Moonspear I tell myself that you’re no good for me
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
figured I would kick this off <3 can adjust if needed!

It was strange to be on the mountain again, this time with @Penn instead of Bronco. Last time she’d come she’d said it was to learn, but really it had been for him. And this time?

This time it was mostly for @Killdeer. Fennec lifted her muzzle as she sensed the border coming near and howled for @Sialuk, then quieted again.

Her quiet held more weariness than edge the past few days. She left to do so, hiding it, but she’d quietly let her chance at children this year slip away. She hadn’t wanted Penn or Killer to have to deal with it, and any children she’d have had wouldn’t have thanked her, but watching that desire slip into dust another year running weighed on her. She was ready to settle in a place and forget. The herbs had done their job preventing it; the other two didn’t need to know.

Last stop for a while, thank god.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Being part of a pack hadn't been his style for most of his life. He'd preferred to be unattached and free to wander wherever he chose. So it was surprising even somewhat to him that the prospect of joining Moonspear's ranks didn't bother him at all. In fact, he sort of looked forward to it. He looked back now on all that time spent as a lone wolf and recognized just how unsettled he'd been. He had lacked purpose, lacked drive. And while it had been fine in the moment, it wasn't what he wanted anymore. What he really wanted was something entirely opposite from what he'd ever had.

He kept all of that to himself, though. While Fenn stopped to call for the attention of the pack's leader, Penn busied himself by moseying around the near vicinity, exploring whatever there was to learn in the scents of the wolves that already called this mountain theirs. He recognized Alaric, which drew a soft wag of his tail. There was another scent that seemed semi-familiar, but the memory was too far back in his mind to gather anything more than a vague impression of familiarity.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Cameo for Njord

Moonspear felt peaceful. Spring’s refresh revealed a tender side of the, usually, stoic mountain. Meerkat and Njord’s small brood was thriving. Their two girls would soon be spending more time with their brother Stingray and the rest of the pack to learn about the world.

For now, Njord patrolled their borders and killed two birds with one stone by looking for small game. Yet, his trek was interrupted when a nearby howl called for their leader. Sialuk was a capable woman, but Njord felt it was the role of the pack to lend her support should she need it.

He arrived to see a trio of wolves – two men and a female – and a feeling of deja vu struck him. It hadn’t been so long ago that the Sveijarn-Cortens wound up on this doorstep.

He would stay hidden until Sialuk appeared, and then he would fall into place by her flank.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
thanks, Starr!

Up onto the mountain they went again, the three of them. He was still a bit wary of Penn—but if they were to be part of a pack, Penn would be only one of many faces. He wasn't the end-all-be-all. 

Fennec would be secure here.

He glanced toward his mother, but remained quiet. Straightened, broadened his shoulders, protecting the other two. His golden gaze was gimlet up the slope; he was ready for what met them.

This was their new home. They'd decided.

Would his mother be happy?
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
tags for behind the scenes assumptions! feel free to message if i got anything wrong. ;)

@Nasamik, @Chakliux, and @Kannoyak seemed to have settled into a nice routine, and Sialuk checked in on them often, ensuring the trio was doing well, even with the absence of their younger lodgemate missing. Nights were spent with @Argent whenever he desired, and Sialuk made sure to spend time with @Meerkat, Njord, and their children when she could. There were others, like @Alaric, @Elentari, @Tullik, @Ukulele, and @Wicca whom Sialuk felt less connected to, but she still made an effort to say hello to them whenever they passed one another in Moonspear's borders.

Fennec, her son, and an additional companion arrived to call for her. The latter was a surprise, though Sialuk held her judgement. She had not seen Quennell in some days, and she worried for the boy. Perhaps it was merely something else that had called to him, but she could only think of his injury and hope that it had not gotten him into danger.

She passed Njord and gave him a thankful smile as he fell into stride beside her to greet the trio. It is good to see your faces again, Fennec and Killdeer, Sialuk said, smiling. And to meet yours. She studied the older man curiously. Who was he to Fennec? Killdeer's father?
Atkan Aleut
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec gave a small smile. Since she’d done the calling, she assumed she could also do the introductions. Penn and Killer could add anything they needed to, but since they’d spoken already about everything, there was no point beating around the bush.

This is Penn, a friend of mine. We were hoping to join, if you are still open to that.

Killdeer would be closer to Bronco, which would make him happy, though she still wondered if he wished he’d stayed on the island. Presumably Penn would be happy with an entire mountain to explore, at least for a while. And as for her, well… she could do worse than a familiar voice. It was as good a home as any.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn had paused at a specific patch of green that was smelly as could be. His instinct was to roll in it as dogs so often like to do, but he resisted the temptation. He didn't particularly like the idea of getting caught rolling around on his back when the pack's leader arrived, friend though she may be to Fenn and Killdeer. He abandoned it with reluctance and trotted back to his companions, shooting Killer an easy smile since he looked to be a little on edge.

For his part, Penn was perfectly relaxed when the two wolves appeared. He thought back to his conversation with Alaric, jumping swiftly to conclusions about their identities. He was quiet while Fenn responded on their behalf, jumping swiftly to the point with few pleasantries. Which was fine, but Penn wanted to show off. "I assume you are Lady Sialuk? And this is Njord?" he said, nodding to each in turn with a friendly smile, "I met one of yours the other day—Alaric. He seems to be a big fan."

