Ankyra Sound can't we all empower
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Ooc — Lauren
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chiro did not get better. sobeille thought of the muskflower maleah had shown her, and wondered.

she trod down the worn path that lead to the sound. these days, her maman was busy and val hardly noticed when she was gone (an untruth -- but this is sobeille's narrative, and in her narrative everyone sucks). chacal was busy with the thousand things required of being a regent, and the children of sapphique grew older and further apart.

sobeille found herself longing horribly for a missing piece she could not define. it was not as if anyone left. astera was still here. chani still humored her. maleah was ever present, if a little preoccupied with things sobeille did not quite understand. and the boys -- while sobeille liked to believe them backdrops in her life, the boys were still very much present.

and her weird sister still thought she was a shark.

she sighed to herself, letting the nostalgic ride its sorrowed wave through her. the edges of her mouth felt numb and a bitter taste had come to her tongue. she found herself in the grotto again -- but rather than be afraid, sobeille ran her paws along the flowstone in thought as the steady plip-plop of subterranean water matched each of her measured steps.

now she was in the cavern where she had been stuck. she cast her gaze over the ledge and measured it -- she was a little taller now, and besides, she was grown. and grown girls did not care about scary ledges or monsters.

she dropped down into the main chamber room, where the walls pulled away in a grand circle and stalactites hung from the ceilings like the grimace of a toothsome beast. in the center was the moonwater. sobeille eyed its surface distrustfully, and as if responding to being observed, the water skittered and danced a phosphorescent blue.

out of periphery a shadow moved. sobeille turned in suprise, only to be greeted by a familiar blaze of yellow.

hello, miette.