As much as he appreciated their hospitality, Phox knew he could not stay with Sapphique forever. It was not his home. He had a plan, though.
He arrived on the island soaking wet from the shallow swim, coat thick with salt and brine. If Niamh were ever to come back to these parts, it was likely she would come here first. Since he had heard no word from Yuelong nor any word from his own family at the caldera, he assumed she was still missing. Here, on this island, he would wait for Niamh. The only wolf he had truly loved who was not related by blood.
The the Redhawk called for an audience, seeking a leader so he might become one among their ranks.
He arrived on the island soaking wet from the shallow swim, coat thick with salt and brine. If Niamh were ever to come back to these parts, it was likely she would come here first. Since he had heard no word from Yuelong nor any word from his own family at the caldera, he assumed she was still missing. Here, on this island, he would wait for Niamh. The only wolf he had truly loved who was not related by blood.
The the Redhawk called for an audience, seeking a leader so he might become one among their ranks.
May 18, 2021, 11:30 AM
The voice that rang out across the sand wasn't any more familiar than other visitors. There was something about it that drew Mou from the hideaway with the kids, though. He passed Maegi an unreadable look and kissed the children with careful nudges while they lay bundled with her, then departed from them.
Knowing that his niece was still hunting for her father, that the same father likely was scouring the coast for signs of his mate, kept Mou in a constant state of worry over his own family. Mou knew only what darkness the Wilds had brought to him; he had hoped for a fresh start on the island and to keep far from his blood-family, however fate (or the curse that lay upon him) refused to accept that.
When he crested a cache of stone where the trees could shelter him, Mou looked out across the sand in the distance, pausing when his remaining eye could discern the rough cut of a silhouette. He was not usually on border patrol as two eyes were always better than his one - so he hung back with the shadows to keep observing, deciding slowly if he should stay or go.
Knowing that his niece was still hunting for her father, that the same father likely was scouring the coast for signs of his mate, kept Mou in a constant state of worry over his own family. Mou knew only what darkness the Wilds had brought to him; he had hoped for a fresh start on the island and to keep far from his blood-family, however fate (or the curse that lay upon him) refused to accept that.
When he crested a cache of stone where the trees could shelter him, Mou looked out across the sand in the distance, pausing when his remaining eye could discern the rough cut of a silhouette. He was not usually on border patrol as two eyes were always better than his one - so he hung back with the shadows to keep observing, deciding slowly if he should stay or go.
May 18, 2021, 11:53 AM
Nobody approached, but Phox was a patient wolf. He always had been. With Towhee, with Camilla, with Figment and Fennec, with Niamh, Meerkat, Alyx, Quetzal, and—bless his sweet soul—Primrose. Whatever he had to do to win Niamh back, he would. If it meant staying here and waiting, he would do that. If it meant dying here, she could not say that he had not tried. Phox would not move on. Camilla had been different. He had not been with her in the same way he’d been with Niamh. He had done everything he could for her, and had she still been alive, he never would have left her, either.
Wherever Niamh was, Phox would find her and make it right. He didn’t know the specifics, but he knew he could fix it. He had to hold that flame close to his chest. It was what kept his heart beating, his legs moving, his lungs breathing.
The crash of waves behind him did not deter him in the least. The sand clinging to him a mere annoyance rather than something that could not be overcome. He would overcome this. Somehow, some way.
Wherever Niamh was, Phox would find her and make it right. He didn’t know the specifics, but he knew he could fix it. He had to hold that flame close to his chest. It was what kept his heart beating, his legs moving, his lungs breathing.
The crash of waves behind him did not deter him in the least. The sand clinging to him a mere annoyance rather than something that could not be overcome. He would overcome this. Somehow, some way.
May 18, 2021, 12:38 PM
The call at the sandbar-border made Aiolos quiver and the hairs along his nape rise. He had never been a man for weaving lies and it seemed like it wouldnt get away with this one easily. But he was always a guardian and so he came as such.
He arrived from the brush along side Mou to look out upon a salt-soaked Phox, having swam across without the sandbar yet been offered as easy passage.
