Altar of Twilight Let it Shine
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Backdated to whenever :) @Cassidy

And so Cassidy lead the way taking the pair Westward into the Great Bear Wilderness. Paeon wasn't sure of their destination, but she was happy to have someone with her along the way. Winter's were tough enough as they were with the cold and less available food, and Paeon had managed. But the boredom. The boredom had been deadly for Paeon and with Cassidy at her side a spark of life resurfaced.

The sun had only just gone down and they continued on their journey when something caught Paeon's attention stopping her in her tracks. "Woah... What's that over there?" she asked openly.

A strange glowing light in the distance... "Let's check it out!" she said before galloping off towards it without even waiting to hear Cassidy's response.

She ran into a small valley surrounded by mountainous high walls and it beamed with light. As she crossed the threshold of the vale that light lifted from the ground, covered her coat and clung to the curves of her feminine frame. "This is so coooool!" she called out and looked back to Cassidy for his reaction. A gleam in her eyes and a bright smile across her face.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
The two traveled far from the lowlands to the great bear wilderness. They’d rest when needed, working on pushing through the snow. He had no particular destination in mind, and hoped that this wouldn’t affect partner. 

They traveled through deep snow once they’d left the warmth of the lowlands, and his paws had often begun to freeze. He was not used to this violent weather, but with the spirit of an adventurer, continued on, nothing would stop him from achieving his dream of exploring new places. Having Paeon along had also been beneficial, as they both kept each other safe from boredom and were able to help each other should one need it. They made a good pair.

One afternoon, as the sun had gone down, Paeon stopped, mesmerized by something in the distance. He hadn’t noticed what it was until she called it out. He turned his head in the direction of her gaze and couldn’t not notice the bright light shining in the dark. “I dunno.” He replied, in almost a stunned way, but before he could reply again, she was off at a gallop. 

“Alright! But wait for me!” He called out behind her, then followed at a gallop. He closed the distance once she’d stopped, and gazed at the light. The moon reflected on a shining wall, it was glorious, mesmerizing. The excitement was written all over Paeon’s pretty face, and for some reason, he couldn’t help but smile at her, her eyes shining bright as the moonlight. He shook his head, “It amazing!” He responded, and somehow his little mind ran away from him: “But….” He began, twirling his paw on the ground and dropping his gaze for a moment before looking back up at her, “It’s not the only radiant thing ‘round ‘ere.”

Be prepared to be flattered Paeon. Also, do not feel the need to match the reply length. I just got carried away, lol.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A but...

But what. This place was amazing Paeon thought as she watched Cassidy look down at the ground. When his gaze lifted from the ground it turned to her and he made a remark. One which referenced an additional radiance.

Oh how clueless she was. "Really?" she remarked tail wagging joyously in anticipation. She did a 360 spin looking around, but didn't see anything else special. 

She looked at him and her head tilted to the side questioning. She trotted over to his side and faced in the same direction he did. Was there something he could see from his vantage point that she couldn't? Nothing. 

"I don't see it" she said dumbfounded.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
“Yeah.” He wanted to chuckle at her obliviousness, but all he let show was an amused smile. He took a step closer, one at a time. “Ya know, you won’t have to look far. In fact, it’s right in front of me. An’ maybe only I can see it.” He went on almost as if he was killing time, trying to draw it out. She trotted to his side, watching where his own eyes laid, but he turned his head, to see her. 

Perhaps it was the moonlight, or maybe he was twitterpated, but whatever it was, he couldn’t help but look into her bright yellow eyes, and her delicate face. 

“Just stop for a moment. Don’ try ‘an look too hard.” He hinted, pointing his nose towards Paeon.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She looked off into the valley. The light of the moon shining down and illuminating everything. The frost-covered trees, ice-coated rocks, and the shine of snowflakes in the air... But nothing else. He must have been able to see her getting worked up because he asked her to take a moment... and try not to look so hard. 

Her eyes looked up at him, but his gaze was already upon her. Staring intently into hers. It was then that she noticed him point towards her with his nose. Tilting her head down to look towards her chest, that's when it hit her... just not the thing Cassidy was hinting at.

"It's me! Look!" she said as though she were showing him something he hadn't seen before. "The lights glowing on my fur... and yours too" she said nodding towards him.

Oh how close she had been.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
He watched her look all around: at the valley, the trees, the snow falling, and then a realization at last, he hoped. Her eyes finally looked into his own, and then when she realized he had his gaze upon her, that’s when it hit her: She was the radiant thing among the stone face.

His smile grew wide, even though it was not his exact thoughts, she was darn close enough, so he’d let her have it. “Yes!” He beamed, nodding his head, “It’s you.” He then side stepped a little closer, and sat down. He motioned his head, inviting her to sit, as the two would gaze out upon the white sea of snow.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Hell yeah, she'd figured it out! At least that's what she thought, but that was enough to fill her chest with the feeling of accomplishment. One deserving of an award, deserving of some relaxation time among the shining light and glow.

