Noctisardor Bypass I can only point at it and say.
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Ooc — Lauren
All Welcome 
Ve are leaving. Anselm announced as he found @Etienne, still visibly shaken from his encounter with Glaukos. Fuck the kids, and fuck that man in particular (not literally, though). He couldn't control the shaking of his body, or the way adrenaline made his lips quiver and skin crawl. 

So what if two brats went missing? He wasn't a fucking nanny, and last he checked, Dinah was mean enough to make a badger retreat. She certainly hadn't held anything back the last time they spoke. Heda had hardly reined her daughter in, either.

Heda. Anselm started, realizing if he and Etienne left by proxy that abandoned Heda. Having experienced this himself, Anselm's stomach dropped.

No, he reminded himself. She chose this life. She chose Glaukos. She would live with her choices, as he would live with his.

And he could not live here one second longer.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had found the vibrations in the current space exhausting. And the loudness with which Glaukos walked made his body ache and his ears hurt. It had been so long since Etienne truly felt the pain of loud noises. Even Anselm had always spoken lower to him.

It was with surprise that he caught sight of Anselm. And then the stricken look on his face pushed Etienne into action. He scrambled up and moved to press nose to Anselm's chest? Not thinking. Worried that his pulse was ratcheting.

W'at 'as 'appened?

He searched for any visible injuries.
603 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Tremors riddled the tracker's body. Etienne stood up, concern in his gaze as he pressed his nose to Anselm's chest. For once, Anselm was so shocked he allowed it -- but the seconds droned on, and he wheeled back unthinkingly so he could hold Etienne in full in his gaze, and read from the healer his reaction.

He attacked me! Anselm was near hysteric, his legs wobbling. He fucking -- he vants me to find the two girls. They are gone. He told me if I don't -- His expression soured and he stopped short.

He could have fucking asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Every movement cut Etienne to his quick. And when Anselm reeled back he felt himself flinch. Ears pressed to his skull he took a step back. His own shudder.

Though the next words froze him like ice. And suddenly a roaring anger blazed upwards in his chest. A dark look lit his golden gaze. A glimmer of a shadow of a man fighting darkness. And for the first time in his life. Etienne truly wanted to hurt something.

He remembered well the poison his mother had coated her body in. The poison that his grandmother had eaten that made her bones burn and itch. And he felt the ocean clamoring at his heart. Pressing around him. Swelling. Calling him home. It would take nothing to put a small little seed in a cache. Or rub a skin with the potent death dust.

He took a breath and another. Clenching his teeth so hard they hurt. He wanted to tell Anselm he could poison them all. Make their lives end. He wanted to offer to do it. But instead he took a gulping breath.

I will go, but if 'e comes after us. You must promise me you will run.
603 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
An unsettling disquiet possessed Etienne. Anselm's gaze flitted to the face of his friend as he caught his breath, panting into the cold spring air.

It was a good thing he did not know Etienne thought of poison, for in that moment, Anselm would have gladly done the deed himself. He would have watched impassive as Glaukos choked down the seed, his mouth starting to froth. As he choked and clawed as his throat and panic lit his eyes, Anselm would watch, a sense of righteousness burning in his stomach and straightening his spine.

I vill not run. Anselm countered, but if only to hear Etienne whisper mon frou. I have been thinking about vhat your sister said. It may be time, Etienne. There is nothing for us here.

Not even his tenuous fatherhood could tether him to Rivenwood today.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Druid stirred a paw in the waters of the lagoon, for no particular reason. She thought of her daughter looking back at her, a vision which quelled much more nefarious ones. She ought to get back, she knew. She’d left them in Witch’s care but it was getting late. How long had she been out here, anyway?

She heard voices. Druid blinked out of something of a stupor, head turning right before she pushed onto all fours. She couldn’t make out any words at first, as she pushed through the dark underbrush. But she heard enough in the tones to discern an altercation of some sort, which hastened her step.

