for a long while she thought about what she had told bartholomew, that the island of sweetharbor was her love. and the longer heda held that thought in her mind, the more it began to scintillate and glow with a golden hope.
bartholomew had guided her to this place of god. then and now the darkfurred man was a prophet and mentor. but it was this land which healed, which the lord had given them.
why should she not then take it as her companion, truer than any husband could be?
heda had wanted to kiss him or to be kissed; now as she stood amid the palms and listened to the cold wind whisper a song through ice strung between the leaves, she felt the loving hand of their chosen one.
and it was a still small hope, and it had begun to replace the ache for bartholomew that marked the edge of her soul like a bruise. she could love him and love god and love this place, but not all. and not in the same way. and if it did not seem that he would love her, then heda meant to love the hallowed sacred earth and its trees and its clouds, its waves, its flowers, its sand.
she carried armfuls of delicate heather to her home high in the greenhills, and lay it out for a mat.
and for the first time in a while, heda began to sing a soft and trailing hymn.
bartholomew had guided her to this place of god. then and now the darkfurred man was a prophet and mentor. but it was this land which healed, which the lord had given them.
why should she not then take it as her companion, truer than any husband could be?
heda had wanted to kiss him or to be kissed; now as she stood amid the palms and listened to the cold wind whisper a song through ice strung between the leaves, she felt the loving hand of their chosen one.
and it was a still small hope, and it had begun to replace the ache for bartholomew that marked the edge of her soul like a bruise. she could love him and love god and love this place, but not all. and not in the same way. and if it did not seem that he would love her, then heda meant to love the hallowed sacred earth and its trees and its clouds, its waves, its flowers, its sand.
she carried armfuls of delicate heather to her home high in the greenhills, and lay it out for a mat.
and for the first time in a while, heda began to sing a soft and trailing hymn.

January 10, 2023, 09:24 AM
It was music that Eti heard, and with gentle movements. The vibrations there deep within his feet. The sweet noise to his ears, he followed it. He didn't go far beyond his home often, because bad things happened.
Reiki was taken from them by a golden bird that was not of the coast. Theo abandoned them for a time for a land that belonged to someone else. Then Quennell and Swordfish had left and came back broken. He hated the land beyond the cliffs. But he also couldn't quite quell the spirit of wanting to see and do more. Of curious movements.
Ice beneath his feet and he traveled, along the borders of a long defunct pack. His nose lifted in scent finding. The noise of whomever singing stirring past his downy ears. Finally, he found the creature that sang. And he stood still. Didn't call out, didn't chuff. Simply closed his eye and listened.
Reiki was taken from them by a golden bird that was not of the coast. Theo abandoned them for a time for a land that belonged to someone else. Then Quennell and Swordfish had left and came back broken. He hated the land beyond the cliffs. But he also couldn't quite quell the spirit of wanting to see and do more. Of curious movements.
Ice beneath his feet and he traveled, along the borders of a long defunct pack. His nose lifted in scent finding. The noise of whomever singing stirring past his downy ears. Finally, he found the creature that sang. And he stood still. Didn't call out, didn't chuff. Simply closed his eye and listened.
Heda’s hymn caught his attention too. He heard it wafting his way on the cold sea breeze. He smiled and listened, though he did not attempt to locate her. Instead, Caracal did something he hadn’t done in quite some time: he headed to the edge of the island to patrol the perimeter.
Of course, they weren’t technically a pack, much less his pack, yet Caracal already felt possessive of this place. After roaming for months on end, it was really nice to kick back and enjoy this seaside getaway. There was part of him that never wanted to leave, though he kept waiting for the wanderlust to stir again.
One of the last things he expected to find on the beach was a pup. He wasn’t so young that Caracal immediately felt worried about his welfare. Actually, he saw the awkward, gangly youngster and thought of himself and Killdeer traveling as kids. Although maybe this guy actually lived on the island too.
Of course, they weren’t technically a pack, much less his pack, yet Caracal already felt possessive of this place. After roaming for months on end, it was really nice to kick back and enjoy this seaside getaway. There was part of him that never wanted to leave, though he kept waiting for the wanderlust to stir again.
One of the last things he expected to find on the beach was a pup. He wasn’t so young that Caracal immediately felt worried about his welfare. Actually, he saw the awkward, gangly youngster and thought of himself and Killdeer traveling as kids. Although maybe this guy actually lived on the island too.
Hey, lil’ fella,he greeted with a goofy grin. They were more or less the same size, though the stranger still had some baby face.
Do you live here too? I’m Caracal,he introduced, thrusting out a paw for a fist bump, handshake, or whatever the boy might have on offer.
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January 10, 2023, 12:03 PM
heda's song went on; she was not weaving the heather branches but aligning them as straight as she was able. they would be the foundation for the other things she meant to bring here, to the first place touched by sunlight and god's love each day. an altar.
a tabernacle
her heart swelled with the pride of the thing. and when heda rose on long limbs to look down over the green-snowed side of the hills, it was to see the familiar ruddy hue of caracal's fur along with another, smaller shadow.
by the time she'd arrived, the boy had presumably started to answer again. she caught his scent; the good granite salt and blackpine of sapphique. "you smell like mireille," heda chuckled. "let me guess: you're one of herrrr — cousins?"
a tabernacle
her heart swelled with the pride of the thing. and when heda rose on long limbs to look down over the green-snowed side of the hills, it was to see the familiar ruddy hue of caracal's fur along with another, smaller shadow.
by the time she'd arrived, the boy had presumably started to answer again. she caught his scent; the good granite salt and blackpine of sapphique. "you smell like mireille," heda chuckled. "let me guess: you're one of herrrr — cousins?"

