August 22, 2022, 03:25 PM
Rodyn left from the mountain. Yellow eyes taking in the area around him. Silent footfalls of black paws, stirring the dust as he returned to the bottom. He wasn't certain where he was going, but a sense of urgency drove him. He needed to start thinking of where to go to hunt the animals that moonwoman and SunMan wanted for Samani.
He tried to stay as present as possible with Samani while he was here. Make sure he gave her all he had to give until it was time to leave, and the thought of leaving Moonglow, and the borders even for a time, filled his heart with dread, but also a small sense of wonder.
He would return different, he knew it. Older, Wiser, better. At least he hoped. and maybe, just maybe he could find @T.K. the little beastdog that he had left to get healed. He hadn't meant to be gone this long. T.K. Was probably a mess.
it was with these thoughts churning that he turned himself towards the Lake and dipping paws into it. He stepped into view. The morning sun was splashing shadows along the tops and he was able to see a few fish. With practiced ease, he settled into place.
Finally, a swift shadow. He darted and grasped, barely filling his jaws. He crunched. And grumbling took it to the edge.
A small fish was better than no fish, but he would need to return.
He tried to stay as present as possible with Samani while he was here. Make sure he gave her all he had to give until it was time to leave, and the thought of leaving Moonglow, and the borders even for a time, filled his heart with dread, but also a small sense of wonder.
He would return different, he knew it. Older, Wiser, better. At least he hoped. and maybe, just maybe he could find @T.K. the little beastdog that he had left to get healed. He hadn't meant to be gone this long. T.K. Was probably a mess.
it was with these thoughts churning that he turned himself towards the Lake and dipping paws into it. He stepped into view. The morning sun was splashing shadows along the tops and he was able to see a few fish. With practiced ease, he settled into place.
Finally, a swift shadow. He darted and grasped, barely filling his jaws. He crunched. And grumbling took it to the edge.
A small fish was better than no fish, but he would need to return.
Rolled a 1d4 in tabletop/discord, 1 for small, 2 for med, 3 for large, 4 for no. Rolled a 1.
August 29, 2022, 06:11 PM
sorry it took me so long, have a horse <3
slim sprinting runnerlegs carried alongshore panting greyhound slowing every dozen runs to lap at lakewater and continue run.
tongue lolling dripped drops as happysmile parted lips enjoying chill morning air and soft sunlight before day grew hot and hunteress had to hide in shadow for it to pass
sharp eyes looked into forest and it was floppy bouncing ears that swiveled at sound of splashes
some wolf brownshape played in water.
cheeks still rounded by simple joy greyhound bounced along smooth and muddy shoreline pebbles intent to stop at place where wolf brownshape could be better watched
heshe did not expect rodyn.
stopped smile froze and dropped wilted as did ears and eyes widened
t.k. watched rodyn as if rodyn were spirit beyond death
August 30, 2022, 07:47 PM
No worries. Ah I love TK. Pretty horsey <3
Rodyn was unsure how many fish he needed to fill the caches, but it was enough. It helped a little to ease the restless energy to his soul as well. The more he dwelled, the more he missed his little friend and wondered where he was.
Rodyn felt a sixth sense carry along his spine, and russet head snapped upwards, yellow eyes fixed on the beast in front of him.
T.K!he wanted to bound forward, but he remembered how fast movements scared the dog beast so he took one step forward and another, until he was five feet in front.
OH my gosh T.K. where have you been? You were gone and I didn't know where you were and i tried to find you a couple times and I couldn't. Are you okay?
Words fell from his lips fast and easy and nervous too. He wasn't sure how T.K. Would take seeing him.
August 31, 2022, 08:06 AM
lower jaw trembled eyes were glassy wide focusing so difficult on rodyn rodyn rodyn coming closer-
when rodyn stopped near t.k. stepped back, when wordtorrent came ears flattened, when question was asked tail tucked
t.k. looked looked looked
out parted jaws came trembling whispering lowvoice:
"y-y-yeeeou left."
eyes wide wider shehe shook hisher head taking steps further back
"youleft meee."
welled up with fat tears now bitting bottom lip quivering body quivering
when rodyn stopped near t.k. stepped back, when wordtorrent came ears flattened, when question was asked tail tucked
t.k. looked looked looked
out parted jaws came trembling whispering lowvoice:
"y-y-yeeeou left."
eyes wide wider shehe shook hisher head taking steps further back
"youleft meee."
welled up with fat tears now bitting bottom lip quivering body quivering
Rodyn was alarmed at the fear and worry in hisher face. He took a step back, unsure what was causing such a reaction, but it twisted his heart up. He wanted to cry and shake himher. he had told himher he'd be back. But he knew it wouldn't be good.
