Qeya River pet
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fire kept away by walls of ice. nothing kept away the unease within.

behind her eyelids she saw an older woman. obscured by sleet thick enough that it should have blinded. but she is moving, crawling and winding through snowdrifts that hugged her sides. each step forward had the other one slinking back. she did not know how long this dance went on for when she could not see either one's steps in this winter dream.

she must be quick, she is losing sight and she is losing her.

the snow had become thick but it did not slog around her legs like tar. instead it felt like she tried to move limbs through stone. her legs being grabbed, being held in that coldness. ice swallowing her. the other woman is leaving still. this figure made of charcoal and dirty smoke, billowing in the winter winds.

it is enough that senka cries out. she did not know that her voice broke the barrier of her sleep.

mokoš — ! fitful now, her body twisted and turned. the pain in her body met the pain in her soul.

in her dream it was eyes like melting gold that pierced her now. she knew this face, she knew this gaze. how deeply the hurt scored her heart was worse than any wound inflicted upon her in turmoil.

mokoš, mokoš, mokoš... low cries and moans.

the recently upheaval had done more than marked her flesh. something within had broke, had found familiar traces in this predicament and now she untangled the yarn in her painful slumber. she followed it deeper and deeper.