Aiolos waits awhile. Ten minutes, twenty, more? Every second for him seems to linger like hours as he watches.
Aiolos then steps from hiding, moving along through the tree line where the forestry and hillside centered their island and on towards the beach.
He arrived from the brush along side Mou to look out upon a salt-soaked Phox, having swam across without the sandbar yet been offered as easy passage.
I do not think this will lie can be hidden for long.He whispers to his packmate, though his fiery eyes are fixed on Phox in the distance as he waits. Maybe if they didnt show, he would leave.
Aiolos waits awhile. Ten minutes, twenty, more? Every second for him seems to linger like hours as he watches.
Will you fight to protect them?Surely he would. They were not his pups but they were his little nieces and nephews. Family.
Aiolos then steps from hiding, moving along through the tree line where the forestry and hillside centered their island and on towards the beach.
No such luck, I take?Aiolos knew it to be certain but it wouldnt be obvious to any that he wouldnt be here if he had been successful.

moonglow daddy
May 18, 2021, 12:41 PM
(This post was last modified: May 18, 2021, 12:48 PM by Titmouse (Ghost).)
The dark coated wolf looked healthy enough, damp from the swim, and respectful of the claim limits to the point of not crossing any invisible lines. Mou looked back over his shoulder with some reluctance, the defunct collar around his neck feeling uncomfortable and tight. Aiolos arrives, asking him if he will fight. Mou's days of fighting are behind him; he wants to say no, and thinks of Maegi, of his family.
He will do what is required. If that means lying, fighting, even killing - he will do what he must to protect what he has.
Taking a breath, he emerges from the grove of trees and ambles closer. His gait is steady, with each stride reaching far. What Mou lacked in physical strength he more than made up for in dimension - tall and lithe, broad-shouldered. When he was closer he could see similarities between what he knew of himself and the swarthy stranger.
It was the eyes that really got him. He knew immediately that this was a mistake, but he had to appear in control. It had been a lifetime since Mou had seen his brother but he could not deny how much Phox resembled Towhee, or himself.
He will do what is required. If that means lying, fighting, even killing - he will do what he must to protect what he has.
Taking a breath, he emerges from the grove of trees and ambles closer. His gait is steady, with each stride reaching far. What Mou lacked in physical strength he more than made up for in dimension - tall and lithe, broad-shouldered. When he was closer he could see similarities between what he knew of himself and the swarthy stranger.
It was the eyes that really got him. He knew immediately that this was a mistake, but he had to appear in control. It had been a lifetime since Mou had seen his brother but he could not deny how much Phox resembled Towhee, or himself.
May 18, 2021, 12:57 PM
Aiolos came down, then a pale wolf that had a quality about him that Phox could not pinpoint. Between time and the fall in Asterism Grove that had damaged his memory, he did not recognize his brother. Even if he had remembered his appearance from when they were children, his sibling was washed out now and missing an eye. It did not occur for a split second that this was a wolf he shared blood with.
No,Phox replied when Aiolos asked.
I wish to join you here on your island. To wait for her and to remain if she no longer wants me. If she was here last, perhaps she will return someday and we can make amends. I am a skilled hunter, and I will do what you wish of me. I have no wishes of another mate, nor will I bring children into this world without one. I just want her back—to know that she and our children are safe—and this was the last place she was spotted.It was the only logical option in his mind. In his heart.
May 19, 2021, 12:27 PM
The one-eyed wolf followed suit then after, silent as usual for him, likely due to the very obvious damage along his throat. If Phox and the silent guardian were brothers, Phox did not address it as such. Them not being close was definitely correct though it was not Aiolos place to address the issue. Maegi's keeping care of the now dead woman's pups... now that was becoming an issue of Yuelong as a whole. Unfortunately, what made up much of the pack was of Mou, Maegi and their pups. Yuelong had grown silent, small.
Phox then spoke of helping to correct this with his joining, which perked the man's ginger ears curiously. Still, the expression Aiolos offered the man was grim, sad for him. Loosing your mate after what seemed like a fight, one filled with pups and who knows where was terrible. Certainly Phox was extremely worried and Aiolos could imagine he would do anything it took to look for Kukutux, should she go missing.
