Northstar Vale The awkwardness of broness
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Reyson moved through the pack lands. @Towhee's scent was heavy on the air, and he felt the pull that probably all the males in the vicinity felt, but he also knew he'd never act on it. One, well it was Towhee.....and she just wasn't his type. Two Maxim would rip his throat out and dance on his grave. Three Meadow would help Maxim.

Reyson moved throughout the land. His face slowly scabbing over and his blue eyes losing the heady, crazy light that had made it's home there for a time. He had hated Akashingo, and he wished he'd have never gone. Now they were in god only knew what kind of predicament, and he was partially to blame he was sure. Somehow.

He had free reign of Epoch, but he tried to stay near the borders and the edges. HE didn't want to go too deeply inside.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee’s commitment to holing up in the roost lasted about twenty-four hours. She might’ve been happy staying in bed with @Maxim for a week straight if she hadn’t already been cooped up prior with this stupid cold. It was finally going away and it left her with raging cabin fever.

It wasn’t like the old days, when she lost her damn mind during her cycle. Towhee was definitely feeling sultrier than usual, though she managed it. Just in case he wasn’t keen on her wandering around by herself in this state, Towhee welcomed her mate to shadow her. But she needed to get out before she started climbing the walls.

As she meandered around the edge of Lotus Spring, she wondered what was going on in Epoch these past couple of weeks. She was really out of the loop. It probably wasn’t a good time to go looking for company, though, so Towhee resigned herself to just walking around on her own. The gossip would have to wait.

She paused to sniff at some dried flowers when she reached the far side of the spring, peering westward into what was probably a riot of color in the springtime. It would probably start to bloom right around the time she delivered, Towhee realized with a little leap in her belly.

Her orange eyes rose to watch a wren winging across the pale sky and landing in a scraggly tree. It made her think of Wraen, though before her thoughts could wander any further, Towhee turned and squinted at an unexpected scent on the air.

Uh? Reyson…? she shouted toward the nearest stretch of perimeter.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
he was here. he did his very best to be understanding of towhee's desire to wander! of course, he did not actually think she'd go off to fool around behind his back. it was out of the equation entirely.

could he say he had full confidence of everybody else? eh.

he moved in a cautious swagger behind her, perhaps just as surprised to see reyson was still here. perhaps...he wasn't going back?

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He heard the tones of Towhee, and the fur on his back rose. He shook his head. He had to get closer to her, for her to be able to hear with her eyes. He sighed. But he turned and headed in that direction. He saw Maxim behind as he arrived and some of the tension left him.

He didn't imagine that Towhee was like the younger females or those who just gave in to their instinct, and impulses. But truth be told. He didn't know Towhee that well, he truly didn't. He liked her well enough, considered her a friend.

He dipped his head to both his friends and let his eyes lit upon Maxim and then Towhee with a humorous gleam.

You didn't wear out the goat skin yet did you? I have another one if you need it.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
What was he doing here? Was he visiting Meadow? Towhee vaguely remembered someone—Maxim, maybe, or one of the kids—talking about an incident with Reyson recently. But she had been feeling too poorly to really remember any details.

Now the man himself appeared before her, right after Maxim materialized behind her. Towhee blinked and remembered, Right. She probably shouldn’t have called out to Reyson at all. She’d just been so surprised to find him here, she hadn’t thought before opening her mouth.

Now it opened and shut again as Reyson made some casual quip about the goatskin. He didn’t offer any explanation about his presence, which threw Towhee momentarily. She glanced over at Maxim, who didn’t seem concerned. He was their friend, though the situation was still odd.

Actually, it has some questionable stains on it now, so we’d love another, Towhee drawled. And not that I don’t appreciate the offer but, uh, what are you doing here? Did I miss something?

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
400 for maxim's two favs, how fitting! :D

he snorted at the both of them. a playful roll of his eyes. although towhee did raise a good question. maxim had not known how long the officer of mereo intended to stay.

so he remained silent but steadfast. content to allow the two of them converse while he listened.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Congrats darling

Reyson hadn't had a chance to talk to Meadow yet, and Tamar had graciously told him to stay on as long as he pleased. So he had. As soon as he spoke with Meadow, he'd return to Germanicus with an answer.

I'll bring it on a return trip. He laughed generously.

Then his ears went back at her question. Depends. he drawled quietly, slowly. He looked to Maxim.

Not sure what your mate told you, but I had an episode after my return from Akashingo.

He frowned. Tamar told me to stay as i pleased, but the reason I am still here is to speak with Meadow. I haven't had a chance and Germanicus wants to know if I plan to stay in Mereo. But well that depends on her, but i haven't had a minute to actually have that conversation.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Grats, hubby! :')

Oh, Towhee replied, glancing a bit sheepishly over at her mate, I think he mentioned it. I’ve been dealing with this cold and I’ve been out of it, she explained before quickly saying, You’re alright, though?

She let him answer that before saying anything else about his situation. It didn’t really surprise her that he’d had a rough time of it with Akashingo. It also struck her as a little ironic that all of Mereo’s damaged soldiers seemed to wind up in Epoch.

I should probably shoo you away to go talk to her, Towhee eventually said, but I haven’t talked to anybody but this stud in days, so I’m gonna hold you hostage for another few minutes. Sorry about the smell.

She pointed at Maxim, wiggling her eyebrows at him. She then waved a paw, as if to dispel the odor clinging to her like Pig-Pen’s cloud of dust. Surely Reyson had noticed, though he gave no particular indication that he was perturbed.

What about what you want? Like, if you didn’t have to take Germ or Meadow into consideration, what would you wanna do?

