Moonsong Glacier Might Have Heard This Wind
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Heph had not made particularly good time since parting ways with Rodyn, but she was enjoying the journey. The long winding paths of the forest and then the open plains and eventually the winter-touched ice which seemed the type to stick around. It was a curious thing to traverse, but at its base she found the growth of trees fresh and new and it was not as barren as one might have feared. So she had lingered, exploring and surveying the territory - not with any aims to settle down in it, simply to make it more well known to her in the interim. 

@Rodyn if you have the time and anyone else you want to tag ^__^
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hopefully you hvae time Teo, if not it's okay.

Rodyn had promised @Samani that he would travel with her. They couldn't go far in the winter, air. However, he had determined when he smelled Heph in the vincinty that he would introduce his intended to very possibly one of his best friends. So without another word, he had tried to persuade her to come.

Rodyn strode down and was surprised to still see some greenery and he stared around them in wonder. Heya Heph. He called out.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Samani was not far behind Rodyn. Her eyes swallowed everything as they walked – familiar, unfamiliar, trees, rocks, leaves. The young woman was inspired. Her heart was with Moonglow, but her mind felt as though it thrived beneath the air of the world beyond. The glacier was territory that she had known, of course. This time, she was there to meet someone new.

Drawing up beside the coat of her betrothed, Samani graced his shoulder with her muzzle and turned the jade of her eyes to the individual they had come to meet. Rodyn had greeted her with a pleasantness that had made the sea girl smile.

Hello, Heph. A thin smile formed on her lips. Samani waved her tail, hoping that they would strike it off.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph heard the two wolves approaching before she heard the call, and her curiosity quickly turned to anticipation when she recognized the voice and the scent that followed. She shifted directions easily, her posture loose and her tail wagging lowly behind her. From the casual touch between them she would guess that her friend had been successful in plying his suit and at the identity of the second wolf who addressed her. There was an intensity to the she-wolf despite her fine appearance that tempered Heph's natural jest and instead she greeted her with a wide smile but sincere warmth. "You must be Samani." Her gaze turned to Rodyn. It seemed that they were traveling after all and she was glad to see them even if she was slightly surprised at herself and the pair both. But her playfulness quickly returned and a slight huff of laughter heralded her next words. "Rodyn, you've always been quite reliable, but I'm afraid you haven't done your companion justice in your description." Faux disappointment laced the syllables but the quiver in them betrayed her thoughts.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn knew Heph was further away, but she would come if she heard them. And she did. He had to smile as he heard her coming towards them.

The gentle brush of Samani against him, he smiled and dipped his muzzle to her. Then turned yellow eyes back to Heph. He was glad to hear the kindness that was always present in her voice.

Rodyn chuckled and met Heph's jest. Even if I tried Heph I could never do Samani Justice. She's prettier than the vocabulary I bear.

He tilted his head and motioned at Heph. Heph is a traveler and a very good hunter. As good as me, really. She was on her way to the sea.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You would think for how good he is with his words, that he should see no challenge in giving me a suitable description.

Samani smiled softly, pleased to meet Rodyn’s friend. Heph seemed to have a good sense of humor. This was enough for the moon girl to think that they would get along splendidly. In truth, she had many questions for their new company. Heph did not carry the scent of a village on her coat. Was she alone in the winter? Did she need a home?

Heph, forgive me… are you a lone traveler? Have you no home for yourself?

Samani’s jade eyes found the features of the other woman. Concern was held behind her politeness.

Will you journey with us? To the water.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph let out a quick huff of laughter. Rodyn himself was quite the accomplished hunter so she was well aware of the compliment even if it embarrassed her somewhat. It was a skill she had first learned the foundations of in a pack but had not attained a greater understanding of until she was forced to fend for herself. If her family could have seen their layabout daughter complimented for a useful skill they might have laughed too if for different reasons. "Ack you'll make me blush under all this fur." But there was a gentle smile that reached her eyes in response.

She was slightly surprised at the turn in questions, but guessed that it was fair that Samani wished to know a little bit more about the wolf that the pair had stumbled upon. Her head tilted slightly to the side so she could more easily address the other she-wolf directly. Rather than joking her voice was clear and possibly a bit curious as to the direction of the conversation when she answered. "That I am though I'd say I'm in pretty good company right now." There was a smile at the end, but as she considered the second question and the implications therein she tried to figure out how to formulate her response. Falling back on a wide grin that came easily to her and a breathy tone that hinted towards laughter that popped out at various places in her speech she added. "If home is where the heart is I've always found mine to be quite the wanderer, but in a more traditional sense I don't have a place to settle down."

