Firefly Glen [PHE] the type that makes me feel old
821 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
All Welcome 
I’m so sorry. Some PP to set stage but please lmk if you’d like edits <3

ajei’s poor treatment never strayed far from sobeille’s mind. in the many days that followed she seamlessly integrated herself into the busywork of the hunt. she was helpful to the healers, she pitched in during the many hunts and subsequent dispatches of meat. by all accounts she was perfectly behaved and earned the trust of most in camp — and it was that trust, in this dark hour, that sobeille came to violate.

it was a late moon that spread its canting light through the canopy that sobeille descended. the air was chilly, and the camp still as its workers rested from the ardors of their day. sobeille tiptoed until @Mae’s scent was strong — she would be the first, and easier target.

ajei’s tearful face swam in sobeille’s vision as she threw the peltskin over what she assumed was mae’s sleeping body, teeth reaching to throttle life from her throat.
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
In the moment after lightning strikes, the world around is lit to silver brilliance — just for a heartbeat, just the barest blink of trembling eyelashes before it all turns to flame and ash.

That moment is for thought.

Thoughts like: would it hurt for more than a second? Would they miss me? Was it always going to be this?

The next moment is for answers.

Like, it definitely hurts for more than a fucking second. Smothered by the hide, pierced by teeth puncturing through it with serpentine precision, Mae slackened and shot out from beneath it with a push of her back legs, lunging for the sea wolf in a snarling fit of snapping teeth aimed at her legs. Her throat and chest stung, ominously sodden and flinging dark red droplets.
Swiftcurrent Creek
163 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Cygnet slept like the dead.

The little kicks and whimpers she’d huffed in the early stages of sleep had finished perhaps half an hour ago- and she succumbed to the state of paralysis while she settled into a deep and restful slumber. There she lay, flattened on her side and relaxed- putting all her faith in the goodwill of others.

She did not hear Mae approach or even the sound of the skin as it was draped over Mae. The first scuffle elicited nothing more than a twitch from her whiskers.

But when Mae snarled she lurched to her feet, one ear inside out and one lip curled, blinking the fog and stupor of sleep away. Her limbs- still recovering from paralysis- wobbled beneath her but in the dark she spotted the fray- two bodies that wrestled on the ground.

She sent up a shrill bark of alarm and dazedly lunged forward, grabbing onto the first piece of skin she could grab and began shaking the absolute bajeezus out of it. 

The pelt Sobeille had brought with her would never recover.
821 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
sobeille had done simulations.

in her mind she rehearsed this, from the moment she first saw mae and cygnet and knew the course of her actions. she'd seen the red doom writ upon the wall in chaotic scribble: this is what her life amounts to. a simulation with a clear goal, and a finite end.


the simulation does not take into account how little experience sobeille has. she is far from the ultimate perfection of her craft: this is a novice's work. her hands tremble and her body shakes. adrenaline is juddering through her, making her a nervous drunk -- and mae, mae is a whole entire living body that does not want to make sobeille's second murder easy.

who can blame her? nobody wants to go.

sobeille's teeth pierce flesh with satisfying ease. the taste of salt and the bitter tonic of adrenaline flood her senses. she rips back and forth as savagely as she can, and suddenly her victim is rising among her.

bloodied. furious.

mae's teeth score across her cheek and take what feels like a pound of flesh with them. sobeille might have screamed in pain if it weren't for how intent she was on her task. she knows only the thundering urge to strangle; to eek out every last breath -- and it is mae's face she reaches for to see that vision fulfilled and that stupid, blind girl silenced for good.

suddenly, there is the peppering battery of teeth everywhere as mae returns fire.

a packmate was thrashing somewhere nearby. it was sobeille's mistake to rush to see this done, and now her skin pays the price. pain as she has never known it; it's keener than any fang, and slices her murderous concentration in half.

suddenly, she was aware how painfully unprepared she was for this. she has made mistakes. she has not planned this through. she shoved a hard shoulder to mae attempting to dislodge her, and then whirled upon the assailant behind her.

but two against one -- even sobeille knew that her chances of success was now eclipsed by failure. the potent chemical of fear began to seep into the maddening cocktail of adrenaline that pounded within her.

she must escape. now.

so far sobeille has been eerily silent; her jaws part to deliver what must be a thousand vicious snaps in cygnet's face. more to throw her off balance than to actually connect -- but it is then she aimed a second sharp shove towards the one that could see, and if that unbalanced her enough, take advantage of the opening and bolt out into the star-studded meadow.

the plan had been poorly designed. her undoing. blood -- as much her own as mae's -- splattered down with every step she took.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,263 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There was discourse. The night was silent--Akavir missed the sound of the rushing waters of their creek. 

