Swallowing thickly rodyn stepped towards where Cen and Red Leaf were. Yellow eyes on the area. Raiyuk close by.
A smile was met to the man and a dip of his head.
Would you like to go hunting today, a deer, or something similar perhaps?
If he could get thr man away. And he had promised to hunt. There was a painful edging in his chest. He had a feeling he wouldn't be in top form today. Which was a shame. Because he did love to hunt.
Amd a small part of him wondered if Cen could be taught better? He hoped so. And to have Raiyuk near this violence. Well it unsettled him.
May 07, 2024, 01:14 PM
unused to visitors, the approach of the chieftain bristled cen momentarily. but he soon smoothed, and nodded toward the man.
@Ghelan's eyes had opened and while cen had not said much, he had been sure to speak only in lanzadoii before his son, insisting upon stamping out whatever sharadoii nonsense his mother was feeding him along with milk.
"i will hunt with you." the slate eyes looked toward red leaf, and then he fell into step beside rodyn.
@Ghelan's eyes had opened and while cen had not said much, he had been sure to speak only in lanzadoii before his son, insisting upon stamping out whatever sharadoii nonsense his mother was feeding him along with milk.
"i will hunt with you." the slate eyes looked toward red leaf, and then he fell into step beside rodyn.

this character is rated R
Raiyuk remained silent, aloof in appearance. He did not pay much mind to the child or to the wife of the man, instead acting the part that came naturally: a willing young hunter fresh to his scars.
It wasn't until they had stepped away that he seemed ready to burst.
To Cen he mentions,
If unimpeded, the young man would usher them towards the village limits where there were many signs of the herd - it was no lie, but might have been said with too much interest. Raiyuk was eager for something.
It wasn't until they had stepped away that he seemed ready to burst.
I have not hunted caribou before,he admitted to the two men, and followed up by trying to impress:
But I did hunt seals, and you saw me at the bison hunt.He nods to Rodyn, and puffs his chest a little bit.
To Cen he mentions,
Rodyn had me scout for the herd. It is this way.
If unimpeded, the young man would usher them towards the village limits where there were many signs of the herd - it was no lie, but might have been said with too much interest. Raiyuk was eager for something.
May 08, 2024, 02:06 PM
Rodyn felt a true smile at Raiyuk's eagerness. A softening to his gaze. Why shouldn't they enjoy this. Even if they knew the end. All things come to an end.
Perhaps if they can teach Raiyuk something he has not hunted before. The scars this lesson will leave wouldn't hurt so deeply.
Rodyn knew he was doing what was best for Red Leaf, but he also knew. She'd probably return to the man and there was nothing he could do about it.
He followed behind Raiyuk at a decent clip. His body going into a hunters crouch of sorts.
Perhaps if they can teach Raiyuk something he has not hunted before. The scars this lesson will leave wouldn't hurt so deeply.
Rodyn knew he was doing what was best for Red Leaf, but he also knew. She'd probably return to the man and there was nothing he could do about it.
He followed behind Raiyuk at a decent clip. His body going into a hunters crouch of sorts.
May 08, 2024, 04:45 PM
the boy who tagged along was a fish-eater. perhaps the son of the older one, cen thought in disdain.
he said nothing, only let the young tracker lead he and the leader toward the place where they would hunt. after a while, however, cen could not hide his scorn. "caribou everywhere. why not hunt?" he said, a shark's-smile spreading upon his mouth.
he said nothing, only let the young tracker lead he and the leader toward the place where they would hunt. after a while, however, cen could not hide his scorn. "caribou everywhere. why not hunt?" he said, a shark's-smile spreading upon his mouth.

