Fairspell Meadow Divine and Witchy
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Colored body found her way winding through the meadow, yet again. Though her thoughts were on the girl laying behind at the den sites. Healing slowly from her wounds. What drove her was the hope that she could find some healing herbs that only grew in winter. She could think of Thyme and Rosemary, similar in properties, and useful in their own right.

Thyme for bacterial infections, as well as some brain diseases, though she hadn't sought that out. And Rosemary for much the same thing, in part it was a bit hardier, and better for infections than Thyme. If she could find both it would make her entire winter. She smiled to herself as she pressed harder towards her end journey.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
Is it considered lying, if your plans change along the way?
Or is it worse that they changed right after you stepped out of your home?
Or is it even worse that your intention had never been to take the safe route in the first place?

Almost two weeks after Dwin had left her home to go on her grand journey, she still felt a little pinch of guilt for not being entirely honest with her parents. Therefore, when her conscience bothered her or when she thought of the prospects of running into any of her relatives even this far from Brecheliant, she tried to come up with all the possible explanations and reasons. It seemed that she had inherited over-thinking things from Maia. 

But rather than letting this plague her spectacular journey all the time, 90% of time she confined it in a safe cabinet and enjoyed her newfound freedom. Sure - it came with difficulties, but even having less to eat than back at home and having colder weather than she would have otherwise preferred, did not dampen her youthful enthusiasm. Life was great, she had everything before her and all things were going to be absolutely wonderful. 

Dwin had been not very succesfully critter-hunting in the meadow, when she saw someone moving in her direction. This made her stop, observe and once the person in question had come within the ear-shot call out: "Good day, miss! Where are you going?"
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw continued on her forward journey. On occasion her mind circling back to the girl that lay in her den. The child as she was, but could she really be considered such a thing anymore. She had taken a life, accident or not. That couldn't not have ramifications both on her own mental state and any repercussions that the family or pack of the deceased didn't try.

However, in the same vein she wondered if she had any right to question this. Clearly this was both a moment for Atka and Sos. Those who led the living and the dead. It was a plan engineered by gods it had to be. She wondered what else she could do to show how beloved her gods wer to her.

 A voice rang out to her and she lifted her gaze to come across a youngling in the meadow. Grey and white with pretty apple eyes. She dipped her head and tilted an ear forward. 

I am looking for Rosemary and Thyme, they are winter plants. Well late fall, early winter. What are you doing young one?
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Peop-" Ceridwen had a habit to interrupt people and only recently she had begun to learn to stop in time and listen to the end of the sentence. Plants. Not very entertaining. On the other hand - she was an explorer now and those guys and girls were not dumb people. So, perhaps, this stuff the other wolf had mentioned would be useful somehow later. 

She winced, when she was called a "young one", as if her effort to grow up as fast as possible to enjoy the liberties and freedoms of "old ones" was slighted. Dwin as almost as tall as her mom - was it really that obvious that she was not exactly an adult? "Oh, I am on my way to do something big," she explained, deciding to let that brief moment of embarrassment pass. "Like discover a third pole or a new land or something," that did not sound as cool as it had in her mind. 

"What do those plants do?" she shot her question quickly, so that the other wolf did not have a chance to ask her to elaborate on the "something big" topic.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The girl went to interrupt and stopped herself. Ash Paw studied her more closely then. A young one, but not too young. Old enough to be exploring, to finding her own place where she may want to exist, and trades. She was old enough to learn a trade. Ash wondered if she was like her and liked plants, or something else.

Though her question was answered pretty swiftly after. The girl was into discovery and exploration, more a scout and ambassador than what Ash was. Ash made a soft tch in her throat, but listened along. She was disappointed that not more young wanted to learn plants, ailments and healing. Though she supposed could she really say much, it had taken her until she got to the teekon to realize she liked it. When she had been doing for years. Shame on her for being so judgy. Though she couldn't really help it.::

They both help with infections and pain. One helps with cold ailments. Thyme can clear your airways when a cold ignites you.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
Talk about infections and medicines made Ceridwen think briefly of her father. It was both a pang of guilt and a moment of missing him very, very much. In fact, she felt gworse for having been dishonest with him than with Maia. Mom had been an adventurer herself - she would understand, but dad sincerely had been worried about her safety. Always had been. While at times it had annoyed his freedom-loving daughter, to whom rules were set to be broken, she had also always known that he cared for his children very much. This meant a lot. 