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
towhee, as usual, had a way with words in a way that only she could. much more direct but flavorful than maxim could have ever been. nor did he have it in him to pry into reyson's life such a way. he had always enjoyed more of a...gentle, the-door-is-open-whenever approach. let the other man do as he would without force.

but nor did he deny himself his curiosity.

what did reyson want? not meadow, germanicus, or any other face they knew. his brow arched softly and he looked with a warmth to the scarred man.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson chuckled at her grin. And shook his head. The cold was probably the start of it, but he was willing to bet that anything after that between these two was completely carnal and that also attributed to her memory loss at the moment.

I am for now, yes.

The more Reyson was learning, the more it seemed he wasn't the only that despised Akashingo. What was it with that place. So dark and corrupt. He bled darkness.

Reyson locked his legs and lifted his head turning it swiftly. A smile in his voice and on his face, but he made sure to look at Towhee's face so she could read his lips.

Towhee. Can you maybe not wave the smell around?

Her next question didn't catch him off guard, it seemed to be the procession of what came after in all these recent conversations. Everyone was so concerned with what he wanted. When all he wanted was Meadow and peace hadn't thought about much else. Though for Towhee he did.

I think teach. But I don't know if my teaching would be welcome. All I know how to be is a soldier. A damn good one, but there are countless soldiers to share their knowledge in Mereo and Epoch. And Peace I just want peace, of mind, of body, of soul. Peace.

He met Maxim's eyes for a brief moment, fondness for his friends in them.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Well then, Towhee replied when his story struck a familiar note, you’re in the right place. You know Maxim and I understand better than most, she continued, gesturing at her silent mate, about retiring from that lifestyle into this one. And if you need a testimonial, I have zero regrets. I enjoyed my time in Mereo but I prefer the pacing here a lot more. You can still fight and guard, it’s just on your terms instead of anybody else’s.

She hadn’t done a good job of involving Maxim in the conversation. Part of that was selfish: it was difficult for her to keep up in three-ways. But now she looked to him, hoping he might share his own thoughts about the transition to help Reyson make the best choice for himself.

And as she gazed at her young husband, waiting for him to share his anecdote, Towhee couldn’t help but notice how incredibly attractive he looked, particularly in this lighting. Her whole body flushed with heat.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
it sounded like reyson did want to retire. maxim could not help but feel a pinprick of guilt on behalf of the imperator. how many more would he lose to epoch? soon epoch would house all of those who had once held officer roles in mereo.

but retirement was good. that he did not feel guilty for. the fact that him and towhee lived at a pace that they cared for now. if they wished their days to be long, it would be. if they wanted to have a day of sleep and rolling about, no questions asked.

epoch has been good to us. you could help towhee with her own lessons — a thoughtful look to his wife, hoping he had not overstepped. or perhaps you could come teach hunting with me. maybe something else epoch has not yet seen. possibilities are truly endless here, reyson...especially in terms of those you love.

now he looked to reyson, wondering if his foot had been put in his mouth yet.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson listened closely to the two of them. And he agree with what they were saying. It did seem that Epoch was more peaceful than Mereo, and quieter. He didn't mind helping out Towhee if she wanted. But Reyson honestly wasn't sure how good of a teacher he would be. Especially if the kids weren't born to be soldiers as he had taught before. However, he had taught Sakina, and spoke with Siku without incident. Towhee and Maxim's children he had difficulty with, but that was basically because their mom sicced them on him and he had no clue what to do.

He looked to Towhee, perhaps she would understand more than most his next words. Perhaps not. But he had no other reason other than this one.

I'm just tired, down to the bone and soul.

And it was shameful he felt in a way to be this way. He had promised the Imperator he would stay and help. He had gone to Akashingo to lead, to get that officer rank. And now he was possibly leaving. He wouldn't have known this was how it would end, and truth be told, he wasn't even sure if this was what was going to happen. It depended on many things.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Since she was already looking at him, Towhee didn’t have to turn to catch her mate’s words. She blinked distractedly and then tried to pay attention, though it was getting increasingly difficult to focus. Towhee wanted to look away, though she couldn’t do that without missing what he was saying.

Yeah, she said, whipping around to face Reyson a little too late to catch his brief response. I wouldn’t mind some help in my weekly merc lessons.

But this decision was ultimately up to him, so Towhee wouldn’t press it any further. Besides, she was veritably itching to grab Maxim and drag him back to their little roost. She was feeling more hot and bothered by the minute and it occurred to her that the only reason she didn’t go crazy anymore was because she had a dong on command.

Well, let us know what you decide. We need to get back to our den, like, ASAP, Towhee said, giving Maxim a meaningful look.

She waved a paw to Reyson and turned, hastening back toward the willow grove. Towhee bumped heavily into Maxim on her way, hoping to impress upon him the urgency of her need for him to hurry his cute little butt back home with her.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
some part of him did feel bad to leave so abruptly after what sounded like a practical cry for help. it showed in the soft apologetic look of his gaze.

but as towhee had established. dong on command was pretty much maxim's ultimate title at this time. so as towhee began the trek home, maxim lingered for only a moment.

we can talk more, one-on-one, if you want. maybe...sometime at night? when everybody isn't so busy. himself included.

but if reyson agreed, maxim had a wife he had to chase after.

the call of duty: modern wifefare two.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson shook his head with laughter on his face and motioned for Maxim to go. Go get your woman. Why are you still standing here talking to me, Go!

Reyson watched them go and then with a gentle wuff of laughter he turned back the way he had been going. Too many thoughts to quiet and needed silence to do so.

That last line lmao