Two Eyes Cenote palace of the goddess
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
All Welcome 
@Toula @Ashikaga @Naberius @Racharra @Rashepses @Akhtar @Melody @Legend @Khusobek @Zaahira @Tavina @Sayf @Tuna @Iset Inji @Mesen-ka @Siatum @Thutmose <3 one post welcome, no posting order! they've come to the intended palace at last!

Ma'at moved among the camp of the righteous.

with legend's fate befallen, the hereditary prince wished to leave the pass behind. the stamp of their presence there would hold for a long while, he believed, a deterrent to all who might seek the queen.

he moved them at dawn, to a place discovered by frequent foray: an oasis of sweeping turquoise and emerald, twin round lakes upon which sparkled all manner of cave-made flowers and fungi, the entrances to the caverns glittering with mica and crystal.

indeed, the lakes reflected their own light, until at all times the shimmer upon hallway and cave-wall was that of water and precious stones.

it was akashingo remade in blue rock and water, and senmut was relieved to exist beneath the earth once more.

his prayers for legend resumed, her form carried by mazoi to a bed open beneath starlight.

he would leave the settling to the others, pressing his forehead once to the queen's paw before he disappeared among their new encampment.

326 Posts
Ooc — Twin
When time came upon them to depart for promised lands, it was Zaahira who escorted the godswife.
A hand held, strong shoulders paving the way among the foray of civilian and pureblood alike, and an unspoken trust wove their path. The land stretches from baseless, rocky dunes to a red-hued paradise shimmering with clean water, and wildfire eyes drink it in with gratitude.
The Gods have blessed them.
She had seen it only briefly before with Khusobek, but now she basks in its glory with sparkling eyes; however, after so many long weeks away, her chest aches for home.
What would it be like once they make their return to the palace?
But there was no time to think of that now. Instead, she keeps her eyes trained upon her Queen; her friend, her pharaoh, acting as queensguard. Warmth beads upon her brow as she holds a frond over the gold-stippled head.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
slow and steady did they move, mindful of the ailment of their dear Legend. but before too long they arrived to where Toula knew they were each meant to be. 
a holy place that Ra illuminated! she looked to her people with a new glow about her, reinvigorated, ready to discover. first, quiet directives being provided to the fellahin to begin to decorate the space with all of the beautification and glamor they would Akashingo! but only after they themselves rested their weary paws. she would not see them exhausted! 
yes, first to rest—but she looked upon her many favorites with delight in her eye. where shall we rest tonight? and to Zaahira now she grins, her soon to be Jodai once this place was claimed in full. 
and Eset and her own work, never missed throughout—right hand, left hand. necessary to her own function. I will let you discover such a place. first I must look upon the Mazoi and assist in the ways that I can with her recovery, she determined with a nod. more than vanity, more than anything else, Toula loved her people. those that made this all possible. 
on quiet feet did she move to the place she would be resting.
330 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
He's never seen beauty inscribed in gold ink. In his very bones, there are flames ignited and there is only his Goddess who can fuel.
His brethren see her. They hear her siren call. He's fed that there is one thing they will never know, and that is how she feels when his mouth is on her skin and she's on fire with him.
How her pelt will one day slip into each crevice of his paws in naked moonlight, and it will be only her he sees.
Sands part so that he may look at her. He stares at her shamelessly so she may remember him. He wants her to see: I need you.
Rashepses tastes what he wishes to devour him. He hungers. Men want her. They strive for her.
In the end, it will be him to bind to his Goddess.
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
off again.

khusobek went as he was bid.

legend's — whatever, it had subdued him into a cold-eyed, silent creature.

but one thing he did know was the look of utter hunger on the prince rashepses' face; khusobek knew it, for it had been the only way to look at pharaoh hatshepsuun.
787 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
tavina had thrown her journeying with the queen's camp this day. she exchanged pleasant words with the servants, making sure toula stayed hydrated beneath the harsh glare of the sun.

when they at last arrived, tavina found she too was happy to be out of the open air and barren earth; she immediately took up a post near the main entrance, a tiny room where she could be called upon for anything.
before, I was not a witch
717 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Master Advisor
Work was everywhere. She was glad for it. A fellahin would not rest. Eset would not retire until well after midnight most nights and, asleep, would dream of smoke in the hours before the stroke of Ra would rouse and again the day’s tasks commenced.

This day work was set aside for travel and she did so beside Zaahira and Tuna, at Queen Toula’s left flank until the pilgrimage concluded in a grand bedrock atrium where she stood quietly amazed at the intricacies in the limestone and spacious pools which rivaled the grandeur of the red palace. There was no sense of anyone else having lived here.

An ear attuned to the Queen’s gentle charge which was received with a bow before she too slipped off into one of the many passageways, where she would eventually come upon an expansive vaulted skylit room glittering with embedded jeweled ore and befitting only one with holy blood.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Maybe even @Andrealphus if they wanna join too. Figured that he would know by not where most of the pack is after his thread with Nabs from before.

There was open desert between this land form and the last and Naberius danced upon the sand dunes with an unmatched skill. Here, in these golden dunes, the rouge belonged. These lower regions reminded him of home, in ways. The lands of Sun and Sand being one of golden sand dunes, surrounding a lush oasis of multiple water pools, palm trees, desert rose and lily, aloe and agave. 

When they came to the cenote, there was respite from the sun. A place of pale rock and much greenery and the water! Two large, deep blue pools which Naberius couldn't even see the bottoms of. Greens and blue, surrounded by gold sands. It made his gut twist, the thought of home, but made him smile deeply with a happiness all the same. If this land were to belong to the Queen and her people as well, Naberius thought he might stay here permanently.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]