. but there was another reason for her travels, as well. it had been a long while since kukutux had spoken with toad amelia, and she supposed there was another thing to mention upon their next meet.

thoughts interrupted, chased 'round into whorls of delight and pleasure as jarilo came to flank her, voice a gentle song in the voice just beneath his chin. "asik," kukutux murmured, delivering a respectful lap to the edge of his handsome jaw. she had not been wife a full year, and her eyes were still honeyed by the sight of him. the duck wished this never to change, briefly ashamed of the previously mutinous thoughts that she had entertained.

"aiolos of yuelong has said he would wish a wife of moonspear," the snow-wife said softly, testing the new-fallen snow of her words for jarilo's reaction before she moved their conversement toward sialuk.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
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He settled in, and she seemed to take to his company with ease--granting him her touch against his chin. Just after, he hoped to brush shoulders, then kept close by as she veered his thoughts away. Aiolos. Huojin's father, in most of the other times he had considered the island's wolf he knew only through the others. This prospect Kukutux brought to his attention could change that, however. Seemed he wanted to cement his tie to the mountain, instead of wait to see what came of it, if anything, between their young ones. He wanted a wife of Moonspear.

Jarilo didn't think Hydra would find reason to object the possibility--they were already of an allied pack, and frankly, Moonspear was more equipped to offer wives than husbands. He had a lot more sisters than he did brothers, and it seemed to be that stayed true for the company they kept on the Spear these days. The beta canted his head, but peered to the path in front of him. Oh? Do you think he has prospects of such here? You know him better than I, he supposed first and foremost while he gathered his new thoughts on the matter.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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jarilo's response bemused kukutux, who had not heard him give his initial opinion withou first granting it careful thought. it was one of the easiest aspects to enjoy of the blackfox: his caution, and the thoroughness he applied to all things. he was fitted for his role as co-leader upon the mountain, and she saw how through his loyalty he had earned his place above the other brothers.

a pang along her heartstring; kukutux nodded. "he is not old, but he is not a boy. he wishes a settled life. because he is also leader there, he has status to offer." it was all politics, and maybe not something upon which needed her speech. but the duck spoke all the same, for he had asked and she wished to answer. a mischief came to her. "husband, do you have a belief that desdemona might find a happiness at the sea?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
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As if she understood where he needed to bridge his thoughts, she gave him more on Aiolos himself, what he desired in this. Thankful, he answered first with a slow bob of his head, though she mentioned Desdemona to him before he could formulate anything. She may... though I can't say for sure, he supposed, still sorting, and recalling his previous encounters with the spidery guardian--during which the sea had never played a role. Since she came to us from a pack that moved around some until it simply faded away, I didn't pin her for tied to the scenery. She is very bound to her duty, though.. and I do not believe she places much value in her blood.. he said, for it was what he was working with, paired with what his sisters shared as well.

Still, it all often it operated in Moonspear's best interest, so they cherished her for how dedicated she had always been to them. He wondered if Hydra may be hard-pressed to part with her for any of those reasons, too. But, all the same.. solidifying this bond could very well beher duty, and it was not like she would be gone for good. From their borders, where he knew he liked her, true, but not from their lives.

He was not going to write it off, but felt there was more to explore there when he didn't know Desdemona's thoughts on mateship anyway. There is all of the Glen to consider too, he mentioned, though understood many of them were newer and unproven yet still. But not all of course.
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jarilo had never brought shame to kukutux for the differences in how she believed, how she practiced. indeed; now he put himself as active participant into her suggestions, remaining in no passive role while they spoke. it was respect, the duck had come to learn, the thorough same her husband might give a member of his clan or a newcomer upon the borders.

a mutual sense of it in her chest as she listened to jarilo fill in the weavings of desdemona's smaller details. she had taken the woman for her silent ferocity as a loyal hunter beneath the watch of moonspear. but she had not known the first of it, and contemplated on the unsaid questions about desdemona that her husband had answered.

"this is true," the duck answered, "but when i visited, it seemed as though it is a place of the young ones. girls," she whispered a bit more directly, allowing herself the conception of a looser air with jarilo. "he already has a son who is the age of sialuk and saviguk. a woman with more moons would be best." kukutux let out her breath, nudged the edge of his jawline.

"perhaps in future times," she lilted teasingly, "men who want wives will come to speak with the atsak in moonspear village, kukutux, who will find for them a match." a happy thought, though one spun from nothing so far as she could tell.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
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In light of how the Glen had expanded rather rapidly since branching onto its own, he could not claim to know its depths exactly--but it did make sense for their ranks to attract the younger sorts. It had been many of Moonspear's yearlings lot that had gone to on to make that foundation, and of course, they would lure others of a similar bearing. I see, which does make sense.. he reasoned thoughtfully, and indeed, did not wish to inadvertently help steer any match to be too terribly ill-placed.

Mentally, he thumbed through those he did know again, past Desdemona, from Keres to Toad to Opalia to even Yama (though he sincerely doubted she would want to find herself in a situation like this one--but she could always surprise him), those with a bit more experience on their bones than mere yearlings; his list was a little short, but not vacant, at least.

