Ouroboros Spine What can I say? I'm a people person.
See what I have to trade!
263 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
The paths were well cut against the mountainside. There was a fork in the road that angled up to the ulax and another more roundabout path to the lake - one where many of Moonglow's youth took solace with their thoughts as the days wore on.

Mojag lingered there now. The water was still; there were thin sheets of ice across parts of it. His own reflection was a hazy blur, like a half-realized shadow, cut against the white.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn hadn't seen the sun boy in some time. He missed him and Stratos both. Though he had heard that Mojag had returned and with an air of happiness, he had let him be, learning the ways that Samani wanted to be loved and providing for her in what she needed.

But now in a stolen moment of time for himself, he sought out the young male of Shikoba. He didn't consider him son of Inutsuk, he considered him son of Moonglow and shikoba, perhaps this was unfair, but his father had proven he was not to be trusted, even if he brought the hunter back.

He saw his young friend and chuffed in greeting a happy wag to his tail.
See what I have to trade!
263 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Further along the path was Rodyn, who came to the water with an energized gait and a happy expression on his face. Mojag recognized him immediately and that moment, smiled. He could slip the happy mask on and off with ease now, even if he didn't fully believe his own feelings.

Rodyn! The boy called out when he heard the chuffed sound of the man. Mojag turned from the icy water and gave his full attention to the hunter. But he didn't know what else to say suddenly, and felt sheepish.

How um, fares your hunting? Oblivious to the greater changes to Moonglow or the lives within it; Mo knew the man as a hunter only.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Mojag greeting him with a smile, and though it looked bright. Rodyn couldn't help but wonder if it were really. Mojag had always carried his worries and his words to his heart. Stratos too. Even Callyope. For all that he loved at Moonglow, those things bothered him. Only because he wanted to fix everything for everyone.

He was met with an enthusiastic greeting which surprised him. He hadn't interacted with Mojag in some time, since he was much younger than he was now. Not that he minded it. It made him smile wider.

Rodyn nodded. I recently went on a trader trip for a bride price for Samani. I've hunted many things now. Weasels and Brother otter, stag and caribou, goats in the sunspire. You should come with me some time on a hunting trip.
See what I have to trade!
263 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
A trip? A price? Mojag didn't understand this tradition nor the implications - thinking of Samani, who he only vaguely remembered.

It hadn't occurred to Mojag that he was coming of-age for such a rite as well; but he didn't know, and how would he? The island was a different place with different values. There he had learned of God, not wives.

Unsure of what to say as he processed, he murmured a half-hearted, Congratulations, and shuffled his feet.

I... He stumbled over thoughts and words, and paused. I am not sure if hunting is what I should be doing.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn hadn't known where Mojag had been. So he didn't know all the changes he had been put through and how his thinking had changed. So, he saw no reason not to share this news with him. Operating under the assumption that Mojag would know what he meant.

Rodyn's ears went forward and he listened. Well then what is it you're thinking on?

Rodyn Settled to his haunches and tilted his head. He would listen now.
See what I have to trade!
263 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
I left Moonglow to hunt for my father and I... failed. This he blurted out in the wake of Rodyn's interested expression, feeling as though a spotlight was focused upon him. It had never bothered Mojag before now.

And where I ended up, well... I was hunter there, and I learned a lot. But there's only so much I can do. And the failure weighed upon him despite being reunited, and being home. Perhaps because he was home now and able to wallow; Mojag had wanted to be home with his mother so badly! Now he didn't know.

But I can't stop being a hunter. My mother is --- I don't want to disappoint her. How could he give up this pursuit when it was so important to her?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn frowned. In your defense Inutsuk was hard to find. And sometimes when a wolf doesn't want to be found, they can't be.

That is all anyone is asked of. To only do what they can. It doesn't matter the skill set, as long as you try.

The next words though drew Rodyn pause and he made a soft mm sound deep in his throat. His eyes were warm upon the younger male. He offered him a small smile.

Mojag, you won't disappoint your mother. Your mother loves hunting, but she loves you more. She is absolutely, consistently proud of you. Not what you can do, you. The wolf that you are. The kindness you show. Your perseverance in times of strife and tribulations. And so much more. I bet if you ask your mom, she just wants you happy and healthy and near. Not everyone needs to be a hunter. We have many hunters in this pack. If something else calls to you, try it.

He nodded. Look at Callyope who is now a spirit talker, or Moonwoman who counsels and tells stories. Why couldn't you do one of those things, if they held more interest to you than hunting. Or something else entirely. We all just want you happy. And doing what you love, be where you love.
See what I have to trade!
263 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Not want to be found? It hadn't occurred to Mojag that his father would choose not to be sought after, or that he might hide from those seeking him. Everyone else was so accessible; but then again if Inutsuk had wanted to be part of their lives, he would've been there, rather than gone in the first place.

Rodyn was full of overt praise for the boy. It warmed Mojag's heart; he only wished it was his own father saying these things, but after their reunion and their return, he had seen very little of the man. It felt strange to be in his company and Rodyn's words had somehow etched a reason upon the boy's heart: it was perhaps because Inutsuk had not wanted to be found.

Callyope, spirit talker. Moonwoman, stories...

The other man gave Mojag hope that there was another path.

I don't know what I love yet, he admitted. A warmth attacked his cheeks. But.. Thank you. I think I know where to start, so I can figure it out.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Some wolves when they got into the depths of their own despair, they disappeared into their heads. They were impossible to find and impossible to speak with. Rodyn felt that Inutsuk was this type of wolf. That when he was upset he couldn't see past that. It was unfair, and it was absolutely that man's short coming. No one else, not shikoba, not Mojag should have had to pay for it.

Rodyn smiled. I am glad. You know. Come spring or summer. There's a pack towards the sunspire. They are very kind and they are a pack of scholars. Perhaps you could take up the trader mantle and go there, trade knowledge with them for a few days? Perhaps it could help? Aresenio is the leader there.

A tilt to his head. Mojag had grown larger in his time gone. He had turned from boy to man, and Rodyn wasn't entirely sure how to take it. Was this how his parents had felt as he had grown. Surprised and proud and happy? Hopeful?
See what I have to trade!
263 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
A pack in the mountains? Mojag tried to repeat the name that Rodyn spoke, over and over, so he would not forget. It was a strange sound but not unpleasant. The idea of adventuring away from Moonglow however, was unsettling. He had only just returned home! His time away had been painful in some regards, and freeing in others - but his place was here, among his people and with his mother. At least that was his thought now.

I will think about it. That is a good idea, he entertained it openly before Rodyn, not wanting to displease the man. There is lots of time to decide. He did not know how long the cold season was, as it was his first experience with it. But it was good to know it would not be forever.

He gave the man a friendly nudge with his nose against the man's chin, as thanks, and as farewell. You've helped me a lot, Rodyn. Thank you. And that was a clear indicator their conversation was at an end; the boy had duties after all, and catching up to do with his family, so he would not linger.