"So - what do you do with them - inhale or something?" she asked, once again pushing her conscience in a cupboard and locking the door for the time being. "I once choked on grass - was not fun."
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw thought more of her auntie, than her father when she searched for herbs and plants. But her father had left the mortal coil early on. Her auntie and Gunnar had raised her. She should really seek out Gunnar again. It felt unfair to not have seen him. Perhaps she should visit his pack and meet his family. Cause she was fairly certain he would have one. He just collected strays.

Well, no. She chuckled. You can eat them, or you can chew them and pack them into the wound. It's a bit gross, I suppose most would think, but at least it keeps you from dying. Grass can be a pain in the butt. Especially if it gets in your throat.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"How does it stay put?" Dwin asked, staring down at one of her forepaws she had lifted up to have a good look at. She had already forgotten how and when, but there had been a day, when a playfight had escalated to something way more serious. There was still a thin, hairless line, where skin had been torn open on the inside of her elbow joint. It had taken a while to heal mostly and mainly because she had been impossible to keep down and had been notorious on licking and nibbling at it, whenever it had bothered her. 
"I mean, it can fall out just like that," she added. "My dad said that saliva is poisonous too. To wounds. It makes them worse. Like from a small scratch to a whole batch of skin missing," to be honest, she did not quite remember Eljay's exact words. "Or, perhaps, he just meant mine. Can wolves be poisonous? You know, like snakes?" her mind jumped to the next topic. 
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw found the girl though a bit flighty, endearing. She enjoyed talking to her. She frowned in thought and then spoke. 

I use cobwebs, or sometimes seaweed to bind them. Cobwebs work better, stickier.

The girl seemed lost in thought, so she let her be for a moment. To digest what it was had just been shared.  Though her questions came in quick fire succession, so much so that Ash almost had difficulty keeping up, but she tried. 

It can fall out yes, it may take a few days, which even a few days is better than none. It can be yes. That is why you shouldn't lick it to much. You want to use water to cleanse it.

Ash chuckled and shook her head. Not exactly....there are herbs that one could potentially rub on furs, or claws that could cause poisoning, however it could also poison the user as well.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
Dwin did not look very convinced with the cobweb and seaweed story either, but a small voice in her head (that she had ignored earlier) reminded her to be polite. Proud to be free and independent, she still had respect to adult figures. Before them she still felt small, though she would never admit it out loud.

The poisonous wolf story got her full attention and she listened excitedly. "That is awesome!" she said. "Are there plants that make you glow in the dark? Like ghosts?" she asked the next logical thing. Just think - she could not only pretend to be the scariest thing in the woods. She could look like one too. With the help of this spectacle Dwin would scare Jay out of his smug fluffy pants. 100%.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The younger wolf obviously had no idea what she was saying or even what was said. She could understand. If you weren't interested in it. Well, then you didn't pay attention to it. And she was young perhaps when she was older she would have a better respect for them.

Well I imagine so yes, but I a afraid I don't know those. There are some bugs that will also make you glow. For instance if you were to squash the fire flies, their guts upon you would make you glow. There are also worms in deep dark caves that glow. And some rocks glow.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Yeah, no thanks. Being covered in bug guts is sooo kind of stuff Jay would get in," Dwin said, shaking her head. While the prospect of shining in the dark was still very tempting and she would try it with any less disgusting means...  - Hold on, Dwin!, ain't it ironic that you would not mind getting dirty in every other kind of substance (carrion included) for camouflage purposes, but suddenly bug guts are not okay? - Nope. Move on. Continue to narrate my story.
"Do you know, where to find such caves?" she asked. "Maybe you live in one?"
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small smile on her maw at the girl's adamant words. Jay is a brother? or Sister?

That was the only logical conclusion that another sibling was one that would get into such things. Perhaps even a younger sibling. Ash had none of those, unless you counted Gunnar, but he was a cousin not a brother and he was almost 6 years older than her, so more than even a bother, but a father figure? It was weird.

Usually the center of forests, or edges of cliffs. Sometimes by the sea, but be careful they are treacherous.:

Ash Paw should probably feel bad about leading this girl on adventures that she could get hurt in. But she was not her child, nor her pack mate. Therefore, she could do what she wished with her own time and body.

No I live in a cozy den with medicinal herbs.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"A brother. Boys like such disgusting things as bug insides," Dwin explained, scrunching her nose. She did not feel bad for smearing her brother's good name behind his back. Because it was the dead you had to speak well off. The living were in for a game. Simple as that. The truth was... SHUSH!!! ...you can read the truth in the previous post. 

