Dragoncrest Cliffs he never seen so much rage from a queen
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
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MAH'LEH! miette's narrow chest puffed, her voice booming as she stood atop the precipice of the roja den. MAH'LEH!! LOOK-ME!

she took a leap of faith from the gnarled roots of the den's entrance, sliding down with a shriek of delight. a small mushroom cloud of dust momentarily shrouded her figure, but she was off in seconds with a cape of glittering sand trailing behind her.

back up the twisted tree roots. back up the biggest bough, which formed the natural lip of roja's entrance. she hunched down and waited for maleah's gaze upon her before she leapt again.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
So this is what motherhood is like.
Or at least, Maleah now had a vague glimpse of what it could be without nearly as much permanence. She'd been in the mossbloom when her name was hollered by a shrill, pitchy voice, and she'd be wrong if she said her curiosity had not been piqued. Edging nearer to the roja den, she catches the tail end of little Miette's stunt; a cloud of beige with the cartoonish form of a little girl at the center.
Wow, look at this, her jaw falls slack in a display of awe; we've got ourselves a little birdie learning how to fly!
Even still as she encourages the play, she is careful — hovering close. All she can see in her mind is Mireille's wrath when Miette inevitably snaps her neck like a popsicle. I'm sure there are better perches, though, hm?
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
miette's rosy cheeks flushed as she brought a paw to her face, giggling. am not BIRD!! she stood up, brushing the dirt from her hips with a scoff. i be wolf.

she fixed maleah with a long stare. she may be maman's friend, but she would not be spared miette's tiny judgment. was maleah even qualified to watch her if she didn't know the difference between a bird and a wolf?

better perches? her eyes widened as she began to climb the secondary root. WHERE DEY BE?
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
You don't look like a wolf to me, her brow furrows, a wry smile curling the corners of her lips. would a wolf have little wings like these? her teeth playfully snip at the little one's elbow in a secret attempt at herding her to safety. Or a little beak like this? her nose, then, poking near the side of her short little snout.
Would it be horrible of her to pick favorites among Mireille's children?
Come down, and I'll show you the best perch I know. and what she would not say is that she didn't have one yet. They'd go, perhaps, to the shore; they'd find a small ledge, or even a branch above the sea where Maleah could catch her before she could get hurt; she'd even offer her own shoulders, for with her height, they were not too far from the ground.
Either way, the sea seemed to be the best bet. That was, if she knew how to swim. Maybe she should ask that first. Can you swim, Miette?
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
miette's little frame rippled with giggles. her, with wings? silly maleah!! maybe she'd supped too many of the fizzy berries of astera's.

I NOT HAVE BEAK! she puffed, rubbing her nose indignantly. her nose was soft, and cute -- not like those beaky birds.

maleah promised a better spot. miette considered. on the one hand, this could be a trick. buuuuut...

she leapt down with aplomb, her face momentarily scuffing dirt in an ungainly bow before she was up, unaffected. where? where?! she jumped against maleah's shoulders, eyes widening hopefully as the healer asked if she could swim. YA! i swim veree good.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
omg i'm sorry for being a lil late with this

Something told Maleah she should not believe her fully. Or perhaps she was just paranoid.
Okay, okay, she holds herself steady with feet sunken into the ground — the barrelling of a little puppy's entire upper body into your side was surprisingly hard to withstand — and when she sees a way out from this barrage, gently motions for the babe to follow her. we're gonna go down to the beach, yeah?
If she were lucky, she'd find a distraction there or somewhere along the way in hopes that the little birdie at her hands would not take flight.
She holds a slow trot as she sets her sights on the tunnel; always careful not to outpace little Miette, honey-lemon eyes fixing upon her every so often. What do you like to do besides flying, little birdie?
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
plz don’t apologize!! i dont write daily, so plz don’t feel rushed in a thread w me ever <3

BEACH!! miette bounded with the single-minded energy of a child. maleah guided them carefully towards the tunnel — miette’s attentive gaze traveled towards the forbidden world beyond it. she was not allowed to venture past this point without an adult, and her heart was aflutter with excitement.

