the letters began as soon as senmut felt that enough time had passed.
to @Nazli, my dear sister in the gods.
to be a we'eb is to know nothing. you are a vessel for knowledge and the gods will fill your head with that which They wish you to know.
the night sky over akashingo is far colder than the stars of muat-riya. i wonder if the touch of snow affects one's worship.
i have established trade with the packs of the coast. with this scribe i send a piece of moonstone, a promise for what is to come.
walk in the glow of Nwt.
senmut was a prince and thus had no idea of the moment shared between nazli and khusobek. the crocodilisk delivered the letter in a baritone only slightly teasing, and pressed a small leaf-wrapped package upon the young priestess before he turned away.
the stone inside was small, raw, but held the dazzling of a thousand stars.
the stone inside was small, raw, but held the dazzling of a thousand stars.
December 18, 2023, 08:11 PM
thankful at once for her ability to write, taught to her by the women's circle that had tended her for months, nazli returned a missive.
thank you for the gift. it will find a home in the temple among the offerings, in a spot that will carry the moonlight. i treasure it
a mural for pharaoh toula is nearly complete. there are plans for a tapestry depicting ramesses, treva, satsu, and akashingo, to pay homage.
an altar to nwt is my focus now, but soon there will be hathor, and khonsu. are there others you think should be included?
i have no gift to give you myself but wish you well, erpa-ha.
December 18, 2023, 08:42 PM
the snows fall around akashingo, never quite touching the sacred red land itself.
immersion in the serpent has become its own tribulation. for cleansing, we swim, priests and priestesses. but what is there to be done when ice gathers upon the surface of the water? it was an experience of great shock and rejuvenation.
you do not need to send any gifts. hearing from you is enough. i look forward to seeing this marvelous tapestry. Sopdet is goddess of the brightest star, one of Iset's first names. Osiris was once known as Sah, god of many stars gathered in His name. include their first names or their second. they will add strength.
be well, Nazli, be blessed
December 18, 2023, 09:17 PM
(This post was last modified: December 18, 2023, 09:17 PM by RIP Nazli.)
i woke this morning to find frost inside the temple! everything looked star-touched as Ra sat above. some of the altars needed tending after; we have not seen much snow yet, and i wonder if there will be any.
i have been studying the stars every night. here, i will show you:
[ here she has drawn Ursa Major with the sigil of Tawaret beneath; and nearby is Ursa Minor with the sigil of Sobek ]
it will take me a lifetime to draw them all!
December 18, 2023, 10:37 PM
(This post was last modified: December 18, 2023, 10:37 PM by Senmut.)
some three, four, five days passed before senmut was able to send another message.
the stars speak to you as they never have spoken to me. i am reminded of a blind priestess in my home's temple who gave her oracles and advice by the light of the stars. it was rumoured she put out her own eyes to better serve the gods.
it is a grand hope of mine that you are finding fulfillment in muat-riya. all we have are the lifetimes we are given. fill them with beauty, nazli.
December 25, 2023, 06:17 PM
the solstice came and went. the tone of nazli's messages becomes something different following the moment she received the gift of senmut from eset.
I had wanted to establish a formal celebration of Ra, Amun, and Nwt for the full moon, on the shortest night of the year (solstice), but work on the temple took my focus. Now I think I could have everything ready for a modest event in the coming days.
Would you extend an invitation to Pharaoh Toula, Consort Rashepses, and any who may wish to attend? I would ask that they bring anointed feathers, so that they may be placed at our central altar. I would ask that you attend as well, being once a priest, so that blessings may be given; if not you, I can always try.
If now is not a good time for them to travel, that is alright as well. I will pray for them from here in Muat-Riya. May the gods bless the kingdom of Akashingo with good fortune in the coming year.
Hemet Nazli
December 26, 2023, 10:44 PM
it would take more days before senmut replied, and the rigid tone of nazli's latest response had rather scoured at him;
i believe this to be pleasing to the eyes of the gods. i will speak such to the pharaoh and her consort, and all of akashingo.
i myself will also attend in holy capacity, assuring that i am only there to support you as main holiness.
may muat-riya reap tenfold the benefits of your devotion.
telling himself this was sufficiently respectful and that he had no reason to feel elated at the idea of a return in a week's time, senmut sent off his missive.
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