Whitebark Stream Boots
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Broken clumps of clouds littered the sky, breaking the blue with grey and white plumes that drifted lazily overhead. It was a good day for hunting gophers.

Reno had ambled across the water to a chunk of flatland where he’d basked in the sunlight until the clouds had moved in. By this time, it was roughly midday and there appeared to be a sparking of life in the inhabitants of the terrain. Much to his pleasure, the cowboy could see the lumps rising from the ground and peering out across the grassy expanse. Gophers, or something remarkably similar to them. Reno watched them emerge and then disappear for a short while before recalling his conversation with the lady of kindness, @Amalia.

Trotting a short distance from where the varmints were shuffling about, the cowboy drew his head and called out for her. His voice sang promises of good fun and decent company. He only hoped that she was close enough to hear him.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was slowly settling in to a regular routine. She was enjoying her new found family, and she was enjoying the thrills that life was fit to give her. She was more wary now, since her run in with Void. He had seemed kind, hadn't done anything to offend her in anyway. However, his assumptions though as gentle and boyish as they were, had scared her just a tad. She hadn't realized how her kindness could back fire. Though she found it hard to just change her nature.

She was broken from the quietness of her thoughts by a howl, that ranged far and wide. The low, loose drawl that accompanied it immediately shared with her who it was that wanted her attention. And with all the intentions of a girl on a mission, she loped in the direction of the call.

Black pelt, long limbs tearing up the ground. It was fairly quickly that she managed to find him, and it was with happy smile her eyes sought out his dust peppered form. Much like she always had been, she ran head long. Her tail wagging and she stopped up short, to give him a nudge to his shoulder, green eyes crinkled at the corners. 

Reno!! Was her happy bark. She wagged her tail, and glanced at him. How are you?
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It took almost no time at all for the girl to appear. Her long legs carried her swiftly across the earth and toward him. Reno swayed slightly, waiting for her to reach where he stood. His golden gaze glittered at the touch of the sun. When she had bound across the land and reached him with a gentle nudge and a bright smile, he couldn’t help but to turn his head bashfully from her gaze.

Howdy, miss Amalia, the cowboy drawled to her in his rough-edged voice. His tail swayed easily from side to side. His crinkled, squinted gaze was lifted to her features. She looked happy, healthy. It was a fine sight. She was even kind enough to ask him how he was doing.

Oh, I’m alright. Been wanderin’ round these parts fer a while now. Weren’t expectin’ much, but it’s a fine place. Found some gophers, too, if yer still up fer some huntin’.

The dusty figure moved to make himself more comfortable. He was sure that she would like to chat a bit before they raced off to find gophers. Reno would like to hear how her days had been, anyway.

How ya been, miss Amalia?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I adore him

He took her in with his sunshine eyes and her smile broadened. Though, she was surprises at his tiny show of bashfulness, he seemed very outgoing and easy to speak too. But it had been awhile, and he only met her once.

Her tail swayed with his. His drawl filled her with happiness. Tere was just something about the way he spoke that she absolutely adored.

Her eyes danced happily. I am always up for hunting. And you said its a good time. So I expect you to deliver. She teased gently.

She settled near him. I've been well. I had a run in a few days ago with a lone wolf that made me uneasy, but i was lucky to have a friend nearby.

She traced his face and then smiled as she continued. I'm traveling with my new pack to meet their family. I've learned to dry pelts and was taught a little bout seers.

She wiggled a little happily.

Did you meet any interesting wolves.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
>w< Please, you are so wonderful. I adore writing with each of your characters.

Deliver he would. Reno was – consistently – a man of his word. Though the word varied in morality, he still carried through on what he said. Perhaps it was because he was simple. The cowboy was certain that it was because he didn’t know another way. Deception had never been a skill he’d sought to pursue. What he couldn’t accomplish with grit and guts wasn’t worth trying. Besides, he didn’t know how folks kept track of their tongues most of the time, anyhow.

Amalia spoke of a pack that she had joined. Reno nodded his head with interest. It was good to hear that she’d settled in with some folks. He wondered what their gang was like.

They’re good to ya? Good folk? the cowboy inquired with a slight tilt of his head. Seemed she was learning a few good skills from them, if nothing else. She seemed as happy as the last time they’d talked. The dusty wolf was content knowing she was faring well. She’d made for kind company.

When she asked him if he’d met any interesting wolves, he thought of Mel and Sayf with some hesitation to discuss them. It had been an odd sort of meeting, though not unpleasant.

Ah, I did, ma’am. Met a duo some ways out there. They was real kind. Surprisin’ to find folk like that round here. Ain’t really that way where I’m from, see.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
d'aww thank you. I am much the same with yours..

