Phoenix Maplewood Growing Pains
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Tags are mostly for reference, but either one of you or both are more than welcome to reply, because I like to push boundaries. LOL.

Amalia had started in her own territory and had found a river bend, ongoing and beautiful and on a whim she had followed it. Much to her ongoing delight as the secrets that lay at it's end unfurled for her. A gentle churr of happiness had curled out of her chest, and she stared open eyed and awed at the colors that unfurled.

Tall trees as long as she could see, there were birch and maple. Maple was sweet sticks and Birch great for when your chest hurt or you were coughing or just to chew if you wanted that minty fire that lit up your mouth, made breathing cold air painful. Berries of all kinds dipped and licked along the pathways. She would need to find a rabbit and skin it. Eat the berries with the fat from the skin. Rodyn from Moonglow had shown her that, who had been shown by Kukutux.

She was momentarily thrown from her thoughts as two scents heavy on the air stirred her nostrils. And she stood stock still hunter's gaze on the surrounding area. Searching. @Reno and @Colt had both been here. Rather recently if their scents were anything to go by. Why were both so close to her borders and why had neither one sought her out, more so the former not the latter.

She frowned and looked down her throat uncharacteristically tight. She had known at their last encounter, that it was not simply friendship she wanted from the former. However, it was also forbidden and it was unfair and he did not return her affections. Not that she had tried. She was not that type of she wolf, nor would she ever be. But even so, he was her friend and he had promised to visit her, but perhaps it was an empty promise, and with that her chest felt hollow.

She shook her head and moved away from the borders and the thoughts. Forcing herself to pay better attention to her surroundings. She would hunt a rabbit and have a snack with the berries. Maybe that would make her feel better. So with all the grace she had, she stalked and chased and caught a plump rabbit. It was not elk or deer, but it's fat would do the same.

Gentle precision, she cut at the legs and tail and tugged the rabbit fur into a big piece. Lay the meat to the side and with gentle tugs she pulled the fat from the bottom and carried the fur swiftly to the river that lay at the forest edge. She pushed it down, down weighted with rocks and she settled near it with her fat, and her berries and she had a small snack. Though her heart was still heavy.

She had time to wait on the squirrel's fur, so she buried the meat and berries. And settled with her head on her paws. Perhaps a nap would do her good. She closed her grass green gems, curled her hindquarters closer to her body, her tail tip tight against her body and over her nose and began to gently drift.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Hope you don't mind me! Looking for more Sunday threads, and Amalia is lovely! Keeping the outcome of her pack joining thread vague! Thread I linked is a mature thread for conception, but linking for reference! 

Now and then, Sunday Morning returned to the carcass that she and Mountain Boulder had found. By now, there was little left of it. Between herself and the several other scavengers in the Taiga, it had been stripped down to bone. But even bone had its use, and Sunday Morning would enjoy worrying it away with her teeth until she reached its marrow.

There was a wold dozing in the Maplewood. She would pass her by. Or, she would have, had she not noted another scavenger prowling nearby. The coyote, young and bold, paused when it saw Sunday Morning. And Sunday raised the alarm in a booming bark, that caused the coyote to bounce several feet back. Licking her lips and wrinkling her muzzle, Sunday growled her warning to the coyote. A few more steps away, but it paused to look back at the prone wolf who harbored prizes.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I don't mind at all 

A loud booming bark stirred Amalia from her dozing, and she jumped to her feet a growl in her chest. Eyes searching for whatever or whomever had made that alarm sound. She watched as a coyote ran away from them. She turned her black head, jade eyes falling upon the stark white wolf with debris in her fur. She must have sounded the alarm.

Amalia waved her brown tipped plume behind her. My goodness. Thank you for that. He was gonna steal my snacks or set upon me i'd imagine. I'm Amalia.

She shifted and allowed her fur to lower and her head to tilt. She kept a weather eye on the way the Coyote had run. Didn't want it to return. Some coyotes were just fine, others like this one here, well they were the very devil in disguise.

Amalia shifted and made a soft oh sound. She looked towards the sky, it had been well over an hour.

One moment please. She shifted and slowly moved towards the nearby river, dipping her head down into it, she pulled the sodden mass of rabbit fur from it's depths and stretched it out along the shoreline, pushing river rocks to it's edges with her nose.

Once it was all good she smiled. I was fixing a fur to give to someone as a gift. Now it just needs to dry. Would you like a snack? I have berries and fat or a rabbit? The berries and fat isn't very filling, but it is really tasty.