January 10, 2023, 12:09 PM
Eti's eyes popped open and he looked at the red creature in front of him. He looked strange, not in a bad way. But his fur was not one Etienne was used too. He smiled though and shook his head.
Then the music stopped and the woman came upon them. Etienne tucked his tail and turned his gaze away from her. She was a woman, better than men. More deserving of his respect.
He grinned at the mention of his matant and shook his head.
Naw I be from de cliffs. I am Etienne.He offered his own paw in a small fist bump. The vibrations from this one were kind and he liked it.
Then the music stopped and the woman came upon them. Etienne tucked his tail and turned his gaze away from her. She was a woman, better than men. More deserving of his respect.
He grinned at the mention of his matant and shook his head.
No 'er be my Matant um auntie. 'er my auntie Miereille.he rolled her name expertly and thought of his fun loving aunt.
I be Etienne in case you didn't 'ear me. You sing pretty like manman.
January 10, 2023, 03:43 PM
He hadn’t even realized Heda had gone silent until she made an appearance. Caracal grinned and waved his tail, then looked inquisitively at their guest when she questioned him.
His name was Etienne and he was from the cliffs. Caracal glanced at Heda, wondering if this meant anything to her. Neither that nor the name they spoke struck him as familiar, although…
His name was Etienne and he was from the cliffs. Caracal glanced at Heda, wondering if this meant anything to her. Neither that nor the name they spoke struck him as familiar, although…
Cliffs? Wait, as in Sapphique?he asked them collectively.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 10, 2023, 06:26 PM
"it's nice to meet you, etienne," she said to the polite youth. and a smile crossed her face. "thank you, that means a lot." especially that she knew how strongly the bonds of the family played into their culture.
"yes, sapphique!" the red-stripe exclaimed to caracal. her eyes shone. "have you been there?"
"yes, sapphique!" the red-stripe exclaimed to caracal. her eyes shone. "have you been there?"

