Moonspear consequences
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
bein' my loosey-goosey self with timelines! please let @Quennell post first. <3

Exhausted, aching from carrying as much weight of him as she could on the journey back to the spear, Sialuk desperately wished for sleep. But she could not until she was sure he was resting. As soon as they were close enough, she called upon @Alaric and @Elentari for their help. There was much to do if they wished to save the bearcurse's life.
Atkan Aleut
336 Posts
Ooc —
up to u if u wanna mark him as Moonspear since he'll be here for the foreseeable future I imagine! <3

there was a new guilt every time somebody helped him.

he held guilt from sapphique. from swordfish. from leelee. from sialuk and now her village.

yet he was too tired to fight these feelings. rest became the most appealing option above all. much like the early days of the injury. where he wished for nothing more than pain relief and darkness.

but she was calling others and his cheeks burned hot — or maybe it was just the fever.

regardless, he slumped down to give them both a break from his weight.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric heard the call and ran towards Sialuk. Any trace of his humor and mirth gone. Now he was all seriousness.

Practiced eye roved over thr boy. He was in bad shape, but it could be done.

Here let me carry him the rest of the way. 

He offered his back to her.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Alaric arrived, and Sialuk looked to him with relief. She clucked to the boy, bidding him to allow Alaric to do as he wished. This man—Alaric—is healer, too. We bring you to a quiet place for rest, but first you must drink. She waited for acknowledgment from bearcurse, but she did not need it.

I will make soft bedding of pine in the hollow of a tree and bring meat. Take him to drink first. They could not carry him up. Bearcurse would stay among the foothills of the monstrous mountain. She disappeared from them then, putting her weary muscles to work as she gathered pine boughs. The tree was one she had seen before, fallen long ago and empty in the middle. It would not last forever, but it would do for now.

The boy and Alaric would arrive soon.
Atkan Aleut
336 Posts
Ooc —
he had no say in much of anything.

it reminded him of leelee and the realization of his stupidity smacked him hard. he bit his tongue until it bled, burdened by his own mind that he did not notice.

he was placed in the care of the man and sialuk was off to do as she said.

now his eyes looked to him, wondering where the place of drinking was.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The dark Archer had not been in Moonglow long, and already, her aid was needed. The raindrop's voice called for her. For Alaric too, with a sense of weariness and urgency. Diverting immediately from the path of her exploration, she rushed to the voices.

Her nimble legs served her well, guiding her as a fleeting shadow to the location in no time. Instead of going to Sialuk, who was busy gathering the boughs of pines, she made a beeline for Alaric. Followed his scent, and that of another, riddled with fever and infection.

Her continuing education of medicine started here, now. She didn't bother with a greeting to the man she had met not so long ago. She got right down to business, looking over the battered boy. He would need herbs. The sooner they had them on hand and at the ready, the better. She recalled his extensive knowledge. "Tell me what I must bring, and I will take care of it."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alright. Ready to go? 

He helped the boy to water. And as he gently settled him near the water. He spoke softly. Don't gulp. Small sips.

Then he watched with gentle green eyes. A completely different wolf when someone was in need of healing.

He met her gaze a small smile Rosemary, Aloe, Limited poppy seeds.
336 Posts
Ooc —
he found it was better to not speak. only nod when he was ready, or shake his head if he needed a moment.

but they'd make it to the water.

he was not sure that he could gulp even if he wanted to. a few sips of frigid water left his gut twisted and sour. coughing a bit.

then he tried again, even slower somehow. opted to ignore the next wolf on the scene for the sake of his own brain.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
There was no smile to be had on her face. No delight in her eyes. Just a stoic business like air. Another side of the dark Archer, revealed in times of necessity such as this. "Right. I will be back." She turned away to retrieve the items Alaric had requested.

Without a medicine den of her own, she would have to borrow the supplies from the nearest one; Sialuk's. Careful not to disturb or touch anything other than the listed herbs, she was in and out of the ulaq in a minute. Her experienced eye located the herbs easily.

Carefully cradled in a large leaf, which she carried in her jaws, her footsteps announced her return. Searching for Alaric and the boy, if they were still by the stream. And Sialuk too. She began to head to the hollowed out tree, where she expected to find their patient, sooner or later.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Minced steps they made it to the place of healing. Alaric would help the boy to the ground and then further in. Making sure that the comfort items were already there, before settling him. He didn't want to move him more than he had too. So it was important that a sleeping place was done for him.

He offered the poppy seeds. Eat these slowly. They will make you tired and sometimes you can hallucinate. Let me know if you feel any of these things.

Then with practiced ease he chewed at the rosemary and pasted it to the side. Followed, by the aloe to soothe. He worked at it, with gentle paws. Making sure not to push hard. He cleaned everything as well as he could.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last from me! <3

They arrived, and Sialuk felt once more her heart sing with sadness at the state of the boy. It would be many days before he could do things on his own. But they would see to him, and he would make it through this night, she thought. With the floor of the old fallen tree covered with the scent of pine, and once Quennell was settled, Sialuk would return to her own ulaq, spending the night with @Keen.

Elentari had done well with the herbs, and with exhaustion soon to take the starwoman, she spoke. Alaric and Elentari, keep the bearcurse safe here. Tend to him. I must rest. She had come a long way. She gave them each a weary smile, glad to have saved the boy's life.

Soon, she would learn from @Meerkat and @Njord that the boy was none other than a village brother from Sapphique—Quennell—and she would send the message to the boy that he was welcome in their ulaq once he was healed. But now, she returned to her doe pelt, to the warmth of Keen's embrace.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Last from me as well!

She hovered near while Alaric prepared the herbs she had brought. The leftover portions, she nudged into a convenient notch in the log, where they would be out of the way. Her eyes skimmed over the state Quennell was in. Her heart ached for him, while she wondered what horrible circumstances had led up to this.

It was not important right now. She would get the details later. Soon the poppy seeds would do their job, coaxing him asleep. Sialuk was exhausted, and understandably so. She heeded her words with a solemn dip of her muzzle. "Of course. I will stay here through the night." 

She would not leave the site where the injured boy recovered. Nor would she sleep, keeping a close watch over their patient. She was certain Alaric would do the same. Prepared for many long hours, she settled down outside the opening of the log on one side.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Last from me <3

Alaric gave a soft nod of acknowledgement as he continued to work on the boy. He hated poppy, but it was a necessary evil in this case, because it worked quickly. He would need to find something else come the morning, but just if they could get the youngling through this night. He would feel more comfortable.

Once he did what he needed, He settled to his haunches against the one wall, and he would monitor through the night. Making sure fever didn't grow higher or pain more pronounced. It was going to be a long night, but that was okay.