Amalia didn't know much about Reno. But he seemed the type to have your back in a pinch and more if you could break past his little bit of guard.

He tail wagged and she nodded. Yes, they treat me well. My leaders take good care of us. And they are extremely nice.

A little bit of wariness snuck into her eyes as she thought of void, but shook her head.

Amalia yipped at him and nudged him with her nose. I like to think I'm nice and you met me. she teased kindly.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
That’s real good, miss. Good that ya found ‘em. I do hope yer gonna have a good life there.

Reno was a man of loyalty. So long as he could rely on those in his party, he would have their back through anything. It was a difficult decision to leave a home and join a gang of unknown men and women. Then to try to build a life in a place where nothing was familiar, well… it seemed a mighty feat. The cowboy often wondered what he would do without the Blackwatch gang.

Amalia’s playful remark was met with a crinkled grin. Reno nodded his head in agreement.

Yer mighty good, miss Amalia. A real kindness to the world. Ah reckon if we had more like ya, it’d be better all round. That wasn’t how the world was, though. There was good and bad in all places. Reno had a penchant for sniffing out the worst of it. He made a note to keep away from the girl’s new pack. Didn’t want to drag nothing awful through their home, didn’t want nothing from Stillwater bubbling up to find him.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Would you be opposed if Amalia got a small crush on Reno. I don't expect anything in return. I just feel that Amalia would.

Amalia's tail wagged, and she smiled again. Did you find a place to call your own? And a gang? That is what you call them where you are from yes. She looked at him with green gaze.

Amalia knew loyalty, she herself was very loyal. Sometimes too loyal, she would follow those she cared for to the ground. It was a flaw, her loyalty. At least that is what her father had said.

Amalia liked it when he smiled it made his eyes light up, and crinkle. I don't know about that. My father would often tell me I am too naive and that my kindness maybe my downfall. Which I unfortunately got a taste of recently.

She though again of the black wolf, but she quickly shook her head and dipped her muzzle down.

So how does one catch a gopher?
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Opposed?! How ever could I be opposed to something so flattering? Amalia is such a delight. I hope you don't mind me asking in turn - heheh - if Samani could develop a crush on Rodyn. That handsome boy you have has captured her gaze. ^w^

Amalia asked if he had found somewhere for himself, a gang of his own. The cowboy regarded her quietly. Reno had not even happened upon any of the Blackwatch gang. It had seemed as though they’d all gone their separate ways, chasing tumbleweeds into the sunset. At least, the man liked to think that was how they were. It didn’t settle with him too well to picture a worse fate.

Naw… ain’t found nothin’ fer me yet. There’s time fer that sorta thing, though. No need to fret. And there wasn’t, he thought. No reason for a fine young lady to concern herself with that kind of mess. She didn’t suit the lifestyle that he had left behind. It would have made little sense to share it with her. Reno wasn’t fond of the idea of Amalia getting herself tangled with the likes of Lloyd or Tristan. Yes, it was best that those things were left to the wild west.

Amalia made a few remarks about her naivety, mentioning that it was something that had been taken advantage of. Reno wanted to ask her what had gone wrong, but he didn’t find himself in the habit of sticking his nose in other folk’s business. The cowboy nodded solemnly and offered a beat of his tail in wave.

C’mon over this way, ma’am an’ I’ll show ya a thing er two. Them gopher’s is slippery so yer gonna have to keep yer eyes sharp.

Reno motioned with a swing of his head for Amalia to follow him.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[quote="Reno" pid='532283' dateline='1657661950']
Absolutely she can. I am actually eager to see how they get along IC wise. Rodyn would probably return that crush or more whatever should happen.

Amalia didn't expect him to answer. He was quiet and tight lipped where his past was concerned. She wondered at it sometimes. But she didn't ask, it felt rude to ask something so personal, especially when he didn't wish to speak of it. 

Amalia frowned and looked him over. My pack is always recruiting. If you met my leaders and got along, you could probably have space with them if you'd like? And a small thrill of something worked it's way along her spine at the thought of having the ruddy cowboy to herself more often. Though she quickly tried to dispell such bold thoughts.

Amalia would have told him in a heartbeat. For amoment she debated telling him anyway, because she didn't quite understand her emotions on that aspect. He hadn't harmed her one whit, but she still felt as if she had been violated and intruded upon and she wasn't sure why. He had simply made some offhand remarks was all.

Amalia followed behind him pleased as punch to be taught something. And to spend more time with Reno.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Reno couldn’t help but to inhale a breath of air at the mention of her pack.

