Luneshale Pass songbird

ogre maiden
358 Posts
Ooc — bon
All Welcome 
Akashingo must stake their claim of Luneshale, and she was here to help — thought the adolescent as she stalked the land. the noble cause was really only a justification to explore as much as she could with little remorse. 
being forced to travel at such a young age has given the cub a sense of wanderlust that it was a miracle she felt duty-bound; otherwise she would've stumbled out of the palace and probably wouldn't have lived to regret it. that's only just the scenario her imagination conjured up however.

egyptian“ · common
samirseti is welcome in all threads.
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257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there were too many wolves.

s'ari was still weak. koa and candle remained. four in their number.

zoug kept his distance from the wolf girl, though as he passed, he pinned her with a hateful look and a threatening growl scudded across the sand.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)

ogre maiden
358 Posts
Ooc — bon
at the sight of a glare and the sound of a growl halted the young nebet in her tracks. she stood as tall as she could, leaning on her hindlegs — only to realize the source of the noise was not a wolf, but a coyote.

she's been seeing lots of those lately.

i mean no harm. firm yet poised, she spoke. but she furrowed her brow when she met his gaze. 
Racharra was still too young to fight. she nearly entertained the thought of being able to take on the coyote, but she was no mazoi
besides, it wouldn't look good for Akashingo if their nobles were rough-housing with the locals.

egyptian“ · common
samirseti is welcome in all threads.
character is rated 3-3-3
257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she was smaller and younger than the other wolves, but she outstanced zoug immediately.

she stood tall. zoug was still.

and then he called, "why all wolf come to naaghai?" in a heavy, guttural tone.

it was their land, yet more of the taller lupines arrived each day, it seemed.

ogre maiden
358 Posts
Ooc — bon
her stance weakened at the question. uhm. she stammered.
akashingo put a claim on this land. the nebet closed the distance with careful steps
we come to make it ours. is it a problem?

egyptian“ · common
samirseti is welcome in all threads.
character is rated 3-3-3
257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"is problem," zoug shot. "land belong to clan. to tribe. not wolf. wolf come and make death. hurting."

he felt he lost face with his broken words. he wished for candle to be here.

"when will you go away?" zoug enunciated with great difficulty, the words caught in the throes of a deep accent.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)

ogre maiden
358 Posts
Ooc — bon
Racharra frowned at the accusation. all things bring death. straight to the point. its the law of the land. do you not bring death with the prey you hunt?

she shook her head, in complete denial at the idea that Akashingo's presence would cause blood to soak these dry desert sands. Akashingo will not leave anytime soon. though, she pitied the coyote in front of her, despite his accusation becoming an insult to the girl. yes, she's a very fair nebet, she reassured herself. but we do not mean harm.

egyptian“ · common
samirseti is welcome in all threads.
character is rated 3-3-3
257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
they were not leaving. "tribe bring death to prey, not wolf. wolf and tribe share prey, but wolf bring death to all."

it tired him to speak so much.

zoug lifted a lip to reveal his sharp teeth. "get away, bad-blood." and he advanced in aggression, hackles spiked.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)

ogre maiden
358 Posts
Ooc — bon
her own hackles rose, but she did not bare any fang. 
it wouldn't be wise to attack a nebet of Akashingo. surely then will the wolves bring death. curt and stern her tone, Racharra stood tall. she was not afraid of measly coyote, but her gaze sharpened, glancing around. 
one coyote is fine, she thought, but anymore would absolutely be too much for her.

egyptian“ · common
samirseti is welcome in all threads.
character is rated 3-3-3
257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she was correct. zoug spat into the sand at her feet.

"if wolf bring death, coyote bring curse." his teeth were a snarl.

but he retreated now, for like the girl, zoug did not want to contend with others.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)

ogre maiden
358 Posts
Ooc — bon
at the mention of a curse, racharra furrowed her brow, but she musn't cave in. Ra would protect her, for she did nothing wrong, right?

she retreated back to the base of camp, left to ponder on the words the coyote spat.

egyptian“ · common
samirseti is welcome in all threads.
character is rated 3-3-3