Something was wrong with Towhee. It reminded him of those weeks after she’d been bitten by a snake, especially with her spending so much time in the Hobbit Hole again. But no matter how much he nosed her, Caracal could find no sign of an injury. When he finally asked outright, she insisted nothing was wrong. He had the distinct feeling she was lying to him, but why would she do that?
He left her asleep in the Hobbit Hole this morning, setting out to meander the caldera and puzzle about the whole situation. He felt frustrated and a little useless too. He idly kept an eye out for @Tierra or @Sphyra. Caracal hardly wanted to consult with his sisters, but he was concerned for their mother and maybe they would have some ideas. Or maybe he should ask a trusted adult, like @Ruenna or @Fennec…
Thinking of his older sister immediately made him think of his best pal, @Killdeer, too. Caracal heaved a great sigh. Every time he’d gone to their den to find them lately, they hadn’t been there. He didn’t feel like being disappointed again today. Instead of heading there, he loped south, as if headed for Brecheliant.
But Caracal wasn’t seeking @Reyes today, either. Caracal knew that guy’s very existence bummed out his mom, so there were no answers there. He only went as far as the lake shore, where he promptly waded into the refreshingly cool shallows. He splashed around, for wont of anything more constructive to do, chasing sunlight and shadows rippling across the water’s surface.
He left her asleep in the Hobbit Hole this morning, setting out to meander the caldera and puzzle about the whole situation. He felt frustrated and a little useless too. He idly kept an eye out for @Tierra or @Sphyra. Caracal hardly wanted to consult with his sisters, but he was concerned for their mother and maybe they would have some ideas. Or maybe he should ask a trusted adult, like @Ruenna or @Fennec…
Thinking of his older sister immediately made him think of his best pal, @Killdeer, too. Caracal heaved a great sigh. Every time he’d gone to their den to find them lately, they hadn’t been there. He didn’t feel like being disappointed again today. Instead of heading there, he loped south, as if headed for Brecheliant.
But Caracal wasn’t seeking @Reyes today, either. Caracal knew that guy’s very existence bummed out his mom, so there were no answers there. He only went as far as the lake shore, where he promptly waded into the refreshingly cool shallows. He splashed around, for wont of anything more constructive to do, chasing sunlight and shadows rippling across the water’s surface.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 17, 2021, 01:56 PM
Hope you don’t mind a Sarnai <3
The swan princess had no idea how long she had run, beneath burning skies that turned her pawpads to fire, or the overtly warm streams she had crossed in her flight.
She was free, now, she supposed. A radical idea she was not supposed to have in her little head. No, Sarnai was not supposed to have thought, nor idea. She was supposed to be a beautiful young wife, blushing bride who could not meet the eyes of those stationed above her. A princess in name, but a prisoner in truth. And now her little flight had cast her into the world at large, where she knew nothing, and she had shamed her father. But she assured herself that her family was rebelling, she had known the news for months now, when the Czar didn’t think she had the capacity to listen.
So she was here. And she was starving.
The snow queen had little left to her shaking form, once so delicate and graceful, now shaped by the ribs that poked through her fur, and the sharp jut of cheekbone. She could hardly look at herself, even as she stood at the side of a large lake. Senses, dulled by choice, heard not the splash of the youth near her, only knowing the sight of herself in the lapping lake water.
She was free, yes. Free to die.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

August 17, 2021, 03:14 PM
Happy to have you! :)
He amused himself for a while, momentarily forgetting his concerns for and about his mother. Then the sun hid behind a cloud, plunging the lake into shadow. Caracal paused, the water still frothing and sloshing around his ankles, to peer upward curiously.
There was a massive cloud bank directly overhead, its edge limned in the sun’s brilliance. He squinted until the cloud muted the light entirely, the air darkening even more. It felt cooler too, especially when a breeze stirred, ruffling the lake.