An eye opened to the night, uncertain what woke him. Groggy--the darkness yawns before him, the promise of daylight to come in only a spare few hours. There's a brush of the ground... soft.

It does not draw his suspicion, but it stills him, nonetheless.

Salt in the air--so faint, and yet the teasing lilt of the autumn night breeze--

Suddenly, there is shuffling. The sweeping sound of a thud--and he's up, ignoring the complaint of his muscles.

The shrill bark of Cygnet is what draws him to run, and his gaze is suddenly focused with the adrenaline that propels him now.

Snarls--the scent of salt turns to iron.

A form tries to dart away--away from his girls--and it's with punishing teeth and a sturdy form that makes to halt the intruder, his own snarl gutteral and terrible.

The rage of a father.

He's a shadow as he moved to block her--to snap his jaws to pin--to push down to the ground with halting clarity the wolf who dared trespass on them in violence.
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Last for me, Mae can be powerplayed <3
Later she would say it was all a blur. Here and now she felt a crystalline clarity: her heartbeat, paws flying across the ground, the shattering moment of collision and blood and snapping teeth and

the world went black.

Whatever retribution Mae might have enacted upon Sobeille's pinned figure was cut short. The Frostfur-Mayfair fell slack beside the sea wolf and did not rise again. Still now, her blood pooled steadily around her, and her frantic heartbeat began to slow.
Swiftcurrent Creek
163 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Sobeille left her signature on each side of Cygnet’s face. 

A fluke, more than anything, for warning snaps to cause such devastation- but where Cygnet had rolled a critical fail and had grabbed the sealskin rather than the trespasser, Sobeille’s luck-kissed dice had granted her an exceptional win. 

Cygnet squealed as she reeled backwards. The first blow tore a river of blood from her forehead to her cheekbone where Sobeille’s lone upper canine hooked and pierced her eye as easily as a hook spearing a worm. Cygnet pulled her face away, to catch another snap to the left side of her face, one that spilled blood into her eye.

Akavir was upon Sobeille at once, as Cygnet’s world went dark. She howled and screamed in pain, pawing at the side of her face where the fluid from her eyeball ran down her cheek. 

Her left eye, labradorite, became filled with blood; garnet now, she could see nothing from it. 

Blood ran down her throat. Murderer! She spluttered. MURDERER!
821 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
any taste of victory sobeille held between her fangs -- of blood, of skin, of fur -- was thieved by the chilling sound of more feet behind her.

and before she knew it, she was overwhelmed.

strength she had never known before seized the back of her neck and in that second sobeille knew her life was forfeit.

matted in blood, choking, snarling, fueled with hatred -- it all died in her mouth to feel alien teeth close on her spine.

this is what it amounts to, she thinks in that split second of fight or flight; knowing to run would be to unzip her spine from flesh -- knowing to give in would be to turn her life over.

all of everything roars to life in her mind: the spray of the sea, the salt, the wind. her maman. her legacy. ajei. the poisons. the bitterness. her sisters. tousaint. the red pearl. tante. the witch. cayetano. the legacy she envisioned for her children. her grave. chani -- it all moved and slid and oscillated together like stormwater in a shaken vessel.

sobeille took one last look of the life she'd lead until that moment; she saw the blood, and the discord, the violence. the scream of unhappiness. the satisfying slump of mae as she -- sobeille assumed -- died; sobeille closed her eyes. if i am to die, at least i took one with me when i go.

while cygnet reeled and screamed murder, sobeille relented under akavir's savage press of fangs -- waiting for that moment that she joined mae in the bloodied world of her own undoing.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,263 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Chaos and disorder ran in the blood of the Mayfair’s—of that he was certain. Cygnet shrieked—a singular word, once, twice. Mae slumped to the ground. The metallic tang of blood was on his tongue—despite the surrender of their midnight assailant, he longed to shred more from her—to dole out justice as he saw fit. If they had been at the Creek, he very well might have.

But this was not the Creek—and this was no random attack.

His snarl was guttural—a heavy paw lifting to press more firmly to her spine, to pin her further before he lifted his muzzle—howling for those who held the most jurisdiction for this area to come and to come swiftly.

Before his control snapped, and he broke her like a twig and fed her to his girls.

His summoning was for @Etienne—to assist the Creek wolves. For @Kukutux, to determine what would now happen.

Even for @Rodyn, to see if the man held any knowledge of this.

The cry faded—his muzzle swinging down, and the scent of blood remained thick in the air. Before the others would come, his mouth would linger closer to her ear. “Just so you know… The Creek wolves always pay their debts. An eye for an eye,” he murmured to her.

A promise for her and her alone—just before the cavalry would arrive and save her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,119 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was the first to the call, because simply put he was right there. It was urgent so he grabbed what he could off paw for wounds and headed there. They were in their camp so it wouldn't be too hard.

