Ouroboros Spine uuquchiingix̂
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan

Nantahala admired the furs that laid upon the lake's shore—noting not only their natural beauty, but the craftsmanship that went into them. She's worked on several of them, stepping in and helping where she was allowed, and looked at these pieces with pride. She was proud of her work—of the work of the village—and she was confident that they'd have enough furs by the time the leaves fell, and the great hunt began. 

There was a pile of scraps, and she pulled a fox fur from there and threw it around her shoulders. Although the fur itself was gnarly, stained and matted beyond repair, she liked the way it looked on her. She sat at the lake's edge and admired her reflection; she'd have to make something nice for herself soon.
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her granddaughters were growing in their skill, and kukutux felt it a credit to the lineage of their clans.

"maybe we will trade for a new fur. one we have not seen before," moonmother said, settling down gently beside nantahala.

they gazed happily into the water of anik lake together.
my mind turns your life into folklore
170 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Kukutux arrived, settling beside Nantahala and offering an idea that hadn't been considered. 

I would like that very much, she said, still gazing upon the lake's mirrored surface. I want to find something nice—that'll keep me warm when the world begins to cool, and that'll look nice on me! she giggled; already, she considered the stare of whomever she may be paired with one day! 

Do you think this is a good color on me? she asked, shrugging her shoulders as she considered the question for herself.
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Ooc — ebony
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"all nuiruk are beautiful as the moon, as your mother and her sisters and your cousins. the colors of all birds are lovely in moonlight," kukutux chuffed. she straightened the foxpelt on nantahala's shoulders and nodded. "yes. it is very nice."

"you are ready for the fall hunting," moonmother observed. "you must help me with something else, i think. i have the want to find a wife for your brother, ipiktok. he is a man now. i will teach you to be atsak."
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
Kukutux made a good point—their family was beautiful. Nantahala considered herself, and her outer beauty, as fitting among the others. She liked her freckles, and she liked the colors of her fur and eyes. She smiled as the fur was straightened on her shoulders, admiring herself for a moment longer before looking up to her meemaw grandmother. 

I will search for a nice fur like this one, then, she decided. And maybe another, different fur to switch it up sometimes. How fun would that be! she thought to herself. 

After Kukutux's confession, she was unusually quiet, showing a mix of gratitude and astonishment at the offer. I would love to help!! she said eagerly, but then, a thought: Will you travel with me? I'm still not allowed outside Moonglow without an adult—anaa said there are dangers out there.
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"i have many wraps," kukutux revealed with a wink. "perhaps i will let you take one to the gathering."

a paw, raised. "we do not need to search, kanunik. they are all coming to us."

such was the power of the moonwolves. she was filled with pride as she spoke this, the newest generation of moonglow sitting there with her upon the side of their prized lake.
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
She gasped! How had she not noticed the different wraps—maybe, subconsciously, that was where she'd gotten her idea from. 

Please!! I would take very good care of it!! she promised. 

More amazement followed, and, slowly, she put one and two together. That's right ... the hunt ... she said, trailing as she considered the situation they'd be in; a hunt within a hunting gathering. Oh, that will be perfect!

Another question followed, What do I look for when looking for his match?
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"look for a woman who may be happier to come and live among the moonwolves. i do not want to send ipiktok away, though this is his choice. there is land to keep here. moonsong. the forest of morningside. the place of moonstones. it is ancestral land; it must stay nuiruk."

a young man of moonglow would gather a bride-price very fine, but he had his own status. the promise of their own land in youth might appeal to a pair ready for settling.

"someone kind. someone who laughs. we will gather at least three names." fall hunting was the first step upon a long path that would hopefully come to its end in the warmth of springtime.

rodyn. callyope. kukutux knew there was more work to be done for them both.
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
Nantahala felt the criteria was simple enough, and she committed the information to memory. 

We will find someone perfect for him, she promised, her gaze returning to the lake's surface as she fell into a contemplative silence. While there was nobody within the village that currently filled that criteria, she was sure that they'd find someone for her brother. 

Then, after a beat, she wondered, If I am to be atsak, will I look for a husband for myself one day? Or would that be a task for someone else?
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just lore smh

"to be atsak, you must know what it is to be wife and to be anaa," kukutux answered gently, a smile attendant on her mouth.

nantahala was familiar in the way of memories, of herself in girlish delight draping herself in fine furs and asking her mother many things.

"in my first days, a girl found an ugi between six and nine moon. it is only to say that you might be married, an ugi. the true choice must wait for much more time. and," kukutux went on, "this was mostly done because our chieftains chose to live very far from one another, aya. villages with many days between them. eleven. fifteen. the clan of my own mother was twenty days away. she did not go home after she came to live with my father. her own clan was too far." 

there were many things the duck had put away from herself before moonglow village was built.

but sometimes it was good to wonder what of those times should have been kept.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
Nantahala hesitated, and her heart began to race. 

