Two Eyes Cenote [m] Love love love
440 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Oncoming heat cycle and PMSing

She had crawled her way into Muat-Riya after the call for the gathering.

In the room Eset kept delicately prepared for her, and wrapped in the warm fuzzies of her bedfurs.


She had her face stuffed in a bundle of fluff, her arms wrapped tightly around it with her belly firm down. Her tail, slammed tight between her legs and her mouth in a pathetic, horrid pout. She didn't know why she felt this way. So- so- and that stupid--STUPID noise of her items shifting was getting on her nerves. It made her so upset! She was so upset! Her own breathing, frustrating her to no ends, and every thought feeling like a giant mountain she couldn't move. She felt so----so!! "EHE-WA-WEEHHHHEHEHEH!" She cried, and she whined, and she wept while kicking her back feet.
Sniffled, cried, and STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP with her face roughly into her fuzzy pillow! She wept helplessly and refused to leave her room!

335 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he would've knocked, but there weren't a door, and he hadn't any knuckles.

is- is someone givin' birth in here? the little neb asked with genuine concern, poking his head into the guard chamber out of which the wailings of a first time mother had come. was someone real early to bloom? or real late to bear fruit?

... can a woman hold in a pregnancy for six months?

forgive me, he is my smartest idiot
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]

440 Posts
Ooc — Neoma

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: language

This was the worst day she'd ever had! And why did Seth leave her?! And where was this stupid mission?! Why was Eset so busy all of the time! Why hadn't she seen Senmut! Why had her wine been so warm today?! And her stupid items would not---stop--MOVING-


She cried, stiffening and feeling so irritated and terribly hungry!

Then, she was quiet, felt all of her muscles tighten, and she sniffed her nose. She had no idea who she just screamed at.
Her head slowly lifted from her bedfurs and her voice was soft and instantly gentle. Sniff.
 "...Who is it?"
335 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the message was received clear as crystal. gucci yanked himself out the stone doorframe so speedily that the momentum clapped his batty ears together - his farewell to the agonising mother!

... a moment later, he peeked in again, persuaded by a much gentler tone. not that he was ever truly going to leave, not before at least guessing at the father!

yet, no scent of womanly viscera nor yowling newborn, and no midwife to chase him off. the nobleman's theorem began to crumble.

s georgia honeys veni vidi gucci, young miss. he drawled with an uncertain smile, crossing his forelegs at the room's threshold. y' ain't, uh... had he fingers, he'd be snapping them. ... sufferin', are'cha?
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]

440 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
She hadn't heard of goojavijiwhatever, and the more she thought about deciphering what the man said, the more her brain felt like it was going to implode. Googaguccihoney--

Why was it so tiny?

Legend knew now that the world was ending, sprawled out on her bed with her lip utterly pouting and her eyes grieving her own self. But she couldn't look away. She just accepted tiny demon things were finally coming for her. Sniff. She felt the feminine urge to then respond a shaky, meek, "...No." Yes, and he was supposed to figure it out! Her eyes were watery. "I'm. Fine." Her nose ran with it!

335 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he expected a spark of recognition, that moment of realization at the presence of the best-furred noble of noblest akashingo!

no such thing.

gucci felt awkward, standing there as the little lady gave signals mixed as nuts. there were an aroma to the air he could now parse, and while it still hadn't boiled to potency, it nibbled at gucci's brainstem. yet, he held to his theory of impeding culmination of an out-of-season pregnancy. he couldn't assume.

ah can fetch'a sesh tavina, if yer troubled, lil miss. it truly was awkward, how he just shuffled in place. ahm sure she can address any, uh, feminine issues what might be troublin' ya.
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]

440 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
No one could know! (everyone would know.) "No!" she scrambled at that idea, physically flinching and lifting her head. Small. Tiny. He was so tiny! She pinned her ears tight to her head until she lost the ability to do so. She was just too exhausted.

Too tired.



"But do think-- you think-- you get me snack?"
The puppy dog eyes turned on.
335 Posts
Ooc — Bees
his body jerked back at the shout, ears rising then pinning in the ringing aftermath. women! he wished to lament.

her words confounded him - this peasant asking him to provide service? yet, this scene were reframed by the look on her face.

how old was she, tiny as she were and evidently wracked by new internal developments? barely any more than his own child, he would reckon with all his wisdom. poor young thing not yet matured.

and of course, the eyes.

gucci stepped uncertainly back, then forward, then backwise into the hallway, looking down each way.

...ya got a request, darlin'? veal, rabbit? his candlelight grin.
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]

440 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
"Aa--mm--" Then she was thinking real hard!

Her hormones were raging with all sorts of hellfire. If the walls should crack, Legend would have a mental breakdown in tenfold and never let it go.

Food! "Rabbit? I love rabbit." Oh, she loved food! She loved rabbit. Rabbit was so good. Oh, she wanted rabbit-- wait--

"I've never had rabbit! Rabbit would be so good," her eyes dilated big enough they were whole globes. Her mouth hung open just enough that if she slacked it more, drool would come canon balling out. She was just glad he wasn't a royal! You know, 'cause what would she say then?! Royals weren't capable of bringing good food anyways! Probably!
335 Posts
Ooc — Bees
...oookay. gucci excused this frantic, scatterbrain behavior as result of aforementioned internal ails.

he beamed another grin.

be right back, princess!

and with prancing steps he retreated in the direction of the storehouse.

think we could fade this one? :3
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]