Redhawk Caldera sweetwater
399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
aw! will make an RO if no replies <3

chickadee's voice debuted at the den-mouth that morning with the intensity of a rooster.
oooo! and she waited for golden light to pour across her paws like spilled honey. surely it was she who had brought it down today. 
chickadee sang louder.
794 Posts
Ooc — Me
Chapter 3

Day 23 of established existance
Operational break completed. New powers gained. Mastering in process. No more artillery strikes. Close combat operations only. Occupation of the third quarter of milk bank successful. Daily reinforcement of the position needed. Multiple tactical defense ops completed. 

Situation: world domination plan seed planted

Status: alert

Mood: determined

End of update. 

Where her sister was engaged in developing singing talents, Dwin was busy training her feeble, loaf-like body for the glorious days that were to come. When not drawing attention to her needs with loud siren-like wailing or wrestling with one of her brothers for the best place besides Maia, Dwin was shuffling around the perimeter. Her gait was groggy and she often lost balance. Every step was accompanied by quiet "huff-huff-huff" sound - she reminded a little steam-enging, if such had four feet instead of wheels and rails. Or a tiny tank - because the only force that could stop Dwin from the trajectory she had in mind, was the wall. Everything else - Chicadee included - was either bumped into, pushed away or crawled all over. Now the same thing was about to happen too - she rammed into her sister unapologetically. 
399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
wow i love her sm

oooo trailed the little voice.
oooOOOOHHHAAAA as the breath was knocked from chickadee's fresh little lungs. dwin was crawling over her side as chickadee lay scrabbling on the floor.
her toothless gums grabbed for her sister's face. one tiny paw with a set of equally miniscule beans waved in the air.
794 Posts
Ooc — Me
Wroooom.... -shup-shup-shup- wrooom...

Translation to those, who did not understand: the tank accelerated up the obstacle, got a bit stuck on top of it, scrambled around, accelerated again and slid on the other side. Chickadee being made of the same blobby material Dwin was probably was not hurt by this incident at all. With one hind-leg and half of Dwin's rear end still resting neatly on her sister, she lifted her head and assessed the current situation. Only, when Dee's muzzle bumped against her cheek, she turned to give an unfocussed look at her sibling. 
399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chickadee was more than a little put out by being sat upon. her sister's rump pinned her to the floor of the den. the baby began to lightly mouth 'dwin's cheek, the precursor of a growl starting in her throat.
grawh! the nestling burbled, before she overbalanced and rolled clumsily onto her own back.
the girl lay there a moment and then began to squall, a loud MAH of a sound that went on and on.
794 Posts
Ooc — Me
With the logic of "What-do-you-do,-if-your-first-attempt-to-hit-someone-with-car-fails?-Drive-backwards-and-finish the-job" minus the malicious intent, Dwin attempted to scoot backwards, right over Dee again. Her geo-location system was not working and her body-driving skills were even worse. In the process of doing so, her sister also fell and changed the position and therefore Dwin became more entangled than before.

Energetic wroom-wroom of before turned into a frustrated screeching-tires-on-slick-ice-with-no-movement-forward. Dee's protests were joined by Dwin's own.

399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
'dwin rocked her against the earth. had chickadee had the coordination or the teeth to bite, she would have fetched her bold sister an equally bold nip! they lay tangled and squealing together. eventually her own cries subsided and she stared with muzzy baby indignation toward her sister's face.

she had no concept of self or reflection. she stopped shouting and started burbling. i can't believe you done this.
794 Posts
Ooc — Me
Dee stopped crying, Dwin went on (for the sake of simply being better at everything) a little longer. No help from outside came and seconds later the little, furry tank's computer rebooted to plan the next set of actions. She lay still - all things considered - her sister was not that bad of a pontoon to be on top of. Dee's gurgling was just the right background ambience to think things through. 

Brumm... brumm... brumm....
Tank's enginge started revving, Dwin wiggled and...


She got off her sister - pawing, clawing, kicking, squashing - all in, sparing nothing. On the other side she was - nearly toppled over herself - and bumped her nosed against the den's wall. 

Obstacle conquered!
399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
'dwin certainly had places to be. chickadee was not inspired to her own locomotion. as soon as her sister was off her and smushed chubbily against the wall, she herself had rolled in the opposite direction. 
the offense of the moment had made her hungry. she squealed for their mother to come and comfort her.
794 Posts
Ooc — Me
Dee's squealing reminded Dwin that she to was hungry. The distance back to the milk-station was a bit too much for her now (or simple unwilligness to engage in more physical activity than necessary). So she too joined in the music of the emergency siren in hopes that Maia receive the message and rescue her first, preferably.