Rodyn gave a soft whine. and lowered himself to his belly and then his head to his paws, looking up at T.K. He hadn't meant to hurt his friend. He had been meaning to be there he had not wanted to leave them.
It made him ill that T.K. Thought the worst of him.
T.K. I didn't leave you. I told you I'd be back. Why didn't you wait for me? I needed to tell my pack where i was. I was just worried about you. I needed you to be safe.
Rodyn gave a soft whine. and lowered himself to his belly and then his head to his paws, looking up at T.K. He hadn't meant to hurt his friend. He had been meaning to be there he had not wanted to leave them.
It made him ill that T.K. Thought the worst of him.
September 05, 2022, 10:35 AM
t.k. was shaking head gnawing on lip tears rolling as rodyn spoke
and eyes were shut but shuffling of grass made one solidbrown eye open look and saw rodyn on belly in that same pose shehe would make when hehim tore open delicious food bag or went potty on front porch because there was snow outside and didn't want to get paws cold
rodyn was
rodyn was sorry?
t.k. frowned tried very hard with all effort to be strong like housecats were never let anyone persuade or trick or guilt trip t.k. remained standing t.k. remained stalwart t.k. remained strict t.k.
dropped down to belly on grass and whined back.
"i-i-itwasawfuuuuul!" shehe whined head between trembling paws on drysummergrass. "itwasawfulawfulwolfsweree-e-everywherewolfscentinnoseonfurononon."
heshe snorted in wetness of nose and gulp-sobbed
and eyes were shut but shuffling of grass made one solidbrown eye open look and saw rodyn on belly in that same pose shehe would make when hehim tore open delicious food bag or went potty on front porch because there was snow outside and didn't want to get paws cold
rodyn was
rodyn was sorry?
t.k. frowned tried very hard with all effort to be strong like housecats were never let anyone persuade or trick or guilt trip t.k. remained standing t.k. remained stalwart t.k. remained strict t.k.
dropped down to belly on grass and whined back.
"i-i-itwasawfuuuuul!" shehe whined head between trembling paws on drysummergrass. "itwasawfulawfulwolfsweree-e-everywherewolfscentinnoseonfurononon."
heshe snorted in wetness of nose and gulp-sobbed
September 05, 2022, 12:29 PM
Tears began to fall from Rodyn's own eyes as he saw the distress he had put his friend into. It was hard to breath, there was such a pressure on his chest.
Rodyn sniffled.
Rodyn wanted to touch, to soothe, but he knew it would make his case worse. His friend had already done more than they usually did by bowing down, by laying near him. By answering his words. T.K. Could have simply moved away, he could have ignored that Rodyn was here.
Rodyn sniffled.
I am sorry T.K. I have responsibilties. I have others who depended on me. I needed to them where I was. I told them to let you know I would be back. I promised you I wouldn't leave you, taht I would stay and that is my fault, I should have told you personally I was leaving, but that I would back. Can you....can you ever forgive me T.K.?
Rodyn wanted to touch, to soothe, but he knew it would make his case worse. His friend had already done more than they usually did by bowing down, by laying near him. By answering his words. T.K. Could have simply moved away, he could have ignored that Rodyn was here.
September 05, 2022, 12:52 PM
t.k. stilled. herhis eyes rolled sideways and away from rodyn's plea. the mouthline quivered again.
standing stalward strict.k. raised hisher head a bit above the ground and nodded quickly.
then paused.
then nodded again.
"butrodyn." herhis head tilted.
standing stalward strict.k. raised hisher head a bit above the ground and nodded quickly.
then paused.
then nodded again.
"butrodyn." herhis head tilted.
![[Image: 27383317.gif]](
September 05, 2022, 12:59 PM
Rodyn did not move from his position. He did not wish to startle T.K. Even if the shehe, moved themseles.
Breath wooshed out in gentliness, and he bowed his head. Closed his warm yellow eyes for a moment to collect himself, running a russet paw along eye slits. The wetness there.
He smiled albeit watery.
Breath wooshed out in gentliness, and he bowed his head. Closed his warm yellow eyes for a moment to collect himself, running a russet paw along eye slits. The wetness there.
He smiled albeit watery.
I am part of a pack of Wolves, known as Moonglow. Do not worry they are kinder than most. I know there are other packs of wolves that would probably hurt you or scare you, but these ones ar enot like that. I am a hunter for them. I am a part of them and I need to let them know where I am. Perhaps someday if you ever want too. I will take you to meet them.
Have you been okay?