Cassidy must have thought the same as he invited her to take a seat. And so she did. Plopping down beside him in the snow and clumsily bumping into him as she did. A gust of wind joined the two and Paeon tucked her head into Cassidy's shoulder. Romantic... maybe to some... an invasion of personal space and instinctual preservation... most likely. Whatever it was, Paeon thought his shoulder was comfortable and so that's where she kept her head.

Resting against his shoulder she lifted her paw into the air and played with it to see the lights shine upon it.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She took up his invitation, plopping down right next to him. In the graceful act of plopping down, she bumbling into him, but he didn’t mind, not one bit. In fact, he let her cuddle right up next to him, her head resting upon his shoulder. In this moment, he didn’t feel cold, like a rush of warmth went through his whole body. He sat strong, to support her, as he watched her play with the light upon her paw, and he thought to himself: “Life sure is good.”

He booped her cheek with his nose, a kiss. No words were exchanged, just feelings.

Lovin’ this. :3 Where do we want it to go? Continue on, or perhaps fade?
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon hasn't quite fumbled this enough. Haha

The breeze was cool but Paeon didn't feel it much. Her winter coat had grown in and sitting here at Cassidy's side blocked out the cold. Was it his body heat? Surely. But was there something else? The thought glimpsed past in Paeon mind before... wet!

"Ah" she exclaimed at the feeling of Cassidy's wet nose against her cheek and lifted herself from his shoulder. Surprise more than anything is what brought her to her feet. Looking towards him she pouted "Heeeeyy" but a clear playful smile was on her face.

A joke. That's how Paeon took it. Like a wet willy placed in the wrong spot. She took a few steps back looking mischievously in Cassidy's direction then... took her paw and flicked some snow towards his face. 

A game he had started and one she was eager to continue. She lowered herself into a playful bow ready to flea should he entertain her game of chase.

Good to continue or fade :)
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She jumped onto her feet, out of surprise from his wet nose. But with a playful smile on her face, he had nothing to worry about. He laughed along, and jumped to his feet after she flicked snow in his face. He shook his head, and returned her bow of play, flicking snow back towards her and taking off in a chase through the white sea. “You’re on!” 

Steam rose in wisps, snow kicked up like water, it was wonderful, he felt free, but even better than that because he had a friend, someone to share this freedom with. So for a time, they just played, chased each other, living this moment to the fullest until they would tire themselves out. Finding a nice spot under a large tree where the grass was still green, he’d curl up, again inviting her next to him. She of course was free to chose, and his invitation would still stand. “I haven’t had that much fun for a while. Your fast too, probably ideal for a combat medic huh?”

We’ll continue on just until they hunker down for the rest of the night. :D
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
They ran through the valley, joy and snow in the air. And for the first time in a long time, Paeon was tired. The rampant energy flowing through her veins emptied. So by the time the two were ready to take a rest, Paeon needed no invitation from Cassidy to lay down.

He'd found a clear area under a large tree and curled up. Paeon, with her usual grace and courtesy, crept under the branches of the trees and flopped her head down on Cassidy's side. Her own personal pillow.

She rolled onto her back and wiggled herself into a comfortable position. And to top it all off, Cassidy was there to flatter her ego. "Gotta be quick enough to dodge the danger and make it to your wounded comrade" she elaborated with her usual dramatic flare, plus a hint of sleepy slur.

"Hey Cassidy?" Paeon asked with a sleepish mumble as she nuzzled her head into her pillow. "Are you going to be a great hunter like your dad? - yawn - Or something all your own?"
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She laid down beside him, her head on his side, so apparently he was her personal pillow. This was fine, an honor actually. She rolled over and wiggled till she was comfortable, then went on to answer his question: "Gotta be quick enough to dodge the danger and make it to your wounded comrade" — She made whatever a combat medic was sound like a heroic and fulfilling role. Saving others while healing them in the midsts of battle.

“Wow.” He replied, in a tone mixed with wonder and sleepiness. But when he asked her a question in return, he didn’t have an answer prepared:”Hm. To be honest, I dunno. Maybe I’ll find what I’m meant to be somewhere out there.” He said, pointing with his nose out towards where the horizon would be. “But I guess, for now, I’m just happy with my life. And… you.” Cassidy felt like the luckiest wolf in the wilds when he was with Paeon, almost like they were kindred spirits, best friends if nothing else.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon's sleepy eyes struggled to stay open as Cassidy answered her question. She wasn't sure if she would remember his response in the morning, but the view of the moonlit horizon and him pointing out towards it... was pleasant on the eyes.

"I'm happy to be adventuring with you too." A warm smile grew to her cheeks as she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his beating heart. "Thank you... Cas..." she managed before lulling off to sleep.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mad
By the time he’d finished, she had only been able to respond briefly before she was lulled to sleep. He smiled to himself, looking at her, then laid his own head down, and before long, he was out like a light. Sleep came easy when everything was at peace, when you had nothing to worry about. 

And tomorrow was a new day, a new day to discover whatever life had in store. But for now, in this moment, everything was perfect.