"You have a disgusting brother?" she asked, using the adjective so casually as if it was inextricable from the latter. Then she thought that - perhaps - she should add something good about @Jay too, though their conversations usually had consisted of mutual (but albeit friendly and endearing) insults. To an outsider that kind of ragging would have appeared a bit extreme, but anyone, who were well familiar with the Blackthorn siblings, knew that the Queen of Dorkistan and Orc of the Vale loved each other very much. 

"Okay, I will go there 100%," Dwin announced. Add "treacherous" to any place in the world and the girl would not need any other description. "Where do you live? I mean - what's the name of the pack?"
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw chuckled. And then felt a sadness deep in her stomach. She had never known what it was like to have a sibling. It was saddening to her. She wondered if she would not have been so haughty and proud had she had a brother or a sister. Would she have been kinder?

Ash Paw shook her head. I do not. I have an older cousin who was like a brother, but he is so much older than me, that he was no longer using bugs as decorations by the time I came along. Shameful really. I'd have liked to tell him, just once he was being gross. And she would have a gentle smile blooming on her face, as she imagined Gunnar's face if she called him disgusting.

The girl was adamant that she was going on this trip. Ash Paw felt a momentary stab of guilt and then she pressed it aside. This girl was not her responsibility and she had warned her it was treacherous. What she did with that was up to her.

I live in Basilica near the Plateau. That way. She motioned the way she had come. My name is Ash Paw if you should need it.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Old people are not bad, but they tend to be boring," Dwin had her 5 cents to share on the subject. Well, if asked to name anyone specifically, she would reply that all adults consisted of around 35% of exciting, 35% of boring and some 30% of "DWIN-DON'T/DWIN-I-TOLD-YOU-SO/DWIN-NO". For some reason the older she got, the more those proportions changed, until she had come to a point in life, where all of us "now-boring-adults" have already been by declaring I will never ever be like my parents/relatives. Good luck!

"Yeah, if you tell unrelated people they are gross - even as a joke - they get offended," Dwin agreed, which was a pity. To those people. They missed the fun of "Let's come up with the best insults" game and would never even realize it. Though to be honest not all of her siblings appreciated her nicknaming them either. So, in a way - Jay was a unique one until proven otherwise. 

"Ash paw, nice to meet you and cool name!" the Blackthorn girl dipped her muzzle politely and beamed at her. "Name is Ceridwen, but all people call me Dwin. That's easier," she shared. "What is Basilica like? Sounds like basilisk - you know that pheasant-snake beast that can kill you with a glare?" she explained. 
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dwin is adorable. lol

Ash Paw was both appalled and amused by the girls words. Because technically speaking, Ash was one of these old people. Even if her size made her seem much younger. She was going to be 4 soon. This made her frown even further. Four and she hadn't done anything really worth noting in her life. She was indeed boring. That was hard to stomach.

Ash Paw did chuckle at her next words and shook her head. This girl was certainly honest. Even Ingram may break character for a small smile to her.

We are a pack of religious backgrounds and worship. Rather small as of right now. The leader is Dreadfather.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
Dwin did not have a filter and she happened to insult people without meaning to do so. In her experience very few conflicts and awkward situations between family members and packmats had arisen because she had been mean on purpose. Most of the time it was simply her saying the first thing that was on her or simply getting carried away and thinking about, what exactly she had said afterwards. 

Often she did not even notice (like now) that she had made her companion feel awkward, because she herself did not see an issue. In this case - Ash Paw was not considered old. Old was like dad with his creaky joints and a trail of sand, wherever he went (that last par was her creation). Or mom, who wanted to nap more than entertain Dwin 24/7. It was not until the young Blackthorn had become a bit older herself, when she began to discover the magic of naps. 

"That sounds so cool!" Dreadfather. Here had been Dwin, who had up until now thought that such names and titles existed only in stories. Their own pack's ranks were named after birds. And that was not interesting at all. "Does he have horns and scales and rules the Firey realms of the Underworld?" because that was exactly like a place, where a dreadfather could and should live. Anything less would not be worth of his name. "Does he have evil minions to do his bidding too?" 
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
In the girls defense, Ash Paw was easily offended, because she was a prideful wolf. Some would call it a flaw. She happened to think of it as a strength, but who was she to tell anyone else they were wrong. They were, but that was neither her nor there. 

Ash Paw laughed and suddenly she found a place where she could speak and embellish. He very well might when he's in the underworld. You see our Dreadfather is in a mortal body of a wolf, for he is the god of sithis, of the shadow realm, of darkness and death and the veil. I don't know about down below, but he has many of us to do his bidding up here. Though I don't know if we are potentially evil. Deathbringer might be, he's pretty scary.