this character is rated R
May 10, 2024, 11:16 PM
The young man treated this event as he might any other hunt: he sought the path that showed the most sign of the herd, which he had indeed been tracking earlier in the day, and prowled ahead of Rodyn and the man Cen, knowing that the plan was to follow these animal trails until they took their leave from the village.
Not far behind him was Rodyn, who kept up easily. It was Cen's voice which cut the air and made the fur along Raiyuk's nape stand, for a moment. He was not used to being spoken to in such a tone, and wasn't sure if the man meant to be silly (and that it was only a language barrier that prevented jesting amongst men) or if he was truly bothered.
Raiyuk glanced over his shoulder and saw the large smile, and felt immediately uneasy. As best he could he answered,
Not far behind him was Rodyn, who kept up easily. It was Cen's voice which cut the air and made the fur along Raiyuk's nape stand, for a moment. He was not used to being spoken to in such a tone, and wasn't sure if the man meant to be silly (and that it was only a language barrier that prevented jesting amongst men) or if he was truly bothered.
Raiyuk glanced over his shoulder and saw the large smile, and felt immediately uneasy. As best he could he answered,
I was away, hunting seals. For my scars.At the mention of this, he tried to show them off, and nearly tripped on his own feet.
May 11, 2024, 07:26 AM
Rodyn felt the ruff of hus nape stand on end. He had been hurting his wife and now he was hounding a boy Rodyn had seen grow up. The disrespect was blatant and it felt a spit in the face of his goodwill. How dare.
He spoke softly.
Rodyn was uneasy now. But he continued on the path. Thus far Raiyuk had done well.
He spoke softly.
Chakliux took Raiyuk on a hunt with his people. He has fought death and won. There is always time to hunt and learn new things. Today he will hunt caribou it doesn't matter that he hasn't before.
Rodyn was uneasy now. But he continued on the path. Thus far Raiyuk had done well.
May 12, 2024, 12:56 PM
In the time Aiolos and @Peregrine had waited outside the borders of Moontide (Aiolos knew them well, as he had lived on the plateau alone before years ago) he had come to realize who this young man was he now traveled with. He was full grown, years into it and it took time for Aiolos to dig deep into the memories of the island once more.
Son of Niamh who had parished, on the run from his husband. It had been thought that it was of a situation not unlike the one they were pulled into now, in fact. Raised along his siblings by Mou and Maegi, it had not been since the island that Aiolos had seen any of them, until now.
Aiolos kept these thoughts to himself, ensuring that only the mission was at the forefront. When the Sunman saw the Moontide group in the distance, he woofed lowly for Peregrine's attention.
Son of Niamh who had parished, on the run from his husband. It had been thought that it was of a situation not unlike the one they were pulled into now, in fact. Raised along his siblings by Mou and Maegi, it had not been since the island that Aiolos had seen any of them, until now.
Aiolos kept these thoughts to himself, ensuring that only the mission was at the forefront. When the Sunman saw the Moontide group in the distance, he woofed lowly for Peregrine's attention.

moonglow daddy
May 13, 2024, 09:27 AM
Heph fell into step with Raiyuk and Rodyn and Cen. She too had scouted the area, though not for prey. When she ranged she checked to see that their own extra hunters were in place and that no surprises would lay to turn the tides of the scuffle in the interloper's favor. Beneath her skin the bubbling of adrenaline promised that the hunt would begin soon and she was not picky as to the target.
Her smile was broad, a touch of mischief not out of character for her upon her lips. "Mind if I join?" She had already arrived and her carraige showed no sign of turning back.
Her smile was broad, a touch of mischief not out of character for her upon her lips. "Mind if I join?" She had already arrived and her carraige showed no sign of turning back.
May 13, 2024, 03:59 PM
prob just a cameo unless he's needed! he is slightly ppable by aiolos <3
oblivious to the sunman's knowledge of his heritage — for peregrine himself had certainly not recognized him — the boy was silent. his face was etched into what seemed like a permanent scowl, hardened muscles rigid beneath the multicolored pelt.
they were still a ways away when he first spotted the wife-beating pig man chatting with the wolves of moontide, and his first thought was that he was unimpressed. he was certainly athletic, built with long, lean limbs and a rough quality to his physique, but he was... unkempt. unbecoming. and he thought himself powerful enough to punch down upon his wife?
they could handle him, certainly. peregrine bites back a scoff as he positions himself beside aiolos, prepared for direction.
they were still a ways away when he first spotted the wife-beating pig man chatting with the wolves of moontide, and his first thought was that he was unimpressed. he was certainly athletic, built with long, lean limbs and a rough quality to his physique, but he was... unkempt. unbecoming. and he thought himself powerful enough to punch down upon his wife?
they could handle him, certainly. peregrine bites back a scoff as he positions himself beside aiolos, prepared for direction.
May 13, 2024, 09:03 PM
something was off.
the wily predator in cen sensed what logic told him was only projection. these men, this woman, they did not know him. how could he expect to be liked? to be greeted warmly or with any trust? the caribou hunter felt his own guard hairs rising in response, and with effort, flattened them down.
he did not know these others, nor the scent they wore.
for a moment cen paused in his walking to glance toward the sea. he expected that heph and rodyn would divide their hunting path, and so he did not need to pay attention. instead the man thought of ghelan, and of red leaf, and was sorrowed beneath the bite of frustration.
soon, very soon, they would all be gone from this place, back to the caribou and the wide open land.
the wily predator in cen sensed what logic told him was only projection. these men, this woman, they did not know him. how could he expect to be liked? to be greeted warmly or with any trust? the caribou hunter felt his own guard hairs rising in response, and with effort, flattened them down.
he did not know these others, nor the scent they wore.
for a moment cen paused in his walking to glance toward the sea. he expected that heph and rodyn would divide their hunting path, and so he did not need to pay attention. instead the man thought of ghelan, and of red leaf, and was sorrowed beneath the bite of frustration.
soon, very soon, they would all be gone from this place, back to the caribou and the wide open land.

