Lion Head Mesa forget me not
328 Posts
Ooc —
set for late night tonight, before she's officially gone <3 @Toula

she came to her daughter. her blood! so much was shifting, changing and treva knew she must have first word. before the spoiled makono drippled words of venom across the lands. before she was escorted far from this place.

her eyes were wet and she cooed softly.

my love, her voice a trembling croak in her throat.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
the currents of chaos had yet to reach Toula, who rested after her journey to and from the place of the Dreadfather. the Amiirad slept fitfully, dreaming of her family all together again! even if she might be sent away for another quest toward ambassadorship, at least she had now—at least she could kiss mother, brother, sister, father before departing once more!
mother! her voice in her dreams. powerful, always, fierce—protective!
my love, and Toula seemed to stir, shifting atop her furs. mmm,other!, the greater half of her still half sunk into dreams! Toula smiled, eyes not yet open, seeing Treva in her radiant dreamscape settled alongside Ramessess, both smiling and shining Their divine light upon Her!
328 Posts
Ooc —
i figure we maybe keep this short and sweet for timeline sake
her girl.

golden, radiant. swathed in the comforts of sleep. how could treva rip her from it to awake her to a cold reality? treva held tears in her eyes. soft and silent. filled with the freshness of a new widow.

a widow. her? she had not spoke it, but she had thought she might die before he ever did.

my sweet girl, she cooed softly. a small hum in the back of her throat. an old lullaby to attempt to keep her in slumber.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
*CRIES LOUDLY* italicized is dream talk, but only bold is what Treva can hear--her sleeptalking!

she felt the warmth of her mother. in her dreams, in life. Toula moved nearer to her parents in her dream; in life, she seemed to shift nearer to Treva, one foreleg reached away from the fur throw she had snuggled against to pull it (her mother, unknowingly), nearer.
the smells were comforting. mother. and a gift from father. her totem for protection close to her head that He had made for her.
in her dreams she smiled up at her mother and her father, and shared happily with them, speaking it aloud from her dreams in a sigh, I have been making new friends, to prepare for the Winter feast! I am so excited to do this with you, mother. I love you! and she peered to her father @Ramesses. and you! always, forever, looking to them both then—said in a sleepy breath, nuzzling into her mother.
and her mother began to sing! a lullaby, from when she was a girl. but it was effective; deeper Toula went into her sleep, into this dream, breathing this way too.
328 Posts
Ooc —
it was all she needed to hear.

a declaration of love, forever and always. treva knew this to be true. toula had always been pure and pious.

a kiss upon her crown as she continued her soft humming of a slumbering song.

let her daughter hold these good things close. let her daughter feel the full weight of her love one last time without the ugliness of the world.

pure and pious.

she loved her daughter most of all.