Swiftcurrent Creek will you be a satanist with me?
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
for when u have time! <3 can be fwd or backdated since arric is exploring rn lolol

The shimmer of pale moonlight over the treetops that cover Swiftcurrent act as a guide. Tonight, Wren is antsy. Her lip twitches as she weaves through the brush and out to the clearing that holds the skull tree, where she perches upon the roots and dips her head in a croon for @Arric.
Presumably, Akavir had spoken to him about the happenings of the mission to Akashingo — but Wren has something else on her mind.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,100 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had only been home a day or two when he was called. The night was dsrk and deep, thr light of the moon making a path along the dappled river banks.

They highlighted the reddish tinge to his fur and brightened the blue of his eyes, that white cicrcl a reminder he wasn't shadowed completely.

He followed along and found Wren waiting by the tree and he tilted his head with a quiet chuff. Akavir hadn't told him anything about anything really.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
The familiar silhouette of the shadowman is welcomed with a chirp and a wave of her tail. Hey, Arric, she raises a paw to pat the root beside her. you got time to talk?
Back straightening, one hind paw bounces and shakes as the nerves prick and pull at her. This was harder than she thought it would be, and she couldn't quite pinpoint why. I wanted to, um, catch up with you, I guess. Finally, her gaze finds his — she'd been avoiding it, up until now. and I wanted to talk about the future of Swiftcurrent.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,100 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He raised a paw back.

Hello Wren.

He smiled at her admission of wanting to check in. It was nice to know that. Her next words though and his insides shuddered. What had happened.

He blinked. Okay what about the creek?

Then he waited Blue eyes lowered, back straight, curious and wary.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
He seems worried. Crap. That came out wrong, didn't it?
Nothing bad, so long as you ignore the fact that Akavir's daughter is still missing, and there's a snake in our ally's boot in the form of Germanicus. I just, uhm, wanted to ask you about something. I didn't wanna broach it to Akavir yet. a calm, but awkward smile is flashed his way, although it appears more like a grimace.
She thinks of Lilia, the Redtail Rise girl; their conversation about scouting, ambassadorship. Tierra, the emissary from Paleo, the one who she'd met a few months back. This totally made sense, right? She sucks in a sharp breath. I've been thinking, and I think Swiftcurrent Creek could use... a scout. Like, an ambassador, I mean. Somebody who represents us in, like, important shit, she raises a hefty paw and waves it around. I want to, to do something important. You guys — this pack — means a lot to me. It's the only place I've ever really felt like I had a home, where-- where people, like, respect me. a pause, bated breath, and then; How would you feel about having a third leader? Co-Beta. Or... something like that.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,100 Posts
Ooc — Danni
See Arric didn't know what had transpired at the visit to the walls of Akashingo. Akavir had never told him. Something that rankled a bit. Especially as she continued talking and he realized she and Akavir had to of become close and then a small nip of jealousy and then gross anger, but he pushed it aside. He was being unfair. Just becasue Akavir had been leaving him behind to take care of the pack, and his children. It was his job after all as co-leader. He was supposed to be the backbone when Akavir needed it, but lately he felt as if he was being taken advantage of in a big way, but he was trying to ignore it, because he was being a big ole baby anyway.

Blue eyes took in her face and he listened carefully. Turning over her words in his head. Arric didn't seem like it, but he was a deep thinker, much like his father and he had to turn over everything and chew on it. Like marrow in bone.

She wasn't wrong. A scout wouldn't go amiss, but he wondered if it was really his place to decide. He was only second in command, not the boss. And how would silvertongue feel about it. It had been clear when she was here last that she was a bit jealouse of the women of the creek. Though she had tried hard to hide it. Arric wasn't a fool. Her questions were too pointed and well.

