war drums; the sound of distant thunder.
Avicus leaves the ridge in the paws of Masquerade and Redd and heads west, traveling down the mountain slope, bracing herself for what came next. it's a mix of relief and angst that touches her soul as the Rise comes into view, and she takes the long way round (though the least steep ascent up to the territory).
it should be out in the open, she thinks. where everyone still here can see and hear, smell and sense—whether it be growls or gasps, swears or swaths of crimson blood, staining the earth.
she calls for the pair, a challenge in her voice.
let them come. let it be here.
hours pass, and no response. she's spent the time in menial tasks—marking borders, cleaning caches, hunting small game.
Avicus shouts their name into the chilly air. the syllables shiver away
no reply.
so it's ambush, then. or cowardice.
time to ferret them out.
night falls, and then day again. bleary-eyed, weary-pawed, she stumbles inch by inch across her territory. vale to peak; tree to stream; corner to corner to corner. . .
she's incredulous. a bit downtrodden. she'd meant to seize Wealda by force, or die trying. this had been the writing on the wall since Lilia's refusal to back down.
and now. . .nothing?
she refuses to believe it.
another night of dogged searching, and when dawn breaks once more, a ruddy woman with haunted eyes leaves the trees, sways into open field.
come @Redsky, she calls, and @Carrion, and @Watcher, and @Mulherin and @Masquerade and @Redd. come @Riley, and @Towhee Jr, if you still remain.
and— Avicus swallows both the lump in her throat and her burgeoning pride— @Augur, and @New Snow, and @Saturdays Sunrise.
now she will take stock of the wolves of this land.
her land. as Wealda.
Avicus leaves the ridge in the paws of Masquerade and Redd and heads west, traveling down the mountain slope, bracing herself for what came next. it's a mix of relief and angst that touches her soul as the Rise comes into view, and she takes the long way round (though the least steep ascent up to the territory).
it should be out in the open, she thinks. where everyone still here can see and hear, smell and sense—whether it be growls or gasps, swears or swaths of crimson blood, staining the earth.
she calls for the pair, a challenge in her voice.
let them come. let it be here.
hours pass, and no response. she's spent the time in menial tasks—marking borders, cleaning caches, hunting small game.
Avicus shouts their name into the chilly air. the syllables shiver away
no reply.
so it's ambush, then. or cowardice.
time to ferret them out.
night falls, and then day again. bleary-eyed, weary-pawed, she stumbles inch by inch across her territory. vale to peak; tree to stream; corner to corner to corner. . .
she's incredulous. a bit downtrodden. she'd meant to seize Wealda by force, or die trying. this had been the writing on the wall since Lilia's refusal to back down.
and now. . .nothing?
she refuses to believe it.
another night of dogged searching, and when dawn breaks once more, a ruddy woman with haunted eyes leaves the trees, sways into open field.
come @Redsky, she calls, and @Carrion, and @Watcher, and @Mulherin and @Masquerade and @Redd. come @Riley, and @Towhee Jr, if you still remain.
and— Avicus swallows both the lump in her throat and her burgeoning pride— @Augur, and @New Snow, and @Saturdays Sunrise.
now she will take stock of the wolves of this land.
her land. as Wealda.
for reference, the last part & call takes place tomorrow 11/11!
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude

November 10, 2023, 02:10 PM
It felt wrong to let Avicus go alone, yet Masquerade respected their mother’s wishes. While they waited for word, they plundered the grotto of half a dozen small animals. They took stock of their kills, setting aside two for their younger siblings; two more for Redd; and the last pair they would take to the woods for Augur and his family.
The call came just as they disembarked toward the moraine. Without hesitation, Masquerade pivoted and ran for the rise, the two slain rabbits swinging wildly from their jaws. They haphazardly dropped them beside the nearest cache, nearly tripping over one in their haste before scrambling to meet their Wealda.
