Redsand Canyon When will the bass drop?
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Caracal did not come along with him on the return journey. It was a real bummer. He had hoped that they could come together, to see the look on Towhee's face to see her son again. Alas, he was alone, and he took a bit longer this time, meandering across the plains and making some stops at Brecheliant and Akashingo, just to, you know, check out those digs.

But now he was here, and he'd made up his mind as to what to do. It was time for him to grow up, and what better way to do that then to be trained as a warrior? He wanted to be able to protect his family. Just as Caracal would heal them, Killdeer would shield them.

He stood on the ridge and howled for @Towhee, as well as whomever led this place (although he thought the notion of anyone besides Towhee leading, with all her experience, was quite dumb, but he was also very biased). He hoped they'd take him. 

Killdeer was suddenly nervous. What if he was too young, or stupid, or fat? What if they only took the best of the best?

No. Towhee would vouch for him. Right?
483 Posts
Ooc —
hope this is okay, if not i can delete! he can probably become skippable when somebody higher ranked comes in

maxim heard the call for towhee and the leaders. he wondered who this might be to know towhee and call for her first, while tacking on leaders. it interesting choice.

so the young man roamed the edge of the territory as he closed in on the pudgy boy.

he was not immediately defensive and full of sharpness, but he was guarded. protective of mereo and those within it. curiosity would show in his spring gaze though.

who are you?

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Oh, cheese and craps. He realized belatedly that he'd howled for a deaf woman. Now he was really sure they wouldn't take him at all. Who did that—?

He cut off this internal self-flagellation as the dark wolf came forward. Killdeer's eyes wandered over his pelt with some fascination; the multiple colors reminded him of his own. He gave the guard a smile, friendly but a bit nervous.

Hi, I'm Killdeer, he began. My grandma is here—Towhee. You know her, right? I called for her but I guess she won't hear me and, uh, I'm here to join. If you all will have me.

Off to a stellar start, kid.
483 Posts
Ooc —
it was...a lot. very much had just suddenly been crammed into his brain.


towhee a grandmother — she did not look old enough for such to maxim.

this boy had called for his deaf grandmother and wished to join. maxim could only blink at him like he was more lizard than wolf. stunned by this knowledge dump upon him.

i know your, ah, towhee. unable to call her grandmother comfortable. she is attentive even if she does not hear, she might come soon. it is @Germanicus who will see you in or not, though. he informed the boy. kind and softer when faced with the knowledge of this boy's relation.

you say your name is killdeer, are you hunter?

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
towhee had said something quite interesting about maxim.

thus the eagle found it ironic that this boy was the one who would be greeting a strange boy upon the borders.

he nodded to the scutarius and stepped to maxim's side. 

assuming that introductions had already been made, germancius waited for the word of his soldier.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Well, he knew she was attentive. He knew that! But, uh, yeah. Nah. . .not. . .really, Killdeer began, internally cursing himself with each pause. I wanna learn to fight. To be a soldier, like the ones you've got here. I—

Here came another wolf, big and gray and imposing. He was not so much a creature as a rock—a living, breathing, rock—and Killdeer tried not to shrink too low in his presence, weighing deference with cowardice and hoping he came out with the right balance.

Hi, I'm Killdeer—Towhee's grandson, he re-introduced himself. I was just telling this guy— crap, did he say his name? —how I want to learn to be a soldier, so I'm here. Can I join?

His inexperience with, well, everything, showed. He knew no formal border protocols, nor etiquette beyond the barest lupine nature. He only knew to keep his head down, be good, and cross his non-existent fingers that this big ol' rock would take a chance on a greenhorn like him.
483 Posts
Ooc —
skippable for now!

humor softly tinted the young man's features. especially as germanicus approached them and this killdeer reintroduced himself.

maxim tried not to laugh at his given title of this guy.

so he merely stepped back some, happy to allow the leader the stage. the grandchild had been straight to the point as he had with maxim.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Ruenna was at the end of her first trimester, and it was clear by now to all who looked upon her that Mereo would be adding to its infantry this spring. Ruenna did not carry any extra weight on her frame due to her disabling pain, and so the distention of her belly was quite apparent. 

