Dragoncrest Cliffs Built to last but prone to fall
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
All Welcome 
Rosalyn walked through the meadow along the edge of the tangle. She barely noticed the insects that brushed by, caught still by the past few days.

She'd helped to search for her grandson long into the night, but at length they'd been forced to give him up for lost. Pragmatism told her that at least he'd been young... in time, the scars would fade easier. Chacal hadn't known him like she would the others. It was a cruel thought that she kept only for her own comfort, small as it was.

And another one gone. Gunnar had disappeared, and with it her chance to share with someone who understood. Someone who wouldn't fear the conversations she ached to have, but still refused to. It didn't matter if she ever intended to actually use that door. Now that it was gone, all she had left to do was resent its disappearance.

And still they wondered why she held no respect for them. As one by one they always disappeared, wordless, from their shores.

She'd needed a moment alone. There was too much anger in her now, she felt, and nowhere to direct it. Her grandson was gone and now Chacal knew, far sooner than any mother ever should, how it felt to lose a piece of her heart. If she could tear apart the cliffs to bring him back to her, Rosalyn would. Instead she could do nothing.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Because i love her and Etienne does too.

Etienne was much smaller than the average wanderer, but he couldn't spend a moment longer in the den. There was a type of grief there, that was heavy and overbearing and it suffocated and hurt. He had taken to keeping his head upward, watching for any sign of foul bird. So that he could hunker down and hope it didn't get him. His paws feeling the vibrations beneath him.

He found himself near the tangle following a scent and a vibration. He caught sight of his granme, and though he knew he would be scolded for being outside. He moved forward anyway to be near her.

Golden eyes set upon her and he chuffed quietly. Maybe she would see him. And maybe, just maybe she wouldn't scold, but he doubted it. He was not supposed to be outside, but he missed Req and he missed his happy manman. He didn't like this, this heaviness that everyone held. That he held. It hurt his tiny chest and made breathing hard.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
She did not notice him on her blind side at first. It wasn't until she turned that she spotted him, and immediately she looked around for the rest. Was he out here alone?

It was too soon after. She sent a quiet call to @Chacal to let her know that her son was here, accounted for, before she spoke.

You shouldn't wander alone, love. Your mama is trying to keep you safe. She would worry every time they disappeared now, fearing the worst. Even with her memory, Rosalyn remembered this. Still, despite knowing and her anger, she could not make her tone harsh. And she would not take him back.

Come here. She welcomed him in for a hug. Sorrow hung about him, just as it did all of them. Rosalyn would do what she could to counter it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His granme noticed and didn't scold. He moved closer a small shuffling gate. Heavy leaden paws. Wyes scanning the sky.

She loosed a call to his manman to lwt her know he was well. He winced not realizing he may have caused his mother pain until just then. But he was young and didn't know.

Etienne moved close to her and burrowed into her warm fur. And suddenly his throat was tight. And he wanted to wail. He rubbed his face along her side.

Req 's gone and manman is Tris. Heavy, heavy on chest. The earth was quiet granme. There were nothing.

He didn't know how to tell her that he couldn't feel the vibrations when his brother was taken. That everything was silent.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
What he said made no sense to Rosalyn at all. She was reminded a bit of Sobo and how he and Erzulie had shared a bit of a language that she wasn't privy to. The pirate believed in ghosts and in spirits, but she held fast to her view that those things were better left alone. Attracting the attention of power like that never seemed worth it, even if there was a chance at something to be gained.

Maybe Erzulie would have understood. He may find his way back yet. It's happened before. She answered, looping a paw over to hold him close. It didn't really matter; the sentiment was at least clear. She wasn't generally an optimistic wolf, but she could make an exception for her grandchildren. They didn't need to learn the cruelty of the world this soon.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti wasn't certain if anyone would ever understand him. His family tried, but he was different than them or at least it seemed to be so. Theo was large and dominant. Suzu was quiet and demure, even a little anxious. Req had been much like Suzu. And Eti was curious and heard noises beneath the ground with his feet. Languages danced through his head, so prettily, but he had a hard time voicing them.

Eti looked up at her, confusion on his face. Before? He did not understand. Req had been taken only once? Had Req been taken before this? Before they could speak and walk? He didn't have much memory from his first few weeks of life.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Sometimes, someone gets lost. Sometimes they find their way home. Rosalyn couldn't bring herself to say it with the sureness she perhaps could have, but it couldn't hurt to give him at least a taste of hope.

Your aunts and uncles have done the same. Even Chacal, she thought. Or was that another? When had she gone?

Rosalyn didn't recall so did not mention it. It hardly mattered.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne lay his head against her, listening. You's been lost before granme?

Though if they came back, maybe he'd see Req again someday. Maybe. He hoped so. Hope. He liked the feeling.

His aunts and uncles had left, but returned. He liked that thought, though he wondered at it too. Uncle Sobo seemed like he liked the home base, and Auntie seemed like she liked it too, so he briefly wondered where they would have gone, what would they have heard and felt and tasted.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
His question was so full of innocence. Rosalyn fiercely hoped that he would have enough time before he realizes how many different meanings lost could have.

Aye. A few times. She said lovingly. But I've always found my way back too. If there was any kind of mercy in this world, that would never become a lie. Don't you dare make me a liar to this sweet child.