But there was a moment of silence from her maw as she contemplated the last query from Samai. Rodyn had described her as somewhat slow to warm-up to others so she had not expected that the wolf would care to put herself in Heph's company for an extended length of time. She read the concern laced with the same polite questions anyone might have asked and hoped that the offer was not made out of pity. As much as traveling alone was lonely it had been her choice to leave her friends back where they were more permanently settled and strike out on her own for the winter to galavant around and enjoy the freedom of movement. There was an edge of humor to her voice that did not quite erupt into laughter and a firmness to its cadence that indicated the honesty in her words. "I wouldn't want to intrude on a pair of lovebirds but I'd love to travel with you if it wouldn't be a bother, I can't promise I'll live up to Rodyn's description but I consider myself a fair hunter." Her gaze slid questioningly over to Rodyn. Perhaps they had already discussed the offer, but if it was made out of the blue she did not wish to intrude on his time with his newfound mate and not simply for the most ribald of reasons. Her friend had labored to win the right to pursue this wolf and seemed to genuinely wish for her affections and Heph had no intentions of interrupting whatever romancing he might have planned for the journey.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled at Samani and brushed her shoulder. He would try to come up with suitable descriptions just for her and share them when they had a quiet moment.

Rodyn was pleased to share hunting with Heph, and he absolutely had said the compliment the way he did. Because she was every bit as good as himself. Rodyn chuckled.

A dip of a muzzle. My beautiful fiancee and I could say the samething, Heph.
There was a tilt of his head. He had offered Heph a place in Moonglow and it still rang true. Though after Samani telling him she wasn't sure if they were to stay at home, he wondered if she'd offer a place for Heph in wherever they ended up.

Rodyn nodded at Heph's questioning look. I think it's a great idea. You wouldn't be intruding on us.

If they needed privacy they could move into the shadows or something. It wasn't as if they needed ot be right next to Heph all hours. And he liked traveling with his friend. She made things fun, and he was pretty certain she would show Samani things that he necessarily didn't know or think about that she would love.

Oh that art is gorgeous thank you so much <3
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The gasp I gusped!! *w* Holy goodness… what a beautiful rendition of them. <3 Lepos, thank you.

Heph appeared to be the wandering type. Samani could not help but to envy the way that she spoke of her freedom. She traveled where she wished and spent her time anywhere that she liked. If the moon woman had not been born in Moonglow, she wondered if she would have had a chance at a life like that. The peachy girl was grateful for her good fortunes and loved her family. These fantasies were only a way for her to stretch her imagination.

Rodyn did not seem bothered by the invitation that Samani had given Heph. He seemed to believe that it was a good idea. The moon woman enjoyed seeing him at ease, among friends. She liked that he had built a relationship with someone as interesting as Heph appeared to be. They were fortunate. Samani breathed in the cool air and allowed herself a moment for the thankfulness to consume her.

I would very much like to get to know you better.

A sweet smile found her snout.

You are Rodyn’s friend, after all. And I already feel that we will get along splendidly.

Samani laughed warmly. The company would serve them well. The young woman had no concerns for privacy. If she and Rodyn needed a moment to themselves, they could find it in the stretch of wilderness on the coast.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned, glad to have the matter settled, it seemed favorably for all parties. She would enjoy the opportunity to not travel alone and in the company of a good friend and a potential new one as well. "Well, I could hardly resist such an invitation, I have a feeling we'll get along as well." There was a laugh and exaggerated wink in Samani's direction for the fun of it, and Heph settled her weight on her four paws in a light stretch as she contemplated movement again. Whether their journey to the coast was completed in a day or took them half the winter she had only intended to travel - the destination was a convenient way to orient herself and ensure she did not linger in any one place for longer than it took to get familiar with the area, but ultimately she was no more attached to it than any other place.

She wondered if Samani had ever seen the coast, if she recalled correctly Rodyn had told her something of it, but she was not sure if he had been there. "I've never gone there before, have you been?" While part of her was curious for a description the query was practical as well. Heph had no particular route in mind, only northward, avoiding any danger that seemed too persistent to be fled and pursuing any interesting landmarks. But if they had been that way then perhaps they knew which way they would like best so at the very least if they lost each other for a stretch of time she would be able to figure out their direction.