January 10, 2023, 07:46 PM
Eti smiled at the red wolf.
Eti eyed the other male.
Yes Sapp'ique. I belong to manman Chacal. Granme Rosalyn and Granme Erzulie. Dere be four of us belong to manman.
Nice meet you to.The youth replied and looked around, ears moving to and fro as he felt and listened for all the noises around him.
Eti eyed the other male.
If you been dere, den you is family some'ow. Dey don't let many in dere.
January 10, 2023, 07:54 PM
Heda was the first to confirm, her enthusiasm earning an amused glance. He nodded at her question, fox-like snout pointing back at Etienne as the young man chimed in. Caracal’s brows darted upward when he recognized a few of the names the boy dropped.
Hey, no way! Those are my grandmas,Caracal exclaimed. His nose wrinkled a little as he said,
My dad’s name is Reyes. I don’t think I’ve ever met Chacal,he mused, head tilting ponderously,
or Mireille, either. But do you know Meerkat? She’s my older sister.
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January 11, 2023, 01:35 PM
heda was charmed by this turn of events. "mireille is one of my best friends," she said to them both once she had room to chime in. "you'd like her, caracal. she's —"
prettier better smarter worthier
"— really sweet. and she says things how they are."
heda thought of her last discussion with mireille and pinked a little beneath her pale fur. "what are the names of your brothers and sisters, etienne?" she asked, smiling at the leggy child.
prettier better smarter worthier
"— really sweet. and she says things how they are."
heda thought of her last discussion with mireille and pinked a little beneath her pale fur. "what are the names of your brothers and sisters, etienne?" she asked, smiling at the leggy child.

January 11, 2023, 03:58 PM
Etienne smiled.
Eti smiled.
Eti tilted his head. His thoughts going to his siblings.
Dey is de best granme's.he didn't even question it. There were so many siblings and aunts and uncles and cousins. Honestly he couldn't keep them all straight.
Eti smiled.
My manman the prettiest of all of dem. Black and gold, with my eyes. I know Ms. Meerkat. 'er married to Mr. Njord. 'er 'as t'ree children.
Eti tilted his head. His thoughts going to his siblings.
T'eo, den Requiem and finally dere be Suzu. 'er be an imp.He shook his head amusement and love bleeding into his words about his sister, who he was closest too.
January 11, 2023, 04:17 PM
Heda spoke of Mireille with utmost fondness. She said they were best friends, which made Caracal think of Killdeer. He smiled warmly at her, hoping he’d have the chance to meet this girl someday.
In the meantime, he looked back to Etienne. He did know Meerkat! He also named his siblings when Heda asked. Did he just call Suzu a wimp?
In the meantime, he looked back to Etienne. He did know Meerkat! He also named his siblings when Heda asked. Did he just call Suzu a wimp?
Yeah, that’s her! How’re my nieces and nephews?Caracal wondered, trying to remember their names and wringing his fist.
Uh, Stingray, Swordfish and… shoot, uh…
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January 11, 2023, 05:39 PM
black and gold, black and gold. heda wasn't sure she had ever met chacal. but she liked how the boy spoke highly of her and his siblings. theo, requiem, etienne, and suzu. her eyes shone. "you have such a big family!" the young wolf exclaimed, falling silent as the boy and chacal sorted out their family lineage.
she supposed that was the end of suggesting him to mireille like her friend had mentioned sobo to her: caracal was related to the fierce women up the shoreline.
she supposed that was the end of suggesting him to mireille like her friend had mentioned sobo to her: caracal was related to the fierce women up the shoreline.