September 05, 2022, 01:28 PM
floppy ears raised hearing strange new things about rodyn
t.k. did not believe moonglowwolves were kinder than others or all as kind as rodyn but rodyn did not say bad things about them therefore they were probably kind to wolfrodyn
but idea of dogt.k. meeting same wolves made t.k. nervous
if you ever want to
yes heshe would never ever never want that
have you been okay?
"hunting! huntinghunting." t.k. straightened tail wagged. "hotherethereandhere-" gasp. "-butcanhuntinmorningwheniscold-" gasp. "huntedpronghornyesterdayand-" pause.
ears perked up again
"rodyn!" with a bark "caughtpronghornandandand-" gaaasp. "-buriedingroundlikeyousaid!" hindlegs kicked up so hunteress was now in playbow. "cantakeyoueat!"
t.k. smiled
t.k. did not believe moonglowwolves were kinder than others or all as kind as rodyn but rodyn did not say bad things about them therefore they were probably kind to wolfrodyn
but idea of dogt.k. meeting same wolves made t.k. nervous
if you ever want to
yes heshe would never ever never want that
have you been okay?
"hunting! huntinghunting." t.k. straightened tail wagged. "hotherethereandhere-" gasp. "-butcanhuntinmorningwheniscold-" gasp. "huntedpronghornyesterdayand-" pause.
ears perked up again
"rodyn!" with a bark "caughtpronghornandandand-" gaaasp. "-buriedingroundlikeyousaid!" hindlegs kicked up so hunteress was now in playbow. "cantakeyoueat!"
t.k. smiled
September 05, 2022, 01:57 PM
Rodyn felt his pack was very kind, that they were the kindest wolves in the Teekon. He knew too that were he to take T.K. they would be kind to them as well and Moonwoman would find a place for him/her, but he also knew that T.K. did not like that sort of life.
Rodyn jumped up, his tail wagging returning the play bow.
Rodyn smiled at his friend, lopsided and endearing.
Rodyn jumped up, his tail wagging returning the play bow.
That's great T.K. !!
So you have been hunting all over? What other things have you caught? I have to go on a trip soon to hunt and hunt, and speak to other wolves. If you would like to travel with me you can.
Rodyn smiled at his friend, lopsided and endearing.
I would love something to eat. T.K.
September 05, 2022, 03:11 PM
excitement excitement!
with a bounce in step t.k. barked and dropped into playbow and leapt up again and barked again and made as if to run in direction where pronghorn meat was
rodyn was back! rodyn was good!
greyhound ran again ahead
then stopped.
then cantered back
"comewith?" again tilting of head but while making circle around rodyn
"wherego? whyhuntmorethaneat?"
shehe guided them vaguely northeast.
with a bounce in step t.k. barked and dropped into playbow and leapt up again and barked again and made as if to run in direction where pronghorn meat was
rodyn was back! rodyn was good!
greyhound ran again ahead
then stopped.
then cantered back
"comewith?" again tilting of head but while making circle around rodyn
"wherego? whyhuntmorethaneat?"
shehe guided them vaguely northeast.
September 06, 2022, 07:56 PM
Rodyn followed into his own play bow, and followed behind T.K. with a lope.
with a bounce in step t.k. barked and dropped into playbow and leapt up again and barked again and made as if to run in direction where pronghorn meat was
Rodyn spoke as they walked.
Rodyn wasn't sure how else to answer, and he could cache some of the meat, easily. He would take some back, share with T.K. He would like it if his friend came with him.
with a bounce in step t.k. barked and dropped into playbow and leapt up again and barked again and made as if to run in direction where pronghorn meat was
Rodyn spoke as they walked.
I am trading. My leader in the pack I told you about. She wants me to trade with other packs, for furs and pretty things to take back to the pack. So I will not be eating the meat, but getting the meat for others. Does that make sense?
Rodyn wasn't sure how else to answer, and he could cache some of the meat, easily. He would take some back, share with T.K. He would like it if his friend came with him.
September 23, 2022, 08:58 AM
tbh i come back solely for rodyn
it made very little sense and was actually very silly
"notmakingsenseisverysilly." heshe panted bounding forward then slowing to let rodyn catch up "ifyouwant-" pant "ifyouwantprettythingijustgivetoyou."
there was one yellowflower poking out of clump of summergrass
t.k. ran and picked it with teeth while in gallop then circled around back to rodyn prancing like horse presenting yellowflower dangling from mouth to rodyn
"seegiveyouthis!" t.k. grinned wide around flowerstem crushed mushy by teeth
September 23, 2022, 09:31 AM
Aww thanks <3 He is one of my good charies. *blushes*
Rodyn knew that it could be perceived wrong, but he was not to speak of Samani. Another order. Though he found that hard to do. He wanted to shout to the treetops about her. But alas he couldn't.