A nice compliment wouldn't hurt, right? Look how good Penn is at making friends these days!
Redhawk Caldera
591 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Fennec was diplomatic, and Penn, friendly. For his part, he remained quiet, waiting for what was hopefully their acceptance into the pack.

There was a wolf of two nearby, and his eyes flitted toward the source of that scent—but then returned to Sialuk, waiting.

They'd met once before, a long time ago. Actually—wasn't this the girl who'd helped Caracal heal, all those seasons ago? And now he'd found a new woman in Heda.

Which meant Sialuk was unattached. Maybe.

Killdeer looked upon her pretty, pale visage with newfound interest.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A name to a face, and Sialuk nodded easily to Fennec's request. It appeared Penn was already familiar with a few of their members, including Njord. I am called Sialuk, yes, she confirmed, and he, Njord. I welcome you to village Moonspear. Njord and his wife, Meerkat, live beneath a large tree on a northeastern slope. My ulaq is not far from there. Another small group makes a lodge nearby, and Alaric makes his ulaq between two streams to the south. Sialuk wondered now if this had been part of why he had felt distant lately.

Come, I will show you the ulaq of healing; it is a good place to know. Sialuk veered toward the old, downed tree, glancing back to ensure that the trio was following. Whether or not Njord wished to join would be up to him.
Atkan Aleut
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec listened to it as she laid it all out, showing only a little surprise to hear Meerkat’s name. That would be interesting. Of course her sister was established here with a family. Just like her mother. And her brother.

It would be Fennec’s turn for avoidance, then. Meerkat would probably appreciate it.

Penn was overly charming, which forced Fenn to bite back a snort. Instead she followed quietly, dropping back to allow her shoulder to brush her son’s reassuringly. She would be slower than others anyway; she could partially bring up the rear.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn had to hold back the sigh of relief when she confirmed her name as Sialuk without the Lady. That must’ve just been Alaric’s thing, for which Penn was grateful to learn. He knew himself well enough to know he would be able to hold his tongue for only so long. Eventually, some smart aleck remark would escape him in front of the wrong person. Probably this Njord fellow, whom Penn suspected might not have any sense of humor to him—a suspicion based in absolutely nothing.

Sialuk continued and Penn quickly found himself lost. We’re they supposed to know wtf an ulaq was? He glanced sidelong at Fenn and then Killer, neither of whom gave him any indication that they were equally confused. They merely followed, and so Penn did as well. He didn’t keep his mouth shut, though.

”Thanks for letting us in without the ritualistic interrogation,” Penn said, falling in step nearer to Sialuk since it was to her his question was directed, ”I gotta ask though. What on earth is an oo-lick? Am I even saying that right?” He smiled, hoping she took no offense to his candor. Not that he would’ve censored himself to avoid it.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Njord made his leave. Mother and son remained quiet, and it was Penn who thanked her. Had she not already known Fennec from her youth, she would likely have asked more questions and required more answers. Luckily for Killdeer and Penn, being a friend of the woman who had inspired so much in the starwoman was enough.

His question caused Sialuk to let out a breathy laugh. Ulaq, she said again. Some call 'den,' others call 'lodge.' Anang—my mother, Kukutux—speaks a language not of this place, and some of her words feel more natural to say than the one's of my father's land. Sialuk paused, thinking of Njord, Nasamik, Chakliux, and Kannoyak. Even Tullik was not of the language most commonly spoken here.

You will find many accents here, many strange words.

Sialuk then let herself fall to silence, soon approaching the place of healing. It was a large, overturned tree, hollow on the inside with barely enough room for three bodies inside. Lined with pine boughs that had been brought there when Chakliux and Quennell had healed.
Atkan Aleut
2,040 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fenn can fade in the background <3 lost track of this one! My last post unless she’s directly spoken to or asked something

Unless it was clear that someone spoke to her, Fennec was happy to let Penn handle the pleasantries and quietly follow after. She’d done her part in saying hello to her old friend, but with both Killer and Penn here, she wasn’t about to get into “catching up”. It wasn’t worth it, even to find out what Sialuk had been up to since the old days.

They could talk more later, when she had the energy and the privacy to get into it. Doubtless that time wouldn’t come anyway - Sialuk had an entire pack to keep track of. Fennec didn’t mind becoming just another number here instead. Easier than trying to put her shitshow of a last few months into words.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Sialuk gently corrected his pronunciation and explained the meaning of the word. Penn nodded politely along, though in his mind, he'd already forgotten her correction. He would keep right on calling the Oolicks, not out of disrespect for the culture, but because he only had so much room in his pea-sized brain to store information and simply couldn't justify spending any on things like how to say words right.

"That's alright with me," Penn commented with a smile, "I say strange things all the time. I bet I'll fit right in." He glanced backwards at Fenn and Killer to gauge their reactions to the conversation, then turned his attention ahead again as Sialuk began to give them a tour of their new home.

I'll slap a fade on this now if that works for everyone! <3