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was comfortable in his friendships and his relationships and he enjoyed sharing the two. He hoped Samani and Heph could be friends. It would broaden the binds and ties that Samani was fighting against at the moment. And heph was good people (wolf).

Rodyn nodded his head. I was there on my trader's trip. Didn't spend much time there. Hunted some seals with a family. They're challenging. I think you'd like it, Helph.

Rodyn was eager to go now. Find things that Samani wanted to show him, share what he loved with them both. Maybe they could find Slavuj. He had a feeling Samani and Heph would both like him.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Joy swept through her, flagging her tail to display the delight that she felt. It would be enjoyable to have Heph with them. Samani was grateful that she had been given an opportunity to meet the woman. She had never met someone with such charm and character. It tickled her to think that she could build a friendship from this journey.

The pepper-furred woman asked if they had been to the coast before. Rodyn answered and recounted his tale of hunting seals. He thought that Heph might like the challenge that they posed. Samani thought it would be enjoyable to see this for herself. She couldn’t help but imagine that two hunters would make quick work of the slippery creatures. Then again, she couldn’t be certain without trying it for herself.

My family visited the coast when I was young. I fell in love. Her cheeks were warm. My father and I visited recently. I think I would like to live somewhere close to the ocean. It has a special place in my heart. The girl’s peachy snout was bowed in reverence. When her jadestone eyes lifted, they settled on Heph’s features.

I hope you will like it.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Her own tail began to swish back and forth behind her as she briefly flicked her ears and eyes around the horizon to orient herself to the direction northward once more. She listened to Rodyn's description attentively her ears pricking forward slightly at the mention of game that she had not heard of. While she had expected to hear that there would be fish she had not anticipated what other things the sea might contain or beckon to its shores. "I'm always up for a challenge." Heph responded, almost too quickly in an eagerness that overtook her voice before her tongue caught up with any sort of joke. She truly had learned to enjoy the hunt and the danger and skill involved only added to the rush of the pursuit. Though as a wanderer she tried to get along peaceably with her fellow canines the same could not be said of anything that might be construed as food.

Her attention turned to Samani and she listened intently. It was somewhat surprising to hear that they might settle so close to the coast when she had known their pack to be located near the Neverwinter forest, and from what she could tell both Rodyn and Samani bore that layered scent of pack-life. But it seemed that if they were parting it was not on bad terms and she could understand well enough falling in love with a place. Her voice twisted up to something light "I'll have to if you both settle down there, I'm looking forward especially what I've heard." On the second half her tone dipped down into something more natural. But as much as she had heard it from the lips of others she wanted to see it for herself and feel that earth beneath her own paws.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Heph listened attentively to Heph. He gave Samani a nudge when she grew bashful about her love for the sea. He wished to ease that some. I look forward to seeing you near the ocean. He whispered to Samani, though he wasn't shy by any means about her. He could speak it louder as well, but figured she'd prefer that small whisper for her.

He gave a hearty laugh. I know which is why I posed it. We have to keep it from the water, but they get sharp teeth too. Mean beasts if your anger them.

Well as I said before Heph, anywhere i am. You have a home with us. He chuckled. And then twisted his tail around.

He looked to Samani. He wasn't sure when they were going on this trip, were they doing it now? or were they waiting a bit. He was good either way and with Heph and Samani both, he had no doubt that they would be fine food wise.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The sea girl smiled warmly at Rodyn’s whispered words. He was always so sweet to her, always so kind with his tongue. She did not think that there was a better man to visit the ocean with. Even when they walked with his friend, he thought of Samani and spoke things only for her to hear. The peachy wolf thought that she would need to teach him some manners, later.

He is right, you know. If you are ever in need of a home, it would be an honor to have you.

Whether that place was Moonglow or somewhere else, Samani could not be certain. She had a good feeling about Heph, though. The shadow-peppered woman was good to have in their company. As they walked together, the sea girl thought it was a blessing to be among hunters and travelers. She would know the world without having to visit its every corner.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Her grin widened at his description. It seemed as if these seals were themselves predators if they had such an impressive set of teeth. She would be angry and mean as well if something tried to eat her, but she had little doubt that she would attempt it anyways given Rodyn's description. Her tail lashed a few times in anticipation, but there was still plenty of prey in between them and the coast so she would have to wait.