When they found Avicus and saw no sign of Ancelin or Lilia, nor smelled any bloodshed, a relieved noise escaped them. They approached their mother with a bowed head and waving tail, nipping at her chin before moving to flank her. Their shoulders bumped as Masque added a footnote to the Wealda’s cry, supporting her claim and announcing their own ascension.
The call came just as they disembarked toward the moraine. Without hesitation, Masquerade pivoted and ran for the rise, the two slain rabbits swinging wildly from their jaws. They haphazardly dropped them beside the nearest cache, nearly tripping over one in their haste before scrambling to meet their Wealda.
When they found Avicus and saw no sign of Ancelin or Lilia, nor smelled any bloodshed, a relieved noise escaped them. They approached their mother with a bowed head and waving tail, nipping at her chin before moving to flank her. Their shoulders bumped as Masque added a footnote to the Wealda’s cry, supporting her claim and announcing their own ascension.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
November 10, 2023, 05:41 PM
A call would come. Redd waited patiently on the ridge, hunting, sometimes in the silent company of @Watcher. She did not know her younger siblings well yet but something about the girl felt more kindred than the others. She did not cloud the air with words that begged response.
When a voice rang out, it called for her as well. Even if she hadn't known it to be Avicus, she'd know from this how the Rise was now claimed. She did not believe the others would have welcomed her so readily home. She would not have accepted it if they had.
As she traveled, another call sounded forth, this time for Augur and his family. She had not known if he would be welcomed back, but there was wisdom in this choice. Masquerade had been visiting but Redd had allowed the family their peace. She would have respected Avicus' decision either way, and would not have questioned a need to drive them forth.
Only so much disrespect could be tolerated. The hunt lead had walked a dangerous line.
She arrived and silently stood alongside, allowing others to take up the song. She is home, and for the first time in months this weight lifts from her chest, but it is not clear yet where she will fit once the dust settles.
When a voice rang out, it called for her as well. Even if she hadn't known it to be Avicus, she'd know from this how the Rise was now claimed. She did not believe the others would have welcomed her so readily home. She would not have accepted it if they had.
As she traveled, another call sounded forth, this time for Augur and his family. She had not known if he would be welcomed back, but there was wisdom in this choice. Masquerade had been visiting but Redd had allowed the family their peace. She would have respected Avicus' decision either way, and would not have questioned a need to drive them forth.
Only so much disrespect could be tolerated. The hunt lead had walked a dangerous line.
She arrived and silently stood alongside, allowing others to take up the song. She is home, and for the first time in months this weight lifts from her chest, but it is not clear yet where she will fit once the dust settles.
November 10, 2023, 07:41 PM
Redsky did not get very close to the group but he came closer. He gave a look of sadness to his brother Mulherin and his older sibling Masquerade. He didn't want them to leave.
November 13, 2023, 11:15 PM
it did not appear that skin tooth or wolverine had stayed long in the territory. for this was augur glad.
red woman's scent was splashed around. thorn caller was there, along with blood star.
and one was to become leader.
something prickled augur's spine. he did not sing as the others did, but he moved from the maplewood out toward the call, leaving @New Snow and @Saturdays Sunrise to follow at their own pace. he did not intend to do anything more than remain while moon runner was away.
his yellow eyes were soft all the same. but augur needed to know his place and where it was as red woman resumed her reign.
she was wealda. her children followed her into leadership. where did that leave the ulfhedinn?
red woman's scent was splashed around. thorn caller was there, along with blood star.
and one was to become leader.
something prickled augur's spine. he did not sing as the others did, but he moved from the maplewood out toward the call, leaving @New Snow and @Saturdays Sunrise to follow at their own pace. he did not intend to do anything more than remain while moon runner was away.
his yellow eyes were soft all the same. but augur needed to know his place and where it was as red woman resumed her reign.
she was wealda. her children followed her into leadership. where did that leave the ulfhedinn?