She looked towards the white woman again, if she was still there. All of her doddering may have scared the poor girl off.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday Mornings gaze turned to the wolf that started. When the jade-eyed woman stirred, the coyote knew it would have no luck today, and it quit the scene hastily. Huffing with satisfaction, Sunday Morning heard the other speak in the same tongue that so many did here. It was not one that she could speak, but some things she would come to understand. And some words that were universal, even in the wild language they were all born to. Sunday noted the wave of her tail, and could sense from the words that there was no anger there for her sleep being disrupted.

Her own tail waved in kind, and Sunday chuffed warmly. She shifted where she stood, watching the stranger who unknowingly introduced herself head to the stream. Sunday did the same, to take a drink... and did not pause as the other dunked their head beneath the waters. Sunday had seen her brothers fish this way, and knew what could be done through such a maneuvering. This one must be a good hunter.

But Sunday started when she pulled sopping wet furs from the water! Lifting her head and cocking it, Sunday's chin dripped water from it in several loud plops.

And then Sunday dipped her own head in the waters. She opened her eyes, but could then see nothing but sediment and stone. Emerging, Sunday stepped away to shake out her furs, water splashing this way and that, before turning to approach Jade Eyes with a tail that began to wag behind her again, head low. Her eyes turned to the skin Jade Eyes had spread apart, and Sunday Morning sniffed at it from afar.

The word rabbit was one of those universal words, but its scent (coming from its leftovers) would have been identifying enough. Sunday Morning's yellow eyes found where the scent came from. She approached these items slowly, looking to Jade Eyes. Sunday Morning had no intent to steal from the other, but was curious as to what all was there. The berries in particular caught her eye.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was quickly apparent that this she wolf could either not understand her words or couldn't speak. Either way it was easy enough to work around she supposed. It may take somw thinking.

Amalia nosed towards the fur and pointed at it, then up at the sun. Trying to convey she was drying it. She hoped it would get across. When all was said and done she could show.

Amalia noticed her curiosity and nosed somw berries and tallow towards this pale wolf and motioned for her.

Eat. Eat. she wanted to share the tasty snack.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday looked at Jade Eyes, who was gesturing from furs, to sky. Her muzzle pointed sunward. Sunday Morning looked to the sky herself then, but could not comprehend the meaning of what this meant. Having never seen anything like it before, and not knowing its purpose, Sunday Morning could only guess. But she was not one to use deductive reasoning for anything beyond what proved useful and had a purpose. Hunting, sparring, scavenging, and some games.

But Sunday Morning was not sure the purpose of the wet skins. Fur of prey had always been an obstacle to her she had licked away when it got in her path. Fur was not good to eat.

Then Jade Eyes nosed the berries toward her. Sunday Morning's tail continued to wave. She had seen these, on her journey here. She had not thought to eat them, but if they were among the foodstuffs Jade Eyes had... Sunday Morning scarfed them down. With berry stained lips, Sunday looked to Jade Eyes again. An inquiring note came from her throat, this low in pitch. Where? Sunday wondered where it was Jade Eyes had found this item.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Clearly the she wold didn't understand, but that was okay. Maybe it would be dry enough that Amalia could gift it to her. She could use it for what she pleased then. She had been meaning to take it back to Sakhmet or Lestan. But well it could be changed.

Amalia chuckled eyes crinkling amd she motioned towards the fat and her berries. Took a small bite of both and then pushed it towards the other. They were meant to eat together.

Amalia shifted and motioned towards some bushes where the bright berries hung gently beneath shade trees. She moved closwr and held up a paw for white wolf to stop and she with gentle teeth pulled the branch out, pointing at the thorns warning to be careful
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday observed, tongue rolling over her canine. Jade Eyes ate berry and tallow together. The pale wolf blinked at that, though saw Jade Eyes nose the two together toward her. Sunday Morning did as she was bid, surprised by the way their flavor merged together. It was a pleasant surprise. Sunday Morning had never thought to do as Jade Eyes did. It had never occurred to her, that there might be a different way of doing things... but that had simply not been the life she had lived.

Not that she did not enjoy this way. It was the way that she knew, the way that she loved.

Sunday Morning could see, though, there was more to learn. More to come to love.

Jade Eyes could understand her. Sunday Morning watched her, remaining where she stood. Ah, right here! Her tail thumped against the earth as she rose to meet her companion, pausing as she noted the paw in the air. Sunday Morning did not move only as she inspected the paw that was paler than the rest of Jade Eyes fur. It was in that way that Jade Eyes also became Pebblepaw to her. The color of it reminded Sunday Morning of the pebbles sitting in the streambed.