Heph hesitated, a mere few months ago she would have shrugged off the offer with a  laugh. But Rodyn had proven a steadfast friend, and had shown no indication of disdain for her propensity to wander - and in the short time she had known the other canine neither had Samani. It was a tantalizing prospect, a place to return even if it all turned to ash. Smiling softly, she let the stretch of her legs as they walked ease the passing of the moments in between her response. "It would be good to have a place to return amidst traveling, and I would certainly be in privileged company myself. " Her voice extended into something slightly breathy at the end, half-way between disbelief and a joke, but she hummed quietly. She wished to return to Atka and Dreven as well at least to speak to them, they had welcomed her as well, but they themselves had not quite settled and seemed disinclined to wander. The world was full of uncertainties that seemed at odds with the way that the wolves around her used the word home, but perhaps she did not need to consider it the same way. It was an interesting, if terrifying, thought.

If y'all are looking to forward/back-date any travel threads feel free to light powerplay Heph just tag me ^__^
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The smile that lit up her face, and Rodyn had no doubt she was going to enjoy this hunt. He would too, but he had already had the pleasure of hunting Seal. And they were no easy beast to grasp.

Rodyn chuckled. Flatterer. His voice a gentle tease. Regardless it would be good to have you and remember you promised to teach any littles.

Rodyn shifted and tilted and ear forward. Thinking back to that day. He was glad to have a friend like Heph. She was steadfast and true and a welcome challenging friend truly. She constantly made him strive to do better at hunting when they hunted together.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It delighted Samani that Heph might humor her.

The young woman had not talked to her mother, though. She had deliberated what she might say for many days. Her hopes were that she might have a better idea of her wants, after they had visited the ocean. If they did not find a place that spoke to them, she would know that her place was in Moonglow.

Are you a tradesman, like Rodyn? Samani inquired of their company. I’d love to learn anything you had to teach.

The peachy woman had thought Rodyn’s line of work to be thrilling. She had daydreamed about adopting a similar life, many times. They shared in their love of hunting. Samani thought that it was when she felt most free. There was little that could compare to such a thrill.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed, she had not forgotten her promised and hoped that it would come to pass. Perhaps if not in this season then the next, but if she marked the affection between the pair correctly she did not think they needed more time or certainty. "I did, I also promised to turn them into little hellions running around playing hunting games." There was an easy smile across her face at the words. Perhaps once the deer shed their antlers she would attempt to cache some to bring the pups, along with the chewing they made excellent props for keep-away and all sorts of games. Her tail wagged at the thought.

She considered Samani's question. While Rodyn and her both travelled distances and hunted and required similar skills she was nto so much interested in the trading. She found it difficult to travel with too much weighing her down and so she rated her skills as a traveler higher. "Not quite a trader, but I think I also am a traveler and a hunter. I'd be happy to answer any questions or hunt along side you." Perhaps in the traveling she would be able to offer some advice if Samani would find it helpful, but though she had been instructed on her foundation the finer points she had learned through trial and error and instinct.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He hummed good naturedly and dipped his head. I remember. then laughter curled from his throat. He enjoyed this banter, this friendship. He made sure to briefly touch Samani's shoulder. So she knew he was listening to all she was saying as well.

Rodyn didn't know what would come to pass in the future, but he was pleased that it would include Samani whom he loved and Heph one of his dearest friends.

Heph helped me with quite a few of the things i traded while on my trip. She was one of the reasons I was done so quickly.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
He says ‘quickly’ as though he was not gone for many months, Samani said with a small laugh.

She had missed Rodyn in his absence. He had been a constant sort of comfort to the young girl. When he had gone away, it had created a challenge for her to find a place for herself. This growth had been necessary. She had learned how to be on her own. She had learned how to find comfort with only her thoughts to keep her company.

Without Heph, you would have been gone longer. I owe you many thanks, then.

Samani’s sea eyes looked upon their company. She would like to have Heph in their village, if it was possible. Only a few minutes of time spent together, and she already liked the other woman. It would mean a great deal to have company like this.

I am a seeker of beautiful places. I would love to know about where you have journeyed and if you have seen anything that you remember in your heart.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, Rodyn was a very good hunter but he was correct that a pair often completed the job more quickly. But they had always split the spoils and she had gained a friend and perhaps more as she was finding herself enjoying the company of Samani and hoping that wherever the pair settled would be a place for her to return. "A more than fair trade since it filled my belly and gained me new friends." Perhaps those things might change in the future, death and time came for all wolves, but she had some hope.