It brought to him a scent that made Caracal drop his head and scan the shore. He blinked when he saw the figure partway on the other side, slumped beside the water. Something in his young brain went “!” and he scrambled out of the shallows, giving himself a perfunctory shake as he galloped toward the stranger.
HEY!he shouted, perhaps louder than was necessary. He dug his heels into the silty soil and skidded to a stop beside the gaunt she-wolf.
You okay, lady?!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
If you had asked Sarnai what was around her in that moment, she wouldn’t have been able to say. Even as the sun pulled away from her dulled fur, the young woman just breathed a sharp gasp of air, sinking her teeth into her lips to try and keep in the moment, and keep the tears back.
The loud voice using the common tongue made her scramble to rise, ears wilting to her head. Her eyes were wide and rolling as her eagerness to get away only caused her limbs to cross one another like the fawn, freshly born. Sarnai wrenched her legs to rightness, trembling limbs searing themselves on the shore. She dragged in a sharp breath, another wheezing gasp.
The loud voice using the common tongue made her scramble to rise, ears wilting to her head. Her eyes were wide and rolling as her eagerness to get away only caused her limbs to cross one another like the fawn, freshly born. Sarnai wrenched her legs to rightness, trembling limbs searing themselves on the shore. She dragged in a sharp breath, another wheezing gasp.
я в порядкеShe swallowed again, thicker than before, trying not to make eye contact while also trying to see who was speaking to her. She focused on the youth’s legs instead.
I ahm...alright.She translated after a moment’s silence, voice whisper quiet.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

August 17, 2021, 03:37 PM
Whether it was his presence, his shouting, or both, the stranger startled and tried to scramble away from him. He gaped for a second, his ears slicking backward as she fumbled and gasped. Chagrined, Caracal made a placating motion with one of his forelegs, backing up a step.
She stilled and spoke, her words prompting a baffled,
But he hadn’t meant to frighten her and he didn’t want to be a jerk. Softening, he said,
She stilled and spoke, her words prompting a baffled,
Huh?from the young boy. She said something else, though her voice was so quiet and there was a strangeness to her words, Caracal only just barely grasped what she’d said.
You’re all right?he repeated, just to double check, then squinted.
You don’t look all right,he pointed out, thinking again of Towhee. -“Nothing’s the matter, I’m just tired.”- Caracal snorted, both at the recollection, and at this stranger’s conspicuous untruth.
But he hadn’t meant to frighten her and he didn’t want to be a jerk. Softening, he said,
I want to help.Saying those four words made something click inside him. Caracal peered down at her bowed head and felt a powerful rush of determination.
I want to help you,he repeated firmly, lowering his own head to sniff tentatively closer.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 17, 2021, 03:47 PM
He wanted to help, he repeated, drawing closer to her lackluster fur. She allowed it, allowing a brief moment of hysterical despair at the state of her coat, of all the things she could worry about. She was starving, so far from home she did not recognize it, and the her she looked at was nothing. An escapee, a disgrace. But at that moment, with everything else looming over her head, she chose the smallest thing she could to worry over, because anything larger and the hysteria would consume her wholly.
She wanted to scream, beg him not to look at her. Kindness was not a thing she deserved, saved for young lords and the time they spent with their mothers. Not for the young women of the court, especially not for disgraced runaways. It was all so much, so much at one time and Sarnai had always been of a delicate constitution.
She put her foreleg over her eyes instead, a hysterical hiccup escaping her open jaws. With a tongue that felt like lead, she delivered the news she was sure of.
She wanted to scream, beg him not to look at her. Kindness was not a thing she deserved, saved for young lords and the time they spent with their mothers. Not for the young women of the court, especially not for disgraced runaways. It was all so much, so much at one time and Sarnai had always been of a delicate constitution.
She put her foreleg over her eyes instead, a hysterical hiccup escaping her open jaws. With a tongue that felt like lead, she delivered the news she was sure of.
