Ankyra Sound ooh girl, wouldn’t that feel right?
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Ooc — Lauren
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set 9/2, new moon. clear skies.

it’d been some time since she’d probed her sigil-stones for meaning. under an endless navy sky sobeille set the stage.

she laid out each of her sigils in the sand, listening as the nearby waves lapped their way up the shore.

it was low tide, and a soft breeze flirted with the back of her neck as she cast the first series of stones.

she studied the orientation of each sigil. some seemed positive, others portentious. as she cast the last bone the wind abruptly died — the ensuing silence so profound it broke sobeille’s concentration.

a dull glow seemed to illuminate the sigils. at first sobeille barely noticed, but as the sheen of each surface grew in intensity, sobeille looked to her wrists and realized she too was bathed in an eerie, growing light of red.

she looked up to the sky with a gasp, for tendrils of phosphorescent vermillion forked their way down the horizon like the permanent imprint of lightning.

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like an evening sunset through tumultuous sea clouds, this red was shocking in its virility — it grew in saturation until the whole world was encapsulated in its angry color. at its very climax, it abruptly dissolved, lurching the waiting night into a cool and loveless grey that somehow seemed colder than before.

the sprite in the sky lasted hardly a minute, but the coldness left in its wake inspired a shiver from sobeille.

in that very moment she felt something icy pass its hands right through her soul.