She could help Chacal in one way with this. Would you like to see a piece of the sea? If she could not search then she could distract and ensure those left were not so heavily touched.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Golden eyes looked up at her with innocence and questions. Though he had no reason to believe his granme would ever lie to him. So when she spoke so matter of fact, and explained to him that yes she had been, but always came back.

His heart loosened for the first time in a long time and he smiled sweetly, his tail wagging behind him.

His eyes grew wide. Wi! Mwen vle wè.

He didn't understand full everything, but he somehow knew innately that he would need to be careful with granme, she felt fragile in someway to him, but what way he wasn't sure. So He stood near her side, brushing against her, a smile on his face, a wag in his tail.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Rosalyn smiled and brushed her muzzle lightly over his eager forehead. Then she stood and began to lead the way towards the shore. There were stony places that would hold his first experience with the deeper ocean. The rite of passage into its waves was not something they officially held, but the tide pools seemed to always be an entry lesson for the gifts she held. Occasionally the dangers as well.

At night the sea swells. She presses inward to take what she can, but she can only reach so far. When she leaves in the morning, she will leave pieces of herself behind. It is a gift, just like the things found buried in the sand. Rosalyn explained as she led the way, traveling at a pace that would suit his short stride. She was not sure where she had heard this story - it's memory predated any of the shores near here. Someone important had said it once and now she acknowledged it as truth.

That is why you must respect her and wait until you are older, and stronger, to test her waves. She is happiest taking the ones who think she is harmless. Never let her rise to your shoulders. Chacal would likely teach them the ways of the ocean as she let them explore the shallows and play in the surf. It never hurt to repeat.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti leaned into her brush. Taking all thr love she would give. He walked next to her, eyes darting all around as they walked. He had not come this far before. He sniffed at stones and sand.

His granme began to speak and he listened closely. Gifts from manman sea?

Eti stared at the ocean with newfound awe. He would try and keep her words to his heart. He had already felt the sucking bite of the ocean when he walked on the beach.

Sea takes, but gives back. he murmured.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Aye. So many gifts. She smiled, in a tender way that was reserved for family, as he repeated her words. Clearly he had taken them to heart. It was maybe the most important lesson to learn for those who lived in her shorelines.

It took a bit of walking, but near the cliff side base she finally found what she was looking for. Come and look. She left a piece here. Rosalyn stood over the tide pool and eyed its contents, noting the things that were inside. She did not see anything immediately dangerous but she would still ensure that Etienne was cautious if he reached inside. There were no jellyfish floating but other hidden risks could hide beneath, obscured by sand and seaweed.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti moved closer to the tide pool, the vibrations different here beneath his paws. Though he could feel the strength from the ocean, the pull. There was a more reserved feeling to these pools too.

He eyed the many trinkets and life beneath the surface, but he didn't move to touch it. Not yet.

He stood next to his Granme in quiet study. There were shells, and pretty rocks, driftwood in different shapes and sizes. Life was teeming beneath the cerulean pools and he looked up towards her.

Can i Touch it granme? He wanted to so badly, but felt he should question if he was allowed, given the warning she had just shared.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
mind wrapping this and having another more recent? <3 I love him!!!!! (We can wait a bit if you want until things at the rise are sorted more)

There's a few things to look for before you reach in. Rosalyn stepped to the edge and pointed with her muzzle. Her one good eye appraised it. First, make sure there are no tendrils. Jellyfish are hard to see, especially in the shadows, but they sting when you touch them. They'll look like barely visible wisps, clear thin seaweed among the water.

There weren't any here but she would allow him to confirm. Next is urchins. See those? She pointed out the spiked formations. Your grandmere can show you how to eat them, but never touch the spikes. They have poison too. Rosalyn nuzzled his shoulder lightly. Neither will kill, but both will hurt.

Once he'd confirmed, she would stay by him and together they'd explore the contents of the pool. She would teach him what could be eaten and what could not, how to catch a fish by cornering it, and how to spot an oyster's buried location. If food couldn't be found anywhere else, oysters might save him someday. They'd done so for her more than once.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Not at all and thank you for the thread. I love her too. Would you like to start at me and we can wait as long as you like. <3

Eti looked up at her with warm golden eyes. Listening as every word dripped of her tongue with tender love and care. He followed the trace of her graying muzzle, moving close to her, to touch fur to fur, even if it was just a shiver of a touch. He wanted, no he needed that closeness.

No tendrils. Sting bad. Clear seaweed. he parroted back, making sure to remember her words.

Never toucha da spikes. Got it. Does it taste good? He looked up at her, hoping she could answer that pressing question. He smiled at her nudge and gave a soft sigh of contentment and happiness.

Small little masked boy spent the day in gentle repose with his granme, learning all she was willing to teach, and soaking up her attention. She did his heart such good, and he loved her all the more for it.

I love you to da stars and back granme.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
He was sweet. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, nodding. Your aunt sometimes brought them as gifts for me. They are worth the spines if you know how to avoid them. Rosalyn might have known at one time but it wasn't something she felt she could teach now. Mireille could show you also. The memory of sharing with their daughter had risen as she remembered the taste.

She had many other things to share and together they filled the afternoon. Her love for her grandchildren grew fiercer as she took the opportunity to teach, Etienne filling her time with laughter and light on the shoreline.