“There is nothing for us here,” she heard just before emerging from the shadows to find Anselm and Etienne.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Silence pressed on all sides. A roaring in his ears. There was a sense of unknowing to the sea boy. He no longer knew himself. This would cause him unrest.

That he was willing to murder another for raising a paw to the mountain man in front of him. He realized for this man he would do unspeakable and terrible things. He would burn the world down.

Etienne looked at Anselm a frown. And though he longed for home. Anselm would not be happy there. He would rub his auntie the wrong way and her him.

Etienne stared at him. He wanted to argue. But time was of the essence. So instead he spoke of home.

You will not like my 'ome.

Etienne sighed softly. Men dat are not born of the sea are not treated well until dey prove demselves. And my auntie is 'ard to deal wit' if I didn't know better I would say 'er 'ated men. You would be a low man on de totem pole dere, possibly forever. Could you bear dat?
603 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm could feel that there was something within Etienne that was coming lose -- some ugly knot better off left tangled. Had he inspired this?

So vhat! Anselm exhaled, hiding his exasperation. I am treated badly anyvhere. Vhether it is here or at your home, vhat difference does it make? I vill still always be the vonne under everyvonne's foot. You vould be happier there. And there would be no more of this -- He gesticulated around them. Lately, it felt as if they had to claw everything apart just to eke out a tiny bit of living. If nothing else, he knew he could no longer live under Glaukos' thumb.

He sighed, relenting slightly. I bet your auntie has better breath than Glaukos.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had always know that darkness was deep inside everyone. Especially those born if the sea. For what was the sea but beautiful and frightening all at once.

Though Etienne knew there was more darkness around him than anyone else. Had he done this? Had he brought whatever curse of the shores with him. Would more die?

If it wasn't a bear it was a damn wolf. Or a secret that if told, would end everything. A dark beautiful secret that he held fast.

Etienne wanted to be offended. Point out that Anselm sometimes reaped what he sowed. And that etienne had never treated him badly.

A soft tear filled laugh. I wouldn't bet on it. Dey eat a lof of fis'

But his laughter was short lived. When Druid came upon them. He hissed in surprise and stood staring at her guilty and yet so angry. That her man had done this.

Druid? You be okay? he looked her over with concern despite himself. And yet he thought again of poison and wondered if it would make everything better even for the woman who hated her current place.

He couldn't hold her gaze.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Neither man noticed her right away. Druid’s gaze flicked back and forth between them as they argued, trying to suss out the gist of the heated conversation. Etienne pointed out that his birthplace probably wouldn’t suit the other man, whose loud tirade now filled her ears. She was surprised that it wasn’t Etienne himself ranting like this, given what Glaukos had done to him…

He suddenly looked her way, a heated look in his eye. Druid blinked and sipped in a breath. Her lips parted but she didn’t speak, eyes drifting between the pair as she still wondered what had upset Anselm so much. He didn’t necessarily seem angry with Etienne, so what had happened to put him in such a state?

Tell me what’s going on, Druid finally demanded in a soft voice.
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603 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Etienne's soft laugh inspired a smile that quickly faded as Anselm realized they weren't alone. Etienne's hiss alerted him something was amiss. His gaze followed the healer's and he tensed, expecting Glaukous.

Druid. Anselm's posture straightened. He looked from Etienne to the woman he'd been taking care of. All of this boiled down to women; they were more trouble than they were worth.

He might have lost it to have another demand wedged his way -- but the soft way in which Druid spoke, and the fact she had not been well as of late steeled his acerbic tongue.

Your -- he almost said mopfaced funsuck, courtesy of Suzu -- psycho boyfriend attacked me. Anselm's fur was still disheveled and leaves clung to his shoulders where he'd been pinned to the ground.

