Otter Creek Malvado
9 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Intended for @T.K. ^^

The lowlands had occupied his attention for some time. It had a plethora of the herbs he would need to keep his stocks full and the residents happy. At around midday, Juárez ventured north. The cut of the mountain range was his guide, leading him further toward the inevitable coastline. Miles from it, though, he could see nothing but the shift from red rock to green lush forests and valleys.

On the edge of the water, Juárez stopped and drank. Water dribbled from his scarred mouth, down his chin. His tongue swiped to collect the remains before he waded into the chilly creek and breathed heavily through his nose. Birds twittered overhead, flying above the jaguar with rapid beating wings.
132 Posts
Ooc — Bees
notice: heat


nonsensehotness came back again which now made sense because it was summer and it always always came in summer so it made sense nonsensehotness was actually summerhotness that got under paperthin greyhound skin and heated body from inside out so tk spent every moment panting heart beating looking looking looking.

for what?

tk couldn't tell but legs still moved following following was heshe following? maybe yes because tired hot panting runnerdog came to cool cool rushing water that would yes definitely cool horrible heat of body. 

thinking of nothing but coolness of liquid ignoring even otters scattering off the shore shehe lapped at water in cooling tree shadow.
9 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The buzz of life that surrounded the source of water was appealing. The land near the river would make for promising hunting grounds. From what they had heard from passing travelers, these northern lands were rich with hunting opportunities and packs. It would take time to establish themselves - he and Soto - but they would have a handle on their plan in the near future.

The jaguar’s predatory stare latched fast on a peculiar shape that had moved into the water beneath the shade of a nearby tree. The distance did nothing to conceal the scent that wafted from her. Juárez had never passed an opportunity to sate his masculine desire. Still… the creature was a strange one - thin and spindly and peering with peculiar round eyes.

Juárez sunk deeper into the water, pushing against the current so that he would draw nearer to the oddity.
132 Posts
Ooc — Bees
lap lap lap yet no matter how shehe lapped at the water the deeper hotness wouldn't cool wouldn't go away. 

thinking maybe issue was not enough water collecting in belly, tk stepped with forepaws up to ankles in the creek, gulping greedily.

... immediately thinkin abt how jaguars r known to ambush prey from underwater (◉ω◉)