The question was not strange, but she took a moment to think, letting a few steps pass as she considered her answer. She had seen many places that might be considered beautiful, large open plains, forests with ash, that grove that Atka had shown her. But Samani had asked about places she held in her heart and she thought of two places. "Hmm the mountains to the south of us I climbed one of the higher ones all the way to the peak with a friend, and when the air grows thin and the stars come out the sky felt so close it was exhilarating. The view looking down was wonderful, but the sky like that felt different." Maybe it had just been the company, perhaps it would be unremarkable to Samani having lived close enough to climb those peaks often. But Heph had never climbed a mountain, at least not one that towered like that, before - not to the peak.

She considered their surroundings, still tracking for danger with her ears and nose as well as her eyes, picking out any landscapes she thought they might need to steer clear of but the trek was peaceful. "Far to the east when I had not made my way to these wilds I came across a stone forest where the tops of the stones were like mushrooms out of the ground. It was so strange and beautiful I thought that maybe setting off to explore was a mistake." A little bit of a laugh trailed up through the last words. But it was difficult to put into words how difficult setting out had been, leaving behind the family she had then had been something she needed to do, but she had doubted herself even as she set off and worked furiously to put more distance between them. It felt like the same world, just bigger and more lonely and harsher. Seeing something so different yet wonderful had been a reassurance that she could get a new start to her life and that it would not always be so bleak.

When Heph's talking about the far east she's talking about somewhere outside of the Teekon wilds I hope that's okay!
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Danni told me to skip over Rodyn this round ;w; wah wah… 

Also, I love Heph. That is all. ^^

The sea girl was enchanted by Heph and the words she shared. Samani imagined herself climbing the peak of the mountain to the same point – where the air was thin and the stars glittered bright. She could almost feel her lungs strain from the effort of it.

Heph then spoke of a place to the far east. A stone forest with mushroom tops. Samani’s imagination was wild, conjuring great massive things from a fantasy she had never witnessed for herself. In her heart, she longed to see a place like that. She wondered if she would be left to live a life of experiences through others. If their stories were great enough, she was certain that she could transport herself there. All it took was a little magic of the mind and she stood beneath the stone mushrooms beside Heph.

You are amazing, she breathed after listening. Her sea eyes danced upon Heph as though the other woman was a treasure that no one had unearthed and Samani had been fortunate enough to see the gold that glittered inside. Rodyn, I am upset you did not introduce us sooner, Samani teased him with a wave of her tail and a wink.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned, she was glad if slightly mystified to have elicited such wonder. She regarded the other wolf back, not hiding, although there was not much to read from her appearance. As they traveled her muscles moved of their own accord in memory and as the time stretched and she enjoyed the companionship of an old friend and new she felt herself relaxing into their company. As far as lone travelers went Heph was hardly the paragon of caution but she had not survived on her own so long without a certain tension to her shoulders that warned her of danger - it was only that she tended to head towards it if it seemed interesting enough.

Laughing at the wink sent Rodyn's way she shot back, voice tremoring with its own jest. "Careful, with such compliments you'll have me singing stories or praises back." She had sung a little bit in her old pack with others, and could meld her voices to theirs even if she had little inclination to lead. But she could not help also poking fun at the other wolf as the opportunity presented - he may have been a gentleman but she felt that he had a good sense of humor. "Then you and Rodyn would have to run the rest of the way." Her tail twitched a bit and she felt her paws on the earth create a beat to the words. 

Thank you!! ^---^

As an aside is there a process/what are y'all's thoughts on Heph pledging to Moontide?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,749 Posts
Ooc — Danni
First Hunter could see the enchantment in his future brides eyes as she spoke with Heph. He could see as she thought of what was said and journeyed there on her own. The star struck, awe inspiring look was in her eyes. It made his heart quicken for a beat of a minute.

Rodyn grinned at Samani and winked back. I needed to keep some treasure to myself until I could surprise you

Heph had always been wound tightly near him. Not in a bad way, but she was a wolf that knew what it was like to keep your mind clear and sharp. To be wary of strangers, but with each meeting she had slowly begun to warm to him and now she was relaxed in his presence and Samani's and he felt good about it. It felt nice, companionable.

Rodyn listened to the beat of her paws in surprise and returned the noise. Anyone who knew him well, knew that he liked music of the land and sea and stars. Of others. He couldn't sing he didn't think, but he could make things sound beautiful.

I Don't think so. We need to get it up and make sure we get it green lit and then once it's green lit we can change our groups to Pledged.