Noctisardor Bypass a is for amy who fell down the stairs
39 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
Concurrent with the tail end of this thread or immediately following it by the time Gideon arrives at the rendezvous, depending how quick it goes, and also concurrent with this one.

Gideon's pace didn't slow one bit between the garden and the clearing beneath the giant tree where the pack spent the majority of its time. He was gasping for breath and favoring his right side, where the pain of a stitch lanced through his ribcage with each inhale. His frantic golden eyes circled the clearing, searching for the one wolf who could make sense of what he had seen.

She was not there.

Mama?! he called at the top of his lungs, hindquarters sinking without his permission to the ground. He did not have the energy to run further afield in search of her. Heda was always here — where could she have gone in his moment of desperate need? MAMA! MAMA WHERE ARE YOU?! MAAAMAAAAAA! His screams would surely summon anyone in the vicinity, whether it was Heda or someone else.

He could not get the look of the man advancing upon Anselm out of his head, the black energy sparking between them, only his imagination was already running wild and inventing future scenarios. Now it was Ezra standing where Anselm stood. Now it was Heda. Now it was Heda advancing on Anselm. Whines leaked from his muzzle as he looked around once again for his mother. She would know what to do.
12 Posts
Ooc — Meri
The lunatic had been lurking around the borders. Cautious enough not to overstep, lest she be met with bared teeth and aggression. And yet, the madwoman was unable to resist answering the cries. Crossing the borders with a hesitant glace, skulking towards the source. 

The cinder pup, calling for his mother. Two intriguing. She had to know more, the mind boggled. Isra snickered, closing the distance between them. "Your momma isn't here..."

She darted forward, aiming to capture the youth by the scruff of his neck.
[Image: coyote-skull-removebg-preview.png]
39 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Tagging family for reference, but there's no one around to stop Isra!

There comes no answer, not at first. @Anselm and Amadeo were too wrapped up in their conflict to hear the yelling of Gideon; right that instant his father was smashed into the trunk of a tree and Amadeo was gathering him up to carry him away. @Heda was too distant, dancing about with the butterflies and her returned sister and heedless of the jaws closing in on Rivenwood. At the borders, an unknown aunt awaited an audience, but there were none here to answer save @Ezra, who just then was rolling in the grass to dry his sodden pelt. The other puppies, reticent as they were, were nowhere to be seen.

Gideon was utterly alone at the rendezvous, and then he was not. He whirled around at the sound of breathy laughter, and only had time to answer, who— before the strange black-and-white wolf lunged for him.

The sound that ripped out of him was something between a shocked squeal and a growl. He snapped fearsomely at Isra as she approached, but she had the element of surprise. Gideon was too slow and unprepared to prevent her grabbing the back of his neck and securing a firm hold. Let go of me! he yelled, kicking and struggling with all his might. He was nearing a size that would make carrying him very far difficult, yet he was far from immovable. Should her will be greater than his weight, then he was powerless to stop her himself and any back-up he managed to attract would be too late.

He was spirited away for questioning, struggling all the while.