The pregnancy was uncomfortable, to put it mildly, adding to her already considerable amount of back pain. But Ruenna would not dream of wearing anything but a smile. She was to be a mother, and she positively radiated with joy. 

Killdeer was met with this glowing smile, when Ruenna finally shuffled up. "Hey, Killer," she spoke his childhood nickname quietly. She might not have even realized who he was, if she hadn't caught the tail end of his introduction. He was so big now! Would he remember Auntie Rue? Ruenna would appear very much the same, apart from her pregnancy. 

He wanted to join Mereo? What did his parents think of this? Ruenna had known Killdeer's mother since she was Killdeer's age, and so Ruenna knew that Fennec would definitely have an opinion about this. 

With a meaningful glance to Germanicus, Ruenna allowed, "I have a trainee about your age in my civilian ranks. She is participating in training sessions with the goal of testing into the auxilia- which is what we call our military ranks. You could have the same deal, Killdeer. As long as Germanicus agrees, and Towhee." No doubt Towhee would understand a little better whatever family politics were at play.

When she finished speaking, her eyes flicked to the dark male with Germanicus. She did not know him, but he held himself like one of Germanicus's soldiers. A new recruit, no doubt.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
when ruenna joined them, germanicus felt his eyes move toward her. she was fit now with a new and vital curve and her shining nature had not abated. he knew the pain had returned and took efforts to offer her more care. each night she had massaged the day from his shoulders and now he sought to do the same for her. 

driven by some voracious instinct, the eagle hunted more often, seeking to return not only in the evening but at midday with some small morsel for her.

the imperator redirected himself upon the boy. killdeer, also called killer. it was a name with a good deal of promise. "your grandmother is fierce, killdeer. i would be pleased to have one of her own as a member of my auxillia."
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Auntie Woo!

Hey! he exclaimed at her arrival, and then gawped a little bit at her changed appearance. Killdeer hadn't had "the talk" yet, so he didn't know what exactly was the cause, but it was different. Still, she spoke of him in glowing terms, and even recommended a training friend.

And Germanicus seemed similarly inclined to invite him into Mereo's ranks.

Thank you! Killdeer said, smiling broadly. He tried to mirror subordinate behavior to the man, bowing his head and letting his tail swing low behind him. I won't let you down.

Bold words for a greenhorn. But even if he ended up being terrible at fighting, it wouldn't be for lack of trying.

He looked at Ruenna in question. Where's Towhee? he asked.
483 Posts
Ooc —
exit maxim unless needed further!

it seemed killdeer would be here to stay then. of course he found some pleasure in another auxillia among them — and he would display this in a warm smile to the boy.

it seemed that the matrona and the imperator had things handled here.

if he was not needed at the borders any longer, he would go off to finish a patrol from here.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Killdeer's acceptance to the auxilia was immediate, unlike Mulberry's, despite the pups' similarity in age. How curious. Ruenna wondered if this was reflective of their differing sexes, or whether it had more to do with the higher level of trust afforded to Killdeer, given that his grandmother and aunt were here to vouch for him. 

Ruenna would not ruminate too long over this. She was certain that when she and Germanicus found themselves alone, he would explain his thinking. 

Killdeer asked about Towhee, and Ruenna smiled. "I'll show you. Welcome to Mereo, auxilia." Fondness and pride were evident upon her features. 

She would lead Killdeer off to the soldier's quarters and show him the den called 1A, where they were likely to find Towhee.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
with that swiftness, the boy became a soldier.

germanicus stepped aside as ruenna began to lead killdeer in search of towhee. 

he felt the boy would make a fine fighter with training. the eagle himself moved off after maxim.