Her eyes were amused as the girl was excited and asking tons of questions. She didn't mind embellishing on Ingram's delusion a little. It would scare other's away from the pack and give this youngling amusement.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
This wolf had a literal demon from hell living at her home, travelling freely from the Underworld to this Realm and back and here she had been talking just moments earlier about boring plants. If Dwin had this kind of creature at home, that would be the first thing she would tell anyone, who would want to listen, after introducing herself. Her second thought was that - boy - did she not regret wandering outside Brecheliant. Sure mom had told her a great deal about baby dragon farm and fairies, and trolls, and spirits and, whatnot, but after growing older, she had treated them with a bit of skepticism. Yeah, it is nice, but - you know - not real anyway. 

Now she felt as if she had been given that crucial proof that there were sentient beings living in the outer space. "What is the veil?" Dwin asked. "Do you do wolf sacrifices? Because that would make you evil," she pondered. 
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The calico seer witch, hadn't really thought about Ingram in that capacity. He was just the dreadfather, her strange friend, and they were friends she felt at any rate. And he didn't interest her in the capacity that plants did anyway. Possibly because he was hard to understand, harder by far than her plants.

Ash Paw smiled. The veil is sort of the border between our world and the underworld or the dead. You have to pass through the veil to go to the underworld when you die.

Ash Paw put a paw to her chest. Of course we don't do wolf sacrifices.

Then she wondered if she had just lied. Because she wasn't sure if Ingram didn't possibly do them. She could see it, really.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Wasn't the rule that you cannot enter the realm of dead twice, while you are alive yourself?" Dwin scratched behind her ear trying to remember, what else she knew about the Underworld. It did not come easy - she was young and too busy living to have any lasting interest in dying. In her eyes that was a long, long, long way ahead. 

"But he was a god - right? That might not apply to them, I think," she mused. "Hey - if he is in contact with the dead - can you pass on messages to them?" it was the next brilliant idea. Just think of all the opportunities! "Or ask questions? I have at least five grandmothers and grandfathers that I would love to talk to," she looked at Ash Paw quite seriously. She was not messing around. 
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw listened and shook her head. I'm not sure honestly. I haven't spent much time learning of the underworld and the dead, I prefer the living. Though the girl brought up very good questions. Ash Paw had long ago lost the mantle of innocence and naivety that was often present in the younger generations.

I will have to ask him such a thing. I don't know how that works. I know that the dead can sometimes leave words for the living through thread bones, but if the living can ask after them. That is an unsuriety.

Ash Paw frowned. Everyone wanted to talk to those they had loved a long time ago. However, not everyone should. And the simple fact was sometimes the dead really needed to stay dead. There should be some things that just shouldn't be messed with.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Oh, sure, I prefer to be alive too, but just imagine the wealth of information you could get to know!" Ceridwen's excitement grew more evident the more she thought about the ocean of possibilities of contacting the dead. Having interviews and learning all the good stuff of your ancestors. Dwin had no doubt that every single person of her bloodline had been awesome in some ways, it was a shame, however, that only few notable figures were remembered not just by their names, but their deeds too! She did not believe dead to be malicious or having ill-intent towards the living. If a person had been just as nice and kind as a living person, they had to take these qualities with them. And - wouldn't the dead want to know more about the goings on in the living world? She was convinced that her aunt Wraen must miss her mom terribly or that grandma Finley would want to know, whether the young Blackthorns lived up to their grand family name?

"Is Mr Dreadfather a friendly fellow?" Dwin asked next, when Ash Paw mentioned talking to the demon man himself. "Would his Dark Excellency agree to answer my questions?"
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw looked over. Her excitement palatable, but also it filled Ash with a healthy does of fear. Perhaps she shouldn't have said anything. She was so unused to the young, that she had possibly made quite a blunder. This girl was far to excited, it was possible that she would go in search of knowledge that could get her killed. Knowledge was power, but sometimes too much knowledge burned you in hell.

The next question and a small laugh burst from the maw of the calico mage. She shook her head. He is mannerly and polite, but no I wouldn't say friendly. I believe it depends on what your questions are and if he were in a giving mood. Would you like to learn of the bones and the after life?

She was worried for the girl, but they did need bodies. She could ask him to at least meet the girl. He could extend the offer to stay. Though, then she wondered if she had shared too much and her ears went to her skull in worry.