this character is rated R
May 16, 2024, 01:40 PM
The young man caught himself before he could blunder, and was striding forward again in time to see Heph arrive. She offered to join their hunt and Raiyuk greeted her warmly; perhaps overly so, given he felt more nervous now.
He moved to flank Heph and give both of the Moontide leaders space to talk, in case they had a plan in place that Raiyuk was unaware of. It also gave him the excuse to follow behind the three adults—as if he deferred to the woman's expertise, too, which wouldn't be far from the truth.
Raiyuk felt an itch in his skin as he anticipated what would come next. He wanted this over with, suddenly. It was very different from a normal hunt for proper prey, and as much as he wanted to be a man about it, he found himself growing more nervous instead.
He moved to flank Heph and give both of the Moontide leaders space to talk, in case they had a plan in place that Raiyuk was unaware of. It also gave him the excuse to follow behind the three adults—as if he deferred to the woman's expertise, too, which wouldn't be far from the truth.
Raiyuk felt an itch in his skin as he anticipated what would come next. He wanted this over with, suddenly. It was very different from a normal hunt for proper prey, and as much as he wanted to be a man about it, he found himself growing more nervous instead.
Rodyn shifted and motioned for Heph to lead one side and he the other he hoped Raiyuk would go with her. So the boy didn't have to see too much violence. They could keep in sight of each other. Be wary.
He didn't wish to have his back to the man.
Feeling his hairs rising he tried to ignore the feeling of betrayal and darkness. And a sick pit of bile burned a way through his guts
He didn't wish to have his back to the man.
Cen you and I will run. Heph and Raiyuk can bite. Be mindful of hooves and horns.
Feeling his hairs rising he tried to ignore the feeling of betrayal and darkness. And a sick pit of bile burned a way through his guts
May 20, 2024, 11:56 AM
Watch their positions...Aiolos murmurs to the young man at his side.
Our target stands at Rodyn's side and Heph and Raiyuk covering the rear.Aiolos begins to walk, moving ahead of the group as they assessed the herd of caribou in the distance.
You will take position at the man's open side and I will cut him off at the front.They would have him surrounded. A smart man would surrender. Yet if he were foolhardy and filled with pride, he may not.
We will run once he runs, to ensure his attention is on his own target.While some of the group began to loose their resolve, the Sunman did not.

moonglow daddy
May 21, 2024, 12:42 PM
cen rolled his hard shoulders and concentrated on the herd. the movement of the other hunters did not register more than passingly to the man, though he was vaguely prideful to walk at the side of rodyn.
a nod accepted the instruction. it would be good to stretch his legs, cen thought, to show these landbound creatures what a wolf of the long march could do.
he waited for rodyn to begin their run.
a nod accepted the instruction. it would be good to stretch his legs, cen thought, to show these landbound creatures what a wolf of the long march could do.
he waited for rodyn to begin their run.