November 14, 2023, 12:14 AM
she follows at an arm's length. to avoid painting her father as a weak man as they walk together. sunrise only knows of rage from this red woman, and she seeks to not temper any ill manners towards her parents.
she strides as is expected of her growing age, quiet, respectful. her eyes would drink up the others, and she keeps her posture low.
she strides as is expected of her growing age, quiet, respectful. her eyes would drink up the others, and she keeps her posture low.
Sunrise is a nonverbal character and communicates using facial expression, body language, and primitive vocalization. Please see her pawprints for more details on threading with her!
November 14, 2023, 10:09 PM
New Snow kept to the rear, watching the back of both her man and her little, growing girl. She was not so little anymore, New Snow observed with some pride. Well fed and well cared for, New Snow saw her husband in her. And in her furs, less known to the others, she saw another in her own family that had come before her.
As they entered the Rise, New Snow looked and smelled around them. Saddened to know that the eldest of her adopted daughters had gone, she knew it was for the best. Wolverine would find her way and do well in the world. New Snow and Mountain Boulder her raised her in such a way, as best they could take part.
And here… well, New Snow still trusted her own leader as it stood. Red Woman was capable and strong. Surely she would understand the actions of Mountain Boulder for what they were, though even New Snow thought intervening for sentiment to be potentially troublesome. Other times not, though—she remembered the appeasing licks of brother when even New Snow got in her mothers way, and his behavior had tempered the woman enough to prevent any physicality between them.
New Snow, having arrived now, loosed happy whines and began to work her way around to assimilate once more to exchange scents and blend again into their ranks. She did not think Red Woman called them back to punish them—but she approached her a little slower all the same, loosing appeasing whines and flattening her ears atop her head.
As they entered the Rise, New Snow looked and smelled around them. Saddened to know that the eldest of her adopted daughters had gone, she knew it was for the best. Wolverine would find her way and do well in the world. New Snow and Mountain Boulder her raised her in such a way, as best they could take part.
And here… well, New Snow still trusted her own leader as it stood. Red Woman was capable and strong. Surely she would understand the actions of Mountain Boulder for what they were, though even New Snow thought intervening for sentiment to be potentially troublesome. Other times not, though—she remembered the appeasing licks of brother when even New Snow got in her mothers way, and his behavior had tempered the woman enough to prevent any physicality between them.
New Snow, having arrived now, loosed happy whines and began to work her way around to assimilate once more to exchange scents and blend again into their ranks. She did not think Red Woman called them back to punish them—but she approached her a little slower all the same, loosing appeasing whines and flattening her ears atop her head.
November 18, 2023, 09:09 AM
more will come, she thinks—she hopes—but a small, solid core forms around her call, and she gazes at all of them with pride and fondness. their voices add to her song, and it rings out for several glorious moments before fading into the cool air.
Augur and his family are among them. she notices their reticence; understandable.
to the man, she dips her head, and says, quietly but firmly:
she gives a gentle look to New Snow and their daughter, then turns to her own children, running her chin along the tops of their heads in affection.
weariness tugs at every fiber of her being, but she will remain awake until all remaining wolves make their presence known.
sleep can wait.
Augur and his family are among them. she notices their reticence; understandable.
to the man, she dips her head, and says, quietly but firmly:
Ulfhedinn.so be it—if he wants the rank, still.
she gives a gentle look to New Snow and their daughter, then turns to her own children, running her chin along the tops of their heads in affection.
weariness tugs at every fiber of her being, but she will remain awake until all remaining wolves make their presence known.
sleep can wait.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude

November 20, 2023, 05:11 AM
Call and response.
He comes without question and joins the congregation, weaving through the bodies to greet Avicus, then goes to Masquerade, to whom he offers a nip of the whiskers.
His eyes seem dim as he sits and looks to be listening. The tension had still not broken yet.
His gut twists with mild apprehension; acutely aware of the purpose of their gathering. No blood in sight didn't mean none would be spilled.
He comes without question and joins the congregation, weaving through the bodies to greet Avicus, then goes to Masquerade, to whom he offers a nip of the whiskers.