The pause given coincidentally aligned with the pause requested. There was the branch filled with berries, and there, as Pebblepaw revealed, were thorns. Pebblepaw kindly held the branch out for her, perhaps to make things easier. Sunday Morning loosed a happy whine of thanks, ears flattening atop her crown and flicking back up. Her tail again waved. Sunday Morning moved to gingerly pluck them, taking more than her own share.

To give back what she had taken moments ago to Pebblepaw. Also, to bring to Mountain Boulder. She wondered if he had ever tried these things, and if he might like them. It would sate hunger when prey could not be caught; she saw its use.

Finished, she stopped her plucking, sniffing at the earth they had been unceremoniously dropped upon. Sunday Morning took care to nose several of them gently back toward Pebblepaw.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
i love her she's so sweet
Amalia was pleased the other understood and she saw the moment. The other realized the taste. Her tail thumped against the ground. Pale wolf liked them.

Not that she did not enjoy this way. It was the way that she knew, the way that she loved.

Amalia gave her a gentle whuff. And thrn trotted back to the rabbit fur. It was dry mostly. She gently placed the rest of the rabbit and tallow, and carried it all bundled towards the other. She lifted up white furs berry branch lay it in the fu and pushed the fur to the others paw and grasped her own branch and moved a little further back. So the other understood.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
thank you! same to am <3

Jade Eyes walked toward the furs. They were not soaked any longer, Sunday Morning saw. And then, Jade Eyes went about placing both berry, rabbit meat, and tallow upon it. She used the skin to pick them all up, to bring them to her. Sunday Morning only watched, head tilting one way so that her muzzle would not obscure the view.

And then, these things were nosed toward her again. Sunday's head tilted the other way before righting itself. Jade Eyes took only her branch. Sunday Morning circled the offering tightly, looking back to Pebblepaw with a questioning in her gaze. Was this woman giving these things to her?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was hoping that her intentions were clear. She had no need of these furs. She had been planning to give them to Sahkmet or Lestan, but the plans changed, and she was okay with this. She also was confident in her ability to catch more, she would simply return a different day and try again.

Amalia nodded, and motioned for the other to take them. For you. For you. She said and repeated. A gift for a new friend perhaps. Something she could think on fondly, she hoped. She had been so sweet to spend the day with Amalia and to help scare of the coyote.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday Morning listened, ears pressing only slightly forward. The words were in a tone Sunday knew to be both good and kind. Her tail waved, understanding enough by way of body language and tone that this was hers. Sunday Morning emitted happy grumbles as she stepped toward Jade Eyes and pawed her in a way that iterated her sentiment that Jade Eyes indeed had become a friend to her this day.

She extended her neck to reach and sniff at Jade Eyes furs, to pick up her scent. Pack, but not the pack she knew. And scents that made Jade Eyes wholly her own. It was sweet, and reminded Sunday of these berries. Perhaps that was what it was. Sunday would commit the scent to memory. Sunday Morning stretched out to offer Jade Eyes the same, before withdrawing to pick up her gift and depart with a low whuff that was muffled by the objects kept between her teeth.

Sunday Morning hoped to see Jade Eyes again, and looked back to paw at the earth and then prance in a circle as though to say, I like this place! If ever there was forethought that came from Sunday, it was now; she knew she liked the Maplewoods, and would be back here. Perhaps she would see Jade Eyes here again, too! Something kept her rooted to the Moraine and its neighboring territories.

Sunday was aware Mountain Boulder was one of those things. But did not know yet the instinct ran deeper than that, and she was carrying young. It was still then too early to tell, or to know. Perhaps even to smell. But in a day, all that would change.

With one last long look to Jade Eyes and a wave of her tail, Sunday Morning loped off into the distance.

last from me, thank you so much for this thread!!!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia enjoyed the touch from the other. A smile on her face. It was nice to give. She enjoyed it. It made her happy to see others so happy.

Amalia sniffed at her. Taking her scent with her a musky, earthy tone. But with notes of something, but she couldn't quite place. It was somewhere she had passed.

She watched as the other traveled away from her. A sort of sad feeling in her chest. Was this how it was always going to be. She'd meet a wolf she liked and they'd leave. Because she had her own priorities and pack. It was both fulfilling and saddening.