Rodyn smiled a soft c huckle from his throat at T.K. Rodyn caught up with T.K. and turned yellow gaze to himher as they spoke.
As T.K. ran off, Rodyn watched them in wonder and then a huge smile broke across his maw when he was handed the flower. Holding out his paw, the wet slobbery mess was dropped into it and without a second thought, Rodyn wound it around his one ear.
What do you think T.K. does it look okay there? Thank you for my flower. I've never been given a flower before.
Rodyn met the others gaze and smiled again. Boyish and kind.
It is a bit confusing I know, but it is to secure my future as a hunter in the pack. It shows bravery and good skill to bring back all the furs.
September 24, 2022, 08:22 AM
put droolyflowermush behind ear??
t.k. burst laughing sound not graceful because t.k. was not graceful but honest simple sincere
"lookgreat! lookgreat!" heshe reared onto hindlegs wiping joytears with both wrists at same time
balance lost rolled onto grass kicking belly aching laughing laughing!
stopped rolling now giggling paws crossed over stomach
lifted head to look moisteyes glistening at rodyn
"skilledskilled! likedanecoonbloodhound! bigstrongintimida-!... intamada-!... intamadada-!... scary!" said with grin and pounce back onto feet
"butmefastquickspeedylikedeerpronghornrunner'LOPE!" wheeze
"showyouraceyou!" tail wagging greyhound bounded forward with bark
summergrass ended. preytrail led into trees up up around them up up ascent ( ground crunchy with dryness and heat )
hilltop barren above woods expect for single tree beyond it
squirrel running downbark t.k. scampered down hillside into roots
put droolyflowermush behind ear??
t.k. burst laughing sound not graceful because t.k. was not graceful but honest simple sincere
"lookgreat! lookgreat!" heshe reared onto hindlegs wiping joytears with both wrists at same time
balance lost rolled onto grass kicking belly aching laughing laughing!
stopped rolling now giggling paws crossed over stomach
lifted head to look moisteyes glistening at rodyn
"skilledskilled! likedanecoonbloodhound! bigstrongintimida-!... intamada-!... intamadada-!... scary!" said with grin and pounce back onto feet
"butmefastquickspeedylikedeerpronghornrunner'LOPE!" wheeze
"showyouraceyou!" tail wagging greyhound bounded forward with bark
summergrass ended. preytrail led into trees up up around them up up ascent ( ground crunchy with dryness and heat )
hilltop barren above woods expect for single tree beyond it
squirrel running downbark t.k. scampered down hillside into roots
September 24, 2022, 10:59 AM
Rodyn chuckled at T.K.'s burst of laughter. It was honest and real and it made his stomach hurt from the joy of it. It was a nice sound. He liked laughing happy T.K. versus, anxious fearful T.K.
Rodyn had trouble following T.K. words. He didn't know what a dane or a coon or a bloodhound were. He knew big and strong and intimidating, though he wasn't sure if he would use those words to classify himself. Strong maybe, large perhaps, but not intimidating at least he didn't try to be.
Rodyn grinned.
He joined him at the finish line with laughter on his face, eyes dancing merrily.
Rodyn had trouble following T.K. words. He didn't know what a dane or a coon or a bloodhound were. He knew big and strong and intimidating, though he wasn't sure if he would use those words to classify himself. Strong maybe, large perhaps, but not intimidating at least he didn't try to be.
Rodyn grinned.
Oh you're on.He raced after the greyhound beast. His friend quickly outdistanced him, as the she/he beast was made for running. Rodyn was not, but he tried to keep up and used his long legs and stamina to his benefit, but T.K. Still beat him.
He joined him at the finish line with laughter on his face, eyes dancing merrily.
September 24, 2022, 01:31 PM
into roots they went where was red dust but deep shade
rolling into place t.k. settled against back root patting spot next with paw inviting rodyn come sit too
t.k. began digging vigorous in front of herhim raising large cloud
when it settled heshe held the back legs with abdomen attached of young pronghorn
(rest was eaten and rest was left for flies and ravens)
crunchy dusty stale but filling!
rolling into place t.k. settled against back root patting spot next with paw inviting rodyn come sit too
t.k. began digging vigorous in front of herhim raising large cloud
when it settled heshe held the back legs with abdomen attached of young pronghorn
(rest was eaten and rest was left for flies and ravens)
crunchy dusty stale but filling!