The cowboy did not doubt that Amalia had found a good home. She seemed happy and healthy, which were important matters. There wasn’t much more they could ask for, out there. Times changed with the seasons and luck was just as eager to follow. Knowing that there were others who could be relied on, there was nothing that could beat it.

It was the risk of ruining all those good things, he’d come to realize. Reno wasn’t the sort to drag his dirty laundry through the lives of others. He had not missed the whispers on the wind that the old gangs were gathering again. If he turned his tail and hid in the safety of a family pack, there was no telling what kind of disaster would come to those folks.

Oh, I don’t know about that. I’ll keep it in mind, miss Amalia. Just in case things don’t work out.

Reno nodded to her with a stiff smile. She shared her life and her home so easily. The cowboy couldn’t comprehend something that good in the world.

Alright, he remarked thoughtfully, drawing toward a few holes in the ground. Now, it’s best if ya keep some distance. Get yer eye on ‘em. Watch how they come outta those holes, an then when ya feel ya have it figured…

Reno smirked wryly to the girl.

Ya snatch em.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She didn't miss this inhale and she knew what was coming next. He didn't need to say it. He would not be joining her or her new found family. She felt a strange feeling bubbling up, and she actually wanted to cry, but she kept it in check and instead listened closely.

Amalia gave him a soft smile. Okay see that you do, and if nothing else you always have a friend in Natigvik. The word felt hollow, and the new emotions she was experiencing were maddening and she wanted them to stop. She couldn't just foist her emotions on people it wasn't kind.

Amalia wasn't sure if she were good, or if she was simply naive. She was fast finding out taht what she saw as good things, were usually a little naive and she hadn't seen much bad in the world. She was afraid if she did. Well that didn't bear thinking on.

Amalia went into a hunting stance. Long athletic body at the ready. She breathed in happily a small chirrup in her voice. So it's a bit like a game.

She waited and watched. She grew still and silent as she watched carefully as one then two poked their noses out, then their heads, then back in. This was done about 3 times, and they made noises to each other.

At one point a hawk had circled and there had been a loud sound from them. So she realized she couldn't let one make that noise. She lowered even further, body poised to jump. She waited.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I’ll come visit, at the very least. Make sure ya got yerself a good gang to run with.

Reno wasn’t too sure he liked the idea of going to knock on their door for a visit, but he hadn’t met anyone from the old gang in a while. The cowboy was almost certain that they’d disbanded for good, that their days of roaming the wilds were over. The nagging feeling that someone might appear from his past was one that he didn’t feel certain he could risk. Amalia was still a kind and gentle soul. She had given him a friendship in a new land, and he wasn’t the type of man who would squander that. One little visit couldn’t hurt much, he figured.

Amalia seemed interested in the gophers. She positioned herself in a place where she could catch the little creatures poking their heads out, noses twitching. They squeaked to each other. One of them emerged boldly from the ground before scurrying back to the hideaway.

Reno chuckled softly.

It is like a game. And they’re mighty quick, the varmints. Never seen nothing like it. Taste real good, too… if’n ya can get yer teeth in ‘em.

Another gopher emerged and locked eyes with the cowboy. Reno shifted and watched the gopher scurry back to the hole with many rapid squeaks.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
rolled a 4, so miss for Amalia :(

Amalia felt a tightening in her chest at his words. A brief flash of an emotion she was unused to curled around her, and all she could think was. IT wasn't enough. but horror at her thoughts licked along her insides and she quickly turned to the task at hand, though her mind couldn't stop going towards places it ought not to go.

Amalia was uncertain if her leaders would like the visiting much, but a selfish part of her wondered. Did she care, though it to was drowned out by thoughts thats knocked, knocked at her mind and heart.

Amalia listened and waited an watched. She soon learned a bit of their habits, though the little brats could surprise her all the same. Finally, she was ready to go, she positioned herself and jumped forward, but the creature was to quick, and scurried back to the ground. She met empty air with a snap of teeth and she almost unbalanced.

She quickly tried to fix her gait and fell backwards on her hind quarters. And she just began to laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners.

She licked along the seam of her lips and met his eyes, hers still full of merriment. I'll have to try again, though i probably scared them all off. now.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The cowboy watched as the dark girl positioned herself in wait for the rodent to scurry out and meet her teeth. She was swift and her aim was sharp, but Reno hadn’t lied when he’d said how quick the gophers were. It took one look at her gaping jaws and bolted back for the hole in the earth with frightened cries to its friends.