And it was hard to see in the darkness, but he saw enough. Blood and pain. Sobeille under Akavirs paw and he whimpered at the sight.

But he quickly stepped on. Heading straight for Mae first as she seemed the most hurt. He began to pull fluff from reeds. He pushed it towards Cygnet.

Cygnet, You 'ave to put some of dis on you face. I can 'elp you but you gotta 'elp me too. Mae needs me a little more. 'Old it tite to stop dey bleedin'

At the moment he needed more paws. He spoke in a rush. ,Akavir I need more paws. Bot' of dem be bleeding too muc' if I remove from Mae 'er may not make it.

He then went back to work. Pressed fluff into her throat. Speaking softly'ush now I know it be 'urtin but I be 'elpin. Gotta stop dis bleedin'

She was unconscious but he believed she could still hear and she needed to know he wasn't gonna hurt her.

Etienne worked diligently, only muttering to his patients he did what he could to stabilize Mae. Calm down Cygnet. He even pressed fluff towards Akavir for Sobeille.

He looked to his leader with a sad gaze. But firmness of a healer. 'er needs dat too. No matter wut you be tinkin rite now. I be 'ealer I will 'elp everyone.

if this needs to be cameo because too many people let me know
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,747 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn arrived on scene and he grew sick and he froze for a moment. As blood painted thr dirt. His mind raced back to Samani. That horrible day when the blood kept coming. His paws shook and his breath rattled. But he shook his head.

A growl in his throat. He headed forward to help Etienne. Wondering if the younger girl Cygnet he heard would even let him near her.

He would do what he could. He looked to Akavir.

What in all the gods has happened? He had no recollection of hearing of this. He knew who the wolves were and that they had said some mean things to Ajei. Which had even offended him. As Ajei had been his heart mother's pride and joy. But this was something Ajei would never plan she'd be horrified. And the she wolf Sobeille was one of the sea wolves. The queens that lived near him. They were fierce and quick to action. And took no prisoners. Had these two girls done something to her as well? Was this a retaliation? Akavir seemed a fair man so he doubted this was the case. So what had happened.

As much as Rodyn wanted to know. He also knew this was for moonwoman to deal with. She would figure it out. So he just helped Etienne because it seemed thr man needed more paws.

This is just a cameo unless addressed
3,581 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
akavir held sobeille.

kukutux came upon the scene of chaos and of blood with a hard look in her eyes. already etienne worked; she softened to that.

three injured girls.

rodyn was there and moved in swiftness to offer the swiftcurrent healer strength as they moved to ensure mae lived.

it had been an attack, one wielded by the fire-woman of sapphique against the daughter of akavir, and kukutux could only think that bitterness had burnt to resentment here.

it was over cygnet she moved now. "we will bring mae to moonglow when she is awake. this swan-girl, she will go home with you to your creek village," kukutux decided for akavir, raising up and coming close to sobeille.

the shard of stone in her gaze remained. "you have disturbed a place of peace. we have shared words. you did not come to me." even as she spoke, kukutux reached out, glancing to the swiftcurrent man as she did so. sobeille too must be given healing; it was her quiet demand, peace restoring even as she looked deep into the eyes of the sea-girl with surprise and dismay.

in silence she meant to work beside her law-son and etienne until these three were made somewhat stronger. 

"why have you done this?" only one question uttered before another span of wordlessness, to wrap wounds and glower in grandmotherly fashion.

at last kukutux stood tall.

"i do not want this fight here, in the lands of the sunshine people," the duck declared. "sapphique will also take home their daughter."

her words were not harsh, but rang with finality. 

a second meeting would be made by herself with each group; kukutux would ensure that medicine was given to all, to each, and that sapphique was assured this fight had only been with sobeille.
824 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
A distant, quick squabble escalated to a cacophony of growls and snarls, followed by shrieks and a summon that was urgent and angry. Chacal scanned her company briefly, noticing then that a singular wolf was absent from their camp. Chacal's heart sank with dread. If something had happened to Sobeille, she would never forgive herself.

The matriarch arrived in time to see the tall leader of Swiftcurrent Creek pinning her niece to the ground beneath his weight and she uttered an exhasperated, ugly and loud bawl for him to let her up, and allow her to breathe before his weight caused irreparable damage to the yearling's spine. She fought back the instinct to charge him and knock him aside in order to free Sobeille, but-

there were two other girls bleeding, one unconscious and one blinded-

and it all reeked of mischief and grudge, broken into violence.

Moonwoman gave instructions, and Etienne tended to the wounded. Others gathered, witnessing the fallout as the situation was de-escalated. To Akavir she moved, to retrieve her niece from his possession, realizing then that the Creek was not a pack of benign strangers who had harboured her son, daughter, and grandchildren.

Freshwater Man.

