Ouroboros Spine Cross
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
She wanted to belong again. But there was no way she could go back to her home. She needed a new start, and she hoped Moonglow could give her that. Her warm brown gaze watched the village from a distance, hoping they'd notice her soon. She couldn't quite find her voice for some reason. Echo still wasn't quite sure she was pack material. She was damaged goods afterall. But aren't we all? The little voice inside her asked. It was that voice that gave her the confidence to approach. She kept a respectable distance from the invisible line, then gave a call for leadership @Kukutux and @Aiolos.
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Who was this?

He had never seen anyone quite like her before, black and white and patched all over. Pretty, in a way, and odd in others. He thought her black patches might just be shadows, hidden as she was by the conifers, but he’d never seen so deep of shadows even on his mother, who was moonwoman herself.

Stratos himself was a firebrand, and while he might have struggled to pick her out from between the trees and mottled rocks, he knew she would see him, so he made very little effort to hide his approach.

You have come to village Moonglow, he stood up tall as he could, and pretended to be Aiolos in strength and size — though his youth was apparent, his only similarity his sun touched locks. What brings you calling here?
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
There was an oddly patterned young woman of inky blacks and cream upon Moonglow's border. She was not easy to miss. The Guardian watched her from a great distance as he made his way on his rounds, glancing every so often to see if she would decide to draw nearer. 

Finally then, she is given the confidence to do so and calls out to the Leaders of this pack. His son is swift, closing the distance between he and the unique woman upon their border. Aiolos cannot help but smile, as ginger ears perked forth to catch the words of Stratos. 

A proud father Aiolos had always been in his daughters and now he could be the same for a son, too. 

Slowly drawing up from the territory towards them, Aiolos gives a silent dip of his muzzle to the woman in greeting and brushes his foreleg to his son's shoulder as he moves to stand at his side. Welcome to our home. I am Aiolos, Sunman and Leader to this land.
moonglow daddy
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
I apologize for the delay.

A young ginger wolf was the first to approach. He did his best to appear older and stronger than he was. She smiled warmly at him. He greeted her curiously, inquiring to her visit. A much larger wolf was quick to join him, introducing himself as a leader to their village. She addressed the younger wolf first. Hello young man, I spoke to someone who told me this is a wonderful place to be, and I wanted to know if there may be room for one more? She looked to the older wolf as she finished her sentence.

Truthfully speaking she had little to offer, although Rodyn seemed to think she'd make a good hunter, she did enjoy it but her size did put her at a disadvantage when it came to larger game. She wondered what more she could offer, but she also wasn't quite sure what she truly wanted. I would be happy to practice any skill Moonglow would like of me.
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
He noticed her warmth, and this warmed him to her. Despite the appearance of anaa and his sisters, ice did not spread through the hearts of Moonglow.

Stratos warmed to her more when she addressed him first, even with taataa now at his side! It is wonderful! I have lived here all my life, and we have always welcomed more into our family, but he senses her question directed to taataa, and his gaze dances towards Aiolos, eager and proud and wondering if he’s spoken well, before returning to the stranger. Someone had spoken of Moonglow to her? He is curious now, and thinks on those who might have scouted beyond their claim. He knew very few.

Was it Rodyn you met? he hoped so! He admired the man, and he would so more, if he heard he spread good word about Moonspear even beyond anaa’s listening ears.

Are you a hunter too? his ears pressed forward, my sisters sing and learn from anaa - she is moonwoman. You could learn much from them! another glance towards Aiolos, seeking approval.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Saaaaaame, apologies.

The word of Moonglow had been passed onto the traveler, whom was seeking a home for settlement. She mentioned being open to practice her skills though did not offer any that she might have now. She was young, a yearling and it was likely she had not found what she believed to be good at just yet. 

Stratos is brimming with an excited and soon each of them are glancing into Aiolos direction for approval. We are a pack of hunters and healers, who cater to the spirits and Gods. As long as you help to strengthen and protect Moonglow, you may do so by any tasks you choose. 

Are there any specific skills which call to you? He glances between his son and this new piebald woman and then he gets to thinking, Perhaps it is best we start with names, first... He trails off, for the young woman who had yet to introduce herself.
moonglow daddy