If he had even an inkling of pity that he'd be leaving a two vulnerable women and a cabal of puppies with that freakshow, he didn't show it. Glaukos. He threatened me if I did not do vhat he demanded. Anselm looked the picture of angry-man-rests-his-hands-on-his-hips. I am leaving. I am sick of this bullshit.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Oh to see a smile on the face of the mountain man. For a moment. It made everything okay. But the soul crushing guilt that followed. That he could not save these women either. Etienne tried and tried to save everyone, but he found he couldn't.

Etienne looked at Druid sadly, but also with a resolve in his golden gaze. I will go wit' 'im. Druid. But I t'ink dat Fiona be 'elpin' you better dan me now anyway.

And if that didn't just rankle and slightly piss him off. Because Fiona would never let him live it down.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His words hit like a slap, stinging followed by numbness. She wondered if Anselm had provoked Glaukos somehow, though in answer to her unspoken question, Witch appeared beside her and whispered something in her ear. Druid suddenly stiffened.

You’re meant to be watching the children. Go back to them, please, she said to the pale figure beside her.

Witch melted away into the darkness. Presumably Glaukos and Heda were near the den too. Druid flinched as she wondered whether the bearish man might ever raise a hand to his children the way he did to his comrades. Should she get them away from him? She flinched harder when she realized they were probably no safer with her…

It took a lot of effort to refocus upon the two men, to replay their words and think of what to say. Druid took a long moment to gather herself and her thoughts.

I understand, was all she said.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
603 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm felt better now that his intentions were laid aloud, even if it meant torching a bridge in the process. Etienne's resolute tone further bolstered the confidence Anselm felt budding in his chest.  Then, Druid did something that caused him to freeze. 

Anselm's flabbers were ghasted as she spoke -- but not to them. No, she spoke as if someone was standing next to her, but no one was there.

The fuck?

He could not help the way he glanced to Etienne. A deeply savage part of him wanted to say fuck her too; it served Glaukos right that everything around him, including his girlfriend, was fracturing.

It'd be callously cruel to just leave her now. Still, a dude could dream. 

Anselm expected Druid to resist and beg them to stay, but she gave them up instantly, as if he and Etienne weren't even an important part of Rivenwood. His stomach twisted to have this confirmed -- but seconds later, he reminded himself that she was clearly not well.

Maybe she understood for far darker reasons.

A wedge formed in his throat. You understand...? Does he hit you?
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne blinked in surprise and was entirely unsure what to do. This was not normal behavior and he was at a loss. He didn't have all the answers.

'ere Druid. We can walk you back or would you like to go 'unting or someting? A break?

He looked at Anselm worry in his gaze. He was amgry and hurt and emotional. But Druid was not well.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She shook her head at Anselm’s question, though it was an absent sort of movement. I need to speak with him, Druid thought, then mentally corrected herself, I will speak with him. Her mouth opened to tell the two men this plan, though Etienne’s question distracted her, the words never leaving her lips.

No, she said instead, brow furrowing as if she was having trouble concentrating. You two just take care of yourselves.

Without another word, Druid drifted away from the scene which she had stumbled upon only moments prior. The men and their heated discussion shuffled to the back of her mind as she wandered back past the lagoon and tried to remember whether or not Witch—or anyone—was watching the pups.

This uncertainty should’ve driven her to hasten her steps. Druid continued making her way toward Dawnleaf, though she refused to hurry. Every moment to herself was precious.

Last from me! :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
603 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Something wasn’t right. It was as if some invisible piece was lodged against him, its edges set at odds with Anselm’s intuition.

His gaze swept over Druid. He didn’t truly believe her, but it mattered little.  Besides him, Etienne offered aide Anselm didn’t truly want to extend. It hurt his pride and his sensibilities that Druid had cut him loose so easily — he and Etienne.

Druid turned away, gaze distant despite how close she stood to them. Anselm’s lips set in a hard line as her figure pulled away. Let’s go. He finished, glancing up as the skies darkened.

They made for Etienne’s makeshift den as the clouds opened up in misty rain.