He sucked in a breath. I have no qualms against a scout. The other stuff though. That's for Akavir to decide.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Arric's expression subtly changes; pondering, then anger, and back to thoughtfulness; and Wren notices. His shoulders tense, his gaze just that little bit more gravid with something that spoke of contempt. 
I'll talk to him about it, she gives a nod. I just, y'know. Wanted your thoughts on it too. And she was also stalling. Little had she spoken to the Mayfair since the talk of Germanicus — among other things — and admittedly, she had been avoiding him. Whether it was for good reason or not, she didn't know; but it didn't matter right now, did it?
A thick silence fills the air, and she shifts her bouncing leg in order to tuck it beneath her. And then, with her own curiousity; Is somethin' wrong, dude? You seem a little, she gestures, one paw feebly outstretched to him. I don't know, sad. 
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,100 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He smiled for her and shook his head. I'd have no objections as long as Akavir says its okay the co beta thing. Scout i can probably figure some stiff out for you. We have to have a hunting day and a feast for our allies we promised. So when more gets hammered out there we can send you to talk with. Umm. Im not sure how Akavir feels about trading outside of the valley, but we can touch base with him on that too.

Arric blinked and shifted. Im good. You don't need to worry about me. That's my job.

A ghost of a smile and a wink. Honestly he didn't even know how to tell her if he wanted too. Cause he wasn't sure himself.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
There seemed to be no objections to Wren's potential ambassadorship, or potential leadership; at least on Arric's end. Akavir, well... that would have to be dealt with another day. She shudders at the thought of having to so much as see him right now.
He deflects when she asks about him, and this brings a snort from her nostrils. Hey, c'mon, we're... buddies, eh? a paw is raised and playfully brushed up against his hardened shoulder. Somethin's up. You're not very good at pretending to not be upset about something. You make this face like you've got a stick up your ass. Perhaps, she hoped, some teasing would cheer him up; lighten the tone. Have you-- or, I guess a better question would be, did Akavir... tell you anything? About our trip to Akashingo?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,100 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had reserves about WRen being in leadership. Not because she wouldn't make a good one, but because he didn't know her that well. And it made more sense to Elevate Moss who had been here longer, but Moss was basically a wisp lately. So this would be something he'd talk to Akavir about if he so wished. But it was Akavir's decision not his.

Arric chuckled. A stick up my ass eh. My keep me in a better mood at the very least. He shrugged his shoulder then. THough her next words hit part of the meat of the issue, and he shifted.

No he didn't. And don't you either. If he didn't tell me then i'm not supposed to know.

He felt there was no more explanation needed. If Akavir felt that he didn't deserve to know, then well he didn't need to know. Akavir was the leader. Arric was his second.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
<3 :D

So she had assumed wrong. He did not know. And of course, Arric refused to be given the run-down — which she hadn't entirely expected. Her eyes widen at the sudden sternness, ears panning to the sides of her head.
Not that there was a whole lot she would have told him, anyway.
Can't blame a girl for trying, she shies away, after that, creating distance between the two as her shoulders slump. but just so you know, I'm not gonna bite you for having feelings. I'm your packmate. Isn't the whole point to, like, talk to each other? a sigh bellows through her nostrils as her chest rises and falls. But I can't force you.
Given the sudden tension and now overwhelming feeling of dejectedness, the gamma takes this as her cue to depart. Good talk, she snorts, offering little more than a small smile before disappearing into the brush, a slow trudge back to her den. No avoiding yet another difficult conversation with Akavir now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,100 Posts
Ooc — Danni

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Arric saw her look, but before he could say anything she was immediately on guard and ready to like leave. But then she laid the guilt trip thick and heavy and that pissed him off.

He shifted and was about to, well he didn't know what he would have done, because she got butt hurt and went away.

FFFFUUUCKK! He growled low and mean and snarly. He hadn't meant to hurt her feelings, but what the fuck. He wasn't a I'm gonna tell you all my secrets kind of guy. He was pretty stern in that regard, but he really hadn't.

He kicked at the ground. FUCK. He growled again and turned away. Maybe he should leave the creek for a while, because he was just causing all kinds of issues and this usually wasn't his way of things.