Lion Head Mesa I'm talking softly because my teeth are broke
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Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Restless, Crowfeather pushed himself up and did what he could within his quarters before the strain grew to be too much.

When the dark figure slumped into the furs, he allowed his gaze to drift to the hole where he could see the sky. The clouds were heavy and grey. There was a chill to the air that wafted in through the hole and washed the chambers in fresh winter smells. Crowfeather wished that he could go and venture through the snow.

Thinking that he would need to work harder, the shadow sighed and called out for @Tavina. He would ask for her to work him through steps to regain his strength. Crowfeather could not remain in Akashingo. He needed to get to Germanicus.
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
tag for ref!

tavina enjoyed these new rooms. she enjoyed more the company of @Gucci, who she sought to speak with each day. when the prince called for her, the sesh was prompt. "good afternoon," she greeted, giving him a small bow. "what can i do for you?"

his walking had improved. his limp was pronounced. "priestess qiao lingers in mereo. perhaps when she returns there will be word of the royal tactician." tavina waited to see how crowfeather would react.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I would like to work my leg and build my muscle, the dark Neb answered her, tone mildly curt. As his gaze swept over to where Tavina stood, he realized that she seemed at ease in Akashingo. Crowfeather could not tell if this troubled him or left him without feeling, at all.

When the nurse spoke of Germanicus, Crowfeather could not help but to draw his ears to a point. The sharpness of his gaze fixed on her, unflinching. Someone had gone to where Germanicus was, and there was a chance that they could bring word back with them. This was some relief to the shadow. He did not understand why the silver eagle had not returned in such a long time.

What can we do today?
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
crowfeather was cold. tavina would have teased him for being princely were she not aware of the connection lacking between them. "i will support your leg while you extend it slowly several times. the muscle has been cut. it needs to mend."

the sesh crossed the room, nudging her muzzle beneath his ankle very slowly until she held his leg across her withers. tavina waited until he adjusted to the sensation. he could begin at will.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Has it not mended long enough?

Crowfeather huffed exasperatedly from where he was.

The dark figure had felt as though he’d been trapped within Akashingo’s walls for ages. The cycles of the moon no longer brought comfort to him. The longer he realized that he had been there, the longer it had been since Germanicus had visited. The shadow could not help but wonder if the silver eagle had left him intentionally. The idea hurt him too much to linger on.

Crowfeather listened to the nurse, cringing at the effort of extending his foot.

… will I ever hunt again?

The words fell softly from his mouth. He would not meet her gaze.
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"when all of your muscles are sliced that way, the healing takes longer. in your case, infection set in around the lacerations and had to be scraped out." tavina saw no reason not to speak like this. crowfeather wanted to know so she would tell him.

"i have seen wolves with three legs still going to hunt." the sesh gently maneuvered his leg back to the bed. "you need to be up. you need to know when not to strain yourself. it is a hard road to walk but it is doable."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Should it- should it have just- been taken off?

It was clear that the movements were twinging, but he continued as best as he could to keep up and work through it. He wanted to return his strength. Crowfeather was tired of feeling like a prisoner within the mesa’s walls. As nice as the Pharaoh had been, the shadow did not trust his motives. He felt that the longer he remained there, the more he would be asked to pay back.

A sigh fell from his lips.

How long? Do you think… before I can walk on my own again?
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
tavina looked at him. she did not answer, but lifted a paw to rap the back of his foot, behind his claws. "are you able to feel that?" surely, yes; she had seen him stand and walk. however part of her skill was education, whatever form it gave itself.

"you could lean against the wall and walk now," tavina said candidly. her eyes flicked to his face. "without aid? four weeks, and that is practicing most days."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Crowfeather grunted in response, nodding his head.

Yes, he could feel it.

When she said that it would likely take four weeks before he could roam around without the aid of another, or the support of a wall, Crowfeather huffed a quiet breath. Four weeks felt like such a long time to be cooped up. He understood that he could shuffle around, but there wasn’t any real freedom in that. The shadow had been kept inside the mesa for too long. He did not know how to ease the itching of his paws or the feverish desire to see the silver eagle.

You will help me every day until then? he asked her, eyes fixing on her face.
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"not every day. but most days. use the others to rest." tavina studied him. "i will walk with you in these hallways and by the wellspring. but you are free to go outside. call a guard. you must not be alone." she would not have the prince slip or be otherwise injured when he was in her care.

"i will mix a poultice to put on your body and another for you to drink. it will give you energy, noble one." she stood back and fell silent again, awaiting crowfeather's next command.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Not every day. Crowfeather frowned at this news. It did not please him that he would be forced to spend days resting. He felt that he had rested enough. Months had passed since he had woken up in Akashingo. On top of this, Tavina seemed to believe that he should not be alone. There were no members of the Pharaoh’s court that Crowfeather would enjoy having at his side.

Thanks, he muttered to her upon hearing that she would craft a poultice for him.

Some days were better than others, he’d realized. There were times when Crowfeather felt that he would recover without failure and return to his former agility. He knew this was not realistic. It was still difficult to hold himself up for long on his own. All he wanted was a glimmer of hope to help motivate him to that final stretch. It just seemed to be getting further away.
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
tavina bowed. she took her leave next. and this time she did not try to give a word of firm encouragement.

tavina hummed to herself as she strode down the corridor.

the sesh was sure that the pharaoh had plans for crowfeather, despite his sullenness.