this character is rated R
May 21, 2024, 01:21 PM
Rodyn structured their hunt; the plan was simple, but it also aligned with what Raiyuk knew of their larger plan and greater aims. The young man kept behind both of the runners and waited for them to take off after the herd—aligning himself with Heph so that they could do their job, or show that they were preparing for their job, although to Raiyuk it felt strange and underhanded. He was glad to be of use to Moontide in this way—but he still had his misgivings about the ordeal.
What if Cen was faster than they knew? What if he was strong or vicious, and someone got badly hurt? Who was to say they could separate him for long from his wife; and was it their right to do so? He trusted his father's judgement and believed it to be true—but he was young and inexperienced in these more adult matters. The sense of nervousness he felt in this moment was so much worse than his hunt for seal, or his confrontation with the bison.
This was a man. This was a man, and he was watching him be hunted.
What if Cen was faster than they knew? What if he was strong or vicious, and someone got badly hurt? Who was to say they could separate him for long from his wife; and was it their right to do so? He trusted his father's judgement and believed it to be true—but he was young and inexperienced in these more adult matters. The sense of nervousness he felt in this moment was so much worse than his hunt for seal, or his confrontation with the bison.
This was a man. This was a man, and he was watching him be hunted.
May 25, 2024, 01:38 PM
Heph stayed to the rear, ready to avoid the flying hooves of their quarry, yet keeping her eyes on the flanks where a dark pelt would be running. She let the call of the chase wash over her, it would make it easier to turn on their comrade and she would need the rush of blood to do it if she wanted to be of any use. When travelling she far preferred to outstrip any of those troubled by her presence and she had, thankfully, prior to this, not had much calling to come to the defense of her home.
But she nodded and positioned herself, allowing her gaze to linger on the prey, dark pelt on the edges never out of her awareness.
But she nodded and positioned herself, allowing her gaze to linger on the prey, dark pelt on the edges never out of her awareness.
May 26, 2024, 07:11 AM
A small part of him was a bit angry at Chakliux for letting his son be here in lieu of him. He had been the one to bring the knowledge forward after all. But he also understood. So the anger was quiet and would be fleeting.
Rodyn smiled then letting the hunt push all from his mind. Perhaps this would end well. If cen could prove he would not harm his woman anymore.
Rodyn dipped his head amd shot forward. Now came the part he did indeed love. He centered on the one beast elk and chased it. Keeping everyone in his line of vision and watching for Aiolos and Peregrine as well.
Rodyn smiled then letting the hunt push all from his mind. Perhaps this would end well. If cen could prove he would not harm his woman anymore.
Rodyn dipped his head amd shot forward. Now came the part he did indeed love. He centered on the one beast elk and chased it. Keeping everyone in his line of vision and watching for Aiolos and Peregrine as well.
Sunman began to run, Peregrine keeping easy pace at his side. Their pace brought them into the direction of the others, as though they aimed to assist in the capture of the same target. Yet, a ploy, for when Aiolos was near enough and Peregrine took to Cen's open side, Aiolos aimed to cut Cen directly off by meeting his front, snapping at the air in front of Cen's face as an additive to stop Cen in his tracks.
Cen of Moontide, you are to be apprehended for your offense against your wife.And so he waited for the retort, ready for the fight to come and even, wanting it.

moonglow daddy
May 31, 2024, 06:55 AM
he may be beaten/knocked out/wounded/powerplayed to mg!
still did the instinct of the lanzadoii man cry out. but he was thinking of ghelan in this moment, how the boy looked like he and red leaf. and his heart moved toward softness even as he followed rodyn into a faster gait.
the younger moonglow man was suddenly beside him; the sun man to his front, flashing teeth proclaiming a halt.
and so stop the caribou hunter did, cold eyes moving between the wolves who had ended their chase and now watched him.
a bleak and ugly look claimed cen's face as the moonglow wolf. he flicked his eyes toward moontide in hatred. he had not beaten her once since they had come there! what lies had she told?
his hot gaze cut now upon rodyn and heph, the cowards who would let him be taken?
"is not offense to correct wife," cen growled when he had looked back toward the sun man. "i go nowhere."
the hard muscles of his long limbs tensed; he took another step backward, tail lashing as teeth glinted, chose aim, and to break ranks he lunged for the young seal hunter, imagining chakliux in his fangs.
the younger moonglow man was suddenly beside him; the sun man to his front, flashing teeth proclaiming a halt.
and so stop the caribou hunter did, cold eyes moving between the wolves who had ended their chase and now watched him.
a bleak and ugly look claimed cen's face as the moonglow wolf. he flicked his eyes toward moontide in hatred. he had not beaten her once since they had come there! what lies had she told?
his hot gaze cut now upon rodyn and heph, the cowards who would let him be taken?
"is not offense to correct wife," cen growled when he had looked back toward the sun man. "i go nowhere."
the hard muscles of his long limbs tensed; he took another step backward, tail lashing as teeth glinted, chose aim, and to break ranks he lunged for the young seal hunter, imagining chakliux in his fangs.

