their going would be slow. when @Ariadne's injury meant they must stop, then stop they did. he hunted for her, kept her ears company with gossip and teasing.
and when the glacier finally towered before them, ice slipping from its surface, chakliux turned his eyes on the moon wolf.
"i do not know what is up there. and we should not climb, not today."
and when the glacier finally towered before them, ice slipping from its surface, chakliux turned his eyes on the moon wolf.
"i do not know what is up there. and we should not climb, not today."
October 21, 2023, 04:05 PM
*barges in*
Loneliness was wearing thin on Fjall. He’d made a temporary home for himself in Neverwinter Forest, the place where his mother at one point had seen fit to make their homestead, but as the temperatures continued to drop, he felt his mind open more and more to the thought of company.
His moonpale face turned often towards Moonglow, though now it pointed north, towards the glacier. His curiosity led him up the frozen slopes, finding nothing of particular note other than more cold ground, and as he descended again, he could see figures looming at the base of the ice-mountain.
Ariadne?he suddenly called. Her pelt was distinct among the wolves – he was almost positive it was her.
The yearling bounded the rest of the way, overjoyed to find his once-rescuer here.
Ariadne!His head bowed submissively to the stranger(s) accompanying her, becoming distracted once he noticed that the moondaughter was injured.
Oh- y-your leg! What happened?
October 22, 2023, 06:41 PM
I love it,Ariadne replied in hushed awe.
You have done very well, Chakliux. This is the place where I will start my village.There was an electricity in the air; sparks and snaps happily nipped at her, hinting that this was hers. Although it was probably just the cold, she knew no better and took it as a sign.
There will be time to climb tomorrow and much to explore down here.She was in no rush—especially if he didn't think it was wise to ascend.
As she was admiring what would be hers, a familiar voice danced on the wind and brushed past her ear. She whipped her head toward where is came from, and a smile nearly ate her face whole. Fjall! He was here! And alive!
Aya! Fjall!she whined, her tail whipping from side to side and happy tears pricking at her eyes.
My friend! What are you doing here!?Another sign, another confirmation that this was the place for her.
It is so good to see your face. Here, please, hug me!
She glanced down at her leg, laughed, and shook her head.
Oh, it is so silly. I fell down a hill, and @Kannoyak helped me! And Chakliux is helping me by hunting for me and finding land for my village.He had gone above and beyond for her on countless occasions.
This will be the place. Please, tell me, what do you think??
October 26, 2023, 12:23 PM
flush with pride, chakliux grinned as ariadne formally named this the place of her own village. he was pleased to have discovered it for her; he needed no mention for this. the light in her eyes was enough.
the promise of a night in the snow was more.
before the seal hunter was able to answer, the moongirl was addressed by another man, a pale, pretty sort who immediately expressed concern in a familiar way.
chakliux, certain this was yet another brother or relative, stepped back to allow them their reunion. but ariadne had said friend, and so something inside him was roused. the white ears cupped forward, but otherwise the seal hunter was quiet, offering a warm look and then turning his attention to how a path might be found up the glacier.
the promise of a night in the snow was more.
before the seal hunter was able to answer, the moongirl was addressed by another man, a pale, pretty sort who immediately expressed concern in a familiar way.
chakliux, certain this was yet another brother or relative, stepped back to allow them their reunion. but ariadne had said friend, and so something inside him was roused. the white ears cupped forward, but otherwise the seal hunter was quiet, offering a warm look and then turning his attention to how a path might be found up the glacier.
October 26, 2023, 06:46 PM
Their embrace warmed him so! He felt gooseflesh prickling all along his body, his reticence in front of the stranger melting away in favor of a most-welcome face.
Lavender eyes turned gratefully to the now-named Chakliux: a rugged wolf, great and scarred, with eyes more colorful than Fjall had ever seen. He felt a hitch in his breathing, causing him to wonder what about the hunter made him so anxious. Downturning his gaze, Fjall shyly showed his appreciation to the marked snow-wolf with a low bow of his muzzle.
Fjall lifted his head and turned to face the glacier with them. He looked over the shining ice-lands and considered how it might look differently to him as Ariadne’s village.
I was only wandering before returning to the winter forest,he answered.
This is a most fortunate surprise.His plush tail danced, only slowing once she had explained the occurrence of her accident.
Ah – treacherous hills! I am sorry that happened,he sympathized. But the ever-bright Ariadne was quick to move on to more pleasant subjects.
Lavender eyes turned gratefully to the now-named Chakliux: a rugged wolf, great and scarred, with eyes more colorful than Fjall had ever seen. He felt a hitch in his breathing, causing him to wonder what about the hunter made him so anxious. Downturning his gaze, Fjall shyly showed his appreciation to the marked snow-wolf with a low bow of his muzzle.