The Greek wanted to put Phox mind to rest. To tell him he need not look further. But he wouldnt, not yet. Not until he knew for certain Phox meant both his pups and Maegi no harm.
Phox then spoke of helping to correct this with his joining, which perked the man's ginger ears curiously. Still, the expression Aiolos offered the man was grim, sad for him. Loosing your mate after what seemed like a fight, one filled with pups and who knows where was terrible. Certainly Phox was extremely worried and Aiolos could imagine he would do anything it took to look for Kukutux, should she go missing.
The Greek wanted to put Phox mind to rest. To tell him he need not look further. But he wouldnt, not yet. Not until he knew for certain Phox meant both his pups and Maegi no harm.
I understand you wanting to stay where you know she was last seen... But you mentioned staying, even if she does not return or have you back? What of your ties in Caldera?He muses, curious.
As I understand you have family there. Your daughter, Meerkat, recently visited looking for you both.Would he walk out on them without so much as letting them know where he was, like he let Niamh walk out?

moonglow daddy
May 19, 2021, 02:13 PM
(This post was last modified: May 19, 2021, 02:13 PM by Titmouse (Ghost).)
There were things he could say had he the compunction.
Truths that could be shared.
They would have wounded his wife and Mou could not fathom that, even if it meant taking what was rightfully someone else's. Niamh was dead; Maegi was alive. Even if he told the truth now and Phox demanded the children be returned, they were too young to be without the constant care of a mother.
While Mou ruminated, Aiolos did the talking. He had valid concerns about having the dark man stay with them; at the same time even Mou knew their numbers were thin. If the family was to survive — transplants and all — they would need more able bodies to keep everyone safe and fed.
Without anything to add, Mou remained silent. He was watching, listening, letting his mind focus on the problem and find a tactical solution so that everyone could, somehow, win. There were only so many avenues of possibility available to him.
Truths that could be shared.
They would have wounded his wife and Mou could not fathom that, even if it meant taking what was rightfully someone else's. Niamh was dead; Maegi was alive. Even if he told the truth now and Phox demanded the children be returned, they were too young to be without the constant care of a mother.
While Mou ruminated, Aiolos did the talking. He had valid concerns about having the dark man stay with them; at the same time even Mou knew their numbers were thin. If the family was to survive — transplants and all — they would need more able bodies to keep everyone safe and fed.
Without anything to add, Mou remained silent. He was watching, listening, letting his mind focus on the problem and find a tactical solution so that everyone could, somehow, win. There were only so many avenues of possibility available to him.
May 19, 2021, 02:47 PM
Meerkat had come here? It made sense. She was the most capable of those living at the Redhawks now, besides maybe the wolf who had given Towhee children this year. Phox could not even recall his name. There was something funny about that, but no smile reached his lips.
There was a time when he would have put Towhee above Niamh, but even now with Niamh running away... he couldn't bring himself to do that. They were equals to him, and precisely why this whole situation had been so hard on him. Niamh had made him choose, and that had been the straw to break the back of their relationship.
Towhee, my sister and the leader of Redhawk Caldera, knows that I am searching for Niamh and our children. She will understand, as will the rest of my family there. Alyx, my daughter who lives nearby here, knows that I have returned to this island, and I imagine word will eventually get back to the caldera as it always does.He was thankful that he had such a network, and that at least one (if not two?) of his children was nearby. He wondered if Meerkat had gone to see Alyx after stopping here.
Niamh is the world to me, as are our children.
There was a time when he would have put Towhee above Niamh, but even now with Niamh running away... he couldn't bring himself to do that. They were equals to him, and precisely why this whole situation had been so hard on him. Niamh had made him choose, and that had been the straw to break the back of their relationship.
May 19, 2021, 03:25 PM
Phox explains himself and so Aiolos listens, lips pursed in thought and he nods to this. The information of how family-connected the Redhawk wolves was becoming more and more clear. Yuelong would have quite the enemy to face if (or when) Phox should find out about his pups and went ape shit about it. An enemy Aiolos feared Yuelong would not survive.
