Lion Head Mesa bola
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All Welcome 
treva is technically not taking visitors buuut if anyone wants to be nosy! :eyes:
and tags for reference <3

she did not stir until the next afternoon.

her dreams had been wild and vivid, filled with delight and terror alike. it left her with the sensation as if she had never slept. although how could that be surprising when the children at her side hungrily ate?

she blinked green eyes clear, staring at those two children. the son had fallen asleep smushed against her side. the daughter squirmed as if the food and warmth was not enough for her. she wondered if something was wrong, but certainly @Tavina would have said something. the thought of the medic stirred her into a more conscious state as she blinked around for her.

had the pharaoh announced them already?

some sudden deep sense of paranoia stirred within her and she feverishly looked to the mouth of the den, as if there might be a million prying eyes there.

her daughter still cried at her side.

Priestess of Nwt

629 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
there were only two eyes, not two-dozen; though they had begun to darken from their childish robins-egg blue to something a little more sinister and gray.

nazli had brought a bundle from tavina; she didn't ask what it was, but it smelled pungent like the storehouse, and could have been food wreathed in herbs or merely medicines for the new mother.

she waited expectantly, curiously, at the door; but she did not think to announce herself until treva had caught her staring, and with a little oop! raise of her ears the girl pressed her luck by stepping through the eaves.

my lady, uhm, miss tee -- i mean, tavina, sent me with... here, quickly the girl placed the bundle down where it spread open, so that treva could look upon the offered pile. if she refused it, nazli would take it back where it had come from.
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she thought she had said no —

oh. the girl. soft and sweet, too kind for treva to meet her with outright teeth. quickly she tried to hush and soothe the babe who cried. the babe would find herself easily distracted with a meal at treva's side. it would be then she would give the girl her whole attention.

green eyes dotted with concern, but otherwise there would be nothing but tiredness from treva.

nazli? the name spoken for clarification that that was indeed the girl's name. her green eyes briefly examined the pile that had been sent from miss tee.

Priestess of Nwt

629 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
the woman knew her name. it sparked a wave of warmth that spread through nazli's cheeks, white-hot; she wasn't used to hearing it from anyone except her caretaker and didn't know how to react.

what would tavina do? all business, she thought. yes, miss. um -- drawing a few strips of dry meat free, these are lain apart from the bundled herbs.

tavina says these are to keep you strong. she didn't raise her eye from the objects even though nazli was desperately curious of the babies, as it wasn't her place to do so.
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meat. dried and tended to carefully. the sight alone felt enough for her mouth to water, a sudden hunger as deep and great as the children at her side experienced.

bring it closer, instructed tiredly. too nervous of the new life to even shift her position and grab the offering. she would not usher the girl off just yet. perhaps...perhaps her presence was helpful. she might keep others who wished to visit at bay.

Priestess of Nwt

629 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
nazli nods, and in one fluid motion collects the objects and steps closer. she is mindful of the warmth in this space, and the soft smell of new life, but tries not to look at the newborns.
then silently, she unwraps the parcel again and doles out some of the dried meat. as she works she talks very softly:
if you need anything else, i will be just outside. but she hasn't left yet. perhaps she waits for dismissal - or very likely, she's curious about something and afraid to act on her impulse.
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the girl made the declaration the leave, but she did not such thing.

treva found herself somehow both ravenous and ill at the sight of the meat. a sensation that reminded her very much of her pregnancy.

you work with tavina, she started with softly, testing one of the sticks between her teeth before she set it back down for a moment. was this your first time being a...midwife?

Priestess of Nwt

629 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
Instead of sending her away, the woman held questions.

Nazli had not heard the term midwife before; she did not know that was the role she provided when the children had been born, only that Tavina had ordered her to fetch water and do various tasks, quickly, without question.

Y..yes, but I did not do much, she said with a bashful tilt to her chin. It happened so fast -- from what I could tell. The new mother Treva probably had a different experience entirely.
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the girl was a fellahin.

treva kept her company as if she was akin to tavina or even another mazoi. there was little desire to be cruel to the young girl who seemed not even a year older than her new children. how young was she?

it felt like a lifetime, she confessed. eyes drifting to the now bashful face. it's why your help with tavina's is important. i'm useless during...all of that. stated as nothing more than fact.

she wondered if the girl would get use from a school.

Priestess of Nwt

629 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
Of course, the experience must have been agonizing to the new mother. Nazli had not wondered about the physical aspects of it while she'd watched; she was worried, spiked with anxiety at the time, but found it easy to obey the orders of Tavina and to act as necessary.

She found herself thinking more deeply on the subject now. This was a mazoi and yet she bore children - was that normal? Nazli knew the child was important as they were born of Ramesses; did that make them a prince? What did that mean for her friend, Makono? Nothing she thought in that brief span of time could be uttered.

I felt useless, Nazli admitted, her ears flicking backwards a moment. I think if it was just me, I... I would not know what to do. I am glad we have Tavina. And I am glad you are strong too, miss Treva. A blush rises to her cheeks.
I, I only mean.. As mazoi, you are strong. That must have been a blessing.
328 Posts
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gonna wrap this <3

the girl was soft, a fine girl. perhaps that was how she had fallen into the role of fellahin — or perhaps the blame could be shifted to a mother that treva did not know.

treva would maybe keep an eye on this girl more than the others who scuttled around akashingo.

you are kind. she whispered, a tired smile. then motioned for the girl to be free if she so wished. treva would not subject her to more prodding questions or spotlight in praise.

only hold onto the knowledge that this one was good.