this is backdated a couple of weeks technically... lol go home timelines, ur drunk. Please let Nellie post first, then AW!
Fig had enjoyed the walk with @Nellie and their conversations. She was fun to talk to, and it had helped him immensely to relax in her presence. There was definitely still the problem of how immensely attractive he found her (not at all helped by her charming personality), but he was starting to develop the habit of calling her sister when he referred to her in his mind. Was it helping? Not in the least. But he'd keep at it.
When they reached the borders, Figment paused and glanced over at her. "Do you want me to call, or would you rather?" he asked, not wanting to make the decision for her. To announce her own homecoming seemed like something she might want to do, but he could also see why she might not, reading between the lines of some of the comments she'd made.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
December 05, 2020, 10:38 AM
Unlike Figment, Nellie wasn't very conflicted about her feelings and expectations. She'd always been pretty unapologetic about being herself, and seeing as how she'd disowned her step-dad and her mother, she didn't really feel a part of the family anymore. That was great honestly, seeing as how she'd always been rather fond of Figment in a way... She wouldn't want something wedging itself between them, especially not her family.
So, this was the caldera, huh? She guessed it was neat. She turned to Figment when he asked whether or not she wanted to make her presence known herself. One ear lowered awkwardly, a moment of the vulnerability for the fiery young woman.
Prolly best if you do it - otherwise my mom will come grab me by the ear and throw me in the dungeons or somethin'.She chuckled lightly, but it was clear she really wasn't keen on seeing Niamh again.
December 05, 2020, 02:30 PM
Fig noticed that her nerves seemed to have caught up to her, but he merely gave her a reassuring smile rather than question her on it. He turned back to peer up the Caldera's slopes for a moment then before tilting his head back and calling for @Phox and @Niamh.
He let the call linger in the air for a moment before turning to glance again at Nellie. "If you want, we can pretend you have amnesia," Fig offered, just to lighten the mood, "I'll tell them you said your name was Bunny and you think you're nine years old, and you get very disgruntled when someone tries to tell you otherwise."
He let the call linger in the air for a moment before turning to glance again at Nellie. "If you want, we can pretend you have amnesia," Fig offered, just to lighten the mood, "I'll tell them you said your name was Bunny and you think you're nine years old, and you get very disgruntled when someone tries to tell you otherwise."
December 06, 2020, 01:28 PM
Nellie snort-laughed as his proposal. It wasn't too bad of an idea, which was the worst to admit! She sucked in her lips and hunched her back, faking a tremble and a vacant stare. She limped towards Figment like an elder lady, invading his personal space like always.
'scuse me boy - could you chew mama Bwunny's food fo' her. Bwad teeth, you know?She sputtered. She couldn't keep the act up for long though. Her tensed muscles relaxed with a soft laugh, enough to spawn tears of laughter in the corners of her eyes.
December 09, 2020, 07:36 PM
Figment's call wasn't all that surprising. He was, after all, one of Phox's children, and they had a good relationship with one another. Or so he thought, anyway. And why would he have any reason to suspect otherwise?
What he hadn't expected was to find Niamh with him, but wait, that wasn't—
Nellie, hey!he said, beaming when he finally recognized her.
Phox knew not to jump right into the "are you staying?" bit, even though he very much wanted to. He was sure Niamh would be thrilled to see Nellie again, assuming she would stick around long enough for her mother to see her. Phox wasn't entirely sure where his second half was, but he figured she was probably on her way, as the call had been for the both of them.
December 11, 2020, 11:20 AM
(This post was last modified: January 20, 2021, 04:34 PM by Figment.)
Figment laughed at Nellie's display, imaging how their family would react if they really did decide to go with the ruse. He didn't think he'd be able to keep a straight face, so it likely would not be a long game. He was going to tell her as much, but the sound of Phox's approach stole his attention.
He turned to smile at his father, but otherwise was quiet as he looked between him and Nellie. He would let her speak--this is technically her joining thread after all.
He turned to smile at his father, but otherwise was quiet as he looked between him and Nellie. He would let her speak--this is technically her joining thread after all.
Feel free to skip me moving forward--He'll just be quietly observing from here on out. You can PP him as needed too once he's gone inactive <3333
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
December 19, 2020, 08:58 AM
Yeah, no, she didn't expect her mother to be thrilled to see her again - then again, maybe she was projecting her own feelings on her. She wanted to see her friends again and stay with Fig, but she was still considering maybe moving someplace next door if it meant Niamh couldn't pester her. At least it was Phox coming to greet them and not her; crisis averted, somewhat.
Hey.She said, rolling her shoulders and regaining her posture from the whole Bunny debacle.
So, new place huh?
January 09, 2021, 05:57 PM
Yeah! Well, kinda. Towhee and I grew up here.Along with their two siblings, but... y'know, they didn't really talk about them much anymore. Orca had died years ago, and Titmouse... well, he was an absolute fuckin' creep. How had he been such a bad seed, anyway? Phox figured he'd never know. Maybe something had happened to him when he was little that really messed him up in the head. As far as Phox knew, his brother was dead and/or far away from here.
What've you been getting into?he asked. Phox glanced at Figment, watching as he seemed to take a backseat. A part of him had wondered if Fig would want to do more of the interview process, but maybe because they both already knew Nellie, that wasn't entirely necessary anyway.
January 19, 2021, 08:56 PM
She wouldn't have guessed this was Phox's place of origin, nor that it was where most of their strangely huge family had come from. She couldn't imagine the Copse not being home, a true home to all of them... She missed it, but there was nothing for her there now, except...
She chuckled.
Oh, you'know, the usual stuff. Getting stuck places, getting lost, falling a lot - only with different scenery.she answered, shoulders shaking shruggingly.
It's good to be back, though. Well not back-back, I've never been here, but your faces are nice.
January 26, 2021, 08:53 PM
Phox laughed a good one when she replied. And, by the way she was talking, it sounded like she was here to stay. At least for a little while. Phox had learned that few of these things were permanent, but he did cherish the time he had with the wolves he knew, especially his step children. Their relationship would never be as close as it was with Figment and Fennec, but he did enjoy their company and hoped that Nellie being here would allow them to get to know one another a little better.
You want me to keep it on the DL from your mom, or should I let her know that you're back?Phox asked. With Nellie especially, he knew that she had wanted distance from her mother in the past. He would gladly hold off on telling Niamh if that's what Nellie wanted to do. She was a full grown adult, so he felt it all the more important to protect the bond they'd built back at the Frosthawks.
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