Cannot help...ahm disgraced.She could not accept it, even as her back legs, trembling hard to try and keep her weight up with all of it bearing on them, gave out, placing the young woman’s rear upon the ground.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

His nose skimmed nearly close enough to touch, though he didn’t. This close, he could see that her fur looked brittle and unkempt. Caracal could also see where her skin clung too tightly to her bones in some places. He had never seen someone in such a state, though all his instincts screamed that she was unwell.
He jerked backward when she suddenly slung a foreleg over her face and began to sob. Despite his good intentions, Caracal caught himself thinking it was just like a girl to be utterly dramatic and emotional. His eyes went sideways as he considered how much to push. She was a stranger, after all.
Somewhere between the hiccuping sobs, she managed a few more words. Maybe they were what robbed her of the last of her strength, because she fell into a hard sit then. Caracal stared openly at her display, which he found unnecessary and off-putting, but he wouldn’t soon forget his feeling of determination only moments before.
He jerked backward when she suddenly slung a foreleg over her face and began to sob. Despite his good intentions, Caracal caught himself thinking it was just like a girl to be utterly dramatic and emotional. His eyes went sideways as he considered how much to push. She was a stranger, after all.
Somewhere between the hiccuping sobs, she managed a few more words. Maybe they were what robbed her of the last of her strength, because she fell into a hard sit then. Caracal stared openly at her display, which he found unnecessary and off-putting, but he wouldn’t soon forget his feeling of determination only moments before.
Hey, I don’t know what that means,the youth said truthfully. Judging by the way she was behaving, it was something bad.
But it doesn’t matter, I still wanna help.The will was there, but did he have a way? Caracal was only a kid, after all.
You should take a couple deep breaths,he said gently but insistently. And calm down, he thought, though he’d already learned never to speak those forbidden words to an upset woman.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 17, 2021, 04:15 PM
He did not leave.
He did not leave?
The incredulity of this shell shocked the already shaken young woman, even as she tried to force back the exhausted tears that had wet her cheeks. Tired violet eyes wandered up from the legs of the youth to take in his features, purposefully avoiding his eyes.
He was but young boy. Spring chicken, she wanted to laugh. He was old enough to know of disgrace, know of the foolishness he was trying to attempt in saving what could not be saved, and he still tried. His lord-father would not be pleased to learn such an action had occurred, but Sarnai would not turn him down. It would be worse to turn down a young lord than to simply allow him to help, even with her status. He would learn.
The swan princess took a shuddering breath.
He did not leave?
The incredulity of this shell shocked the already shaken young woman, even as she tried to force back the exhausted tears that had wet her cheeks. Tired violet eyes wandered up from the legs of the youth to take in his features, purposefully avoiding his eyes.
He was but young boy. Spring chicken, she wanted to laugh. He was old enough to know of disgrace, know of the foolishness he was trying to attempt in saving what could not be saved, and he still tried. His lord-father would not be pleased to learn such an action had occurred, but Sarnai would not turn him down. It would be worse to turn down a young lord than to simply allow him to help, even with her status. He would learn.
The swan princess took a shuddering breath.
You are kind.She said, whisper soft, voice gurgling from a throat long stripped raw from her roughing it.
Perhaps...foolish, to help disgrace, but kind. I ahm..Sarnai.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

I guess,Caracal said when she told him he was kind, his lips pressing together when she implied he was also foolish. In the very next breath, she repeated her compliment and it honestly gave the young boy a bit of whiplash.
He was so weary of girls ragging on him, he couldn’t help but insist, cheeks warm,
I’m not foolish.Caracal huffed, then smoothed his proverbial petticoats and added,
I’m Caracal.
He was now under the impression she might actually allow him to assist her, so that left him to wonder how. There was really very little he could do for her on his own, though maybe if Caracal understood the issue better, he could fetch someone more knowledgeable.
An idea struck him.