I won't have to go away when I find a ugi, right?? she asked. While she was eager to venture outside their village, the notion of permanently leaving Moonglow never appealed to her. Moonglow was her home, and she wished to stay here forever. I'll stay here ... right?? 

She waited nervously, her face showing concern.
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"not so, not so, kanunik," kukutux crooned, cupping the anxious chin in her small work-roughened paw. "in this world, in this life, we do not need so much traveling. but even if it still was so, your grandmother is moonwoman and your mother is moonwoman. he must come here, this ugi," the duck declared. "your status demands more."

there were many cousins, and more to be born, and more to come of age. the moon villages were tightly bonded for the avoidance of that remembered seclusion. but it was also in their nearness that the role of moonwoman was so great: she must tend them all.

a girl of moonglow would inherit that. and as daughter to vairë, it would have been nantahala and her sisters to whom the ancient villages looked first.
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
What a relief, she breathed, feeling much better now that her anxiety had been addressed. I couldn't leave here. I love Moonglow too much. And she fell into a thoughtful lapse as she considered what Kukutux had said—of status, of family, and of what she deserved. 

Smiling suddenly, she mused, Maybe one day I will be Moonwoman, too.
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"maybe you will be this, nantahala," moonmother chirped with a great beam upon her face. "it is a nuiruk who must stand where i do now."


kukutux slowly stood to her feet. "come. i will let you see my many wraps now. there is one i have in my mind."

she meant to mark their journey with laughter.
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
Nantahala followed Kukutux with enthusiasm, now imagining a future where she became moonmother. She envisioned a life full of love, unity, and strength through a rose-colored lens, not considering the undertaking that such a mantle would be. There was more than the day-to-day; where there was light, there was darkness, too. 

Pulling herself from her thoughts, she wondered, How did you become moonmother? Would her story reveal a way for Nantahala to do the same?
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"there was once a first village moonspear on the mountain, where sialuk is leader. it was where i lived. one day a great star fell from the sky. it struck the village. it killed many. others were never found."

the duck closed her eyes, path familiar and sun-warmed beneath her steps.

"i was hurt. one brother of the mountain found me and brought me to this place. i waited. sialuk at last came down, then another. but no one else of those i had known came to me. moonglow came from waiting. i waited for moonspear to tell me it was dead. but it had never died. and your ittuq, he waited for me. this village was built on honoring the dead and the love sun man saw in himself for moon woman."
my mind turns your life into folklore
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Ooc — Chan
Nantahala was in disbelief at the immense suffering that kukka had gone through, and could only manage to say Oh, I-I'm sorry, as they made their way to Kukutux's dwelling along the familiar path.
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"pain creates strength. sedna took much and gave more. but i do not want pain for those who have come after me. it is why i work with this strength to keep our kinship ties, our ways, and our songs. to grow up in such a vast clan, so close together; you may travel for many days and always meet one bound to you by blood or marriage."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
my mind turns your life into folklore
170 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Post 100 for you! <3

Nantahala looked to Kukutux with newfound admiration.

I want to be just like you when I grow up, kukka. That's all I want to do, too—I want to work hard for my family so that everyone is happy and nobody hurts. I pray to Sedna that I am able to do this. 

I’m excited to see the other villages one day, too. I wish to meet more of our family and those who have joined us.
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Ooc — ebony
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yay!! congrats! <3

nantahala spoke with earnest pride, and kukutux felt those same pale wings waving just beneath her heart: it was the power of their clan, of their kith, their many relatives; the blood spoke now in this child.

"yes, willow girl." her voice was firm, resonant. "moonglow will have great need of you in times to come."

she touched reverently the small forehead, sharing a moment of silent and ancestral communion.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
my mind turns your life into folklore
170 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Wanna wrap this with your post? Sorry about the delay! <3

I will be there when the time comes, Nantahala promised.

She closed her eyes, smiled, and leaned into Kukutux’s embrace—taking a moment to breathe in the warmth and relish in the quiet moment. Her tail began to wag as she opened her eyes, and as her vision cleared, she found her grandmother’s face once more.

They were near Kukutux’s den at this point, and she looked towards the interest, craning her neck and going up on her tippy-toes to peek in. She was curious about her grandmother’s fur collection, and wondered if she could get a glimpse of it from here. While she wanted to rush right in, she knew better than that—it would be disrespectful to do so.

Should we go in? she asked, her voice edged with excitement.
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Ooc — ebony
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all good! fading! <3

wolverine fur, the pelts of fox; orange, grey, white, black, and silverphase; strips of spotted fawnhide; the feathered skin of a snow-owl; rich mink and rough elk.

so many were here for nantahala's choosing!

her eyes would dance as her granddaughter exclaimed over the furs.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]