Wheeling Gull Isle rollin' with the homies
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
set sometime after your thread with Fennec, if that's okay? :)

There were wolves here besides @Caracal and his wife, which was pretty exciting for them. It appeared as if his friend was going to have not just a family but a full-fledged pack!

How was he feeling about it?

Killdeer shook the sand from his pelt after rolling upon the warm grains in ecstasy, soaking up the sun. There were flowers blooming at the edge of the forest, and the trees were gaining leaves again. This place must look hella lush in the summer, he thought.

He gave a brief howl from the beach for Cal, then waited while digging idly for shells. He'd found a pretty one the other day—the color of his mother's pelt, but with a pinkish, creamy tint to it—and was disappointed she'd never get to see it for herself.
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He finished a midday patrol and headed toward the surf, hoping to catch some lunch for Heda and himself. Just as his toes touched the cool seawater, a call rose up on the flirtatious March breeze. Caracal instantly recognized the voice and just as promptly galloped toward it.

Suuuuup, dude? he crowed as he ran up on Killdeer digging in the sand.

More than okay! Sorry if this is short and crappy!! David is loudly munching Doritos while I’m writing this and I’m trying not to murder him!!!
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Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He ceased digging when Caracal came into view and replied, 'Sup!, shaking one paw then the other to get the sand off. There was a fuck-ton of sand here, no doubt, and he wasn't sure what to think of it. Felt nice on the paws, sure, but it got everywhere.

How's your lady? Killdeer asked, smiling. And when's she due? I should come visit your kids when they're here.

And how was it possible that Cal was having kids?! Weren't they just kids themselves, gallivanting all over the place? He simply couldn't believe it. He almost didn't want to believe it.

no worries! i empathize :')
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She’s grood! Caracal replied instantaneously, then ducked his head with a laugh. I went to say ‘good’ and ‘great’ at the same time. He snorted again. And, well, it takes about two months from conception to birth, so… a little less than two months from now, if everything takes!

He beamed at the thought, though it slipped when he registered what Killdeer had said about visiting. So, he didn’t plan on staying. Caracal thought about his less than pleasant conversation with Fennec. There was no chance he was going to get mad at Killdeer, though of course they ought to have a proper conversation.

You don’t think you’ll be staying then? Caracal asked, trying to keep his tone light, although there was a slightest edge of whininess as he added, Is it ‘cause your mom doesn’t want to stay?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He nodded, pursing his lips in thought as Caracal talked about the kids, but his joyful face slipped away when he noticed his friend's slip in mood.

What he said next just confirmed his suspicions.

Yeah, man, I'm sorry, Killdeer replied, frowning. She just isn't happy here. She made it very clear to me—like she feels trapped, and I think maybe being blind and surrounded by water isn't a great combination? But we were never gonna stay.

That hurt to say out loud, but he had to say it. And I have to stick with her, Caracal, he went on. Everybody else has left her, and without me. . .she'd have nobody. And that would make me feel so fucking terrible.

Thus, his current situation. I promise I will visit, he vowed, gathering his slighter-framed friend in a bear hug, if he'd allow it.
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Man, you don’t have to apologize, Caracal said after Killdeer explained the situation. It’s cool that you want to look after your mom. If that’s what you need to do—if that’s what makes you happy—then you should absolutely do it.

He did wonder. Would Killer be happy sticking with his mom? Fennec seemed like she would never be happy with anyone, anywhere. Caracal didn’t want to say that, though he worried that Fen’s chronic unhappiness would bleed over onto her son. How could it not?

I know you will! And you’re welcome anytime, Caracal assured, returning the brotherly hug with all his might.

Surely Killdeer would need a break from his mom at some point. It probably wouldn’t be cool to say that, though. It was never kosher to badmouth another dude’s mother, even if she was your chronically cranky older sister.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Even within the hug, he shrugged, pulling a face. He sighed, eventually, and pulled away.

I'd be happy with you, he explained. And I'd be happy with my dad. And I'd be happy with her. I'd be happy with Gramma Oh'ee and I'd—I'd be happy anywhere. At least anywhere where everyone was.

He shook his head. But that's never going to happen. You have Heda, my dad has his new mate, and Gramma Oh'ee has her family in the mountains. Ma only has me. It just happens that she doesn't want to be around the other places.

And he just couldn't let it come to pass that she'd be alone. 

He shrugged, again. He'd been doing a lot of shrugging as of late. I have legs, he reasoned. I can travel.
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Killdeer didn’t need to explain himself to Caracal, though he was more than willing to listen if Killer needed to unload. Caracal sat back on his haunches, wincing a little and shifting when a seashell poked him in the booty.