Do you need me to call for a medic?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 17, 2021, 04:42 PM
The puff of small cheeks make her smile at least, a weak little thing that was gone fast. She swallowed down the reaction, lifting one leg to stare at it for a moment, trying to focus on what the young lord was saying, before nodding slowly.
She did, in fact, probably need a medic, of some kind. To deal with the wheezing breaths, the shivers, the dull cling of her coat and the tight stretch of skin over bone. Sarnai ran her tongue weakly over a fluffed up stretch of fur on her chest.
She did, in fact, probably need a medic, of some kind. To deal with the wheezing breaths, the shivers, the dull cling of her coat and the tight stretch of skin over bone. Sarnai ran her tongue weakly over a fluffed up stretch of fur on her chest.
What ov you? Your minder?She murmured after a moment, tipping her head to her chest and closing her eyes.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

August 17, 2021, 04:55 PM
He kind of expected her to protest, so he was relieved and surprised in equal measure when Sarnai merely nodded. Caracal immediately drew in a breath, then trapped it in his chest as he pondered whose name to call.
It escaped him (along with a very rude noise) when she asked him a question.
Holding up a toe as a signal to hang on a minute, Caracal once more mulled about who to call. He then threw back his head and sent up a summons for @Fennec, @Ruenna or any other competent individual in earshot, which might include someone from Brecheliant (like @Eljay, for instance?).
It escaped him (along with a very rude noise) when she asked him a question.
Huh?was the only thing he could think to say. He had no idea what Sarnai was trying to ask him.
Holding up a toe as a signal to hang on a minute, Caracal once more mulled about who to call. He then threw back his head and sent up a summons for @Fennec, @Ruenna or any other competent individual in earshot, which might include someone from Brecheliant (like @Eljay, for instance?).
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 17, 2021, 05:23 PM
Bridget heard a call for Eljay and smiled, shaking her head. Maybe she shouldn't just assume it was a situation she could cover, but he had a lot more on his plate than the medic who, lately, found herself with more time on her hands than she was comfortable with. Hell yeah she was jumping at the summons.
So Caracal was about to get none of them, but least she was something?
She didn't recognize Caracal right off the bat as one of Towhee's, but she was more caught by the woman than the boy who had called her. The medic could immediately tell that she was way too thin to be healthy, but initial assessments might not cover all of it.
So Caracal was about to get none of them, but least she was something?
She didn't recognize Caracal right off the bat as one of Towhee's, but she was more caught by the woman than the boy who had called her. The medic could immediately tell that she was way too thin to be healthy, but initial assessments might not cover all of it.
What's going on?No use introducing herself quite yet - her confidence in asking should imply well enough she could offer help.
August 17, 2021, 06:48 PM
Ah. Little boy did not understand. But he did call, even as Sarnai winced at the loudness.
She jolted like a startled squirrel at the new voice, unable to raise her body up, and flailing to keep her stance, but the swan did turn her eyes to the approaching woman.
Was this it? The Baba Yaga come to take the life of the daughter of that who dared take to her for child? She did not want to go with the Baba Yaga woman! Sarnai cringed, dipping her head lower.
That is rude, Sarnai. For shame.
Minder. родитель. One who...had you. As babe.She said, confusion on her face. Dear old gods, she did not understand this land in the slightest.
She jolted like a startled squirrel at the new voice, unable to raise her body up, and flailing to keep her stance, but the swan did turn her eyes to the approaching woman.
Was this it? The Baba Yaga come to take the life of the daughter of that who dared take to her for child? She did not want to go with the Baba Yaga woman! Sarnai cringed, dipping her head lower.
That is rude, Sarnai. For shame.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

August 17, 2021, 07:02 PM
After his call faded, they could only bide their time, probably by making more conversation. Caracal still wanted to suss out what was the matter with her. Why was she so dirty and thin? What had happened to her? What did Sarnai mean when she said she was “disgraced”?