this character is rated R
May 31, 2024, 12:48 PM
They were joined by two more. The hunt shifted from the running bodies of wolves against caribou to the flanking of Cen, to the pivot of attention towards Cen, to accusations flowing from the Sunman and a rebuttal as the hunting party circled their true target. Raiyuk did not know what to do in this instance; and in his hesitation came the moment of Cen's teeth aimed for him.
Raiyuk thought himself a man for his seal hunt and his scars, but he had never experienced a hunt such as this one for Cen, and never had anyone struck at him so fiercely; and when those teeth caught him he let out a boyish yelp, dropping his weight down and back, to try and pull away, but Cen had him firmly by the side of the neck.
Why had he been so lax? What made him think a man such as this, who came from wild places and did such wild and unjust things to his wife, would accept the confrontation and go willingly? Raiyuk realized in that painful moment he did not know what he had expected, he had not been prepared, and he was not any closer to being a man like he thought. A man would have known to be more cautious, or at the very least he would have known to fight back; but he was afraid, and could do nothing as teeth cut in to him.
Raiyuk thought himself a man for his seal hunt and his scars, but he had never experienced a hunt such as this one for Cen, and never had anyone struck at him so fiercely; and when those teeth caught him he let out a boyish yelp, dropping his weight down and back, to try and pull away, but Cen had him firmly by the side of the neck.
Why had he been so lax? What made him think a man such as this, who came from wild places and did such wild and unjust things to his wife, would accept the confrontation and go willingly? Raiyuk realized in that painful moment he did not know what he had expected, he had not been prepared, and he was not any closer to being a man like he thought. A man would have known to be more cautious, or at the very least he would have known to fight back; but he was afraid, and could do nothing as teeth cut in to him.
June 08, 2024, 01:13 PM
It was Aiolos who pulled ahead and ended the pretense but her attention shifted easily. The dark wolf responded, no attempt to deny the accusation and so she felt no remorse as she stilled in her stance, gaze carefully tracking each twitch of his muscles. There were still wolves here that he could harm and she wanted to business the complete quickly - she wanted him gone.
So she was not surprised when the wolf struck out towards the young wolf by her side and she did not hesitate to attack in turn. The yelp of Raiyuk prompted a deep snarl in her own chest, legs already moving. Why had he not gone for her? She did not care must for her own aim, teeth going for the dark ruff of fur around his neck and yet all her momentum not allowing her to stop even when she sought to connect.
The rest of her weight went crashing into him, hoping to knock him off even if he turned his fangs on her. Distantly she tasted blood, saw pinpricks of crimson in her vision but it was too difficult to track in the flurry of movement to whom they belonged.
So she was not surprised when the wolf struck out towards the young wolf by her side and she did not hesitate to attack in turn. The yelp of Raiyuk prompted a deep snarl in her own chest, legs already moving. Why had he not gone for her? She did not care must for her own aim, teeth going for the dark ruff of fur around his neck and yet all her momentum not allowing her to stop even when she sought to connect.
The rest of her weight went crashing into him, hoping to knock him off even if he turned his fangs on her. Distantly she tasted blood, saw pinpricks of crimson in her vision but it was too difficult to track in the flurry of movement to whom they belonged.
June 08, 2024, 02:20 PM
IT was as if it were in slow motion. Cen was almost apprehended and then he went for Raiyuk. Rodyn let out a hoarse
And he shoved himself forward fiercely. He had never been so angry in his life. It was as if something else possessed him and he tore into the man. Not to murder or maim, no just to put himself between Raiyuk and Cen. To save the young man that never should have come along.
He snapped at the man's muzzle trying to force him to release the side of Raiyuk's neck and hoping with every single fiber of his being that it was not a mortal wound. For if it was. Gods it didn't even bear thinking of.
He used all his hunting prowess the stocky build of his body. Anything to make the man release. He would have freely jumped on the death knell himself, if it meant Raiyuk was okay. Regret horrific and stomach rolling rose up like bile in the back of his throat.
He back tracked to counter woth Heph. Her own anger a balm to his. Unjustly he had attacked a youngling.
And he shoved himself forward fiercely. He had never been so angry in his life. It was as if something else possessed him and he tore into the man. Not to murder or maim, no just to put himself between Raiyuk and Cen. To save the young man that never should have come along.
He snapped at the man's muzzle trying to force him to release the side of Raiyuk's neck and hoping with every single fiber of his being that it was not a mortal wound. For if it was. Gods it didn't even bear thinking of.
He used all his hunting prowess the stocky build of his body. Anything to make the man release. He would have freely jumped on the death knell himself, if it meant Raiyuk was okay. Regret horrific and stomach rolling rose up like bile in the back of his throat.
He back tracked to counter woth Heph. Her own anger a balm to his. Unjustly he had attacked a youngling.
June 17, 2024, 08:55 PM
A retort, an aim and once Cen is turning to sink fangs in the yearling boy (this was his choosing! A still boy, then a grown man. It only proved his violence true.) Aiolos was lunging towards Cen.
Rodyn at his muzzle and face, Heph at his neck. They both shoved into Cen to knock him onto the ground. And Sunman, he lept up and latched himself onto the man's backside as though he were the deer which they had been hunting. They would pummel and tear, beat until the man could not fight it anymore.
Rodyn at his muzzle and face, Heph at his neck. They both shoved into Cen to knock him onto the ground. And Sunman, he lept up and latched himself onto the man's backside as though he were the deer which they had been hunting. They would pummel and tear, beat until the man could not fight it anymore.
fade here?

moonglow daddy
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