Why doesn’t she want to be around anywhere or anyone else? Caracal wondered. Before Killer could reply to that, he added, ‘Cause we have mates and she doesn’t? I mean, it sucks that her ships didn’t work out—especially with your dad—but, like… He shook his head. And just ‘cause I’m with Heda doesn’t mean I don’t want you guys around. It has nothing to do with it, although I would love some help with the kiddos…

He hadn’t planned on saying all that. Caracal didn’t want to make Killdeer feel bad or, worse, try to split him up from Fennec. But he also wanted to be honest and understand the situation. He wanted everyone to be happy, especially Killdeer, but even grumpy ole Fennec.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Maybe that reasoning made sense, but he couldn't prove it. He shook his head, looking a little glum.

I dunno, man. I dunno. Because before we came, she didn't know you had a mate, so it can't be that. He inhaled sharply and then sat down in the sand, relishing again the sun's warmth on his belly.

He was silent for a moment, a little rattled by his bestie's words.

I just can't leave her, he said quietly, looking at his forepaws. And so I have to go wherever she wants. Wherever that is.

If it's anywhere. For the first time, Caracal's words sent a flower of doubt blooming in his mind.
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She told me this place feels like a prison to her, Caracal said if only to ease Killdeer’s mind a little, which I guess makes sense, even if it sucks. But I don’t get why she wouldn’t want to live near mom, at the very least…

They could sit here and speculate all day but it didn’t matter. Fennec’s reasoning was her own and might not even make sense to them. It made no difference, if Killdeer was intent on staying with her regardless.

I still think it’s cool if you want to support your mom, Caracal said slowly, but what if you want to find a mate and start a family? Like, is that something you want? Let’s say your mom was still happily married and you didn’t have to take care of her. What would you wanna do with your life, man?

Just in case that felt too pointed, Caracal reached out and placed a paw on Killdeer’s shoulder blade. He squeezed. He didn’t meant to put Killer on the spot or pressure him. He just wanted to keep it real.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Killdeer watched on as Caracal spoke, his face melting like a popsicle in the sun. Blow by blow, whittling at his sense of reality.

I. . . He shook his head, swallowing. I don't have anybody. I wish I did. If my mom had someone, I'd let that happen. I mean, I did, man! 

Goddamn Germanicus.

I'd leave if she were happy, I swear, he said. But she's not. She needs me. And I can't leave her now.

His shoulders sagged. He suddenly felt alone. How did you end up with a babe, Caracal? he asked. I feel like everybody I've tried to. . .romance. . .has gone away.
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He gave Killer’s shoulder another squeeze when he admitted he wanted to be with someone someday. He said he’d support his mother if she found someone. Caracal totally believed that, because it had already happened.

That’s what I mean, the elder Redhawk said, still speaking slowly and thoughtfully, how hard is it going to be to prioritize finding someone and building a relationship with her if your mom is your priority, over everyone and everything else?

He let that question hang out for a moment. With a final squeeze, he also released Killdeer’s shoulder. Caracal looked out at the waves, noticing the way the horizon was beginning to grow dark. It was too early for nightfall, so perhaps it was raining out over the ocean.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be there for your mom. But you also have to live your life and find your happiness, that’s all I’m saying. I love my mom a lot but I’d never give up my own happiness for hers. Pretty sure she wouldn’t want that either.

He didn’t mean to imply that’s what Fennec was doing. Caracal wasn’t even entirely sure of what he was trying to say now. He paused and took a moment to break down the main point he wanted to get across.

You deserve everything you want in life, Killa. You’re a total stud. You’ll find someone someday, regardless. I’d introduce you to some girls but I nabbed the only one who’s not related to us, Caracal said after a moment, trying to inject some levity back into the conversation.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He put his chin on his forepaws and listened to Caracal's undoubtedly sound advice. How was he so far ahead, given their difference of only a few moons? Caracal had an island, a wife, kids on the way.

Killdeer had. . .his mommy.

God, that sounded bad.

Thanks, he replied, giving a feeble chuckle in reply to the trailing joke. I'll have to figure it out. Once we get settled, maybe I'll find some luck.

He glanced up at Caracal. You're the shit, you know that?
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
About two seconds after those words left his mouth, he saw Sialuk’s face in his mind. She wasn’t related, at least as far as he knew! But she also wasn’t necessarily monogamous, a joke he’d actually already made to Killdeer. Caracal’s lips pursed, wondering…

Before he could bring up her name again, Killer’s feeble laugh caught Caracal’s attention. His pal looked so downtrodden at the moment. The elder Redhawk frowned, determined to cheer up his friend after this heavy conversation.

Hey, did you just call me a piece of shit? he bantered playfully. Well, this piece of shit is going to ply you with delicious seafood now. C’mon, let me show you all the island’s varieties of crab… Caracal coaxed, pushing gently at Killdeer’s shoulder.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)