His eyes seem dim as he sits and looks to be listening. The tension had still not broken yet.
His gut twists with mild apprehension; acutely aware of the purpose of their gathering. No blood in sight didn't mean none would be spilled.
![[Image: VpR1P5E.png]](https://i.imgur.com/VpR1P5E.png)
November 20, 2023, 07:38 PM
Disobedient as ever, Carrion did not come when called.
She was much too busy wallowing in the absences of her once-full home, too busy feeling the threads of resentment as they painstakingly stitched themselves into the newly empty places in her heart. She steeled herself to the hurt, urging herself to care less and less for both those who would return to the rise and those who would not.
She felt no loyalty, no pride in this moment. She felt only resolution: to continue on as she wished to — beholden only to herself, trusting only her own fickle judgement, until there came a time where she would need to shed this snakeskin and grow into a new form.
Independence rallied within, but it did not feel liberating. It was more of a burden, a necessary evil that she would have to endure as long as it was sustainable.
She heaved a great sigh and continued slinking through the rise despondently while her pack gathered elsewhere.
She was much too busy wallowing in the absences of her once-full home, too busy feeling the threads of resentment as they painstakingly stitched themselves into the newly empty places in her heart. She steeled herself to the hurt, urging herself to care less and less for both those who would return to the rise and those who would not.
She felt no loyalty, no pride in this moment. She felt only resolution: to continue on as she wished to — beholden only to herself, trusting only her own fickle judgement, until there came a time where she would need to shed this snakeskin and grow into a new form.
Independence rallied within, but it did not feel liberating. It was more of a burden, a necessary evil that she would have to endure as long as it was sustainable.
She heaved a great sigh and continued slinking through the rise despondently while her pack gathered elsewhere.
November 21, 2023, 10:55 PM
Masquerade felt a great deal of relief when Avicus acknowledged Augur’s rank aloud. They licked their chops and moved forward to greet the Ulfhedinn and his family properly, nosing at his chin before turning and waving their tail—lifted according to their new station now—at his mate and daughter.
Mulherin appeared and the newly reappointed Caru grinned when his teeth flashed toward their muzzle. They arched their head and tail in a mock display of aggressive dominance, though their dancing eyes gave them away. They relaxed into a pose that was confident in a quiet way more suited to their nature.
After pressing their nose to their favorite brother’s cheek, they cast their eyes out for any sign of Carrion, Redsky or Watcher before looking to Avicus again. Her expression was calm but weary. The Wealda needed a well-deserved rest. They all did.
But in a bid to really reunite the pack and knit their frayed parts back together, the freshest leader tipped their wine-stained muzzle upward and howled again. This time, it was a rallying cry, meant for all to join as they declared themselves the unconquerable denizens of Redtail Rise.
I caught you some rabbits,they murmured to New Snow and Sunrise.
I can show you where I left them,when they were done here.
Mulherin appeared and the newly reappointed Caru grinned when his teeth flashed toward their muzzle. They arched their head and tail in a mock display of aggressive dominance, though their dancing eyes gave them away. They relaxed into a pose that was confident in a quiet way more suited to their nature.
After pressing their nose to their favorite brother’s cheek, they cast their eyes out for any sign of Carrion, Redsky or Watcher before looking to Avicus again. Her expression was calm but weary. The Wealda needed a well-deserved rest. They all did.
But in a bid to really reunite the pack and knit their frayed parts back together, the freshest leader tipped their wine-stained muzzle upward and howled again. This time, it was a rallying cry, meant for all to join as they declared themselves the unconquerable denizens of Redtail Rise.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
November 22, 2023, 12:08 PM
last for me!
Redd watched as more came and others remained absent. She continued to hang back, content to allow leadership to re-establish their ties first. There would be time for her to settle here.
This time, when Masquerade’s voice rose, there was a different intention behind it. Sending this, and feeling it swell within the tone, Redd raised her head and joined her voice beneath. A celebration of what was to come and a recognition of the things they had lost.
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