January 11, 2023, 05:54 PM
I had put this in my timeline after the bear attack but i can change it if you like
Eti liked how this she wolf spoke of his matant. There was a strength in his heart when he thought of his family and when others spoke highly of them. Well it made him happy.
Swordfish isn't too good. 'e got 'urted by a bear. But Vixen and Stingray is okay.
He nodded.
We do. We probably add more numbers dis spring. I t'ink manman will 'ave more babes. I am glad to 'ave suc' a big family. I love em all.
January 11, 2023, 06:07 PM
That works for me!
His fist went limp when Etienne reported his nephew had been hurt by a bear. Caracal swallowed, barely registering it when the boy said his niece’s name: Vixen.
He should probably go check on Meerkat, especially since he’d never met her kids in person. He could ask Etienne to send word, though what good would that do her? Caracal was too afraid to ask if Swordfish was in very bad shape. Since Etienne had only mentioned it briefly, he supposed that boded well.
Sounds like I need to visit Sapphique sometime, say hi to my sister and her kids, maybe meet this Mireille,Caracal said, shooting Heda an easy smile.
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January 11, 2023, 06:29 PM
me too!
her easy expression turned swiftly to one of concern. caracal played it off gently but heda looked firmly at etienne. "if you need anything at all, tell your mother and grandmothers to ask sweetharbor. i'm a good hunter, which you might need while they're healing."
a bear!
surely a bear wouldn't be able to come to the island.
a bear!
surely a bear wouldn't be able to come to the island.

January 11, 2023, 06:33 PM
Etienne looked at the older male and gave him a sad smile.
he thought of Quen without a tail now and the scour marks on the side of Swordfish. The smell of infection and pus. He wrinkled his nose. He nodded his head at Ms. Heda.
You s'ould probably come wit' me when I leave Mr. Caracal. It's. It's not good. Granme don't let us 'elp in de 'ealing den too much, but I 'elped at teh borders.
he thought of Quen without a tail now and the scour marks on the side of Swordfish. The smell of infection and pus. He wrinkled his nose. He nodded his head at Ms. Heda.
T'ank you Miss. 'eda.
January 11, 2023, 06:44 PM
Etienne’s next statement painted a grimmer picture. Caracal felt a stab of guilt. He wasn’t ready to go anywhere yet. He was really enjoying his break on the island. He wanted to offer his moral support, though there wasn’t much else he could do for his sister or his nephew…
How long are you sticking around?he asked.
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January 11, 2023, 09:33 PM
it didn't seem like caracal wanted to go, but it did seem like sapphique could use some help. "tell you what, etienne, we need some time to gather things. but one of us will come, all right?" and here she smiled.
it gave caracal an out and it gave a chance for bartholomew to be the one to go with her. diplomacy was his strong suit after all.
it gave caracal an out and it gave a chance for bartholomew to be the one to go with her. diplomacy was his strong suit after all.

January 11, 2023, 09:45 PM
The youth nodded and then shifted. He looked to both of them with a small smile.
Then he would turn and head back the way he had come. Anxiousness twisting up his guts.
It was nice to meet you bot'. I best get 'ome. I'll see ya w'en i see ya, yes?Then the boy held out a paw for a shake or a fist bump again to Caracal and the female if she so pleased.
Then he would turn and head back the way he had come. Anxiousness twisting up his guts.
January 11, 2023, 09:49 PM
By way of answer, Etienne announced he would be departing imminently. Caracal supposed that made sense. He shot Heda a glance and mouthed his thanks. He was not prepared to leave the island at the drop of a sunhat.
Did bears roam the beach? He supposed they must, if his nephew had been attacked by one. Caracal exchanged another look with Heda, then decided to keep an eye on Etienne until he disappeared into the distance.
Yeah, we’ll def follow up. Nice meeting you, Etienne,Caracal said, smiling when the boy raised his fist again.
Be careful on your way home,he added, one side of his mouth turning downward.
Did bears roam the beach? He supposed they must, if his nephew had been attacked by one. Caracal exchanged another look with Heda, then decided to keep an eye on Etienne until he disappeared into the distance.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 12, 2023, 10:43 AM
last for me!
she lifted her paw for a bump and then watched as the gangly child retreated from sweetharbor and the land bridge.
brushing caracal's shoulder, she turned and made her way to the greenhills, where she'd watch the sapphique youth until he was disappeared to the mainland once more.
brushing caracal's shoulder, she turned and made her way to the greenhills, where she'd watch the sapphique youth until he was disappeared to the mainland once more.

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