I hope that word does travel and quickly. Meerkat was very worried for you both.He pressed, thinking the least he could do even if he was to stay here would be to visit her and let her know. However, with the possibility that Phox might miss out on Naimh while he was gone again...Aiolos found himself understanding both sides and sighed.
When she returns, I'll leave it to you then to face her wrath.He spoke, the slightest of smirks touching his expression before easing away.
Then you may stay. We are few now and could use another skilled hunter to feed our young to take some of the load while Mou and I guard.It was true and if he were to stay the least he could do was fatten the children that were mostly his own anyhow. It was Sping and pups being around was obvious so Aiolos felt not the need to explain further. It would be some time before a newcomer would be allowed anywhere near them naturally, which would give Mou, Maegi and himself time to put their heads together on this.
You will be Lièrén, hunter of Yuelong. Welcome, Phox.Witb a sharp nod and awaiting his response, Aiolos would cut his eyes to Mou, wondering if he had something to add to his brother. They all still had a decision to make but at least now they could keep Phox off the island, isolated and in their sights...

moonglow daddy
May 19, 2021, 03:35 PM
It would be wise to let the man stay. Regardless of his connections, they could use him. Perhaps his connections, while threatening to Yuelong at this time, could be a boon in the future; Mou wondered about this among his other conflagration of options while Aiolos offered Phox a place among their number.
When Aiolos mentioned him by name, his ears twitched. He wondered if Phox would have any recollection of their shared blood, but seeing as their only interactions were during a tumultuous childhood, it was doubtful either of them would make that leap.
He glanced to Aiolos quickly, then back to Phox.
When Aiolos mentioned him by name, his ears twitched. He wondered if Phox would have any recollection of their shared blood, but seeing as their only interactions were during a tumultuous childhood, it was doubtful either of them would make that leap.
I can show you.. where to rest,Mou offered, keen on finding Phox a place that would be easily accessible; or at the very least, easy to observe from a distance, yet far enough from Maegi and the children that he would not pose an immediate threat.
He glanced to Aiolos quickly, then back to Phox.
May 19, 2021, 03:46 PM
Acceptance. Or some form of it. He was given the title of hunter, one that fit him well. “Lost soul” might have been more accurate, but Phox had a feeling that wasn’t an oft given title, no matter how appropriate it might be.
The pale wolf offered to show him a place to rest, and Phox nodded warily. He was part of Yuelong now, although he felt it would be a long time before he believed it deep down. He knew that in his heart, he belonged to only two wolves (and their children): Towhee and Niamh. Until the latter was found, he would stay here and wait for her return.
Sounds of waves crashing would make it difficult to sleep, Phox knew that much right off the bat.
The pale wolf offered to show him a place to rest, and Phox nodded warily. He was part of Yuelong now, although he felt it would be a long time before he believed it deep down. He knew that in his heart, he belonged to only two wolves (and their children): Towhee and Niamh. Until the latter was found, he would stay here and wait for her return.
Sounds of waves crashing would make it difficult to sleep, Phox knew that much right off the bat.
Thank you,he said, glancing to Aiolos and then the pale wolf.
May 23, 2021, 12:25 PM
Aiolos was happy that the one-eyed wolf was willing to show the newcomer through their island. Mou would find a good place for Phox to settle, away from the whelping den whilst Phox was a newcomer these lands and yet to be trusted. Typical for any new members of a pack but more so for them, despite Phox yet not knowing this. Aiolos knew Mou would find a good place where Phox could be kept in Mou's sights so when the the collared man looked to him with reassurance Aiolos nodded in agreement.
Passing Phox a last glance and nod, Aiolos moved off from them to go about their own way. Aiolos own path as already set. He needed to speak with Maegi.
Passing Phox a last glance and nod, Aiolos moved off from them to go about their own way. Aiolos own path as already set. He needed to speak with Maegi.

moonglow daddy
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