I, I cannot thank you enough for all you’ve done… all you’re still doing.
Fjall lifted his head and turned to face the glacier with them. He looked over the shining ice-lands and considered how it might look differently to him as Ariadne’s village.
Your own village,he breathed wistfully.
It seems just yesterday that you were nursing me back to health after my own fall. I will have to return the favor now.Fjall smiled.
The glacier is- well, there is nothing quite like it, that I have seen. There are many prey tracks here, though this place hides its bounties well. And some of it seems dangerous…He glanced at her leg.
But it is beautiful, too. It could make a good home, I think.
October 27, 2023, 07:50 AM
I would be honored if you set up your lodge in my village,she said in response to his kind words.
Village Moonsong grows stronger with your presence.She had heard the glacier's name before, and it felt right to align their name with their sister packs.
They stood shoulder-to-shoulder, admiring the glacier from ground level. Although they had lots to explore, it seemed like Fjall had already gotten a head start.
Hmm,Ariadne hummed, turning to him.
You have been here before?she asked.
Tell us everything you know,she invited in her next breath with palpable excitement.
November 05, 2023, 08:43 PM
chakliux offered a dip of his head for the young man. kin to the moonwolves. he did not think this fjall was a son of the moon woman, but was intrigued to know how he fit into their snowbound lineage all the same.
when they turned to admire, the seal hunter climbed into the lowest crags with ease.
tullik was a mountain walker. strangely, chakliux did not boast of her now. he did not wish another man to know where beautiful women might be found, discovering jealousy in himself that he must learn to cut out.
when they turned to admire, the seal hunter climbed into the lowest crags with ease.
tullik was a mountain walker. strangely, chakliux did not boast of her now. he did not wish another man to know where beautiful women might be found, discovering jealousy in himself that he must learn to cut out.
November 21, 2023, 06:09 PM
Village Moonsong.
Fjall did not know yet if he could commit himself to staying permanently, but he knew that he would do all he could to help Ariadne during the cold months ahead, just as she had done for him. He looked on as the scarred and mighty Chakliux scaled forward for a better view; he could hardly take his eyes from the rugged, intimidating creature that called himself companion to Ariadne.
His tail wagged.
Fjall did not know yet if he could commit himself to staying permanently, but he knew that he would do all he could to help Ariadne during the cold months ahead, just as she had done for him. He looked on as the scarred and mighty Chakliux scaled forward for a better view; he could hardly take his eyes from the rugged, intimidating creature that called himself companion to Ariadne.
I do not know much of this iceland, I'm afraid,he answered, turning lavender eyes upon the enrapturing Ariadne. She was divine in her beauty, even with a broken leg.
It looks barren at a glance, but I see many opportunities for much wealth here. There is plenty shelter further in, and a good, stout woodland back the way I came, but this is all I have seen for now. The smell of freshwater is strong here, too, though I have not come across the source yet.
His tail wagged.
If you've not found a den already, we should look for one before the hour turns dark.
November 22, 2023, 10:18 AM
Although Fjall didn't know much, the information he provided was enough to get them started.
She nodded at his next suggestion.
That is still helpful,she assured him, sniffing the air to see what she could sense, too. The water was there, and the absence of others who may have made this territory their home. So far, the conditions seemed favorable.
She nodded at his next suggestion.
Yes,she agreed.
I assume that it has been a long day for us all—she knew that traveling had taken it out of her, and she'd soon crash,
—perhaps we grab some food and find a place before sundown.She looked to Chakliux then.
What do you think?
November 22, 2023, 12:38 PM
last for me! <3
fjall was careful. chakliux found himself more interested in the youthful relative as he spoke on. but ariadne's voice brought his true attention, and a smile.
"that is good to me," he said, and with a nod to them both, he set out on a sharp patrol, leaving fjall and ariadne to discuss all the things that must have gone on while they were parted.
"that is good to me," he said, and with a nod to them both, he set out on a sharp patrol, leaving fjall and ariadne to discuss all the things that must have gone on while they were parted.
December 05, 2023, 10:55 PM
sorry for the wait, my loves! Quick post to wrap this up <3
Fjall nodded in agreement, smiling softly to both attendant and attendee.
I scented a warren not far from here,he said, gesturing along the base of the glacier.
I will show you.Fjall felt positively giddy for the companionship - unaware of just how lonely he had been.
He and Challiux would chase down a brace of rabbits before the three of them could settle in for the evening, thus bringing about the quaint and humble beginnings here at Moonsong.
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