i not bird. miette reminded maleah solemnly, striding alongside her with a roll of her eyes. but i like to find stuff!! an’ play wid ahstera. do you know ahstera?? she fixed an astute gaze on the healer, wondering if her friend would be on the beach too.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
thank u for understanding <3333 i just feel bad because i'm a lil slow sometimes LOL

Miette seems ecstatic, and for that Maleah was grateful. If she hadn't liked the idea of the beach, she wasn't quite sure what she would have done! They pass through the respite and out towards the meadow, tall grass tendrils licking at her ankles as the trill of insects drone in the soundscape of midday.
I do know Astera, she quips, a wiggle to her eyebrows. she and I play games too, and she helped me learn the names of the plants and flowers that grow here. the tunnel's entrance comes into view, and she now allows the pudgy body of Miette to toddle in front of her. Maybe one day I could teach you.
But for today, Miette is a child — a little pumpkin darksprite under her care. And when Maleah gazes upon the little girl, feels the touch of her chubby paws and watches her toothy grin spread, something bittersweet inside her aches.
A yearning for simplicity long lost and perhaps never known.
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
miette's features split into a bright smile. maleah knew astera! that was her favorite friend!

something akin to jealousy slipped into her heart too -- but it was gone before she noticed it, just like the darkening expression that stole across maleah's features and flit away on darkling crow wings.

i wanna know de flowers! miette hooted, little tail bobbing as they marched down the tunnel. her voice echoed ever so slightly in front of them -- she giggled as she heard it rebound towards the sea. DE FLOWERS!! she shouted in reiteration, the sound nearly bowling her off her feet as it reverberated down the cave.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Interest in Maleah's craft from a youngling made her more excited than she would ever let on, cheeks pinched as her smile curls. You do? she whistles, ears flicking at the sharp holler that bounces and ricochets from the tunnel walls and into her bones. She swears she can feel it in the ground.
The sunlight splinters across narrow features in a flurry of gold-blue hues as they reach the end of the tunnel. Okay, I have two choices for you, ginger is her touch as she guides the girl to the shore, stride now slowed to a lazy bound. we can either go to the spot, oooor, her eyebrows wag. we could go find some flowers for your maman. Or for you. Whatever you want.
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
YA! the child crowed as they crossed the threshold from underworld to sundappled grove. the echoes fled into the skies above, her voice no longer projecting in sonorant bounds.

maleah’s subtle guidance away from the rocky shore did not go unnoticed. she earned the brief burn of a displeased stare — but miette’s attention drew to the hush in maleah’s voice. the spot? what spot? why didn’t she know of this spot? did her siblings know about this spot? was it a secret? could she then keep this secret from her siblings?

miette stopped as if considering her options seriously.

she whirled upon maleah with an excited leap. DE SPOT!!
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Okay, okay, Panic ensues. She didn't have a spot; where the hell was the spot going to be? we'll go to the spot.
Slinking forward, Maleah ducks and raises her head again, searching; the spiny cliff overhead? No, no, that could result in a baby Miette with two halves of a whole head. A curved log, damp with saltbrine and covered in moss? No, that's just lame. The arch that hangs above the cliffs? Absolutely not!
Every bone in her body says bad idea, and no attempts to thwart the determined seasprite's agenda have worked. She had to find a spot.
And then she sees it, her escape from the potential wrath of a toddler; a large, flat boulder sitting a skirt away from the shore, massive and hefty enough to walk on. The waves lap against the side of it. You see that big rock? Maleah hops forward with a giddy little skip, thrumming with excitement. That's our spot!
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
cliffs, logs, and arches passed their periphery. each were met with miette's careful study. would this be the spot?

she hustled alongside the artfully long strides of maleah. they neared the beach, and even miette sensed a shift in maleah’s purpose. her eyes followed the healer’s to a large boulder hugged by sea drift.