Listening on, he smirked a bit as he felt himself lean a bit into her touch. They just might, you know, he snickered. Especially if word of successes travels. Not many could boast such a claim to successes like that, not that he could know about from here anyway. But to not only find a potential match, but to possibly do so within the scope of Moonspear's good graces, was plenty of gain. Has Hydra heard any about it yet? he wondered, since his considerations kept skimming past thoughts of her judgements, somehow.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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"not yet," she admitted lightly. "but i believe that she has trust in me. i would not make final ties without hydra giving a blessing," the gamma told her mate shyly. and it was truthful, for she had long held a position of respect within moonspear. kukutux simply had not considered until this moment that it was a sensation into which she might lean comfortably.

jarilo and she had talked of politics; the duck wished to push aside such for their interlude together. pale auds cupped toward him with an adoring look to accompany her attentivenes. "i think that i would soon like to go upon a hunt again," the duck revealed as her gaze traveled in love across the shape of the mountain. "now that our children have many more moons to them, i find it brings me delight to go upon walks that are long, and to find the trails."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
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So his sister didn't know yet, but that changed nothing of his opinion on it so far besides perhaps better gauging how very new this was still. And, he did agree with that quite readily--she had every right to have that trust. He did believe wholeheartedly that Hydra would see little issue in this, especially with the island wolves. Over the years, Moonspear's long-lasting allies were few and there was a strong possibility this could continue to change beneath Hydra and Dirge's reign of the Spear. Already Redhawk was closer than ever before, and what better way to keep Yuèlóng close by a potential bond as this one if they had the right wolves for the role..

But, just as readily as he could consider that at length, he was quick on his feet to the new topic. The hunt. On this, she would find no resistance; very much the opposite. Yeah, any choice quarry? he asked. Were there particulars in mind yet? Or was it more about what nature would offer..? He softly swayed his tail, his interest in this notion easy. There's plenty to find, even as the snow comes. I know the yearlings were interested in the mountain goats, but I had yet to track them down in any.. very reasonable to reach places, he detailed. He was holding out for winter to press them down the elevations more in search of anything to graze...

Though, her other mention did keep it close--how quickly their own pair had grown, he realized each and every time he looked at them. Lately more markedly than ever before.
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more and more, and kukutux failing in her search for an ugi. that must change, and swiftly, the duck determined. she must travel farther. look in different villages. but despite her first thoughts she did not utter these things aloud to jarilo, for all time spent with him was sweet, and she did not want to sour it.

not the shells of bird-eggs she walked upon, kukutux believed, but respect. "boar," she breathed in answer to his question. "something that is challenging. unless you believe it will be too much danger to hunt in the snow." she was not well-acquainted with the winter-run. it had been something the men of the island had gone alone to do, remaining out upon the thick sea-ice for weeks upon end before their return.

and now kukutux, though the taboo whispered in her blood, meant to at last follow in their pawmarks, slowly allowing herself to bend beyond and indulge her own curiosity. "nulettukutik," the snow-wife said softly. "i wish to tell you of — my family," she let out in a breath, having ceased her walk to turn springmint eyes upward toward the tall and observant gaze of her blackfox mate.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
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Boar, then. Not a prey he had considered at length recently, but this posed a prime chance to change that. But, too dangerous? Barring exceptional circumstance, he was not worried.. and in his family, all with any interest in them were encouraged to run and hunt together, any time of the year. They'd simply take the risks together.. No, I don't think so. Unless we can't rally one out to somewhere decent, but I doubt that, he supposed. The mountain, and its neighboring lands, might be ripe with dangers but he trusted a savvy mountaineer could at least match a boar on such home turf. He would scout for a good chance, going forward. I'll see if I can find a good lead, he offered. It was something for later, though.

She offered swift distraction in such a softly-spoken word, so he blinked first at her. Yeah? I'm happy to listen, he replied earnestly after only a half-pause. About anything she wished to share, he was keen. She saw firsthand so much about his own family, walked the pathways of his puphood with him even--the very least he could do was know of hers through her.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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kukutux felt her features curve and warm as he spoke. "you are always so full of goodness to me, jarilo," the duck sighed in earnest. "i feel always that i can be — have openness, with you." she had said more than perhaps she would otherwise; kukutux realized then that the past year had only deepened her affections toward him.

the delight did not fall away so much as pale to something shimmering upon her alabastrine countenance. "you know i do not speak the names of those who walk in the dancing lights. i — it is because when a spirit hears the name it wore on earth, if they hear, they might come back. and it is selfish to bring them back with your tears. that was my mother's teaching," she added, knowing that her husband would listen even if he did not hold such thoughts himself.

"but now, i think it is good that i say them. say one." the seal hunter, her inner spirit whispered. "tulok." kukutux paused with a wince, for it was at once both truly good to speak her grandfather's name aloud, and terrifying that she had dared finally defy that taboo. "he was father of my mother. when the falling rocks came and fell upon our ulax, he was wounded. we found a safer place."

he died. she did not say it. "when i was a child, he brought to me berries and said that their location had come to them in a dream. he said he dreamed he was lynx. he was the one who said i must not think i am only a woman. he made me strong enough to leave the island and come to this place."
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