Arric had waltzed airily with Chacal, but had been drawn into a bloody tango with Mireille. Now, the scent of him was thick in the air even though he was not present. The Creek was where he lived- where these war-torn girls were from, and where her own descendants made their home.

He would want justice, if Sobeille were found fit to blame. And whose eye would he take, when he realized that he had so many to choose from nestled within his own boundaries?

Fear spread, and she felt as if Akavir's heavy weight now pressed upon the curve in her own spine. She forced herself to be strong, though her heavily-beating heart threatened to make her shake with every pulse. She could do nothing, now, but obey the orders given- and pray that Akavir would not harm her son, her daughter, her grandchildren...

She couldn't help but cringe when she looked down at Sobeille, and found her eyes fill with shame.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Swiftcurrent Creek
163 Posts
Ooc — Jess
probably my last post <3

She writhed as she sank against the ground, unable to soothe her pain with the use of her paws as every touch sent a searing jolt through her skull. She continued to growl, open-mouthed, saliva pooling at her feet stained red with blood that fell freely from her torn flesh. In a state of shock, there was little she could do but cower at the sound of voices, shaking as some came near enough to her to make her ears ring. 

One touched her and she recoiled, snapping her bloodstained teeth together in a clear warning. She recognized his accent only a moment later, and tolerated treatment from the Swiftcurrent medic. It did not occur to her, yet, that he spoke with the same accent as Sobeille, and that they shared blood. She had completely ignored the pair of sea wolves when they had joined the pack, especially when the fat woman gave birth to four ugly, annoying babies. Once he'd fussed over her a bit, she had one word for him. Mae.

She couldn't see Mae, but she could smell her blood. 

Why have you done this?

She did not know that it was to another wolf that the question was posed when it came up. She did not respond, but sank into the same weighty silence as did the Moonwoman. It was only when time came for their departure, and she found herself guided by the side of one of her packmates that she uttered one last tired, hoarse growl and with it, a single word. 


Mae lived- for now, at least. But to Cygnet it felt as if life was over for her.
821 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
many times sobeille had nearly been bested, but this was new territory for her. pressed against the dirt, with the freshwater man's breath spilling hot against her fur, sobeille's face burned with humiliation.

his threat did not go unheeded -- and she wondered, from a position of pure futility as he pressed against her spine -- how long it would take his own pretty eye to wither and turn inward upon her mantle.

she was lucky to be collected before he tore into her. her aunt and kukutux came to her side immediately; both of their faces conveying an expression of shame. but sobeille felt no shame for her actions -- only the bewildering fury they did not see from her perspective and know that what she had done was just.

a grudge, then -- first for the man who interfered. and then for etienne -- who she watched busily treat her enemies as if she was not right there! once more she felt dismay for the men of her species.

why have you done this?

sobeille's rueful gaze turned upon moonwoman and saw, not for the first time, that the tribe she so desperately wished to fit in with had no place for her. even her aunt's look made sobeille's heart sequester; they did not understand her.

they never would.

murderer. the dance of her vengeful eyes fell upon cygnet. a riot of red drenched cygnet's fresh-cut face, her eye sunken in with an explosive texture of colors, liquids, matter. sobeille licked the blood from her chin and mentally framed that moment; the artistic brush-strokes of brilliant red, the brutal hues of dark mahogany and visceral mauve matted down by clots of seeping humor -- all painting a tapestry of violence that was her magnum opus.

how much prettier could it have been, if she had not gotten caught! her ugly leer towards cygnet said it all.

but she said nothing, for there was little to be said and they would not understand her anyway.

whisked away from the commotion and tended to in time, sobeille added another face to her list.
671 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
sobeille! val's face fell in dismay as he followed chacal, his breath stolen by the disarray he found swiftcurrent's camp in.

firstly, three young girls, nearly all grievously wounded. and though his heart leapt in his chest to see one of sapphique's daughters under the press of a stranger's fangs, val stilled his urge to fly at him.

for he knew -- as he had always known -- that this was all likely sobeille's own doing, and this man was just another father come to rescue his daughters.

from his own.

val's stomach twisted with worry as kukutux directed each of them. etienne and kukutux hurried between girls, the first seemingly nonresponsive. this horrified val, and as he looked to sobeille being whisked away, he hoped it could not possibly be true.

this feeling had come to him twice before, and though he could not put a name to it he knew he had felt this deeply the day cayetano had been found dead.

pushing that thought deep down out of fear of breathing life into it, val slid besides etienne. tell me what you need me to do. he said softly, concerned gaze resting on the remaining girl with blood oozing around her in an ominous garland of red.

it did not take long for a voice to instruct val to tear segments of hide into strips. he set to the task with a crisis expert’s mindlessness, wondering just what sapphique would do with their now violent child.