she snorted incredulously, a toddler’s indifferent dismissal plain on her features. dat be de spot? is jussa’ rock, mahleah! why did adults like such boring things?!
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Just a rock. Just a rock? It's not just a rock, she retorts, returning with her own scoff. it can be whatever you want it to be! You can dive off of it, you can sunbathe, you can, um, what did children do for fun, actually? you can conquer it! It's yours!
Maleah gently tugs at the downy scruff belonging to Miette with the tips of her teeth. C'mon, I'll help you swim over to it. her feet touch the caked sand smoothed down by salted waves, subconsciously shielding the child with the curve of her arm in case a particularly large crash came down upon them. you wanted to find a new perch, right, little bird? It could be your perch!
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
this rock was special? miette held it in her gaze with a squint of disbelief. it was large, one side of its face sheathed in green seaweed bobbing invitingly with each gentle wave.

maleah guided miette to its open face. standing before it in the lazily moving water, miette realized it was tall! she peered at its skyhigh heights in awe, mapping out her path of ascent with a slightly open mouth.

i’s not a bird! miette countered with a high shriek, affixing to the stone’s surface and scrabbling up towards its top like a little urchin.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Miette insists she is not, in fact, a bird, even while she scrabbles for purchase and climbs the seaslime-coated boulder with what may as well have been a fledgling's gait. Maleah bumps her nose against the red-tinted hocks of the girl in an effort to assist before she, too, climbs her way up in a few swift jolts.
She circles once, then twice, before taking a seat on the precipice of her newfound lookout. Isn't it cool up here? she casts a devilish look to her tiny companion; she thought it was cool, at least, even if Sobeille was impossible to appease. Tendrils of seaweed bob and hug the base of their fort, and she swore she could see a cluster of tiny fish nearing the surface.
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
it was graceful of maleah to assist the tiny terror in her ascent up the rock; miette chose to ignore it. after all, she was the boss, and bosses did not need assistance from their peons.

once on the rock's summit, miette became dizzy. the world took on a different perspective up here. points seemed pinched -- formerly large objects seemed fair away and distorted.

like a black jaguar, maleah leapt besides her. the pair inspected their newfound world. peering down and around, miette was mesmerized by the vantage here. this must be what birds felt like! she could see barnacle in seaweed, she could see the stupid faces of clueless fish as they eyed the surface -- she could see a crab scuttling sideways on the tide pool's floor.

WAOWWW!! miette yelled suddenly, delighted. WWAAAOWW!!! her voice whalloped over the ocean breeze, and she felt so close to the sun and the gods in that moment, she may as well stood among their pantheon.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
You like it?! the whooping and hollering from beyond the crux of Maleah's shoulder clues her in; it brings a wispy smile to narrow-edged features as her paw reaches out to prevent the darksprite from toppling over the edge. I knew you would.
Thank you, loa, for saving me from the wrath of Miette.
The shadownight head tips back to bask in the rays that burst from between the clouds, a soft inhale sucked inward. Birds like to sit on rocks too, you know, she prepares herself to be whooped with a two-toned paw after that one. maybe we're both birds.
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
did she like it?! miette’s birdbone breast puffed outwards. she was the tallest pebble in the world!

surveying her kingdom, miette spared only a passing glance to maleah’s protective limb. she was a big girl, she didn’t need maleah-guardrails!

a quiet thought whispered to her; what would happen if she was to push?

i’s not a bird! miette reminded the forgetful maleah, quite solemnly to boot. she pinned her chaperone with a patented look: but you could be a pel’kan wit’ dat nose of yours. she tittered, nearly falling off the rock in the process.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
What did my nose do to you? Maleah retorts indignantly. She felt the urge to comment something about how this child, likely, had no idea who her father was, and how she could potentially grow up to have a pelican nose just as well. A pretty mother was only one half of the gene pool; but Mireille could not possibly have that bad of taste, could she? You just don't wanna admit that I'm cool.
She wonders who Miette seemingly inherited the haughtiness from.
She suddenly eases downward into a sprawl, forepaws tipped over the blackstone edge. I'm gonna sunbathe. I need to get one last good sun-bleach before the summer ends. I will still be watching you.
824 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
cool? a birdlike glint in miette's eyes as maleah spread across the lip of the stone.

dat sounds boring. miette announced, clambering down the stone. she landed in the warm shallows, watching as ripples disturbed the face of the tide pool. i'm gonna esplore.

but miette didn't go far. while maleah worked on her tan, the little girl worked on how to tease crab from stone, and chase darting fish through the tide-locked pools.