The days had passed, and they had turned into weeks, and now a moon, and he was sick. What if Samani never came back to him. He knew her mother needed her, that Moonglow needed her, but it seemed so long. Now there was pain in his chest and a dull look in his eyes.
But he had promised her. So he pushed onward. Their pack was doing well. And it wasn't like he couldn't go see her on Moonglow, it just seemed she was often busy and she had been before in the same ways, but they had made time for each other.
He took a deep breath and a nother and then with a shift in his chest, he nodded. He could do this, for her. So he went nose down and began to follow a game trail. Feeling his burdening lighting as he was hunting.
But he had promised her. So he pushed onward. Their pack was doing well. And it wasn't like he couldn't go see her on Moonglow, it just seemed she was often busy and she had been before in the same ways, but they had made time for each other.
He took a deep breath and a nother and then with a shift in his chest, he nodded. He could do this, for her. So he went nose down and began to follow a game trail. Feeling his burdening lighting as he was hunting.
June 10, 2023, 02:18 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: guts & gore
it was a trail for small game made by hundreds of tiny feet escaping through tall grasses to their secret hiding places. where their fat moms and dozens of babies lived in darkness. where they were hunted by the patient and the slick and slithering enemies.
but only if they made it to their warrens before teeth of faster runner clasped about cottonpuff tails.
hisher snout was red, like a messy child's, tongue flickering out to dab at tasty blood. the rabbit had been gutted, soft, slippery organs of many colors still fresh, and sticky, despite the heat of summer sun.
it would taste best if eaten right away, so shehe dipped hisher head and parted herhis jaws to take in a mouthful of little innards-
when grass swayed in an unnatural way, like something crept through it.
heshe froze. fear was big in an instant. not of killerwhalesealionjellyfishsiren beast which shehe knew was real, but of other beast that was sometimes but rarely also a friend.
wolf. so many wolves at all times everywhere all at once. they peed on the trees and the dirt so there were very few places heshe could pee too, and they made loud long howls at times that made hackles rise up as if electrified, and they stole herhis idea and buried food so heshe had to dig fast fast fast to take a bite before someone came up and asked who are you hey wait what are you doing -
the grass trembled with approach of another.
shehe was a sculpture of fear.
June 13, 2023, 05:27 PM
The little beast dog, stayed on the outskirts of the pack. Not fully a part of it, and yet Rodyn considered them as such whether they carried a title in his pack or not. T.K. didn't like other wolves so Rodyn didn't force the others upon his little friend. And he visited only when it was simply him.
He lifted his head from teh grass with a smile, when he caught the scent of his friend on the wind and quickly righted himself so he was no more stalking and T.K. Could see him clearly.
Yellow eyes sparkling. He lifted a paw out in front as if to say hi there, little friend. My friend. My T.K.
He lifted his head from teh grass with a smile, when he caught the scent of his friend on the wind and quickly righted himself so he was no more stalking and T.K. Could see him clearly.
Yellow eyes sparkling. He lifted a paw out in front as if to say hi there, little friend. My friend. My T.K.
June 16, 2023, 04:38 PM
fear left herhis body in a lightning strike, replaced by warm rumbling excitementness.
rodyn! rodyn! rodyn!
dark maple syrup eyes squinted with happiness.
fear left herhis body in a lightning strike, replaced by warm rumbling excitementness.
rodyn! rodyn! rodyn!
rodyn!heshe yapped, pouncing in place like a happy horse. shehe turned then turned back around with maw full of seeping bunny.
loohhahahhot!about as indecipherable as hisher speech had ever been. in quick steps shehe approached rodyn, body out of habit and not intention bent submissive, offering the catch to a friend and not the leader.
dark maple syrup eyes squinted with happiness.
June 17, 2023, 08:39 AM
Rodyn always loved to see T.K. And the dogbeast always seemed happy to see him too. His name was called and the heshe dog ran forward with death incarnate in their maw.
Rodyn gave a half smile. Glad they were learning to hunt so well. He needn't worry so much after his friend.
Rodyn grinned again, yellow eyes crinkling at the sides as he settled to his haunches. He never felt as a leader to T.K. No just his friend. Friend T.K.
Rodyn gave a half smile. Glad they were learning to hunt so well. He needn't worry so much after his friend.
Did you eat some? You eat first, okay. That's a great catch!
Rodyn grinned again, yellow eyes crinkling at the sides as he settled to his haunches. He never felt as a leader to T.K. No just his friend. Friend T.K.
June 23, 2023, 07:33 AM
hm?tail hanging below hips whipped.
hm!very very smart thinking!
shehe set the rabbit to the ground, then demonstrated a speedster's mealmanners, pecking off bits of softness and gulping them down.
quick quick quick-
done!hisher tongue swiped the tasty juices off herhis whiskers.
heshe slid the rabbit toward rodyn.
June 27, 2023, 05:31 PM
Rodyn chuckled at the exuberance that the dogbeast exuded. He always loved how excited TK got about everything. IT was refreshing. It also worried him, but TK was learning quickly how to do better and be better in the wilds.
Rodyn took a bite and smiled.
It was nice that TK was learning how to better take care of themselves. Perhaps Rodyn wouldn't worry near as much.
Rodyn took a bite and smiled.
Thank you TK. YOu're turning into a very good hunter.
It was nice that TK was learning how to better take care of themselves. Perhaps Rodyn wouldn't worry near as much.
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