He wanted to ask, though Sarnai made another attempt to pose her own question. Still he didn’t quite follow, although something clicked when she haltingly stated, “the one who had you…”
But before Sarnai could explain, someone arrived to answer the pup’s call. For a split second, he thought it was Fennec. Or maybe Meerkat, though he hadn’t seen her in a while. Her lavender eyes gave her away as a stranger. Caracal blinked, a little mesmerized.
“What’s going on?” was a fair question.
Oblivious to Sarnai’s reaction to the new arrival, Caracal said,
Only then did his gaze slip sideways to ascertain Sarnai’s crouched and shuddering figure. His eyes almost immediately cut back to the new lady, eyebrows raised and shoulders shrugged. He really had no idea what was amiss here, though that urge was there, that desire to make sure someone assisted her, even if it wasn’t him.
Caracal swept a foreleg toward her, signing, -Be my guest,- without really realizing it. It was a pretty universal gesture, in any case. He then backpedaled to stay out of the way, though he didn’t go far, eyes lingering largely on the woman whose name he’d failed to ask.
He wanted to ask, though Sarnai made another attempt to pose her own question. Still he didn’t quite follow, although something clicked when she haltingly stated, “the one who had you…”
You mean my mom? What about her?Caracal replied, having lost the thread entirely in his confusion.
But before Sarnai could explain, someone arrived to answer the pup’s call. For a split second, he thought it was Fennec. Or maybe Meerkat, though he hadn’t seen her in a while. Her lavender eyes gave her away as a stranger. Caracal blinked, a little mesmerized.
“What’s going on?” was a fair question.
Oblivious to Sarnai’s reaction to the new arrival, Caracal said,
Ummm,and then,
something’s the matter with her. She said she’s disgraced.Maybe that was helpful, the name of a specific malady of some kind.
She needs help.
Only then did his gaze slip sideways to ascertain Sarnai’s crouched and shuddering figure. His eyes almost immediately cut back to the new lady, eyebrows raised and shoulders shrugged. He really had no idea what was amiss here, though that urge was there, that desire to make sure someone assisted her, even if it wasn’t him.
Caracal swept a foreleg toward her, signing, -Be my guest,- without really realizing it. It was a pretty universal gesture, in any case. He then backpedaled to stay out of the way, though he didn’t go far, eyes lingering largely on the woman whose name he’d failed to ask.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 18, 2021, 02:09 AM
Bridget frowned, teeth catching the side of her lip thoughtfully as she looked at Sarnai and listened. The girl was definitely starved and in a good deal of trouble from that. Hard to tell from here if anything worse was up though. She glanced over to flash a friendly smile at Caracal in thanks, but immediately turned most of her attention to her new patient.
Hey, it's alright. I'm here to help.She said, taking a few careful steps closer.
How long has it been since you've eaten?She wouldn't be able to travel far in this condition, which likely meant babysitting her here, at least for a time. She really did have some luck with that - wild. She could laugh about that later.
August 18, 2021, 09:47 AM
Sarnai dipped her head to fuss with the fur on one of her legs, trying desperately to smooth it out.
The lady of another court was trying to help her too, not sharing the scent of Caracal. And that...that was worse. The lord of her court wouldn’t approve. But, she would not turn her down, much like she wouldn’t turn down the young lord. She didn’t need to be cast more into shadow.
The lady of another court was trying to help her too, not sharing the scent of Caracal. And that...that was worse. The lord of her court wouldn’t approve. But, she would not turn her down, much like she wouldn’t turn down the young lord. She didn’t need to be cast more into shadow.
It has bean....while.She tried to focus on the leg fur she was worrying.
Hunting was...uh...не положено? Not um...allow? For lady at home.She had been talking so much. Was it too much? She let out a soft eep.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

August 18, 2021, 09:57 AM
The medic began by approaching carefully and questioning Sarnai about her last meal. Caracal's eyes bounced to her as she replied, "It has been... awhile." She said something else after that, though the boy's brain was now buzzing too loudly to capture any more of her words.
