Sunspire Mountains Little girl lost
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia was traveling far away from @Atreus and @Void. She should have left sooner than this, but ahe had been exploring for a breif time. Long lean limbs of runner carefully steppwd through the mountain range. Following the paths of goats and the like.

She was glad Bear was safe, glad that he found a home. And she'd visit him soon enough. Figured she'd let him get settled before she came to check on him. Didn't want to cause any issues with his new pack mates.

Jade eyes followed the horizon as she walked a small smile on her face.

tags modtly for reference, but join in if you like.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
gotta create more tension lol

Void was back in his den, finally calming a bit from his dispute with Amalia, when he caught her scent again. He growled to himself. What made her think she could come around here again? Or stay around, if she hadn't left yet?

He left his den, though it was night time, and tracked her down fairly quickly. She wasn't very far from his den. Staying 20 or so feet away, he growled out loud. "You still here?"
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia heard footfalls and tilted her ears back towards the sound. She turned green eyes towards the nlack creature that was void.

She frowned. On my way out, thanks. You know i liked you when i first met you, but you're quite unpleasant. Are you always so miserable?

She huffed and turned back the way she was going.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Yeah, usually. I quite liked you too. I was attracted to you, and still am. While i half despise you for partaking in scaring off Bear, I also pride you for standing up for him, against me. You showed bravery, countering my own." He said, dropping his original anger and getting sincere with Amalia. 

"And sorry I'm so unpleasant. I was excited to finally have someone around. I've been alone for as long as I can really remember." Void sighed.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia swung around so quick, her tail almost rapped him in the face. First of all let's get one thing straight. I didn't chase him away or anything. So you just get over that! He went on his own accord and as grown wolves, we have to let him. He needs to find his own way. If we had continued to press and surround he would have ffelt suffocated. So stop blaming me for it!

She huffed. Her voice not growing louder, just very firm. Brokering no argument. If he wanted to meet her on even footing, then he'd listen.

She smiled sharply. Of course i stood up to you. I don't like bullies. They're irritating and you were being a bully.

She tilted her head. Then join a pack. It's not like you'd have to stay with them forever, just long enough to maybe learn some better social skills.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void had never thought of it that way. He thought his current mannerisms would fail him in any attempt at being a part of a pack he didn't run permanently. But maybe he could keep his shit together long enough to learn how to keep it together permanently. And then he could start a pack.

"Maybe... I like that idea. If i can keep my shit together long enough for a pack to want to take me in, that is." Void said to her idea.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia knew that his mannerisms were cause for concern, but she also knew that he could curb them. He just proved that now while talking to her. He had minded his manners and even spoken kindly in a way.

You've just managed to keep yourself together the entire time we've been talking. So i mean. If you think before you speak you should be fine. Moonglow might take you, that's where I am. There's a military pack that way, you could possibly due with some structure maybe?
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I have a friend, Rodyn. I think he is in Moonglow. Is he?" Void asked. He would join in a heartbeat to be with Rodyn. Even if it was just temporary. He loved Rodyn like a brother, and the two were so close in age they very well could be brothers.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia gave a soft nod of her head. Yes Rodyn is Gamma of Moonglow. He is also a very good hunter and trader for our pack. If you come to Moonglow, bring a gift, and ask for Moonwoman. Mind your manners and when she reads you, like she reads everyone, don't be rude.

Amalia shifted and met his gaze. I do hope you can become a better wolf Void.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void recognized the name. "Rodyn has spoken of Moonwomen. I've helped him with quests and stuff before for the pack, so perhaps my slight knowledge of things of Moonglow could help them accept me?" He said.

"And what do you suggest I bring?" He added.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled at him, green eyes giving off a spark of happiness for a moment. Then she dipped he rmuzzle down and shook her head.

The thing with tasks and bringing something. It should be something you have chosen, because you want to be chosen in return. It has to come from you.

She smiled and shifted.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Ok... I have helped Rodyn bring things like otters and weasels and such. Perhaps knowing that they've asked that of him, they'd appreciate it if I bring one of those myself? He even had to hunt a carribou once. Maybe that would be good, since they're impressive.." Void said, thinking out loud.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Lia listened with a small dose of amusement. It seemed that perhaps Void was growing into a better wolf. He had sins to atone for, but she was not to be judge, or jury. That was not her position in this world. No her's was to just gently accept those around her as best she could and hope for the best.

Caribou are not easily felled even with two, one would be a suicide mission. Rabbits, Otters, maybe even a small deer would be more than enough.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Yeah i did get knocked out and a bad head injury hunting a caribou with Rodyn..." Void said, remembering the incident. "I could definitely get some otters or a small deer though." He said. "Thank you Amalia, and, I'm sorry for how I reacted to everything. I think it was just my old instincts coming back in the form of protective love over Bear. I hope we can be better in the future? if not friends at least neutral aquaintances?" He asked.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
766 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia listened without commenting. She was sure that Rodyn had taken care of him then, if he had been hurt while hunting with their gamma. Rodyn was not one to shirk on helping a friend. He could see what the other moonglow member could see in this wolf. When he was being kind, he wasn't so terrible. He just needed to remember to stay kind.

We shall see. If you continue to do better. Then I think we can be friends. I'm off now. Don't get hurt hunting.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void snorted. "I won't. Safe travels Amalia." He said, dipping his head in parting.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy