Two Eyes Cenote calling the scarlet sands
57 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Briar arrived in the evening just as night fell. Whispers from afar brought to him a familiar name. Toula. It was one he remembered being spoken outside of the gates  of Akashingo. That had been several months ago now. A "divine queen." Or so the guardian stated.

His last desert expedition had been a misadventure he thought bitterly of. And yet, he'd be lying to say that he wasn't intrigued by foreign palaces and so-called divinity. Much to his surprise, the coronation was not within the red palace walls, but in the lowlands. And surprising still, he was welcomed warmly by coyotes introducing themselves as fellahin and ushered into the hall.

His meager gift of seashells he collected on the coast was eagerly taken and he was offered a strange drink in exchange. His nose wrinkled as a faint scent of rotten fruit wafted from the liquid. Skeptically, he accepted it. He took a few cautious sips to find it sweet. Dangerously sweet. Covering it with his paw, he refrained from further indulging. Keeping to himself as he took in the open air chamber. Various scents filled the room. So many wolves gathered from far away places. His gaze swept the crowd, perhaps for the familiar faces of the mazoi Zaahira and the impish little wolf that had assisted him previously. Finding neither, Briar sat back until the ceremony began.

And an impressive ceremony it was. Lavishly adorned wolves, lengthy titles, and song all kept his attention. He was struck at how young the woman of the hour appeared. A slight smile played upon his lips as questions sprang to the forefront of his mind. The resident wolves believed the young woman was godly, that much was apparent, but was that all it took to be a leader? The titles had no meaning to him. He doubted that they were from her own accomplishments. How vastly different life was here than what he was used to. Yet Briar still envied the luxury on display.

These thoughts would not be spoken. At the conclusion of the ceremony he politely joined the cheer before winding his way through the festivities to the feast.
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
745 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the hellhound has been away from kvarsheim for some time; has missed much. perhaps, he considers, even when he returns he may not be welcome back. isn't so sure that will sadden him, if it's true.

his focus, now, is on toula. on her crowning from princess to pharaoh.

the hellhound watches among the others; rapt.

and relieved. and proud.

and watchful.

there was tension here; threadlings of it. he can't see them, of course, but he can feel them. snapping and slithering along the waves of the joyous coronation and wedding.

court intrigue, ingram considers, was a maze to navigate.

for now, he ignores the rich buffet set out for guests; content to hang back and observe.

magick, seeing the dead, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O
quiet, quiet please!

it was all that buzzed in the little texan's head as she watched what could only be described as royalty finally ascend. behind her the childish days of pampering, as toula steps into power once more. pharaoh, now. there is a deep-rooted sense of pride in tuna as she watches, kohl-blended eyes looking over the handicraft of her and the others.

yes, it was perfect; it was what she deserved, after all.

there is a chill, and yet there is silence. the ruler had been born, pure blood offered to the stars and silver moon. and when tuna looks upon toula again, she no longer sees the young maiden she once brushed strayed hair from -- she saw something more.

ethereal; crafted of gold and purity. she was the wife to the gods now, and ruler of her two kingdoms. soon she moves, grabbing her dedicated platter and coming to serve the guests when asked and even looked at. tonight, they would celebrate the newest holiday, the greatest thing to grace these lowlands.

toula was a phoenix, reborn.
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph observed the finery with some astonishment, to have gathered so much and used it to feed many of their own and yet many others who had come merely to pay their respects and right before the winter. But perhaps it would not affect them as much in this place. But she shuffled aside respectfully, watched, let the words wash over her. Admittedly the wolves up on the dias looked resplendent. The ceremonial parts she understood in theory, even if these were unfamiliar to her, but the performance of it was hollow for her as she lacked understanding or faith in the words.

She greeted the wolves from Sapphique and @Chani with a smile, was glad to see the younger wolves speaking. She inquired after the pack and how they fared and how they had found the journey. But more faces caught her eye and when the wolves began to move more freely and the reverent silence of the audience was replaced with activity she wound her way over to the feast.
114 Posts
Ooc — Meri
It was a shame. Surely, such an important ceremony, a wedding and coronation both, should have been held at noon. And yet, the wolves had chosen to host this formal occasion under the moon. 

Meridian kept her frustration hidden, not wishing to create a scene. A carefully selected, azalea stone is concealed under her paw. A gift.
As of now, my life is quite irregular, even more so than usual. I may post frequently for a few days, then go slow for weeks. I'll try my best to reply within two weeks. Some threads, such as ones with many participants, may take priority over others. Thank you for understanding!
Montagne de Ciguë
423 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The Fellahin, Tuna, had led Seal, @Heph, and @Raiyuk to the incomparable Muat-Riya where a great crowd mingled in the terrific hall. The young woman had never seen such a spectacle! Wolves from all walks of life were represented and many were decorated in fine feathers, furs, and makeup to embellish their natural feature. Coyotes effortlessly weaved between and doted upon the guests with food and drink, but the most tantalizing of all was a great feast that filled the room with a mouth-watering aroma.

Seal adjusted the fishercat pelt across her shoulders as she walked beside her Moon Village companions. Outgoing and social, Seal felt that she was in her element. A broad smile squeezed her cheeks so tight that they hurt! She clung near Raiyuk, but her attention was barely present. Like a finch, her eyes flitted about the room in wonder as they gazed upon beautiful faces, royal ornaments, and grand architecture.

The crowd was shepherded into the adjacent chamber. They were seated in rows. Then, the ceremony began.

The procession was only distantly familiar to Seal, who felt a kinship in their spiritual reverence. Her ears were attuned to the cleric’s chanting, eyes fixed upon the radiating figurehead at the center: Pharaoh Toula. She admired the way the woman and her pageantry captured the attention of Teekon’s denizens. This notion planted the seed in Seal’s mind that tradition and celebration were at the beating heart of any, and every, village culture.

Besides Pharaoh was the handsome Prince Rashepses. Suddenly, a mysterious gale made Seal glance toward the heavens where the stars shimmered brighter than they ever had before. Her expression became awe-struck but a little skeptical. She thought of Sedna, spirits, and the Land of Dancing Lights.

what do you be thinkin' of all dat?

The voice was like a fingersnap. Seal double blinked as Seal discovered that she sat next to another girl her age. With easy camaraderie and a bright smile, she breathed the word. Fascinating.”
32 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
As the guests arrived and mingled, Keiko worked behind the scenes with @Eset and her staff to plate the feast following the coronation. No detail was overlooked and when their preparations were complete, Keiko briefly retreated to her chambers to wash up.

She was fastidious in her grooming. Not a hair was out of place. For her garments, she dressed in formal wear becoming a shrine’s priestess. Her look was clean, fine-edged, but elegant.

Her first mantle was a collar of bright red bark from the Akai Ki tree of Hokkyokusei-sama’s Eden.

Her second layer was an equally long paper-white piece of birch bark.

The third should have been a garment of virgin white but, instead, Keiko donned Eset’s gift, the rare pelt of an ocelot, to show her admiration of Muat-Riya and its wonders.

She chose a seat near no one in particular and admired the ceremony the priest conducted. In many ways, it made her homesick for Shikotsu-Tōya. The rich traditions, the formal social order, and the veneration of a higher being and Emporer resonated with the Miko. Though she did not know the words Senmut uttered, she was filled with understanding.

The new Pharaoh was stunningly beautiful as she walked hand-in-hand with the dark prince. When they passed, Keiko deeply bowed to honor them before she swiftly made her way to the dining hall to introduce the fine feast that awaited the party.

"Words as we hear them" | ="Translated Japanese"=
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
It was absolutely splended. All of it.

As time and time stole away Naberius from the mesa that was Akashingo, Naberius came to love the summer home more and more. Very so much the pleasure palace for which also it may be named. The red rocks and rolling yellow fields were lovely, yet the desert greens and golden sands were better. 

Thick green shrubbery, fed by the endless depths of two twin deep blue pools. The lands around the claim a sea of rolling golden sands. And there was palms. Tall, thin trees dotted around the other various greens of vine and hanging mosses. It reminded him of his time with @Eset, who had made it so that his bed chambers were fitted with them and freshly changed then faded from their green to crumbled brown. 

Naberius had been feeling homesick and this place had been able to choke down those feelings in him. There was differences, of course, from the birth home which the Cyrus family ruled. Mostly of which, the very large family which he had once been surrounded by. 

For now, his thoughts were far from this as well. After all, a coronation was under way! The scenery was already to a perfection naturally and yet all the while the Fellahin did all which they could to make it that much more spectacular. Naberius walked the grounds, sipping on drinks laid out and his sunburst eyes roving the bodies of those gathered like the little rogue he was.

[Image: fee859f71d97a5dfe869b9022c68319cacea343c.gif]

 Allies of Akashingo or those who owned the crown a service. Visitors from far and wide, even those which held the familiar scent of sea-salt on their pelts. Some perhaps loners, freeloaders who ate greedily as they could. Naberius could only smile to this. Those who saw how extravagantly one lived whilst under the divine rule of Pharoah, perhaps would come to beg for a place among her people. 

And then he would come to settle into a seat. To watch. To listen. This time trained upon Pharoah and her King Consort. Some lifted their voices and sang to their Pharoah, their newly anointed god. Some bowed before them. Naberius too would bow, one forleg stretching out whilst the other tucked and he turned his chin to his chest yet it was the rumble of a sudden storm within the skies which lifted his attention. Raging. Clouds darkening and yet stars somehow ever brighter, as though trying their damnest to shown through the storm. A bad omen? A sign of blessing? 

Coming up next on...
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary

set for the morning of dec 2nd!

pharaoh had been crowned in moonlight and now she would be married beneath the Eye of Ra.

"hail to Thee, Great God of The Sun!"

and his voice was a song, flung upward.

he would stand with Divine Consort @Rashepses and pharaoh @Toula upon the dais once more, his words a hymn to welcome the swelling dawn as it slowly filigreed around the edge of the open ceiling, spinning giltweave down upon the walls which had shone with moonsilver before.

the effect was dazzling to the eye; so bright as the sun reached its height that it would appear as though the beautiful royal pair stood upon a plinth of diamonds etched in gold.

"Thy life-giving light is the blood of akashingo and of muat-riya!"

"hail to Thee, feeder of sheep and grower of fruit!"

"for without Thee, no kingdom nor riches would be existent."

the priest was impassive beneath heavier kohl, and now he turned his eyes upon rashepses.

"you have been called upon for a great honor, Divine Consort, Sole Companion to the God. for this you have been chosen: to keep the gods, to serve pharaoh in all ways, to given children to the lineage of the Red Land, and to above all, cherish and love the very breath of your pharaoh as god and godword incarnate."

and to pharaoh, so glowingly resounding in splendor that it fair hurt his eyes to look upon her — a burden he gladly carried, and his gaze was worshipful and soft upon the ruler of two lands.

"you are a god, and for Them do you speak. for them you join with your Consort for the fruition of the land, but do so in pleasure. in good spirit. in alignment of soul and of word and of want. before the eyes of the gods do you stand now; beneath Ra's light, speak now to one another and say what words a priest cannot pull from a heart."

and he stood aside with a smile, and as the light expanded upon the pharaoh and consort, upon their faces and upon those of the watchers, he felt almost a sense of peace.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
a vision of piousness, of purity. dressed by @Eset again, and now in the light and eyes of Ra, Goddess would meet God at the altar. and Eset had, once again, outdone herself! 
nervous, she was so nervous! but Satsu had removed her curse, her father had approved of this union—and she was in love, truly. in her heart she knew this was right, but it was a girlish giddiness that the nerves were carried by—she hoped and prayed that this day would go perfectly! 
she was breathless when she looked to her fellahin, her friends!, and the Jodai, and the Hebsut—each so beloved to her. how do I look? she whispered to them, and as Eset passed her the flowers so carefully crafted, she felt comfort.  
Inji had brought back with her peacock feathers, from an albino member of its species. plucked entire and provided by a trader, such a thing was wound and near knotted in her plume with all matter of sticky things! it was carefully carried by her attending fellahin, and as she slowly approached the altar they did not let it go. around her neck, framing it—more feathers, curling ‘round her face and for all of its beauty it proved, in function, to be a nuisance! the furs she wore, pale and lovely draped prettily as could be around her shoulders, were of ermine. 
her eyes were for Rashepses alone today. she breathed slowly, to calm herself—it was a wonder she did not stumble, so eager was she to get to him! but she took her time, putting on the show Egyptians were infamous for… as much for him as it was for herself! she would pass her flowers to the Hebsut with a smile as it became time to speak their vows,
I have loved you from the first I have heard your words, and I love you now, until my last breath and even thereafter—I promise eternal patience, and to keep both my ears and mind open for you. to not only love you in this life, but all of them! for our love shall withstand all things—I know this, because you are mine as I am yours. together we shall grow, shall become better—as you have already made me, these the beginning of them, her gaze soft and loving and for him and him alone. she went on to give other gentle, sweet vows—
and fell silent, to listen to his own, before they would at last, at last!, kiss one another as she had always dreamt.
before, I was not a witch
717 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Master Advisor
The brightness of the stars becomes the brightness of the day, the ceremonial room flooding with bridal blooms and their intimate guestlist. Eset watches Toula’s face, her beauty as it gleams for every individual in the room, and the wealth of emotion she sees in her look reserved for Rashepses.

“Like a Goddess,” she whispers, smiling, eyes sparking with the glaze oh her own tears as she passes the bouquet of white lotuses and Toula turns away to be united in marriage with her husband.

Senmut confers the holy orders. The world is influx, the great planes invisibly shifting, and in the beauty of the moment Eset is filled with hope that something true, and divine, could be delivered from their union.
345 Posts
Ooc — Bees
with his rank and size came a lofty position - meaning it as literally as it could be.

respectably near the dais, neb gucci got to plant his considerable behind on a cleaned branch, gnarled and dried so he could slot into a bifurcation what so neatly curled about him as he leaned into it. it elevated him a head above most surrounding canine-kind, and he so enjoyed being gawked at.

still, he kept his back straight and attentions rapt when the ceremonies proper were underway. he was quite good at faking interest.

only the end of the wedding did get him to mutter, into his chest-fluff; ah give 'em five months. tops.
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
330 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
He bowed his head as the prophet intoned, his eyes never leaving the teal river gaze of the woman who’d crested his heart. A dream of which no longer held any hesitation. In this moment, his entire trajectory was towards Toula; it was love.

As she spoke, her gold sent a ray up to the sun of Ra, the warmblooded Goddess which his heart had pledged to, and now he too would repeat those infinite oaths in the desert where they had met.

“Muat-riya Isetnofret Toula, every day I will work to deserve you; your trust, your respect, your love.  I will protect you, celebrate with you, and mourn with you, being ever at your side. I vow to fill all your days with happiness, as you have given to me. My love for you is eternal.” He smiled, glimpsing the band around her forearm with the inscription that bore this sentiment.

“As the Gods are my witness, I will love you more deeply in every lifetime,” and the prince brought the shadow of his paw to curve of his Pharaoh’s chin, so they would finally be joined in the kiss of their immortal union.