Shadow Mountain vorax
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
All Welcome 
ope about all that, this one really is for him tho <3

with the princess and her retinue gone, germanicus had much time to think.

mereo had become quieter.

today he left the red borders, calling for @Killdeer to join him. they would trek to the mountain to hunt.

he had not been on a mission with the boy, and certainly not since he and fennec had become something more.

the eagle moved in easy silence for a time.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury

Killdeer clambered up the walls of the canyon and found Germanicus, giving Mereo's leader a brusque nod in greeting.

Imperator, he said reverently, then looked out upon the range. Where are we headed?

He punched back, at every heartbeat, the thought of this man with his mother. He wouldn't let the thought enter his mind. Instead, he remained at the man's side, stalwart and strong.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
killdeer did not seem outwardly responsive to such changes.

germanicus motioned. "the mountain ahead of us has sharp ledges. i want to show you how to run goats off them. it is their domain. but even they can be arrogant."

a single kill could feed many.

"have you considered what specialization you would like in mereo?"
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
His eyes followed where Germanicus motioned, and he nodded. That would be a good way to hunt, as long as you minded your own footing. Then he sucked in a breath at the question, and his head whipped 'round, looking at the Imperator.

No, he replied, brutally honest. I just. . .want to make sure everyone is okay. I want to keep everyone safe.

He shrugged. What kind of specialization would that be? he asked Germanicus, his eyes golden and guileless, searching for direction.

He liked his duties here. He liked the wolves.

But a specific path?

He didn't know her.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"a guardian."

his voice was impassive. and yet he did wonder what killdeer thought of he and fennec. or how the youthful soldier might react to having younger siblings in the springtime.

"it would require you to do as you have, and perhaps to familiarize yourself with surrounding territories. in the event of attack, the pups and the plebians might need to retreat. a guardian can escort them."
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
I would be honored, Imperator, Killdeer replied, smiling softly. I would do everything I could to keep them safe—I swear.

But why had they come here? To hunt goats? To speak trades?

Killer cocked his head, looking at Germanicus. What can I do for you, sir?

The mountain wind whistled past them, stark but musical, the call of the void at their ears.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the imperator was pleased. "i called you for a hunt. it is a way of training. it uses the same muscles. and i want to see how you have learned to use them outside the canyon."

with a warm look he set off, looking for ruminant tracks upon the hard-packed ground. "the snow will come soon. mereo will be cold but well-protected."
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Killdeer nodded, feeling the chill fall upon his bones even as Germanicus spoke. He locked his eyes upon the ledges previously mentioned. It certainly reeked of goats near here.

Should I move first? he asked, tail wagging.

The talk—and the knowledge that Germanicus and Fennec had struck up a. . .thing—had him very much on guard.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"yes," the imperator said.

the subject of fennec hung between them. he would not touch on it.

he gestured, indicating that he would follow the young hunter's lead.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He swallowed down the nerves, stinging as they did with bile, and forged ahead, his stomach churning as he did so. He stepped lightly, holding his breath, knowing that even the slightest movement or sound out of sorts could startle their quarry.

They rounded a corner and Killer halted, waving his tail for Germanicus to do the same. A nanny goat, much of his size, nibbling for any exposed greenery in the outcropping. Behind her, a sharp drop, maybe two or three wolf lengths.

With a deep inhale, he charged forward and took her head-on. With a shrill bleat, she cast her beady eyes round, looking for a place to go. There was nowhere but forward for her.

Onward he pressed, closer and closer to the drop—his heart beat faster as he felt the yawning of it—

Killdeer slipped on the ice and slid sideways, and the nanny took the opportunity to charge past him into the space between himself and Germanicus.

Fuck! he gasped, growling, and set off after her retreating tail.

rolled for success or failure and guess what I got! :D
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
poor bebe! <3 the dice giveth and taketh away!

killdeer chose and struck.

he missed.

germanicus slashed at the animal in passing, dealing a superficial wound.

his eyes were not upset however. "a soldier learns to lose."

he broke into a run, despite the fact he was certain the goat would outpace them, picking his way through the terrain for killdeer to follow.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Even after Germanicus's reassurance, he sighed heavily, and surged forward, leaping past the Imperator to try and catch the nanny goat.

It was all for naught, in the end. He'd be better, next time.

But perhaps this meant more than just meat. 

fade? <3