Amalia was not bothered by her misstep. Even the stumble. She laughed with a joyous sound, filling the air with a noise that captured and tickled the dusty cowboy. Reno liked her company, he found. He wished that things had been different, that he could have stayed there for a while to get to know her.

Awh well, ya did good there. Let’s see if we can put our heads together.

Reno padded toward the nearest hole and sniffed at its mouth with ears standing at a point upon his head. He could hear them scurrying around in there. He trotted a short distance toward another hole that he believed could be connected. Their scent was strong at the entrance of that one. Reno licked his lips and stuck his nose in there, inhaling deep.

I’m gonna give ‘em a good scare. You keep yerself ready to spring if they come rushin’ out.

Snout was returned to the hole and Reno growled a low noise. He barked into their hiding place and heard the scrambling of little feet as they moved to flee.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
These two both break and fill my heart.

Amalia had known they were fast after the first obswrvation. But no harm came from trying and she was a wolf that enjoyed simple things. So just that small game was fun to her, even if there was no prize.

Reno offered to help and moved his body towards another set of holes. She watched with interest to see what he would do.

Amalia readied herself. Ears quivering atop her head and she waited. His low noise filled her own chest and when she heard their scratching she waited and with grasping jaws caught one as it leaped. She gave it a good shake. And dropped it, but the others were gone before she could grasp another.

She nosed at it and grasped it towards a little grove of trees away from their dens. That seemed an unkindness.

She placed a paw on it's back and ripped it in two. It took a few snaps but she got it and lay it down next to her. Tongue slipping around jawline politely.

It seemed unkind to consume it there where their babies are. We'll share.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
They are so sweet. >w< I cannot wait to see how this progresses.

That was better.

Amalia had found her catch in one of the fleeing gophers. She gripped it and ended its life in a swift motion. Reno watched from his hole with a small smile. When she looked around for a place where they might eat it, he wondered why she hadn’t just started. Before he could ask what her hesitation was, her dark figure scooped up her catch and she carried it over to a grouping of trees. The cowboy followed her with an easy sway to his figure.

She’d thought it unkind to eat it so near to their homes. Reno chuckled softly at this sentiment. He’d never taken into consideration things of that sort. Then again, he’d killed young men on the doorsteps of their mother’s homes.

Y’know you don’t need to share with me. That’s yer prize won, miss. And I don’t mind much if ya feel hungry enough to eat the whole thing. The dusty cowboy nodded his head to her. His lips curved in a gentle smile that did not quite reach his gaze. Reno squinted against the sun and moved to settle in the shade near Amalia.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Its an outlaw angel scenaio. Which is nerve wracking lol they never end well.

Amalia caught his smile and felt prickly her fur rising slightly and her cheeks burning, but she ignored it as best she could. As always Amalia enjoyed his gait. She wasn't sure what it was about it. But it tickled something.

They maybe prey, but they still love and lose too. It seems rude. She smiled with a small self-conscious one. It did. She would never be able to fathom the thought of killing someone unless it was in defense of.

Amalia chcukled. Absolutely not, sir. You'll eat some too. You worked just as i did for it.

His smile was different and she didn't understand, but it didn't bear any mind. When he settled near her she plopped a half in front of him and nudged him.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I am dreadfully sorry to have made you wait for this. >w< I got another round of Covid and it really wears me out. <3 I just want to thank you for your patience.

The cowboy was surprised at how considerate she was – to think of their prey as having experienced love and loss was remarkable. He’d killed wolves without considering those things, let alone the creatures who filled their bellies and kept them nourished. Reno had heard of the spiritual types – those who prayed over the animals they hunted. It was curious to someone like him, putting aside the rougher parts of survival to give thanks to the meat that fed them… he wondered if the lady Amalia was one of them.

She insisted that they share the prize she’d won. Reno glanced from her meal to her face uncertainly. She seemed to think that he’d worked just as hard for the meal, but the cowboy disagreed internally. All he’d done is watch and bark into a hole in the ground. She’d done the work of it.

If you insist, ma’am, I ain’t gonna argue.

The dusty figure settled into a spot beside her. The rough edges of his fur mingled with her own.

You did real good catchin’ him. Didja get a look at his face? Surprised as hell when ya got yer teeth in him. Reno chuckled softly. He always liked the look of shock when he had played with the gophers in his home region.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
oh goodness. I hope you get to feeling better soon and i don't mind waiting.

Amalia wasn't one to be too emotionally invested in prey animals. But they were still living so she imagined they had emotions of some sort as she did. They certainly held fear. But she did not pray over their broken bodies.

Amalia chuckled her laughter bright and sunny as she.

