Moonspear Hide your soul out of his reach
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Upon the border of Moonspear she ventured, a plump rabbit dangling firm in her grasp.

Setting it to rest against her feet, Nasamik called with great urgency, hoping that @Sialuk would hear her and come to her call.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
An urgent cry from Nasamik pulled Sialuk from her search for midwinter herbs. She flicked an ear back, noted where she would return, and set off at a steady stride until she spotted the white woman. She appeared worried and weary. Sialuk creased her brow.

What has happened? she asked, forgoing salutations all together. She did not see the rabbit, distracted by the tension in the air.
Atkan Aleut
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Sialuk arrived with haste. 

Offering a curt nod, Nasamik began with her tale, wasting no time. Northern sister... much has happened. Seal hunter and I have become husband and wife. And-... She thought of herself with shame, but tried her best to shake it away. I have lain with him and as result, I am now expecting my first litter. 

The whole of it was still so surreal. Telling this all to Sialuk was another shocking realization. But it was not known by us that bedding without permission was forbidden... Chakliux was punished for this and is now wounded badly. Then with a pleaful gaze, she looked deeply upon the woman of Moonspear. Please... I come to you in hopes that you will help him. You may choose to shame us both and dismiss us as Moonglow, but please help him first. He cannot travel in his state.

On and on she spoke, pleading on her husband's behalf. But all the while, she'd forgotten her own dizziness, occasionally swaying to stay upright. It was an odd time—this first pregnancy—but she seemed to care less for her own health and more of Chakliux.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Words flowed quickly through Nasamik, and Sialuk listened to each one. Sialuk frowned at what Chakliux had done, of what Nasamik had done. It was known to all what would happen when a woman warmed the bed of a man, if precautions were not taken. Sialuk's own mother had taught her of these things, teaching her ways to keep children from growing in her belly. And Chakliux! He had come to the gathering, had teased words to Sialuk, knowing that he had done this thing. It made the woman's stomach turn. This was not the way she wished to love many. She thought of her words to Argent, of wondering on many lovers, but Sialuk knew this was not the same. Each man and woman must know of one another.

Starwoman continued to sit still, thinking. This was not a decision she could make for Moonspear. Not without consult.

Stay here. Wait for my return. It will not be long.

Sialuk began to make her way to the ulaq, leaving Nasamik to her own devices until she had consulted the bones.

she'll come back in the next round!
Atkan Aleut
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Sialuk listened, but gave no answer straight away. Instead, she asked Nasamik to wait before turning toward the heart of the spear.

Though eager to know the final decision, she knew she must be patient. And so she would wait, eyes searching for the returning form of the woman.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
tarot pulls!

option 1 (let them stay): the tower
option 2 (turn them away): 9 of swords
advice: 9 of cups

this gon' be spicy.

When she returned to the ulaq, Sixsix roosted outside. He croaked at her as she brushed past him, her mind heavy with the decision she would need to make. She went swiftly to the altar where her bones were kept, pulling them from their spot and hurling them to the floor. Sialuk did not wish for this choice to be put upon her, and she asked the ancestors for their guidance. She let her mind slip into the familiar calm state, her eyes crawling over the bones until she found those that spoke to her.

The first choice, to let them stay. It would put Moonspear into upheaval. This she knew in her heart. Sialuk frowned, wishing the bones had better things to say of that option.

The second choice, to turn them away. This would eat at her spirit to do so. It may even result in the death of Nasamik's children. Again, the bones spoke truth to her.

Lastly, Sialuk sought advice. The starwoman closed her eyes and listened for the mountain's voice. Her paws grazing over the bones until one felt right under her paw. This one was more difficult for her to interpret, and Sialuk stared at the bone for a long time, unsure of how it related to the situation at hand. It called for pleasure-seeking, for contentment. Sialuk rolled the bone over on the ground again and again, thinking of its meaning.

The answer began to take root in her heart, driving her spirit to a decision. When she knew, she gathered the bones back to the skin and set them back on the altar. Exiting the ulaq, she called to Sixsix to accompany her. He did so, taking flight and circling above. Though her decision had been made, she continued to feel unease as her feet walked familiar paths.

Nasamik waited.

Bring Chakliux to Moonglow, she said. He will find healing here. There is a condition to your staying. When he is able, Chakliux will warm my ulaq.
Atkan Aleut
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Sialuk returned with an answer. But it was not one Nasamik wanted to hear.

She wished for Chakliux to rest among her ulaq. Did this mean she would condition to take him as husband? Through confusion and frustration alike, she pondered how to respond to this. And when he does, take to your ulaq, I will be forgotten as his first wife and the children of my womb will not be recognized as his own. There was no question to it, for this is simply how it would be. Moonspear was headed by Sialuk. 

While this was all done and said on her husband's behalf, Nasamik was the one here answering to the terms. I do not know if I am prepared to make that sacrifice. I left Moonglow for him and for our children. I will not let this choice be made in vain. There was defiance in her tone, and to her mind, it was placed rightfully so.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Nasamik misunderstood.

Chakliux will not be husband to me. And I will not be wife to him. If you care for Chakliux and your children, you will bring them here and let him heal and pay the price for this work. But this is a decision husband and wife make together. Go to him and make this choice as one spirit.

Sialuk would not allow Moonspear to become known as a village that would shelter its people without cost. Without work, the village would fall apart, and the bones had spoken their wish for Chakliux and his payment.
Atkan Aleut
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She still did not fully understand Sialuk's meaning. But maybe she didn't want to. Maybe it was better the thoughts and ideas of whatever was intended was left to the Moonspear woman and Nasamik's husband, should he agree to this.

So, with a final, defeated glance, the snowshoe hunter nodded solemnly. We will return when the sun rises again. Our answer will come then. Though, Nasamik knew already what it would be.

And with nothing more to say, she turned her back and trailed her husband and the white hunter's scents back to where she had left them.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
If Nasamik had understanding now, Sialuk could not say. The starwoman knew that Chakliux would know this thing. He was seal hunter. The ways of their people were different from the ways of Moonglow. She watched as the girl disappeared from view, vanishing into the thick of the trees that surrounded the mountain.

Sixsix circled overhead, presumably watching her leave as well. Sialuk turned back toward her village, resuming her search for midwinter herbs.
Atkan Aleut