Neverwinter Forest Bullet train to Iowa.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"That's the problem and that's the fear. That I am going to live a ve-e-e-e-ry long and boring life," Dwin pointed out, laughing, half-joking, half-serious. "If you do not see any future prospects that long road ahead of you until the end may seem way too long," she added, getting up to her feet and stretching. The warmth was pleasant, but she had been lying on rocks for a while. She sniffed around for a new place to settle and then decided to simply sit for a bit. 

"Maybe," Dwin shrugged and because of this statement did not add Brecheliant to the list of potential winter homes for Towhee. She was a peculiar specimen to have around, but she did not see her in her home's family picture. She was... too different? Though it was likely that at the very heart of this unwillingness was the fact that she did not really trust this lady. She was fun to talk to, Dwin felt she could learn a great deal from her, but without getting too close. 

"So, what packs are on your list? One of the Moon-brands, sea-side resorts or - if you fancy warmth and a bit of exotic stuff, there is a whole hot alien landmass just East from caldera. A pack settled there too. And - one may not be into their gods and traditions, but food's there is splendid," she advertised Akashingo.
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee hoisted herself out of the pool while Ceridwen regaled her with advertisements for the local packs. She only caught about half of what she said, since shaking off her pelt and then quickly drying it with her tongue didn’t really lend itself to focusing on lip-reading.

All of them and none of them, was her honest answer. I have a lot of thinking to do… and a brother to consult, Towhee added, muttering the last bit mostly to herself. Right now, I’m going to head back to the forest and sleep on it. You’re welcome to join me, otherwise I’m sure we’ll magically bump into one another eventually, as we do.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
"And you are really going out in the cold like this?" Dwin asked, sounding skeptical. Towhee may be an old and experienced wolf, but that did not mean that she was immune from making reckless choices. After all she had been soaking in that water for quite a while, it had drenched her fur and undercoat and there was no way those scarce licks had done anything to improve the situation. 

"Tell you what - rather than finding you as an ice-block tomorrow, why don't you lie down here and wait 'till you are dryer than you are now," she offered. "I don't think that the brother of yours will be happy to sleep next to a wet mop," she told. "I can watch you over and tell you a hot story to dry you faster, if you want?" 
5,306 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Touché, Towhee acknowledged Ceridwin’s salient point about the cold. But I really need to rest my eyes. It would be a cool superpower if I could absorb you story by osmosis but I’m afraid I haven’t developed that yet. What if we… raced instead?

She didn’t wait for a reaction to this possibly silly proposition. Towhee just tapped the younger wolf’s shoulder and broke into a sprint. The instant she ran away from the pool, the temperature dipped. It stung her wet skin beneath her fur. But Towhee knew if she just kept moving, she would stay warm. Bonus: she would air dry!

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
796 Posts
Ooc — Me
Before Dwin could ask, why the hell Towhee needed her eyes to listen to her story (she had either not noticed or not been informed or forgotten that her fellow hag was as deaf as a lamp post), she had challenged her for a race and dashed off. Her dark pelt soon melted with the surrounding darkeness, save for the trail of white steam that marked the path she had taken. Dwin was in no way inclined to try and catch up with her. She had played "tag" one too many times this summer.

But this was not the only reason she stayed put. Towhee's antics reminded her of someone. Reminded very much. Too familiar.


Oh, no.

This meant that wisdom did not come with age.