Of course, he couldn't hunt well at his age, though if it was food Sarnai needed, Caracal was pretty sure he could get it. "I can get some food!" he exclaimed, quite likely interrupting the two women. Mindless of this, Caracal gestured a damp paw toward the caldera and added, "There's a cache near the borders. Should I...?" His eyes honed in on the medic's face, particularly those lovely lavender eyes.
Of course, he couldn't hunt well at his age, though if it was food Sarnai needed, Caracal was pretty sure he could get it. "I can get some food!" he exclaimed, quite likely interrupting the two women. Mindless of this, Caracal gestured a damp paw toward the caldera and added, "There's a cache near the borders. Should I...?" His eyes honed in on the medic's face, particularly those lovely lavender eyes.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 18, 2021, 01:21 PM
Never heard anything so dumb... wait. Actually I have. But are you kidding me? How are you supposed to.... you know, nevermind.Bridget was absolutely flabbergasted by this and, like she had for Teya's sake, she felt quite a furious disgust towards whatever pack had done this woman the disservice of raising her like that. Who didn't allow a full grown adult to hunt?
Yeah, please.She looked at Caracal and nodded encouragingly, oblivious to the effect she was having on him.
If it's a problem, I'll pay it back when I show her how to hunt.Bridget didn't care if she protested. It was against everything in her to let this girl sentence herself to death by continuing on without even the most basic survival skills. She wouldn't last even another few days, probably, like this. Let alone if something found her out here.
Sarnai flashed a small, pained smile at the not-question she absolutely took as a question.
Not.They weren’t supposed to be alone, never supposed to leave the court, never do anything more than raise the cubs and be pretty.
Lord-father or husband does hunting. But...She did not have those, not now and not ever. Her lord-father would be dead or ruling by now, and her husband the same. Sarnai breathed out a shaky breath, looking at the woman.
You help me...vhy?Had they not heard her when she spoke of disgrace? Did she need to make funny eye movements and hiss it? Did she need to squawk it like goose? She shook her head slowly, before aborting the motion when it made her dizzy.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

He was ready to go as soon as she said, "Yeah, please." In fact, he spun and took several hasty steps before her subsequent words made him stop and look around to say, "It's okay. Be right back!"
Caracal raced to the caldera's borders, located the cache in question and grabbed whatever happened to be on top. He then spun and galloped back to where the pretty lady still sat by Sarnai's side.
"Here," he said, unceremoniously spitting the rabbit at the medic's feet. His tail gave an apologetic swish as he looked down and thought, Bunny, huh. "Will this be enough, or...?" Caracal wondered in the very next breath, gaze lifting back to her face.
Caracal raced to the caldera's borders, located the cache in question and grabbed whatever happened to be on top. He then spun and galloped back to where the pretty lady still sat by Sarnai's side.
"Here," he said, unceremoniously spitting the rabbit at the medic's feet. His tail gave an apologetic swish as he looked down and thought, Bunny, huh. "Will this be enough, or...?" Caracal wondered in the very next breath, gaze lifting back to her face.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 19, 2021, 12:14 PM
Lord father. What were these guys' problems? Were they really that insecure, that they had to step on the women in their lives in order to feel like they were important? Bridget tried to imagine her father pulling that kind of shit on her mother and bit back a laugh. Oh god, he'd have had a faceful of teeth to contend with.
She'd find out more about Caracal in a moment here - he was making himself quite the useful assistant, and Bridget had sussed out by now exactly what pack he came from. Interesting to meet another young Redhawk! And extremely encouraging that this one wasn't immediately up her ass about something.
Because that's my job. Well, that's the official answer. I'm a medic, so it comes with the territory, but I also just enjoy doing it.Bridget gave her a quick once-over for any lurking injuries or harms while she spoke. It didn't appear like there was anything physically wrong with her outside of exhaustion and starvation, both of which were serious enough on their own. She'd need to eat slowly and regain her strength some before she could really learn anything new.