Good because i intend to win this one. No reason not to share. Especially since you say you like them. Why not enjoy them with a friend.

Amalia relished the brush of fur against her own. He was so rough compared to she. It was interesting to her. They were very different personalities and yet they got along just fine.

Amalia took a bite and swiftly smiled. Well i imagine I'd be incredibly surprised as well if i popped my head up to get a face full of teeth and big eyes.

She thought about the gopher. You're right it is sweet.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The cowboy was pleased that she had enjoyed herself. He offered a weary wag of his tail and a crooked smile when she mentioned how sweet the gopher was. They certainly had their own flavor, quite unlike the other ground-dwellers. Their plump bodies offered a good source of fat and lean meat. Reno had thought they were the easiest snack to catch in a pinch and he hoped that Amalia might consider them the same way, moving forward.

Tell me ‘bout this group yer settled with. What’r they like?

They’d covered that she was healthy and happy, but Reno was curious about the other members of the pack she’d pledged herself to. He’d met plenty of folks who had a variety of beliefs that shifted the way they saw the world. The cowboy could only wonder if Amalia had found one like that, one that matched her sunny outlook on life and the world around her. It would serve her right, if she had.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia felt like something was off, but she wasn't certain what. Perhaps it was her. She knew she was a lot. Almost more than any other. Maybe she drained him somehow. Her father used to tell her that when he was displeased. That she was too much of everything and her nature would end her. He always apologized, but the words stayed.

Amalia's tail wagged. Feeling that he meant them no ill will. She began to speak at length of them.

we are small. We just lost a member so i am the only non family, but they treat me as such. Very good hunters.

She wagged her tail and launched into more explanations. Nose wiggling and paws whirring. It's run by Sakhmet and Kigipigak. A matriarchal society. They have two of just the cutest little boys. A great mix of both. Kivaluk is gonna do great things. He loves hunting and exploring. Akkuma he's a little more shy and secretive. But just as talented. They believe in loyalty and treating others as they want to be treated.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She wasn’t kidding when she said they were small. It sounded like a new family and Amalia were all that held claim to the land. Reno shifted uneasily. That was such an easy thing to rally an attack on. He wondered how they’d do for numbers when the cold had set in. There was nothing like the bite of snow to make things harder, to make hunting almost impossible.

That ain’t a lot with winter on the horizon, he grunted softly. A heavy sigh followed this statement.

Reno wondered if her offer to join had been out of friendship or because they needed wolves in their group. He didn’t figure it would be polite to ask, so he shrugged it away. If push came to shove, he would offer himself as a worker for the cold months, help them make it into spring.

The cowboy realized something in the words she’d shared.

Yer fond of kids huh? I ain’t ever been good with ‘em. A crooked smile lifted his features and he swung his head to the side.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had not thought much on the loss of Cerne. He was her friend, but he had also been secretive, strange. He was a seer, and thus had heavier burdens on his mind than most. She was not worried yet, though how was she to know that in coming days as their patriarch left them, they would lose more and be more vulnerable than anyone else.

Amalia blinked at him with green eyes, fully at his face for amoment and then gave a brisk nod. No it is not. I hadn't fully thought of that I suppose. I'm not much of a future planner.

She shrugged. Again her father's words coming to haunt her. Careless. Reckless. Childish. She gave a soft sigh. Perhaps she would need to work on herself.

Her offer had been a genuine one and also a selfish one, though she didn't quite understand why it was selfish or even why she wanted him there with her, but she did.

Amalia wagged her tail, her body giving a little wiggle as she got excited. Yes! I love children. Though.

She frowned in thought. I do not think they will be in the cards for me. So I will just love on the ones I can.

She did not wish to sour his imaginings of her leaders by telling him, they did not like others to have children. It seemed that perhaps mates were okay, but she wasn't entirely certain about babes.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
When she admitted that she didn’t plan for her future well, the cowboy frowned, thoughtful. It wasn’t great, but he had lived most of his life with little idea of what would happen next. He’d roughed his way out of more scraps and tight spots than he cared to reflect on. Some folks just liked to live their lives unplanned, following their own path even if they had to carve it fresh.

It seemed that she was fond of children. Reno thought of his past but did not share anything for a short time after she had spoken. She implied that she wasn't sure she could have them in her current home. The cowboy wondered if that was something that troubled her. He wasn’t interested in prying, though. They had their reasons for those things. Whether it was personal or not, he wasn’t interested in the politics of children.

No sense in deciding on that right now, anyway.

She was still young and there would be plenty of time for her to have a family, if it was what she wanted.

Ya got time fer all that.