September 25, 2022, 10:27 AM
Rodyn settled behind his friend and watched as he found the meal he had hidden.
A moment of pride licked his soul and he smiled. He motioned for T.K. to take a bite first, because it was his meal after all.
Then he shifted and took a bite only after T.K. had.
well done T.K.!
A moment of pride licked his soul and he smiled. He motioned for T.K. to take a bite first, because it was his meal after all.
Then he shifted and took a bite only after T.K. had.
Did you habe help to catch the pronghorn?
shehe first looked at rodyn smiling but not understanding what
oh! eat first pronghorn meat yes yes if rodyn didn't want first then
thin jaws tore tiny strips piece by piece chewed quick quick gulped down and did again
four jawfuls later heshe pushed leg over to rodyn, smiling again tail wagging- now rodyn must feed!
licking whiskers shehe watched rodyn eat, one ear twitched at question
"no!" hunteress said with full pride sticking out chest raising head "caughtalleverythingbyme!"
then back to watching rodyn eat.
"rodyn." said when sure rodyn wouldn't eat more. "youcanstayhere." paw tapped reddust. "ifeedyouyousleepyougolater!"
oh! eat first pronghorn meat yes yes if rodyn didn't want first then
thin jaws tore tiny strips piece by piece chewed quick quick gulped down and did again
four jawfuls later heshe pushed leg over to rodyn, smiling again tail wagging- now rodyn must feed!
licking whiskers shehe watched rodyn eat, one ear twitched at question
"no!" hunteress said with full pride sticking out chest raising head "caughtalleverythingbyme!"
then back to watching rodyn eat.
"rodyn." said when sure rodyn wouldn't eat more. "youcanstayhere." paw tapped reddust. "ifeedyouyousleepyougolater!"
October 20, 2022, 08:29 PM
Rodyn watched as the dog beast ate strips of the meat and he nodded happily. Glad to share a meal with his sweet friend.
Rodyn took a few bites. He didn't want to take too much. It was T.K.'s meal, but it definitely worked in filling his stomach.
Rodyn smiled up at the beast.
Rodyn took a few bites. He didn't want to take too much. It was T.K.'s meal, but it definitely worked in filling his stomach.
So proud of you T.K. !
Rodyn smiled up at the beast.
I'll stay with you then. Are you gonna come with me on my trade journey? Or do you want me to just meet you when i get back?
"wherewherewhereyougo?" head tilted, making ears flop. tongue was out the side. "ican-icangoalleverywhereflat!"
posture then hunched head lowered. "butnonomountainsnoforest."
eyeballs whipped one corner to other suspecting mouth's next words might be heard by
"...bigscaaarythingsinwoods. andmountains. notjust- notjustwolves."
posture then hunched head lowered. "butnonomountainsnoforest."
eyeballs whipped one corner to other suspecting mouth's next words might be heard by
"...bigscaaarythingsinwoods. andmountains. notjust- notjustwolves."
October 23, 2022, 02:48 PM
Rodyn tilted an ear upwards, though he was growing sleepy, but he spoke on slurred words slightly.
Rodyn lifted a head and turned warm yellow eyes to his friend.
Rodyn gave a soft smile.
I'll be going all over, mountains and forests and by rivers and creeks, through flatlands and swamps.
Rodyn lifted a head and turned warm yellow eyes to his friend.
Well then how about you stay around here, and when I return in two full moons. I'll find you. And we can hunt or play or fish?
Rodyn gave a soft smile.
The forest and mountains can be scary I know.
October 29, 2022, 03:38 PM
"o-o-oh." ears dipped. "ica- ican'tgoallwaythererodyn."
t.k. was genuinely very very sad that shehe couldn't go with rodyn
but there were scary big dangerous things t.k. was afraid of
and fear was a big thing.
t.k. nodded strongly at offer.
"yesyesyescomefindmecome." tail wagged.
heshe saw rodyn was tired and thought yes now would be time to rest too
shehe slid down onto belly and rested head on paws a lot of empty space between rodyn and t.k.
and the empty space felt warm and safe and respectful
t.k. shut herhis eyes with a smile, tail still wagging
t.k. was genuinely very very sad that shehe couldn't go with rodyn
but there were scary big dangerous things t.k. was afraid of
and fear was a big thing.
t.k. nodded strongly at offer.
"yesyesyescomefindmecome." tail wagged.
heshe saw rodyn was tired and thought yes now would be time to rest too
shehe slid down onto belly and rested head on paws a lot of empty space between rodyn and t.k.
and the empty space felt warm and safe and respectful
t.k. shut herhis eyes with a smile, tail still wagging
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