If you didn't hunt, what did you do?Bridget was genuinely curious. Before any response could come, though, Caracal was back with a rabbit. Ah, perfect! Something smaller would sate her without, hopefully, making her too sick. She could build up to bigger things.
Absolutely. Thanks!She pushed it towards Sarnai.
Take your time. Try and eat it slowly.
She'd find out more about Caracal in a moment here - he was making himself quite the useful assistant, and Bridget had sussed out by now exactly what pack he came from. Interesting to meet another young Redhawk! And extremely encouraging that this one wasn't immediately up her ass about something.
August 21, 2021, 01:15 PM
A medic. She was doctor, and it was alright, because this land was a fever dream in the making and Sarnai was happy to indulge in it for the few moments she’d remain alive if she’d reached the point of hallucination. The swan tipped her head towards the rabbit brought her way, eyeing it with suspicious interest.
Slowly, she reached her neck down to take a small chunk and chew it thoughtfully, before settling on the ground where she was to eat into it more handily. This was one amazing hallucination, she even got to eat! She was going to miss this when the dark took her. Maybe the gods would be kind in their judgement of a poor soul.
Slowly, she reached her neck down to take a small chunk and chew it thoughtfully, before settling on the ground where she was to eat into it more handily. This was one amazing hallucination, she even got to eat! She was going to miss this when the dark took her. Maybe the gods would be kind in their judgement of a poor soul.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

She might not have paid him much attention for very long, though Caracal's system flooded with pleasure at her response of, "Absolutely, thanks!" He watched as the medic offered it to Sarnai, who began to tentatively pick at the dead hare. The lady with lavender eyes told her to take her time eating.
"Why does she have to eat slowly?" Caracal wondered, cocking his head sideways to look at the medic. As he did, he suddenly realized, "Hey, what's your name? I'm Caracal." He felt a tiny bit sheepish about forgetting introductions so long but he figured these were probably extenuating circumstances.
"Why does she have to eat slowly?" Caracal wondered, cocking his head sideways to look at the medic. As he did, he suddenly realized, "Hey, what's your name? I'm Caracal." He felt a tiny bit sheepish about forgetting introductions so long but he figured these were probably extenuating circumstances.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 24, 2021, 12:44 AM
If you go a while without, too much too soon can make you sick.Bridget answered, sitting down as she did so.
And it's Bridget. Came on over from Brecheliant, though I guess you might have noticed that.She'd definitely pegged him right as coming from the Redhawk group.
And you, I'm guessing, will be needing a place to stay?She looked at the woman, maybe too busy eating to answer, then glanced over at Caracal once more. Look, she'd take her gladly. Brecheliant could use the paws with all the kids around, even minus hunting. But Caracal had found her and she wasn't sure what had already been offered up - or if she was even interested. God Bridget hoped so. Imagine sending her off on her own again? No fucking thank you.
September 02, 2021, 10:12 AM
Sarnai admittedly wasn’t paying much attention to the world around her until the woman (Bridget? Very interesting name) spoke to her again.
Slowly her head arched back like the neck of the swan, eyes finding the two again as she cleaned her mouth before speaking, clearing her throat as the last of the meat she’d been slowly consuming as they spoke slid to rest in her stomach.
Slowly her head arched back like the neck of the swan, eyes finding the two again as she cleaned her mouth before speaking, clearing her throat as the last of the meat she’d been slowly consuming as they spoke slid to rest in her stomach. stay?She questioned in a whisper, before falling silent, mulling it over. After a moment, she nodded, slowly at first, then more rapidly, chewing on her inner cheek.
Yes.One was the loneliest number, and Sarnai didn’t want to be one anymore.
Understands most Slavic languages.
Currently thin and rangy from little food

Currently thin and rangy from little food

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