Redsand Canyon We're real men, and we like sportz!
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Once he'd escorted his grandma and family back to Epoch, Killdeer crossed the ridges and howled for @Germanicus upon arrival to the canyon. 

He was sheepish, ears splayed back. He knew he hadn't received official leave to do so. And now, he sought to ask something of the warlord, which didn't help matters at all.

But with Fennec warming him up?

Perhaps he had a chance.

The burly young man descended toward Germanicus's quarters, pacing restlessly as he did so. He breathed deep, trying to keep composure. 

He would not lean into nepotism.

He would not lean into nepotism.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the eagle waited for akashingo.

he waited for the proclamation of arsenio to become true.

he soured again.

killdeer received his attention but the imperator could not manage to be more than a sentinel.

his eyes asked the young soldier to speak.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Imperator, Killdeer said reverently, bowing his head. The man seemed. . .different, somehow. He couldn't place it, but the vibes were off. And that made him feel as if this wasn't the right time to speak.

But if he didn't do it now, then when?

Sir, I— I was talking to Tierra recently, and she mentioned how she was training for different things. Like being an ambassador, he added helpfully. Visiting other packs, making alliances, forging bonds.

He paused and almost met Germanicus's gaze, staring respectfully instead at the bridge of his nose. I want to do that, Imperator, Killdeer declared. I think I would be good at it, and I think it would help us to have more allies.

Breath held, body near-vibrating with anticipation. What would he say?
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
killdeer wished to roam abroad.

germanicus looked for a long moment at the son of his wife, thinking over the things that killdeer had accomplished in mereo.

at last he nodded with a sheen to his gaze.

"i think you will make a fine ambassador. where do you intend to travel first?"

acceptant. ready.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Germanicus was agreeable, and he couldn't keep the smile from his face. Thank you, he said, absolutely chuffed. He supposed he hadn't thought the Imperator would say no. . .maybe a little more resistance, but. . .

Hmm. Maybe this was nepotism. Oh, well.

I was thinking I'd visit Brecheliant first, Killdeer replied, then amended, I mean, not just to see my dad. But to check on things there. See how they're doing.

Definitely wasn't using his new title for selfish reasons, oh nooooo.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the eagle nodded. "a fine first trip. tell me when you are leaving," he instructed.

he enjoyed that they made their excursions beyond the canyon.

pride moved in his eyes.

"you are a credit to mereo."
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He was about to answer when Germanicus spoke again, and he flushed all over, hot with self-pride. He hoped the Imperator was saying it for his sake, and not for the sake of his mother. 

Eh, what was he kidding? He'd take it either way.

I think I'll wait for warmer weather, sir, he replied. The caches need filled here for the rest of the winter, especially if—

Pups. Pups? Were there pups on the way?

Well, you know, Killdeer said, looking bashful. If we have any young'uns comin'. He sounded eerily like his father in the moment, slangy and awkward and true to the heart.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the imperator's features opened then into something approaching warmth.

"with blessing," he said gruffly, not wanting to rush ahead of himself and fennec.

but it was thoughtful of killdeer, and for a moment it was apparent that the younger wolf had touched something just beneath the surface of the eagle.
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Brothers and sisters—pups to guide. He would love that, and he saw within Germanicus's moment of openness that the man would like that, too.

But. With blessing, like he said.

Thanks again, sir, Killdeer replied, beaming. I'll leave you to the rest of your day.

With a deep nod of his head and a flagging of his lowered tail, the young man took off, first at a stately walk, then a trot.

When he was out of eyesight, he let out a yip and broke into a gallop, already excited to plan his first voyage.